Page 5 - TheGoldBug1949-50
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Library --jestern Maryland College J r.==M=EE=r=C=L"'AllRE:![N!!CIEE':t"Cl"Md.~ MAILER NOVEL REVIEW THECAr/~ PAGE 3 PAGE 4 Z286 Vol. 27, No.2 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. Octobber11, 1949 Editor-In-Chief Announces Russell, Bailer Betty White Wins Election; New GOLD BUG Staff Added To To ReignOver Homecoming Faculty Nancy Winkelman Selected As Associate Editor Professor Joseph Bailer, head of Pi Alpha Alpha Fe.tures Phil Le,ter's Orchestra, the education department, and Dr. Betty Bachtell; Dance To Clim~x Day's Activities New staff appointments for this semester have been an- nounced by Editor-in-Chief William Porter. Nancy Winkelman, '51, Olive Ruth Russell, head of the psychology department, Betty White has been elected by the: student body to reign as are two new has been named as associate editor of the GOLD BUG. personalities found among Western queen over the Homecoming festivities. Nancy has worked on the paper Maryland's faculty this year. Senior class attendant on the court is Peggy Stacy. Other since her freshman year, holding the Professor Bailer, who is very much members of the court include: Barbara Pfoutz, junior attendant; positions of proofreader, reporter, and Peter Popendrou Presents interested in modern education, re- Nancy Walker, sophomore attendant; and Ann Trice, freshman copy editor. Last semester she was editor-in-chief of the issue published Gala Open House Party cently returned to this country from attendant. Cairo, Egypt, where he was the pro- The annual Homecoming Dance, ~~r!h:f~~~O~~~~ and frcshtiian mum- Thursday marks the open house fessor of English at the American sponsored this year by the Pi Alpha p..'lrty at Pete's grocery. University last year. While at that Dr .. Olive Ruth Russell, a native Alpha fraternity, will be held in Gill Along with Nancy's promotion have St:'e~tots~b:'~1!cll0~: 1~lc::~~df~:mM~~: in the depart- Canadian, came to Western Maryland Gymnasium Saturday night, October school, he also taught come appointments throughout the ment of education. from Winthrop College, Rock Hill, S. 2!l. Music for the occasion will be sup- editorial staff. Mickey Hardestet-, last C., where she was an associate pro- plied by Phil Lester's Orchestra, with _semester's managing editor, is now campus, will hold opeu house from fessor of psychology since September Betty Bachtell as vocalist. sharing her responsibilities wit h G:30to lO:OOo'eJock. 1947. Some time during the evening, the Joanne Koehler, who was formerly Pete, his wife, and two children, During the war, Dr. Russell served crowning ceremony for the Homecom- the news editor. To fill this position, Jordan and Calliope, who have made as a captain in the Canadian Women's ing queen, attended by her court, will Editor Porter has announced the ap- many true friendships with WMC'ers Army Corps. She was the first woman bring the day's festivities to a grand pointment of co-editor-s June Beaver in past years, hope to establish many to be appointed to the Personnel Selec- and Jack Loper. Louis Pletroforte is more during this school year. Those tion Division of the Canadian ArmY· finale. Wills, Dr. and Dr. George Stockton continuing as editor of the feature who attended the open house last year Defore enlistment in the army, Dr. Mrs. J. D. Makosky, Major and Mrs. page. received Pete's "Sealtest Ice Cream Russell was head of the math depart- Charles G. DuBose are to be the fac- Articles on male and female sports Treat". ment, psychologist and director of ulty sponsors for the evening. will be handled separately this year. "Remember," saij Mr. Pete Popen- educational and vocational guidance Parker Dance Chairman Blackie Brandt, who assisted former dreu, "there is no obligation attached at Moulton College, Toronto, Canada. Carroll Parker is the dance chair- sports editor Homer Earll last semes- to this gift. You needn't buy any- Dr. Russell has visited schools, man. Donald Bailey will head the dec- ter, will be in charge of the men's thing. Loads of fun as well as sur- teacher training centers, and voca- orations committee. Others on the sports activities. The girls' sports prises are in store for everyone." tional guidance bureaus in England, staff include: Bill Scbeder, in charge column will be edited by Peggy Brown. The faculty and students are all Scotland, and Germany. She received of refreshments; Bill Henry, publici- welcome at Pete's Open House P.arty. her B.A. degree from the University ty director; and Tom Sands, in charge New Back-Page Editors of Toronto, and her Ph.D. in psychol- of ticket sales. A new staff position has been ogy from the University of Edin- As has been tlie custom at Western Alice Yearley and Mickey Rupert will Student Releases burgh, Scotland. Maryland the dance will be non- editors. created the back-page for The United oversee this page, which was formerly Russell's main Nations is one of Dr. corsage and semi-formal. Tickets will she While interests. be on sale in McDaniel and Blanche under the supervision of the assistant Reveal Class Heads Proieseor Joseph Bailer was in Canada, Dr. Russell was a Ward offices, or they may be obtained news editor. Stan Bowlsbey has been Born in Athens, Pennsylvania, Mr. member of the United Nations Asso- from any member of the Black and added to the GOLD BUG staff as Results of the class elections, held Bailec gladualcu from Athens High ciation. Also, she was a Canadian White fraternity. The ticket price is copy editor. lust Friday morning in Alumni HaJJ, School and -then attended the Untver- Delegate to the Inter-Continental $2.00 pel' couple, including tax. Another new position on the staff have been released by the Student 15ity of Pittsburg. He was graduated Conference of National Councils of Week-End Sponsored By S. G. A. is that of office historian. This posi- Government Association. from this school in the Business Ap.