Page 4 - TheGoldBug1949-50
P. 4
1949 fringo Encourages On .Traditioning After Nine WSSf Contributions by lrna Doer Collc_gc life is filled with man in- a blush. terests. One of these interests is the Traditions are the- mainstay would find cause for and grass Some bushes, with rocks, trees, by JQ Koehler willingness to share. and charm of most colleges. a dirt road meandering by is all there On campuses across our nation the Without traditions. college life sincere, always the same. I first" met Betty that World Student Service Fund, through would be merely a routine series is to it-very prosaic, hardly comfort- day when we registered as freshmen. Her friend- the efforts of the student bodies, has of classes and meals leading up able, and perhaps just a little silly. same friendliness I know today. Her pleasant done a tremendous job in fulfilling to graduation-nothing to look However, the seventh green is not understandin ,g manner, and honest sincerity are obvious the needs of foreign students. back on with a grin. nothing to an all day, monumental, sort of tradi- her a lifetime or a .day. Since 1945 it has been an annual sing about. tion like the "Shrine" or "Old Main". a bit unjustified to inter- function of the Student Christian As- Like any really worthwhile, upstand- write about Betty, partieu- sociation of Western Maryland Col- One Thing In Common ing tradition it has a certain myster- after waking her at 1 :30 in the lege in cooperation with colleges and For this reason, although new ious quality. For some obscure rea- morning to do it, I found that she universities all over the country to courses are added to the curriculum! son the "green'" does not become a was even civil and just as sweet in sponsor on this campus a monetary professors come and go, and trends tradition until 9 p. m. Then only the middle of the night as she is ill drive for the W"Orld Student Service in education change, traditions re- does the aura of romance begin to the middle of the day. After wearing Fund. This fund is a "unique fund" main the same. Some are taken ser-i- glow j then the prude talks of reputa- down some of her modesty I found as was stated by one-of our recent ously, most are regarded with amuse- tions and that seventh green with a held is one tradition ment, but there just through the course of eon- regional secretaries. It appeals to the in common by every college or uni- sniff In her voice, but a wistful look that a few of the things she student and professor because it is the in her eye. in high school beside being salu- aid "we'' are giving to those students versity. named "flirtation walk," Just A Tradition VariedlY tatorian of her class, were editor of and professors of countries devastated "kissing rock," "lovers' lane," "en- Maybe, it is the stars, her year book, vice-president of her by the scourge of the recent war. gagement row," or "seventh green" moon; are the trees prettier maybe, the at night? class, secretary of the English Club, At present W.S.S.F. is sponsored they are essentially similar. Instead Whatever the cause-seventh green and secretary of the National Honor by Jewish, Catholic, and Protestant of an aura of acholarlmees or whimsy, becomes a tradition at 9 p. m. No one Society. groups alike. Regardless of your this type of tradition exudes a glow ever bothers to investigate why-it It didn't take long for her ability religious affiliatlon you arc a part of of romance and perhaps naughti- could be that everyone knows, but, to be recognized on the Hill. Elected this relief. Even for-those individuals ness. At least those who are never then again, it is just a tradition. vice-president of her class her fresh- who have considered themselves "non- invited to further tradition there, will And, remember, traditions are the man year, she went right ahead plug- Betty White religious" they too have given support consider the 8(!"V6nth gr6en a naughty charm and mainstay of a ~llege. ging for her class. Those ambitious to this relief. place. cheerleaders on hand at all the games The drive for the current year is (Editor's Note: In case there are to support the Terrors are a product frat Notes scheduled for some time during the No Dayligh't Romance some freshmen on campus still un- of her aspiration to be a part of a middle of October. In order that this Viewed in the daylight, by. golf aware of the existence of the seventh drive will be a complete success on our successful class. (Continued from page 1, column 1) campus the major part of the respon- enthusiasts or botany field hikers, green, after 9 p. rn., any upperclass- A constant Dean's Lister, Betty is sibility is placed in your hands, fresh- there is certainly nothing traditional men of the opposite sex would un- also a member of the Argonauts. She residence at the college for one semes- men, upperclassmen, and faculty about seventh green. A poet might doubtedly be willing to conduct a is active in the SCA, served two 5e- ter. alike. Keep your ears attuned and invent some romance, but only a prude personal tour.