Page 3 - TheGoldBug1949-50
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On Top Booters To Open eoeJ eap.e'14 With 11 Game Season It happens by Ruth AUen every year, and thjs is no exception. Freshmen coming in- Green Terror boctera will open an E. H. "Blackie" Brandt eleven game schedule early in October old students returning. Soon the campus will settle down into its usual It's the start of another school with more than half its 1948 team pattern of studies' and extra-curricu- year and a new season full of graduated. lar activities. And holding down an sporting events for every West- Coach Phil Uhrig faces a huge task active place among these outside rune, paigns. ern Marylander. Probably upper- in finding replacements for these tions are women's sports. Highlighted Of course, this year's team is most in our minds is the football graduation losses, but will have as are intramural games, honorary the kicking of Bill Seibert, the campaign, already in full swing. returning lettermen Bill Rhoads, Jim teams, W.A.A. and varsity games. running of backs Jacobson, Formwalt, The gridders have been practic- Hackman, Joe Keenan, Homer Earl The varsity squads will definitely and Dyke and the rugged line play ing since the first of the month (who was last year's captain), and feel the losses incurred through grad- of Si Tullai, Jim Cotter, and Walt and entertain high hopes of im- George Winfrey, as well as several uation. Among the students who left Piavis. proving the five and two record from the Junior Varsity. last June were a number of girls out- they posted last year. (EXcerpt from the Fall Sports Is- standing in several sports. The hockey Punting Artists Coach Charlie Havens has approxi- sue- of Athletic News). team in particular will suffer in that Corrado and Corleto, two of the mately 12 lettermen returning and the forward line was composed almost big men from Medford have several promising gridders coming up wholly of last year's seniors. The very impressive in't pre-season from the junior varsity standing. backfield remains intact however, and ing drills. Corrado was the Games are scheduled, starting at with replacements on the line from a. choice for kicking duties last year, Carlisle, Pennsylvania against Dick- Varsity Soccer group of several promising under- while Corleto may be pulled from the inson, with Hampden-Sydney furnish- classmen, a fairly successful season line and be depended upon to put a ing the opposition for Homecoming 1949 should result. good foot into the pIg$kin. Again, Day on Saturday, October 29. For the benefit of the freshmen and Corrado and Corieto, along with Soph Soccer Veterans Return Oct. s Navy J.V Away other new students, I might explain Frank Krausz are handling the place- The soccer team had a tough time 15 Drexel Away at this point a bit about the system ment kicking. last fall, dropping several close con- 19 Delaware Away _ used in the women's a.thletic depart. side the phyelcal education office. Pre-season dope, has it that Midge tests and losing key men due to in- 25 American U. Home mont. Intramural echedulee are set up Teams are then picked and schedules Tullai is the diamond in the rough juries at crucial moments. This year 2' Loyola Away according to classes for the various set up by the physical education staff. this yeu r, Up from last year's media- the story promises to be different as Nov. U. of Baltimore Home sports in their respective seasons. After completion of the tournament, cre Froeh team, Tullai is looked upon a host of veterans, led by co-captains Bucknell Home Practice sessions are held at 4:15 dur- Jim Hackman and Homer Earll are s Towson Home ing the weekdays for several weeks ~:~:sp~~;e;\:~r~:~ °t~eas~:~~~ :a~~;' l~~:!h~e;:r~~~ returning. 11 Gettysburg A'way before the tournaments begin. To be sports such as hockey and basketball ~~;ef~~eSi~r;I~~r~~r t=r~:r~~fi:h:x~ii~~~ On the basketball front, prospects 15 F and M Away eligible for a team one must attend a for example, award 100 points for tion of cross-country running. look encouraging on the strength of 22 Johns Hopkins Home g'[ven number of practices and sign a last winter's late rally to gain the list posted on the bulletin board out- ioarr!~!p:e~~~d°t::!~ ;~~t at~aa~c:~~l:~ Mr. Inside and Mr. Outside, Hank Mason-Dixon Conference play-offs. tion of points, awards are given by ~:r~~:: ;l:~i~;e t~!~n~l~~r;~s~:~~v:f The addition of Art Press and Walt. the Women's Ath~tic Association. To varsity ball for the "Green and Gold", Hart at mid-semester sparked an un- successful team, but the loss of AI Baltimore Junior College To Be Scene ~:~I:~:~:~oa gt::s:,u~ ~~~e~ds~v~~~~~: :~il~;::!~s~:'y ht::!r rO:;~~~;d~~~t~~I~ Jacobson, Frank Stephenson, Walt , b appropriate class numeral is Issued. Gene Frank, at the moment nursing will be sorely felt by men- OF Baby Terror Piavia, and John Adamovich through 0 peaer qcto er 8- graduation :O~re~~~~na~;a~~~nt:r:se~~;~d a~Vi~~oo~ a sore ankle looks better than ever. tor Bruce Ferguson. Adequate re- Facing a six-game schedule, the Art Miksinski---end-Patterson P~rk The present point system is being_re- ~~a~iV~:neas~~~~~rp~:~:c:o ~hea: ;::~ placements for them and an attack first freshmen team since 1941 will High in' Baltimore--ehemistry rna- vised and should be completed early thorn in the opposition's side. It goes built around Hart, Press, and Leo open against Baltimore Junior Col- [or. this fall. An honorary team is also without saying that the old-stand-by, Lathroum could produce a winning lege on October 2 in Baltimore. Frank Morettl-back-outstanding in picked out by the W.A.A. Board at the Leo Lathroum is again knocking over combination come December. ~The 1941 team, coached by Rip practice-irom Grove City High in close of each season. . anyone that gets in his way. Leo's fine Outlook for the boxing team ap- Engle, now' head coach at Brown, Pennsylvania-business adminiatra- The W.A.A. Board IS composed of spirit permeates the entire squad. pears uncertain at this point with turned in an undefeated season. tion major. ' the managers of the various sports, a both heavy and lightweight divisions Coaching this year's t€am, Bruce Fer- Donald Phillips-back-football, base. ireshma? repre~entative, and a presi- Rugged Linesmen posing -a problem to Coach Joe guson hopes to duplicate the record. ball and golf at Long Branch High dent, vice-president, secretary and Now about 'the seven mules! Tilo Corleto. Watson Solomon and John Working from a T-formation, they in New Jersey-sophomore major- treasurer. These members are elected v Margu retta, ex-Brown operator and Seiland, along with Bernard Kelly are have shown up well in spots against ing in English. at the close of each school year by the John Sgariglio, varsity guard during returning stalwarts expected to bul- wark the middleweights again this :~edv::~!~i!~c:~i~ .o:h!h:l~~~' :;~~~~ Joseph Renaldi-back-l 0 0 k B very ~!~~~~!~~~:tic~es~:c~:~~!~ i~no::~ !~e g~~ni~:a~~~, o~~OO~li~gP~::~s~~:;~ year; but as Corleto has used up his eligibility he will have to find a new The T·formation is being used to give ~:;:!~t';'O~ibe;'~n~~~r,andp:~~;X to all women students. Yearly dues of leto, Paul, Kern and YagJir>"ki, heavy, possibly Hank Norman or the varsity experience in scrimmage vania. $.50 must be paid before awards are two hundred pounders, are well ex- John Molesworth. In the lower clas_ ;~r~:~it:s ~v~~~ t~:i:re:!~I~~ :;e::; l\Iike Rentka-back--converted guard iSS;~:. Board started several projects ~~:~e~~:~ ~~t ~c~k~p ~~:i'n ~i~;:::~ ses Harry LeFew and Leroy Merrit remain for starting berths. backs to greatest advantage. ;;;1~t~~o~i~~ea~~;,Si;:nn~~:!~ ~~~: ~:~~ :!~c:g at~ee~oa~: ~~:~~~~~ !~~s 1~~~~se~o~V:~1';;a:en~re~:she~~r;; Kern Not to Wrestle -history major. ion of the award system as mentioned Lair, Chuck Kobosko, Maynard Fones The matmen had their trials and Roy Rhyne-tackle--football, basket. before, and plans to make the W.A.A. slated for end duty, along with Walt tribulations last winter and the situ- ball and basebali star from Ridley more of a working organization by Hart who is off the field with a bad- ation may not improve greatly. Bill Park High in Pennsylvania-com_ arousing the interest of the student ly wrenched knee. Kern, undefeated in three years of mendable defensive work against body members of the W.A.A. It is intercollegiate competition may not varsity-physical education major. hoped that this can be accomplished wrestle again, but several experienced Bruce Rudisill-guard_star Hagers- through the medium of open meetings men will return, including John ~::u~i~~ ~~Sc~i~~n;oe~~dt:: ~~:~~ featuring programs which will be of Spencer, Bob Wilsey, John Silber, Ed Klohr, Bill Dvorine, and Gene Mecht- ~~uc:~~onf:~~h::nthe~:~~P!~j!