Page 6 - TheGoldBug1949-50
P. 6
The Gold Bug. Oct. 11, 1949 Pins'" Points THE GOLD BUG The first big pep rally of the sea- l~n~ffi~:!I"~:,d;n':bii:h:r~::niO~!:~:;T~nMF~: week in Alumni Hall, After successfully opening the new Not so long ago I was sitting in the stoner waving of her hands and arms, 5011,held last fireplace were The flames in the revealed a number of new faces to family living room, close by the ~'~~'ru"~~i~aTc~c~"nbdrAP~r:::,r:;;on~hi;":~~: supporting the football team year with the Freshman Orientation hearth where two pots hung over the now licking quickly up the sides of aid in "'g September, December, nDd May. Ente~d Program, the Student Government is blazing logs. One of them was a the teapot, and the lid began to rattle u •• eond da" matter &t Westminoter PORt at their games. More particularly, the now ready to get down to some hard Office. under the Act of March 3, l879. girls. merry little teapot with a crooked in its place. Out of the spout shot work, and also to make a few requests spout jutting out of its side, and the steam in a steady jet, while the little Member of all of you. other was a large metal kettle whose apparatus in the spout sent its merry Associllt?d Collegiate Press Last year Wl\1C was presented with First of all, let us start with the lid was securely clamped down by un- whistling sound through the room. the first drum majorette in the history bulletin board. Because so many or- breakable clasps. Water had been put The Master squirmed a little in his Subscription Price $2.00 • Year of the college, Peggy Sisler, who did ganizations use this board, certain huge easy chair, and his face grew a fine job. Now Ina Grice and Joan rules have been set up so that no one redder, and his jaw muscles made lit- ~;DIT01~TALs'rA~'p organization will monopolize its use. ..... _Bill Porter, ',,0 Brengle assist her in "field maueu- tle twitching movements. But still he J>ditor·jn-Chid All posters must be one half the size A'Bodale Editor. said nothing, and the big kettle made ~lnn.ging Editor$ ..:~!i~~~'r:¥~~~~\:~::H~:~~";:~I:~':;sb::~.:::~~za::sht::e:~:: of a poster sheet. Notices (preferably a low rumbling sound and jumped J<'c"ture]<;ditor .. .... Louis Pietrofortc.'51 that these girls have other talents be- typed) should be written on index ever so little on its hook. News Editors . .... JJ~~kB~;~~: :~~, sides "strutting". They can sew, too! cards and approved by the President But the Mistress kept talking, and Sporl.f:dilou Pegg), Brown. '51 Their new green satin uniforms were of the SGA. Notices that are out- the little teapot whistled and rattled dated should be removed by the organ- ization ;;;i:.~;;::·"""or ,B~I~~;Jf~i?i',,:,!~,o,~ :u~~;.b:r~7:f:raj;e~~tet:l!~~n:~~v~:: posting them, but displays merrily while the big kettle began to glow from the heat. (usually loaned by interested parties) Photograph,aT .. . ..... Allan A\b~rt. _ should not be removed except by I moved farther away from the fire, 'r)"ping Eduors .Janiee Ben"on, which had become quite hot by now, Rita Ludwig, '50 members of the SGA. This year's innovation may be took a long, easy stretch, made a half- BUSINESS STAn' Then, too, all of us should be hearted pass at a: bold fly, and slowly Ilu~;nc .. )Innager - - •. :i! !~~~l~dii~ ~~: i~~!l~~io;h:i:.~:;e;o:;s:~ mighty proud of the new Rec room; A$.1. Rll.ines" Man"!:er and each and everyone should make settled my head between my paws. I Advertising Mall"ger prove that the "fair sex" can give didn't want to miss any of the pro- Circulation ~lanngcr an honest effort to keep the room in forth with a French horn 0)' a drum as in both of them, for that was out' ceedings; so I allowed by eyelids to well as any of their male counter- good shape. Please do not leave empty method of heating for the night, our drop only half-way over my eyes, ever parts. More power to them! cups and empty "coke" bottles lying electric stove having gone on the blink on the alert for any shoes or crockery around on the ledges. Also, if you are on account of a bad electrical storm that should happen to come my way. smoking where a sand bucket is not; that raged over the town. available, put your cigarette out in Bricks, Bats, And Brickbats Congratulations go to Mary Laux, an ash on one of the tables in- The Mistress tended the teapot the new member of the eheer leadmg tray while the master looked after the ket- But this didn't seem to be the night squad, who has proved she knows stead of tossing it on the floor and tle. Everything was going along fine for shoes or crockery because no soon- exactly what it is all about. Also, best stepping on it. And when piaying the and I was almost asleep when an er had I gotten comfortable-than the of luck to the leaders of the freshman juke box, try to keep in mind that the angry voice startled me out of my Master suddenly leaped to his feet, pool down playing fellows the at By the time a student reaches cheering eeetion. other end do not necessarily expect to dor.:ng: The Mistress was in an agi- gave a frightening roar, and ran out college it is expected that he pos- heal' every word of your selection. tated state, to say the least, although of the house, into the night. As he sess some of the characteristics It might be of interest to you to the reason for it still remains un- slammed the door BOOM! the lid on of an adult. Consideration for Speaking of the freshman cheering know that the SGA is making a seri- known to me. Apparently it was be- the big kettle blew off, and hot water others indicates just where a section, you freshmen had better sup- cause of something that happened at a and steam began to splatter all over person is on the mental-age lad- port this phase of initiation with all ous attempt this year to obtain a bridge party they had attended at the the fireplace, making the fire hiss der. After all is said and done your energy. And watch out for later meeting room. Your student president, neighbor's that afternoon, because the angrily and then become suddenly dormitory life is founded on one announcements as to activities be- John Silber, has this to say: words finesse, trump, and tw'J bid subdued. principle-the ability to make a tween halves of footbal games. No opener were in the harangue. I peered out at the Mistress from' dorm into a home and treat promises, you understand, but under co~~~~f~~u~:~: ~:vt~:n~ei~lt :!:c~e~~ under the couch. She was pouring roommates and the guys down certain conditions, you may be able forced to operate merely as an idea This Begins To Get Interesting! water from the little teapot into a the hall as part of the family. to throwaway those freshman caps or a symbol. This supposedly powerful While this angry tirade was com- teacup.' She set the little pot down on ahead of time. Be on the look-out! Reports have come to this of- body has never had a concrete base ing from ber, I glanced at the teapot the table, leaned back in her chair fice that student government of- from which to-operate. It eeeme that and noticed that it had started to and began slowly sipping her tea. It ficials were forced to visit the That down who appeared like a an organization, responsible for such spout some steam. The airtight kettle had begun to pour outside, and I men's 'dormitory in order to ask shot in the first pep raUy was no a large portion of college life and made no sound; neither did my Mas- thought of the Master out there with- that' ·certain students be more fugitin. from the Mills Brothers Clr , spirit, should be granted a small part ter. He just sat there in his chair and out a hat and coat. discreet in their use of language. eus, nor was he a publicity agent for of the physical make-up of the inati- glowered over his newspaper. I could almost swear that the little I am not defending the use of the same. ~n Iact, he emerged from tution. teapot was grinning. vulgarity, for I too am guilty, our own college community to plug My mistress' voice rose to a higher however it is obvious that the [or the "needy SGA". Nice going, Jay "In the past, rooms have key, and she started pacing the fleer, ... el.aAuu:e group registering the complaint Eggly. . been granted to fraternities, sorori- accompanying her words with ceca- showed extreme immaturity in ties, the SCA, the Camera Club, to their treatment of such a situa- name a few. And rightly so! But does tion. The statement was alleged- The best of everything g 0 e e to it make sense that the Student Gov- ly made that the complainers Theoda Lee Kompanek, who has re- ernment of Western Maryland Col- stated that they had not been cently announced her marriage to lege, the most far-reaching student exposed to indecent language at John Hohing. Also, our best to Betty organizat~op on the Hill, should be (Reprinted [l'01n the Gold Bug, The red line traced by the cigarette home and did not expect to have Lee Robbins, who succeeds her as kept out m the cold? February 28, 1946) on the blackboard of darkness to bear up under it in college president of the "Delta". "The room where the old grill was The glitter of the golden chain as it behind life. I find that there is only one twirls around the brown, bony The look of anticipnticn as the girl remark to make to these stu- located looks good to us." passes lazily by dents-grow up! What would About That Kitten I reiterate what your student presi- fingers The whispering whistle answered b~' you do if you found such a situa- dent has said. In addition to having a The sensuous shadows playing around a long low sigh tion existing in your employ- Some articles are good, some are room for a meeting place, we should the lamp post where he lingers The rhythm oI their bodies ambling ment after a college career? ver-y good. and then there are some also have a facility for storing im- The broad black and beige plaid slowly out of sight You would take it and like it, or that earn this remark: "That stinks portant records and other Hterature shoulders heaving lightly with Together disappearing into the dark- find other work. Consider the worse than the cat." so necessary for smooth operation of every breath ness of the night. armed services - again you The Gold Bug staff has finally such a large organization. Other or- The penetrating eyes that are as cold -Bertha, Britner, and black as death would take it with a smile. fcund a sufficiently cutting criticism ganizations such as the Inter-fratern· The dull green pegged pants draped Upon investigation it was dis- of its work. For some time now, there ity and Inter·sorority Councils would over narrow hips and long limbs covered that the cause of the has been an eager audience at the be welcome to use the room and like- Meeting suede shoes and velvet shad- Borrowed Bits vulgar yelling was to halt one Dffice windows after meals. This en- wise store their constitutions and rec- ows where the lamp light dims of the students from practicing thusiasm, however, has nothing to do ords for use by those succeeding tbem The bulging hip pocket indicating a With the beginning of each new a musical instrument. The flute, with the paper. Also, during the past hidden treasure of some kind school year comes the annual fresh- oboe, French horn, trumpet, and week, staff members have noticed a in office. mall initiation. By now, everyone on and many other instruments, aU certain pungent odor that they insist campus is familiar with the rules and sound very nice in the proper is not the current issue. regulations concerning this initiation situation. But to revert to that The cause of these new features is period at WMC. old statement, the college dormi- Clarence. Clarence is a kitten, ap- It seems that all freshmen, every tory between the hours of 8 p. m. proximately six·-weeks old, who turned where, receive their traditional hazing and 10 a. m. is "neither the time up on registration day and has been in one form or another. Students at nor the place" for musical en- an item on the expense account ever Sioux Falls College are wandering deavors. around campus wearing green bean- The time has come when you ies, rolled-up 'pants legs, and display- must start making your own bed Because no one is allowed to loaf ing half-sha\'en faces. and quit whirining to mother when an issue is due for publication, At the same time, the new students when you become dissatisfied Clarence was pressed into service for at Loyola College in Baltimore are with the little knocks of the a feature article. The kitten's floor- being required to wear green caps and world. Student Govenment of-- eye view should produce some inter- ties at all times. The freshmen will ficials and the dean of men have eEting opinions on current campus ac- meet their sophomore overlords in an entirely too much work to do to tivities, and otherwise. athletic contest later this montl1; if be forced to cope with such pet- But while the GOLD BUG takes the "[reshies" should be so lucky as ty gripes. You are big boys now, credit for feeding and sheltering this to win, they may do away with the so why not play your role with unusual animal, it must admit a glar- vivid garments which will long re- a little more common sense? ing error-Clarence is a shel main a memory of their first college Through an oversight at baptism, days. the kitten's sex was overlooked. To All freshman students at Albright remedy this, "Aunt" was added. Dag- College must wear red and white caps mar can have Uncle Elizabeth-the with identification badges. Also, they Why doesn't Western Mary- GOLD BUG has Aunt Clarence! must carry a compass around with land have an original Alma But we don't want to monopolize them and be familiar with it. The Mater? The music department "Little C" because we want her to be women are required to wear one white is accredited, yet we sing oilr yours too, so you have a standing in- sock and one red sock, while the male Alma Mater to the same tune vitation from her, to wit, "Come up sex must display a red and white tie. as ~hat of Cornell University. and see me some time!" accompanied On Thursday, they will have a tug-of- A student cannot be as proud of by a throbbing purr. If that doesn't war with members of the junior class. his school song as when he can lure you, we have nothing more t.o Should they win, they will be relieved say that's mine and not a larger offer, except a position on the GOLD college's. Just some food for BUG staff in news, sports. features, of the "customs". no matter • So you see, "freshies", thought! Think about this con- dition, and let the paper know or managerial positions. Reprinte,1 fron1the eo"yrtl