Page 57 - TheGoldBug1951-52
P. 57
The Gold Bug, May 20. 1952 5 Stickmen ToppeCl Terror Nine Down Cinc/ermen Show , By Lehigh, 12-5, Hopkins Jays, 4-2; In Double Events Locker Room Lowdown To Close Season FabyGoesDistance Langrall, by Western Maryland's and unof- by Cht8 LaMar and Georoe Gip6 Scott Led Dwight Bob ficial track team gave commendable The stickmen of Western Maryland The Terrors of Western Maryland performances as it competed in two suffered their ninth straight defeat of College edged the Johns Hopkins nine of the spring sport's meets, held in Ferg Has A. Lot the 1952 lacrosse season Saturday in the final game of the season for when the Lehigh team tumbled them both teams. At Homewood, the Green Baltimore. cinder-men to the tune of 12-5 in the final game and Gold handed Charley Blades, ace The Green and Gold April 26 to To Work With; of the schedule. Jay r-ight-hander, his only defeat of traveled to the city last However, in the true fashion of this the year by a count of 4-2. run in the annual Baltimore Relays. They'll Improve .. in the relay, 440-yard year's stick team, the Terrors were For eight innings the Hillmen Entered representatives annexed the a WMC not to be taken easily. After a bad nursed along a 2-0 lead as a result of creditable fourth place, with Harry first half in which the Lehighmen Charlie White's two-run' single in -the Pierce, Steve Pupa, Mitch Tullai, and The record books have it down as were able to push across seven tallies opening frame. The Hopkins nine, Scott passing the stick. Jack Duhl a loss, but ask any member of the la- to the losers' one, the WMC ten who were able to gather only four grabbed a second place as he tossed crosse team about that game against fought back to hold the opponents hits during the entire game, were in the shot put event. Delaware, May 7 j chances are he'll practically even during the two elce- neatly held in check by Ray Faby, tell you Western Maryland should ing quarters. The game was high- Terror hurler, until the ninth inning The Gr-een Terrors made a showing have won. The Terrors had the scor- lighted in part by the goalie work of when they dented the plate with two in the high event as they placed two ing tied fit 5-5 when the final gun Barry Winkleman, Terror freshman unearned tallies. , times. Frosh Phil Lawyer-s leap of went off. Then the Blue Hens went on from F'r-iends High School, who Blades, who, in spite of tno loss, 5' 7" was good for a first place tie, to take the game, 7-5, in two overtime turned in a total of 28 saves during turned in a creditable performance, while Langr-all tallied additional periods, Any score card will show the c oatest, Mike Rentko led the granted only five hits to the WMC points in the same event, sewing up that. Western Maryland attack, scoring batsmen. Of these, Lefty Kaufman third place. Pearce notched a third in By talking to various people, read- twice, while Jack . Armstrong, Don was able to punch out two safeties the broad jump. ing a few newspaper stories, and Radcliffe, and Howard Wagenblast and lead the rest of the hitters for The Hill's thinc1ads put on another scanning the totals sheet, we've pieced each dented the nct once for the the afternoon. profitable showing May 10' as they togcther some facts that seem to ac- Green and Gold. The game was marked by eight er- racked up 10 points in the Mason- count for the goal that gave the WMC loss toughest-to-take atickmen their For the visitors, Taylor led the rors committed by both teams, of Dixon Conference Meet, which was parade with. three goals, and was which the Terrors were guilty of good enough for an eighth place. of the current campaign. aided by Sheridan and Streuch, who three. III the bottom of the ninth, Pearce picked up two points for West- With the score tied in the last each contributed two tallies. Faby ran into difficulty when Charley ern Maryland as he captured a fifth quarter, Terror attackmnn John 'I'ru- in the lOO-yard dash and another one Getting the jump on the home team, Blades doubled, and another batter band flipped an easy ball at Delaware Lehigh, with its fast moving attack, passed. A Western Maryland error in the 220. goalie Morris' net. The dust spouted VISITORS, VARSITIES, ETC .. was able to pile up a five-goal margin loaded the bases for the Jays, fol- Duhl came through .again as he .up, both officials held up their arms Loyola went on to win the Mason- p. goal, and Western to signal Mary- before the Terrors could count once. lowed by another miscue which al- put the shot for a second place and land fans sent up a cheer. Then, about Dixon golf crown at Hillsdale last Western Maryland never fully recov- lowed two runs to score. But Faby four points for WMC. Langrall took two seconds later, the referee nearest week after playing off a tied 649 with ered from the opening blast, in spite bore down on the Hopkins batters and another second for the team with his the Blue Hen crease reversed his de- western Maryland. Jim Pelisek won of the second half improvement. the rally was choked off, enabling the performance in the high jump. cision-the ball wasn't in the goal. the medal with a 36-hole score of 155. Lehigh-scored five times in the first Green and Gold to finish the season In addition to the winners above, That sent the game into extra periods. WMC's captain Ed Coffman finished period, twice in the second and third, with a record of nine wins and four several other trackmen carried the Demoralized after that, the Green and sixth with a 161, just behind Al and three times in the last quarter. losses in Mason Dixon play. The Hop- Green and Gold banner during the Gold couldn't help letting two more Trevethan's 160'. WMC tallied one in the first, one in • kins club concluded their conference season. Dick Hauck competed in both get around their goal-tender, battered John Hopkins' linksmen carded 657; the third, and three in the fourth play with a record of five wins and the 100 and 200 yard dashes. Scott Barry Winkelman, in the over-times. American U. 693; and Baltimore U. period. three setbacks. entered the runiag of the 222-yard If Traband's shot had been good, 715. Catholic U. and Randolph Macon low hurdles, while Bernie Silbert didn't enter full teams. • WEST. MARYLAND H WMC would have been able to hang Catonsville High alumni on the Hill pnefeT. I.... _._._....