Page 8 - TheGoldBug1949-50
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The Gold Bug, Oct. 11, 1949 New SeA Program Pacific Emotions Form Setting BoostsMembership For Mailer War Writing We Pay Tribute Well, the New SeA is off to a There were many books to come out it is representative of post-war fic- by Jerrll Lockman tion, but also because Mailer's book is booming start! At the end of our for- of World War II, but few have re- The Gold Bug is proud to pay holding down a permanent member- mal membership campaign, over two ceived such recognition as "The considered by many to be one of the tribute in this issue to John Sil- ship in Alpha Kappa Alpha, the Na- hundred active members are already Naked and the Dead". We find men- two "best" books to be written about ber, for his tireless and unselfish tional Philosophical Fraternity. on the roster. But you can still be- tion of this, Norman Mailer's first the war. Please don't be frightened efforts in all of his activities Oil His sports activities included foot- come an active member; there's a novel, in many current textbooks of away nor misled by the above word the Hill. ball and wrestling in his first and place for everyone in the New SCA! Amcrican literature, not only because "textbook". Although "The Naked and the Dead" is an important con- John, a native of Baltimore, Md., second years. To clarify a misundcrstanding: Ev- tribution to the storehouse of contem- is one of the many loyal Southern eryone becomes an associate member Visiting Men porary literature, it is definitely not High rooters found on the Western upon matriculation. To be recognized a book of the type which is laborious Maryland campus. Dur-ing his jour as an active member, !l student needs years of academic study at Southern merely to pledge his active support Present Drill to those who read for the mere en- High, John earned for himself an out- through regular attendance of all joyment of reading. standing record of achievement. Be- SeA functions. When he accepts the Hoffa Ficld will be the center of The book has impact. It is "natural- sides holding down the position of purposes of the association as his interest Tuesday whcn a drill team istic" in that it deals a lot with President of the Student Government, own, he is asked to nuout a Member- fr-om Fort Myers, Florida, will per- physical violence, an inevitable aspect he served as president of the local ship Interest Questionnaire which will form in an exhibition displaying close of war; it is "impressionistic" in that chapter of the National Honor Socie- serve as a record of his talents and and extended order drill. it deals largely with the emotional ty, Chief Judge of the Student Court, interests. The questionnaires will also This team, commanded by Lt. reactions of those G. L's about whom Vice-President of the Hi- Y Club, a aid in determining the type of pro- Jones, has recently been touring the book was written. The G. I. im- football linesman, a basketball regu- grams to be featured during the year. various colleges in this section of the pression of war-that is what the lar, and a wrestling champion. For instance, already, there was country. Having received a warm wel- author adequately exposed. such an overwhelming demand for n come everywhere else, it is hoped that Even though you may not be inter- Serves Navy in '45 marshmallow roast, that this week the the students of WMC will not react ested in such a dead issue as World After his graduation in H/45, John SCA will mect at' the usual time . differently. War II, you will find "The Naked and answered this country's call by en- but in Harvey Stone Park! Tn addi- All students are invited to attend the Dead" interesting. It's a gripping listing in the Navy. The Japs, upon tion to burnt marshmallows, the hour- the activities that will take place at cxposition; and if it's the element of learning of this event, soon surren- John SilbC1' long program includes a song festival twelve-thirty during the regular suspense you like, this book is recom- dered. About this not so strange where ALL students and faculty ROTC drill period. From all reports mended. There arc innumerable sec- coincidence, John says, "I got in, and John's achievements on the Hill arc members can join ill fellowship. Inci- of these seeing similar performances, tions where most of )'OU will fin!l your the Japs gave 'up". consistent with his character. He loves dentally, all SCA programs will last this is something not to miss; so come rate of word consumpton greatly ac- Within six days of his Navy dis- people, and this feeling of fraternal- just one hour in order to allow thc on out and see a spectacular exhibi- celerated. ./ charge, John Silber appeared on the ism, combined with an always con- freshmen women to return to their tion! Setting South Pacific Hill, equipped with a somewhat bash- genial spirit, is fortifying him quite study (1) hours. The story deals with G. I.'s, set (as ful look, a congenial personality, and adequately for his future plans, per- we find later, rebelliously) on the a strong faith in people and human sonnel work. Majors in sociology and Purposes Of New SCA South Pacific island of Anopopei, nature. During his four yea)' stay psychology enable him to better ap- To the member ef our campus C0111- where the "stinking jungle", disease, here, he has succeeded in matching preciate people, his chief interest. mnnity who accosted me with the his high school achievements by serv- John Silber's like are many; and question; "Pray tell me, with all these and the Jups are fought all".at once. ing as vice-president of his sophomore his dislikes, few. The earnestness with picnics and roasts and folk dances wednesday, October 12 Through this tense and vital experi- class, president of his junior class, which he faces everyday problems can {'l.nd sex education programs that you Varsity Soccer game, Washington ence, we learn to know the central we are made to realize all and secretary and vice-president of only insure success in future years. are advocating, just what is Christian College characters; their sentiments for the well too the Bachelor Fl:atcrnity. To John, success is only a means to "bout your SCA.?", I offer the pur- Saturday, October 15 Topping his senior y.ear's activities, an end, that end being, "a regular jJO~C15 of the New SCA.: Varsity Football, Washington Col- "rotten war". lack You may recoil at the author's John is serving as the current presi- guy". To that goal, John, the WMC "To recognize the need to grow in lege, home of pious expression, but I don't think dent of the Student Government, and students -wish you success. the exper-ience and knowledge of the Varsity Soccer game, Drexel, away his impropriety is sinful. He may Christian faith;' seem vulgar and brutal; but if so, it "To develop more mature and en- Monday, October 17- McDaniel Lounge, is because it's the reflection of those 1. R. C. meeting, riching relationships; We must G. C. Murphy & Co. Welcome Students! APPLY seek THE to INTERPRET AND Wednesday. October 19 about whom he is writing. vulgar and of 7:00 P. M. "To aspect it is life-that remember, from PRINCIPLES OF itself life in which is The Friendly Store Georgianna Galliher- CHRISTIANITY TO CAMPUS LIV- Varsity Soccer game, Delaware, brutal-WAR. 1NG." away Thursday, October 20 Reaction to Writing Assured Dcrmitoey and Classroom 164 W. Main St. . Freshman Soccer game, Gettysburg, You won't read "The Naked and Supplies NORCROSS CARDS ON THURSDAY EVE home the Dead" with indiff'erence. If you ANTIQUES Joseph Knitzer-recital, Music Hall, give the author a chance and tolerate 4:30 r, M. 6-10 West Main Street GIFTS ALL WILL RECEIVE Faculty Meeting his profanity of dialogue. for the first several pages, you will begin to react Westminster, Md. Come see us, anytime SOME SPECIAL Saturday, October 22 to the magic of his writing. You'll TREATS Varsity Football, 'Mt. St. Marys, experience emotions of fear, pity, home IF YOU GO TO TuesdaY,Oclober·25 anxiety, repulsion, sorrow, tum contempt, and disillusionment through in PETE'S Varsity Soccer home game, American every chapter. University, Compliments - SMITH & REIFSNIDER of Orders for Incorporated LUMBER-COAL 1, C. Penney Co., Inc. PERSONALIZED \ CHRISTMAS CARDS WESTMINSTER, MD. now being taken Stale
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