Page 56 - TheGoldBug1951-52
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4 The Gold Bug, May 20, 1952 WMC Plans Early Practice; '51Gridders Take Cage Five Ends The Year In Review M-D ChampsToOpen Oct. 4 Conference Title In Sixth Position FOOTBALL WMC. Opp. About three months from now, the candidates for the Western Western Maryland's 1951 football Bchind the hard driving of seniors Sept. 29 Maryland College football squad will gather on Hoffa Field for the squad finished the season undefeated Chuck Hammaker , Walter Hart, and Gettysburg .___ 13 Initial practice session of the 1952 grid season. and untied last fall to capture the Art Press, the Green Terror basket- Oct. 6 The coming Terror gridders will Mason-Dixon Conference champion- ball team finished the season last Randolph Macon 46 have their work cut out for them- ship, after a grueling, eight-game March 1 with a 8-10 conference rec- Oct. 13 over terror that of keeping alive the thirteen Stickmen schedule. ord, winding up in sixth place. _..- Franklin & Marshall . 13 game winning streak amassed. Paced by Otts Shearer and Ira After dropping the opener with Oct_ 20 the past two seasons of play. Zepp, the Terrors opened their cam- Lebanon Valley, 76-66, the Western Dickinson 33 12 Graduation has hit the eleven hard, Topped In Three paign with a 13-6 win over Gettys- Maryland cagers ran into a hard Oct. 27 the loss of several key men necessi- burg on the losers' ,home field Sept- charging Bucknell five and again were Hampden-Sidney 20 15 tating the search for skilled talent League Contests ember 29. G-burg marched deep into humbled, this time to the tune of 88- Nov. 3 to fill their shoes. Western Maryland territory late in 72. Drexel (Homecoming) the last quarter, but was unable to Navy followed in the wake of Buck- Nov. 10 The Green and .Gold stickmen were get past the five-yard stripe. nell and, at Dahlgren Hall in Anna- Lebanon Valley __ 20 12 drubbed 16-4. by a determined Loyola polis, handed the Terrors a 75·51 set- Nov. 17 ten last Wednesday at Baltimore's - A week later, the Terrors journeyed back. Johns Hopkins _.____... 33 Evergreen. . to Ashland, Va., to drub Randolph- Greyhound midfielder Tom Wagner !\Iacon, 46-47. The Yellow Jackets BASKETBALL were outclassed all the way as WMC sparked Loyola's offense with four rolled up a quick 20-7 lead after Dec. 4 goals in the rough second period, and two periods. The Green and' Gold Lebanon Valley _. .__ 66 76 skyseraping Ben -Cook, shifted from lengthened their advantage, scoring Dec. 8 defense to attack, chalked up two Bucknell 72 88 13 points against Tenor net-tender Wi~kel- quarters. in each of the last two Dec. 11 man, who is credited with 18 saves for Navy 51 75 the game. The Hillmen then downed a rugged Dec. 12 Franklin & Marshall squad, 13-7, on Dickinson 74 70 Mike Rentko put in two goals for Hoffa Field, in the first home game Jan. 10 WMC, and Don Radcliffe and fresh- of the season. Fumbles in the first Mt. St. man Sam Mann had one apiece. In period and a punting duel in the Jan. 16 Mary's 68 4.9 winning, Loyola extended its won- second held the scoring down before Catholic lost record to 3-4. halftime. but the Terrors began to Jan. 18 U. 66 67 Washington College handed west. roll in the third quarter with Zepp Washington College _ 72 71 ern Maryland a 7-4. setback when the and Mitch Tullai scor-ing. Jan. 21 Terrors desqended on Chestertown Dickinson bowed to WMC, 33-12, as Mt. St. Mary's __ 57 42 last May 9. Midfielder Jack Arm, the Big Green continued its winning Jan. 26 strong was high scorer for WMC with ways at Carlisle, Pa. A pair of touch- Baltimore U.. 67 53 "Skitch" Henderson, pa8tting ace two goals on the day. downs by TulIai put Western Mary- Feb. 5 The Hillmen built up a 5-1 lead in land ahead, 14-0, at the first half, and Baltimore U. 60 58 Ending his tenure at Western the third quarter, behind 29 saves by Maryland will be Mitch Tullai, star Winkelman, against Delaware, May 7, two more by fullback Warren Me- Feb. 9 back wh? climaxed a fine ball-toting but dropped the game, 7-5, in two Eague and one by Walt Hart helped Retiring cageI'; Art Press Johns Hopkins __ 65 45 career on the hill by