__ " S u o , 1~~.toiled at the shot put. up a well-deserved win that Wedpes- feel pretty good about their alma ~:':f~a~."ib-:=::-~:::: ~ day. Controversy, though not so fer- ALUMNI SUBSCRIBE TO THE White. d __ . ._. ~ , Military Dept. Gives mater's stick squad copping the Bal- Kelly. 0 .._ .._..._.__ ._. 3 i vent now, still goes on about the whole timore County League lacrosse cham- GOLD BUG Shook. d ...._.____ .. i thing. One story has' it that Dele- Zimmermsn. ah 3 o Rille Team Medals pionship last week. C.H.S. took a 9-5 HOlin"". 2h _ ..... 3 c ware's Morris admitted immediately decision over Towson, their fifth }'ahy,p .__ 3 c that the goal was good. And there's 4' 6 27 '6 Six awards for various members of another angle--something about a straight win against no losses. the.western Maryland rifle team were HUBER MEN HOPKINS hole in the ·net. Whatever caused the Deserving literally tons and bar- today by the Military Good Health Wn,·.ki, r! 2h ._ " 3 1 r presented at the final parade. De- man in the striped shirt to change his rels of praise for a fine exhibition of 4 mind ruined the day for the Terrors. partment For1.·ato. r; MoG'n, cf . . competitive golf is the Western Mary- To Mii!'·oJ"e. ah ..__ .__ ._ 2 5 g li Fred Hubach received a gold medal It was a tough one to lose. land College linksmen under Dr. Mil- Myers. e Weaver ..... _ .... . 3 o l r for the highest average score of 264.2 But that's not, all the Boys down ton Huber. They command the dis- All Mn·U., lh __ ._. __ ._ 2 3 ~ g in competition. Following him were at the Gardens are talking about tinction of holding the best record Jf DeJ08. __ • ,Bl ..d... , P ._.._._. 4 John Clayton, who was awarded a these nights. Coach Bruce Ferguson's in wins and losses in spring sports Total •._.._~_ il From W""t., .., Md. _200 0 0 0 5 0°0 512~ silver medal for an average of 263.4, guys could have done better this sea- this year. for the fine 8-2 log Titlow, who received a and Richard son, but on the other hand, they could {) e c o __ .__.. 0 Much credit Hopkin. 0 2-2 REXALL bronze medal for his mean score of have done worse. Much worse. Con- of goes to Dr. Huber, who has energy given sider the fact that only four-fifths 262.3. and generously of his time string first players ever had the coach of the LaVoy, Sgt. Pierre rifle team, also announced that the played lacrosse before last month. to build a winning squad. If we re- member correctly, he predicted at the Sergeant's Medal for ,the outstanding Consider the fa~t that only about five start of the season that the Western freshman member of the team went varsity players wore a green and gold Maryland golf team of 1952 would to Fred Overholtzer. jersey in '51. be the best the school's ever seen ... awarded Dave the of March, Starting was Rhoads in the middle J. WM. HULL, Jeweler PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS PMS&T Medal for the most valuable Ferguson was faced with the problem and they are just that. very The fellows of think highly on the squad team member and the lntrasquad of rebuilding a team around half-a- their coach and give him a large For Over Half Century Handicap Match cup went to Nick dozen veterans, such as defensemen amount of credit for the splendid Expert Watch, Jewelry Clifford's Jewelers Gwynn. ._Dave Rhoads, ....Joe Eline, and Ed season. During th.e regular drill period to-~ ~~~'~~~~ ~:~:~dee:.s ;;:p a~t:~:!:~ The .. Iinksmen wilL lose.. through and Eye·Glass Repairing nile a~~ayn~:! Ei~~~~v:!~!~RfI:G day,. the awards team mcmbers who~ Don Radcliffe and jfoward Wagen- ~::~~~tio~alliva;tel~~::~y, next year will Around Philips .... Helping r~cel:ed marche~ to the re- to lift SILVER blast. gloom STIEFF Ferg's "=,,:=======~_:====;====:::_::ta:ji~,"~p~a="='d_::in_'="~i'~W=._ - somewhat were experienced freshmen be Al Trevethan. who made a fine 105 W. Main Street 51 East Main Street which the bat- after VlCwmg stand, ' Winkelman sizeable turnout of novice showing in the Mason· Dixon tourney, and Towson High's ';rack crease-wise .lim These Bob Steelman, Armstrong. men, Marshall, Dick Hill, and team captain Ed Coffman, plus a freshmen players, have and football lQwest average on the team, and next fought hard every step of the way in playing number one. Ed possesses the every game, but they just haven't . spring will be playing his third can. had the breaks. What they lack in secutive season in the top slot. Coff- tricks and secrets of the trade, they man says he considers the fourth hole make up in fight and spirit. The fans the toughest par on the college who have watched the home' games course. might have been often disappointed IIILL
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