} mesters on the Intersorority Council, The first dance of the school year- your eyes pinned' on the bulletin \ and her interest in the SGA won for the Homecoming Dan c e-kill be boards for future W.S.S.F. news. her the presidency of the Woman's sponsored by the B & W Club. The Success in your new 'year, Student Government this year. Bachelors will have the Christmas Bob Fr-inge, As an ardent Delt, Betty has proved Dance, the Gamma Bets, the Mid- W.S.S.F. Chairman herself a leader by not .only holding semester Hop, and. the Preachers, the several offices in the club, but also by Valentine Dance. The last dance of the ATTENTION getting behind the others doing those year, the Pan-Hellenic, will be spon- little things that always get done but sored jointly by the four frats and the Do Your no one knows how. four sororities. Last year, the eoun- The shy owner of an irresistable cil was fortunate in being able to Shopping at blush, Betty is a native of New Jer- secure the services of the Hal Mel n- to S::~I~::~:::I~o~;n;i~~O~~!i~;r~:~ ~::rneceO~:~:st;:;n~~t:v~;o~s thO: ~;l~ MURPHY'S class when elucidating on the sex lege to be used toward the erection Announcing the opening of for problems existing in her high school. .-of the ne.",: infirmary. . . ~~:!i:~S t~~:er~:e;!~~ ~~~;~~~~~ _ ~r!~s ~~:~l::~~~~;ta~~I~~I!lfi~ ~~: College Needs You'll know she's just received a intr-amural sports program. Interfre- Jim Boyer's . ca~.f111lwhen you see her around tern~ty football starts off the sea- campus with her jaws sticking son, followed by basketball and volley- Located (sourball in each cheek) as if suf- ball and closes wi~h baseball. and At The Railroad fet-ing from a swollen wisdom tooth. track. The f_rat .Wlt~ the hl~hest An interview somehow never seems number of points ISgiven. cr-edit, to- Crossing on Campus Clothing Store Main St. For Betty this past summer :':f,~,~t';,"~it;Y~c;ou~n'~il~b;'n;q~U'~t.~~~~~=~~=~=~;;;: ~~:P~~:u:~~~u~::::ern~v~~:i:~~::~ ;~:~d:n:~:g :':d!h:t~~~t~~~::l aI:~ vacation. hadn't proved too exciting except for those certain weekends spent in W nshington, D. C.! However I was For the best player of each football game a prize reminded not to forget her job the previous summer with Westinghouse will be given by Jim Boyer's Clothing Store. which, without being censored, was very secret. I have introduced you to Betty; you'll be seeing her around a lot. She isn't always in a hurry and she has time for eyeryone, always sincere and always the same. Underarm Deodorant MEN and WOMEN uae "Aloride" to _top j{;~r~~{y!~~jJ:{~~il{:1~;};~~ Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays and Continuous 2 p- m. Holidays; Saturdays 'and Holidays; Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4. p. m. p. m. Evening show 9 p. m. Week Matinee 2 p. m.-Evenings 7 & 9 p m. day shows continuous from 4 :30 p m. LOST?? Sept. 25, 26, 27 Sept. 25, 26,'27 I WAS A ~IALE WAR BRIDE ROPE OF SAND Corinne Calvay Burt Lancaster Follow These Gary Grant Ann Sheridan Sept. 28 Directions- Sept. 28, 29 GUADAL CANAL DIARY Forester Lloyd Nolan Preston ·RED MENACE From the Arch walk Robert Rockwell, Betty Lou Gerson Sept 29, 30 Double Feature down Main St. to the TROUBLE MAKERS first alley. Crose the Sept. 30-0et. 1 MUSIC MAN THE SECRET GARDEN street and. proceed One of the favorite ofl-campue Margaret O'Brien Herbert Marshal! Oct. 1 STAGE COACH KID townward for a few gathering spots at the Ohio Tim Holt Jeff Donnell paces until you come State University is the Pantry Ocl 2, 3, 4 Oct. 2, 3, 4 Inc. At the Pantry, Cafeteria. to as in college shops every- IT'S A GREAT FEELING WHITE HEAT Virginia Mayo James Cagney (Technicoior) where, ice-cold Coca·Cola is Dennis Morgan Doris Day Oct. 5 always on hand to complete Jack Carson RIDING ON A RAINBOW Gene Autrey the enjoyment of a between- There you wiII find classes pause or an afternoon dskjor it either way ... both Oct. 5, 6 Oct. 6, 7 BROTHERS CORSICAN THE GREAT SINNER Sealtest Ice' Cream, date. As an important part of trade-marks mean the, same thing. Ava Gardiner Gregory Peck Douglas Fairbanks. Jr. Ruth Warrick Food for Snacks, and ~tudent life-Coke belongs. Friends. BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE'COCA-COtA CO .....,ANY Bt Oct. 7, 8 Oet.8 WESTMINSTER COSA-COLA BOTTLING CO .. INC. SCENE OF THE CRIME BANDIT KING OF TEXAS C19~9.Th.Coca.CoIa Comperily Van Johnson Gloria DeHaven Alan Rocky Lane