participating for overtimes. the Tenor team hang up their fourth After being unsuccessful in these Feb. 12 the Yankees in the Blue-Grey classic straight win. first three contests, the Green Ter- Gettysburg 56 61 Delaware put on extra pressure last December 30. the last of the third period with three in rors roared back to grab an impres- Feb. 13 61 80 Loyola Also leaving his alma mater next sive 74-70 cage thriller over Dickin- Feb. 19 month will be Vic Makovitch, standout quick goals, then put in the tying son on the losers' court. Catholic at guard for the Terrors last year. point in the fourth quarter. The Blues Following Christmas and New Feb. 23 U. 57 69 Vic received the distinction of obtain- again scored in the over times, with a Year's, the Green basketeers started Johns ing "Littlc All-American" awards for goal in each one. WMC attackmen off in fine fashion by hanging a lop- Feb. 26 Hopkins __ 54 69 and Wagenblast John Howard his stellar play. band scored two times apiece. Tra- sided 68-49 defeat on a visiting Mount Washington College 68 74 Walt Hart, adept offensive wing- Saint Mary's quintet. Feb. 28 man, and Ira Zepp, punter par excel- First stringers for Western Marv- The hoopsters then traveled to Towson State _..__.._ 74 52 lence for the Green and' Gold, will ~~.~ ~g:~n~~ ~;!~::~~:~~r~!::~!~';" Catholic University and dropped a Mar. 1 also graduate this semester. Campbell, Rentko, Rudisill, Eline, 67-66 overtime thriller to the Cardi- Loyola 50 58 The College line will suffer the Crawford, and Winkelman. Coach nals. In this contest, Press and Ham- loss of Don Phillips, Jim Marsh, Paul Ferguson substituted Rhoads, Duhl, maker contributed 27 and 25 points BASEBALL Welliver, Ray Molesworth, M ike Rogan, Mallonee, Phipps, Moore, and respectively to the losing cause. Apr. 3 Chirigos, Steve Pupa, and Otts Shear- Needleman. On the heels of this game came Towson State er, each a part of a well organized another tilt which was decided by a Apr. 8 forward wall. single point. This time, however, the Mt. St. Mary's 12 11 In spite of the absence of these Terror Booters Terrors were victorious and toppled Apr. 14 figures, Coaches Havens, Harlow, and Washington College, 72-71. This vic- Newark College the Rebuild For 1952 Pei-guson will endeavor to fill the tory was gained with less than 80 Apr. 16 spaces left by graduation with seconds remaining as Walt Hart Penn State _ talent available. Candidates for the dumped the clincher for the victors. Apr. 19 line who will return to action this Soccer coach Phii Uhrig is expect, Vic J[ukoriteh, Terror f}1(Qrd western Maryland traveled to Catholic U. season arc Bill Moore, Harry Pearce, ing an enthusiastic turnout of hope- Mount Saint Mary's and again Apr. 22 Dwight Scott, Tcd Samokouris, Jesse fuls when practice for the bootei-s Humpden-Sydney'a tigers put up a Loyola .. 10 Bowers, Skip Berends, Joe Rusinko, starts next September. A trifle more stubborn battle, but W~fC slogged to Apr. 29 Mike Rudisill, Al Trevethen, Bob optimistic after a painful season in a 20-15 win behind first half markers Catholic U._ 5 0 Ward, Arnie Needlernen, warren '51, Uhrig will be looking for several by Zepp and Hart. The victory proved Apr. 30 Blmstdfer, George Antonis, and Jack returning veterans, among them expensive, though, because of the dis- Drew 2 , 1 Duh!. Undoubtedly, all of these men sophomores Henry Taitt, Ray Davis, located shoulder of Henderson in the May 1 will sec plenty of action during the ~oy' Etzler" and Al Hagenbuch, third quarter, which sidelined him American U. (2) _ 14·19' 0-2 coming schedule. junior- Nick GWYnn, and seasoned afterwards. May 3 The WMC backfield will likewise senior Walter Campbell, to help heal Playing ankle deep in mud much Johns Hopkins __ 12 welcome back a number of experienced some of last fall's wounds. of the time, the Terrors defeated May 5 players. Among these will be Pat Ro- The Green and Gold booters Dl'exei, 6-0, before a record crowd Loyola 10 gan, Bill Bimsteffer, Ashby Collins, traveled .to Annapolis to open their of alumni at homecoming, Nov. 3, with May 10 Ed Kelly, Ronnie Jones, Warren Mc- season last October 5, only to bCI\"to McFague scoring the only touchdown Dickinson 12 Fague, hard-rushing 'senior,Mike May 13 Rentko, likewise playing his last ~~;. p~~.