- Women in 1946. The activities, sponsored by the tion, which consists of filing cuts, Hcading the list for the senior- class 'miniatrul.ion College with an addition- The student body, through the Student Government Association and articles, and back issues of the paper, is Jim Hackman, who has been select- al major 'in English. 'I'hen he held the GOLD BUG, bids both Professor Bail- under the direction of Mickey Rupert, has been filled by Peggy Kerns. ed president. Joe Fowler has been position as a credit correspondent for er and Dr. Russell a sincere welcome will begin Friday evening with a The business staff also has its elected vicc-prestdent , The secretary a music company. to Western Maryland's campus. share of appointments and promotions. of the senior class is Sue Hall. Filling When the opportunity came, 111'. gr~~~u;.~~/a;!~~rnoon at 2 :00 p. m. Edward Wright continues as business the positions of treasurer and histo- Bailer gave up his job and worked the Green Terrors will meet the editor, but this time with the as- rian respectively are Bryan Hadda- his wu y to England on a boat. III the Hampden-Sydney squad on Hoffa sistance of Betty Lovelace. Elinor way and Helen Ray. Serving as ser- same manner, he took a seven-month Field. Special events have been Price is the newly-appointed advertis- geant-of-arma is Ernest Alfred Lamb journey to South America, Argentina, planned for the halftime. ing manager. J. C. Higgins has been Burch, Jr. Uruguay, and the Virgin Islands. Other highlights of the weekend named 'circulation manager for the MI'. Bailer has studied at universi- will be the various exhibits to be dis- coming year. Piet rofcr te Junior Prexy ties in France, Denmar-k, and Cam- played by the organizations on the The class of '51 has re-elected Louis 'bridge, England, and taught at Rob- Hill. Aftcr the game the sororities Turkey. Before WSSF Opens Pietrofortc us the president. Bill erts College, Istanbul, in 1948, Professor and frats will extend invitations for leaving for Certc Simpson will serve as vice-president open house in their club rooms. of the class. The juniors have ue- Bailer was the director of the depart- Drive; Sets elected Peggy Kerns as their secre- mcnt of secondary education and tary. Juna Beaver and Alice Yearley, placement at Bloomsburg State Teach- R.dio Series Given $1200 Goal who served last ~'ear as treasurer and ers Cellege in Pennsylvania. By Mrs. James histol'ian respectively, will also .retain theil' former positions. With the goal set fol' $1200, the Jilck Lambert has been reinstated Club News Mrs. Helen James, associate pro· World Student Service Fund .Drive to the '52 class head post. Sophomore fessor of psychology at Western will begin Monday, October 17, and class "ice·president will be Elizabeth ]\Iarylalld Collegc, has been appearing extend ~through October 23. Schubert. To serve as senetary, the' French ('\ub on a· scries of public·service radio Robert Fringo, Chairman of the sophomores have clected Dorothy Li: Cerclc Francais he I d its first programs. These prog'l'ams are being drive, has announced that the goal is Shoemaker. !lIilJard LesCallette, who meeting of the year last night in Mc- Dr. Olive Ruth Russell broadcast from station WMCP-FM Lounge .. The new. president Daniel the same as last year's. "Our goal was the former treasurer, will ser"e discussed the program for the year from 8:45 to 9:00, Thursday eve- was 'met in '48. Keep up the good rec- in this position again this year. Also nings. ord, WMC." Last year, Western re-elected ~or the coming year is the ~~;aing;:~~~~~ ~~e-~t;e~{de~!l;e. ~~I;:~ FourGirlsJoin ~and The series of programs, under the Maryland's record waS second highest class historian, Corilme Schofield. direction of Dr. Harry F. Latchan, is of thirteen schools in the state of Rita Ludwig, secretary; and Mlle. For the first time in the history of entitled "Spare the Rod". Dr. Latchan class will Members of the freshman Maryland contributing to WSSF. One not elect their officers until the begin- Ja~~~:~neth!ro~:;i::::s~aCl~t of the ~~;I:te;; :~:r~:I~!eC~~~~: ~~~e o~~·; is supervisor of special education in half the total proceeds on this campus ning of the secolld semester. meeting was concluded, two contrast- has the band incrcased in number, but tjte city of Baltimore. Thursday of the the third On will go to a special project in some ing French plays were prcsented. The it has also made some new plans for pertains llart of the world. first one was a sophisticated cOlnedy, the ceming year. month, the program mentally to the oi education handi- the Opening the drive, Mr. Philip Eger- capped. lItrs. James speaks at this 16. I'I1r. I Announcem.ent ton will appear as guest speaker at ~:~u~:::Ch~:~,701~ndliie~~:~:oi\;I;l:' The girls who joined the ranks of time on that subject. The title of her the Chapel service Odober phase ef the prognllll is "They Need Egerton, who was born in England, ~~I~~~e:O('~:o~.M~:~R:~a iI;:d;:i:t. a~! ' ~:re~~I~~~oe~::er'::~ar~~et~OII~\;:l~ an Opportunit~·". Tile program began This year, has served as secretary to the Stu- and students. Oil behalf of the faculty Pllpec, written in a spiritual vein by nette Smlth-flute; D~rothy. Dalglelsh in August, and Mrs. James will Dean Free and Dean dent Representative Council and as Howery have c: