Page 33 - TheGoldBug1948-49
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Librllry _:;lestern Maryland College ~iestminster, Md .. Heavy Schedule Anticipated For W. M. College Choir Free, Pietroforte, Rupert And Simpson To Share Solos Palm Sunday, At Baccalaureate Service February 25, 1949 Vol. 26, No.9 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. In addition to the regular Sunday Long. Taking the solo parts are: night services, the choir is planning Dean Free as Christ, Lou Pietroforte to present a cantata, an oratorio, as the narrator, and Bill Simpson as I CurtainTo Rise On Junior and an opera before the end of May. Pilate. .Club News At the eight o'clock service on The student body will be given the both directed by Thi,:,~::;f:::;':t~;f'~::':~~YCoun.Plays March 111nAlumni Hall April 10, Palm Sunday, the cantata opportunity to see "The Prodigal "Olivet to Calvary" will be given, un- Son""an oratorio of which there will der the direction of Professor. de- be two performances, Professor deLortg. The first presenta- cil appointed new officers for the pre- tion will be on May 15 at the regular sent semester. The new officers are: Three One Act Plays To Be Presented Will Feature Frats Pledge 23 chapel service. The second will Sun- be Robert A. Martin, president; Jim Roger The Cross Is Made" By Eugene O'Neill Cot- "Where Simpkins, vice-president ; given on May 29, Baccalaureate ter, secretary; New Members day, at a 4: 30 service, The musical .jon, treasurer. and Jay W. Brewing- the stage of Alumni Hall, \vhen the junior dramatic art class will The evening of March 11 will bring many new Thespiaris to of the story of the prodigal setting son is the first one in English, the The out-going officers are Frank present a program of three one-act plays. The director, Miss Of the 34 men bid to the four local only other being in French. The solo Stevenson, president; Fletcher Ward, Esther Smith, is now rehearsing her students for a college theatre fraternities, 23 pledged, tallying nine, parts are handled by: Dorothy Ru- vice-president; and Ralph Smith, presentation which promises to be fascinating. six, six, and two for Pi Alpha Alpha, pert as the Narrator, Lou Ptetroforte treasurer. Jim Cotter remains on the the Bachelors, the Preachers, and as the Son; and Dean Free as the council as secretary. A new policy has' been adopted for Gamma Beta Chi, respectively. Father. the present semester. The council will Lloyd Bolling, Robert Fraser, Jack "Down ill the valley" have four junior class representatives Fritz, John Goode, Walt Heidelbecb, On Friday, April 22, the' opera plus the four seniors and the officers. Rudy Kraus, Kendrick McCall, and "Down in the Valley" is to be present- The main reason for having juniors Richard Rem accepted bids to the ed. The music is based on American on the council is to give them a' Black and Whites. folk songs. Besides the theme song chance to become familiar with it To the Bachelor ranks were added "Down in the Valley", others such as: for next year. A new constitution Carl Doenges, Ray Dow, Joe Luper- "The Lonesome Dove", "The Little has been drawn up by the committee. I i'ni, Norm Needle, Otts Shearer, and Black Train"~"Hop Up, My Ladies", Also, plans are underway for the Pan- Bob Wilsey. and "Sourwood Mountain" are used. Hellenic Dance that is held jointly by . The six new members gained by the Others Assist the fraternities and sororities, mark- Preachers are: Ed Barnett, Bernard The orchestra and the dramatic ing the last dance of the year. Kelly, Steve Covey, Frank Krausz, art department are also working co- Junior Class David Sartorio, and Al Skvarek. operatively with the soloists and 36 The prosecution of war criminals Dan Honemarm and Jerry Lair members of the choir on this pro- in Germany is divulged in the junior joined the Gamma Bets. duction, which is directed by Philip class benefit movie to be presented Invitations to join the fraternities S. Royer, orchestra conductor, Esther Wednesday, March 2. Sealed Verdict were issued on the policy that was Smith, drama instructor, and Alfred reveals that democratic justice de- inaugurated last yea]'. Men pledged deLong, choir leader. mands definite proof that a crime has must be social sophomores or higher. Although not their last presenta- been committed before punishment is Pledge week revealed interesting ora- tion for the year, the opera will be imposed. Ray Mlllarrd is the prosecu- Planning the SC61LC1"!J for th'e Junior plays an' left to Tight: Howard tions and skits from the porch of Old the highlight of the orchestra and tor in the case of Nazi General John Haines, Don Bailey, and Harry Adams. Main. choir programs. Hoyt. The Wonten-folks, by John Kirk- Burkett Carleton, her father, who patrick, is an amusing and sparkling owns the mill . Robert Lizer Jones, Haddaway To Head '50 Aloha Staff comedy about Anthony finds himself a Hilton Hays, a wolf in sheep's cloth- Gardiner, ing Howard Haines bachelor, young who surrounded on all sides by "women- Jack Logan, our manly hero Adams Harry bachelor will Jones To Reveal Plans Haddaway AssuresJunior folks". The surrounded Hackman. His a The highlight of the evening will be by James be played of Eugene pen from the play After Spring Recess Class Inter. sting Issue surroundings are as follows: O'Neill, usually recognized as the his mother Mrs. Sara Gardiner, Mary Ellen Smith playwright who has_ made America's As the "lazy", and at the same time, Acting in the capacity of business Miss Julia Gardiner, his aunt greatest contributions to the drama- mighty Mississippi River travels re- manager for the 1950 Aloha will be Rachel Ennis tic literature of the world. lentlessly on its way, to the Gulf Bryan Haddaway, elected to the posi- The sea has always been a powerful older sister Stream, so does "lazy" (or so she tion by the junior class at a recent Gertrude Gardiner, his Bertha Bern and moving force in O'Neill's life, claims) Frances Jones consistently class meeting. Dorothy Gardiner, his younger sister coloring his writings and his charac- secure the high grades of a Dean's A