~;!rni:!a~e~hi:~~ ~~I~yate;::~ - ~~it~l: da;~n~~~,:iai~Ot:~~~:~~i:~~Ck~:~ GettysbUrg year, and Skitch Henderson, 6' 1" days later and handed WMC a 4-0 Zepp's punting helped the Green and May 14 passer from Merchantville, N. J. defeat. Up in Delaware, the Blue Gold maintain 1\ clean homecoming Mt. St. Mary's .. Even though the graduating class Hens took a 5-0 decision over the Ter- slate. May 15 has carried many standout players in rors, who then journeyed to Washing- Western Maryland ground out Baltimore U. .6·3 5-21 its wake, it will be interesting to note ton College where they fought to a three thiJ-d period touchdowns to win May 17 how the new team, with many new fatiguing 1-1 tic, in two five-minute the seventh game of the season, 20-12 Johns Hopkins .. stars, will function under the able overtime periods. Freshman Davis over Lebanon Valley. Behind, 6-0, at coaching staff. banged in the first WMC goal of the the half, the Terror team opened the F"csII1lULn Al Bopst Below is a tentative schedule of the still-young season in the third quarter. third period by recovering a Dutch humbled the Mounties, this time to ten games which the Western Mary- Dropping two tough ones to Frank_ fumble on the losers' 15 yard line. the count of 57-42 following the Compliments of land College grid squad will tackle lin & Marshall and Johns Hopkins, Five plays later, McFague crashed Washington College game. next year: 5-0 and 2-0, the Terrors caught their over for the TO, and Zepp's conversion As the old semester ended and the Oct. 4 breath for a few days, then fought put '''MC out in front, 7-6. Hart new began, Baltimore U. was engaged AVENUE LUNCH Gettysburg . ._\._away hard against Lqyola and Bucknell, scored soon after. and despite a last in two contests. In both of these, the Oct. 11 but came out on the short end of two minute surge by the Dutchmen, Wl\1C Terl'ors emeJ'ged victorious, topping Randolph-Macon .. away 4-1 scores. hung up its seventh straight season the Baltimoreans by 67-53 in the 104 Yz Penna. Ave. Oct. 18 Baltimore U. trampled the Green win. initial test and squee:!ing through to Dickinson ._..__. .__home and Gold, 7-0, and Gettysburg did the The Terrol' team ended the season take the second game, 60-58. Oct. 25* same thing two days later, sending undefeated by romping over a con- Johns Hopkins next came to Gill 0 Hampden_Sydney _. . home W~:~~~;:p:f:::e: :~O~:n~~;ln~Ov_ ~:e:~ 1~:e~.~SHopkins squad, 33-6, a Gyml'asium and went home nursing Nov.l the wounds of a 65-45 defeat. After a close first period, the Terrors simply P. M.C. _______.__away ember 9 in the last game of the sea- WMC thereby notched its ei'ghth ran away from the Blue Jays. Nov. 8 son. With goalie Chuck Hammaker straight season triumph and ex- This victory was followed by a Drexel __.._. . .. away sweating it out in front of the 1)et, tended its undefeated string to thir_ scries of five losses for the Hill quint. G.C. Murphy & Co. posses- Phila- held the visiting Nov. 15 the Terrors to a scoreless tie until after teen, thus taking undisputed conference These games were played with Gettys- sion of the Mason-Dixon delphians Lebanon Valley ____ home burg, ~oyola, Catholic U., Johns Hop- The Friendly Store Nov. 22 halftime. Then, with the third quarter championship. kins, and Washington College, in that only five minutes old, wingman Soup Johns Hopkins .. ._.~_.home order. Dormitory and ClalStoom Campbell fired across the only goal The was losing ·H"mecomlng. of 'the game on a penalty shot. Compliments of when the· 'Vestern string Marylanders snapped Suppliu ran The young, ineXperienced Terror J. R. EVERHART roughshod over Towson State Teach- PATRONIZE team struggled under a rough sched- COLLEGE BARBER ers College at Gill Gym, 74-52. The 6·10 Wat Main Street OUR ule, but managed to end its cam- At the Forks last game of the 1951-52 season was Watmhuter, Md. paign with a victory. Season record: ADVERTISERS. 1-10. played at Loyola, in which the Green a 58-50 deeision. and Gold dropped
   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58