~~~ ge~:~~~~~~;e:;~in to the outlook for 1y. Andrew Itusinko--tackle--a not her this fall, we have hockey, badminton From here it looks like a two out outstanding gridder from Newport and basketball on the agenda for the of three average for spring sports on student.. first semester. Hockey will get under- the Hill. Taking the good news first, the lacrosse team appears in for a Samakouris---hard-driving guard way immediately with the tournament fine season, having a full 'share of re- -football and track at Patterson to be hcld sometime in October. Bad- turning lettermen, though still ham- Park in Baltimore-business ad_ minton will follow with playoffs for pered by the lack of an experienced mini,stration major. each class champion and then a single goalie. The stickers will field a t€am Don Schneidef---end-played football, school champion. The race should be minus the services of Al Paul, Dick Joe. Corleto basketball and baseball at Bethesda_ wide opcn this year since Della Brown, and Charlie Mann, but the thevy Chase-freshman majoring Grauel, who held the championship add It d experience and confidence Below are thumbnail sketches of in business administration. for f011r years, graduated in June. gained by the veterans will undoubt€d- those players who have already come Charles Sykes-back-junior trans_ After the Christmas holidays basket- ly payoff. out for the freshmen squad: fer pre-med student--ineligble for ball practice will be held. As in hock- Last spring's tennis team, under SIeve Adams---gu!!rd and end""':hails varsity---excellent pas s or-from ey, the varsity squads will be minus the direction of Coach Frank Hurt, from Bala-Cynwyd, Pennsylvania- New Bedford, Massachusetts. several valuable players due to gradu- has graduated almost cn 1naSB8, with a freshman, majoring in math and ation and transfers. A successful sea- only Phil Sack and Bobby Talner re- physics. son in this sport will depend greatly turning. However, in keeping with Dennis Boyle-a local boy-played Freshmen Football upon the material in the freshman Hurt-coached squads, who have had football, basketball and baseball at class. Hank Corrado only one losing season in fourteen Westminster High-m a t h mat ics Schedule Miss Parker reports that she has years, it's fairly safe to say I\. winner major. received communications irom others "Reserves" puts the big question will be forthcoming. The rebuilding October requesting the scheduling of games. mark into the picture. The Terror process is in progress at the moment, William Callas--center-s u m mer 8 Baltimore Junior College These are of the play-day type and team is not large this year, being but an accurate line may be gotten school entry-on the bootball, base. plans are also being made to h.old two composed of approximately twenty soon from the fall practice portrait. ball and track t€ams at Hagerstown Away or three such atrairs on our own seasoned gridders. Several promising High-majoring in aeon. 15 Montgomery Junior College campus. freshmen are now working out with Edward Cadeaux--center-from Cen- 19 GettYsburg Freshmen Home the squad and should prove valuable Home for the future. Varsity Football tral High in Washington, major. D. C.- _ 28 Longwood Pnp. Home \ The Dickinson tilt may well be business administration Ashby Collins--end-a product of November Westminster's titled "Experience vs Reserves". 1949 Charles Town,' West Virginia- 19 4 Dickinson Freshmen Academy New Modern Drug Store Fingers are and a good game. for in hopes crossed Away West Nottingham "Experience" played footbaIl and baseball in high Sept. 24 Dickinson Away school-pTe-medical student. Away DRUGS Od. 1 Gettysburg Away Cha;les Delcher-back-physical edu_ SCHOOL SUPPLIES Away , Lebanon Valley cation major...:....fromTpwson. COME IN 15 Washington College Harlowe Hendel'6On-back-has shown Everybody Is Welcome COSMETICS BROWSE AROUND Home up well in practice-football, basket- To Stop In At ~ SODAS See our Selection of 22 Nov. , Mt. St. Mary's Home ball and track at Merchantville Marg.ret & E.rl's Bixler and Guild Magazines. Greeting Cards Home Hampden-Sydney '29 be found High in New Jersey~will and Stationery in the history department. O""n 12 Franklin and Marshall James Luby-back-from Carson Long fD' Drug Co. Away Institut€ and Bullis Prep. P. C. COFFMAN CO. 19 Johns Hopkins Away Ernie Makowski--end-football, bas- SANDWICH~S- John and Main Su. Times Bldg. ketball and baseball at Southern SOFT DRINKS -Homecoming. High in Baltimore-sophomore ma_ Main St. joring in business administration.
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