participant in other extra-cur- Joyce Parker ters. It has no minor role in Where Lister (Dr. Whitfield notwithstand- ricular activities on the Hill, Bryan the Cros8 i8 Made, the first O'Neill ing). Now, the added distinction of is vice-president of the junior class, Lucille Camp, his fiancee play ever to be presented on this Rachel Holmes being editor-in-chief of the Aloha has a member of Delta Pi Alpha, and a campus. The Provincetown Players been added to her laurels, at the representative of the Preachers on Gcorgia Rhy, his secretary Marion Auld (Continued on page 4, column 2) popular command of her classmates. the Interfraternity Council. Also on the program is a nostalgic The job of editing a yearbook is not Managing the business affairs of and unusual comedy, carefully pat- new to her, and the experience she a school yearbook will be new. prob- terned by William Brawn after the Student Government gained in the same position in high lem facing Bryan, as a result, his old-fashioned melodrama. There is a school, she believes, will be of im- 1I1ary Fra71ces Jones primary interest now, is to "investi- flavor of yesteryear in its title, He B~lIelin mense help as she undertakes "the gate'" in order to produce a financial- Ain't Done Right By Nell. The play All nominations for next editorship. ly successful yearly, and find the is reminiscent of the theatrical past, year's Stu den t Government What the final product of her work Ten Mid-Y,ear Grads To means he will utilize to attain this when the much despised villain pur- President should be handed in will be is very uncertain now, because goaL sued the p\oud heroine who was final- to any member of the Student the ideas she has, have not been form- Receive Diplomas In May Bryan stated, "I'll work with ly rescued just in the nick of time Government on or before Tues- ulated yet to the point where some- Frances to achieve our ends and make by the noble hero. day, March 15. It is suggested thing definite can be said. The school, According to the registrar, the fol- the class proud of our work." O'Neill Play that the following requirements however, has her promise of an honest lowing people have fulfilled the aca- It has been announced that the re- The cast, with comments from the be taken into consideration in attempt to make it a commendable demic requirements and will return mainder of the staff will be appointed playwr-ight, is as follows: nominating a student: job. in May to graduate: after the spring vacation. Nell Perkins (Little Nell), just an Leadership And what was her remark upon Jack Gail Ammon, Ninita Barkman, Though not one of the outstanding old-fashioned heroine Ability in personnel relationship hearing of her good fortune? It will Mary Ruth Childs, Helen Miles nooet, leaders of the campus, Bryan. has Betty Lee Robbins situations. never stand as an original witicism Herman Hirschberg, Mary Ann Hol- always been an ardent participant Granny Perkins, who carries a secret Scholarship or clever thought, but it could hardly lander, Robert B. Kimble, Jr., Wood- in the various extra-cur-ricular acti- for years Annette McMahan For further details, check the be more expressive. Her exclamation row Benjamin Lippy, Gladys Wills vities. He enjoys the brother-ship of Laura (Lolly) Wilkins, a typical old regular SGA column in this is- was, "I'm flabbergasted". Poland, and Raymond Bernard Via. the fraternity and the facilities it maid. . __Virginia Armacost sue or ask any Student Govern- Frances has expressed the desire Eighteen of the mid-year graduates offers-television, cokes, and "all mentmember. that she hopes to please every mem- received their diplomas at the end kinds of fun" is his description of the Vera Carleton, from the "City Stacy Peggy ber of her class with the publication. of the first semester session. frat life. President Ensor Discusses Activity Fee Expenditures "How' is our Activities Fee spent?" This question and the fee is broken down on a dollar basis depend- Some students have the mistaken idea that all has been raised with me a number of times, and I un- ing upon the number of students enrolled. For instance, they receive in return for the fee is a book of tickets, and that they won't get their money's worth unless all derstand, it is a fre- this year's breakdown is as follows: tickets are used. The book of tickets. however, is is- quent subject of cam- Aloha . _$ 5.00 sued only as a convenience for admitting you to athle- pus discussion. Per- Athletics .. _.__ : _ 7.00 tic contests, and, as is indicated above, the athletic ap- haps a brief word will Concerts and Lectures .__. 4.00 propriation is only a part of the total amount. help to clarify the Gold Bug _ 2.00 It is difficult to discuss in this brief space the whys situation. Library .... ..... .... 4.00 and wherefores of each item, but I will be glad to talk -At the beginning of Other Activities __. 3.00 it over more fully with anyone who may be interested. each year we try to de- Lowell S. Ensor. termine the'amount of $25.00 President. money each of the various campus activi- The "Other Activities" includes the Student Editor'8 Note: ties will need. This Government, Handbook, S.C.A., LR.C., Chapel, etc.- W (3 asked Preeideni: Ensor to write this letter in figure is based upon all receiving a small percentage. The "Library" item order to clarify the many mistaken ideas a1"ound cem- the past year's ex- may be questioned as rightfully deserving a part of penses in the light of this fee. The question is a good one, but the answer, pus about the activities fee. He has presented a Clear the proposed program I think, is just as good. Most colleges have a "Library over-all view of the 8ituation. This matter will be fur- for the current year. Fee" in addition to the "Activities Fee," and we are ther discussed in a 8ubseqlwnt issue. President Ensor's Requests are then pre- trying to eliminate a multiplicity of fees by making onginalletter is in the Gold Bug office. Anyone on the sented to my office, the one all inclusive. Hill is welcome to read it.
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