Page 31 - TheGoldBug1948-49
P. 31
, The Gold Bug, Feb. 11, 1949 Terror Mittmen T~e Lineup • Mount And G-Burg Cagers Prep For Point; Lady Hoopsters Win Over Gold Hoopster's H-om.-, c.-Ea-'" - Lose To Lions Drop Opener -B-Y Sports Editor A heavily-favored Penn State box- We wouldn't blame American Uni- Green Team Victors Over Gallaudet, 61- 45; ing team downed a game Western western Maryland's Lady Terrors Loyola Wins A. Lacy Seeres 28 Maryland squad by a 6-2 count last opened their basketball season on versity one bit if they said that they Saturday night before a capacity Wednesday, when they traveled to didn't want to play Western Mary- The Mountaineers of ~1t. St. Mary's and 'their ace', Pete Clark, effectively crowd of 5,000 in the Nittany Lions Emmitsburg to lose to Mt. St. Joseph land at Westminster again---ever! throttled the Green Terrors by an 80-63 score on January 20 at the Frederick field house. by a score of 34-32. Starting 'for For three straight years the Eagles Armory. Winning only one bout and draw- Western Maryland were Margaret have been overturned on the Gill Gym Despite the fact that the Fergusonmen amassed their highest single ing in two others, Western Maryland Ruppenthal, Betsy Taylor, Wilma floor. score of the season, the Emmittsburg club ran off to a 34·17 halftime lead and A year ago they rang up a 65-49 was outdistanced from the start. Steele, Jane Babylon, Peggy Brown then maintained that bulge through the remaining twenty minutes. Clark John Seiland kept his undefeated and Mildred Price. Gaining an early victory over us in Washington which dropped 25 markers for the winners while Frank Stephenson personally ac- record intact by easily outpointing lead, the Mt. St. Joseph team was 'also happened to be our fifth eonseeu- counted for one-third of the Green's total as he tallied 21 points. his opponent in the 145-pound divis- ahead at half time 24.18. The Green ttve loss in pre-Chrfetmas games that The Terror team bowed for the fifth straight time two days later as ion. Tel' I' 0 r light-heavy Watson and Gold team tied the score in the season. They traveled here in Pebru- Gettysburg recorded a decisive 72-53 win. The taller Pennsylvanians domi- Solomon also held his own in stepping second half, but was never able to 'ary just in time to get caught in the nated the game from the opening whistle. to a crowd-pleasing draw. Heavy- take the lead. High "seorer for the Terrors stretch drive and be nosed weight Joe Corleto was awarded a evening was Margaret Ruppenthal out, 54·52. draw when' he was cut over the eye with 18 tallies. This year was something of a re- peat performance. They hung a sting- ::g;:t: ~~i~;u;~e~f s!:::e b;hU:t ~~:~ J M!~Yl=n:;e~i:;:::rYva;:i~; s~:~:~er: ing 64-39 defeat, the fourth in a row, on us the night of December 17. Hav- a man suffers a cut in the first round, 27-12 victory over the team from the bout is to be declared a draw.) Emmitsburg. ing bowed onlv to Loyola, the Wash- ington team had ample justification Intramural basketball has gotten for being confident of victory Satur- under way, with games scheduled day night. However, they were through February. Class teams have quickly knocked out of stride by the «been picked and to date three "A" revamped Fcrgusonmen. In fact, A. games have been played. The seniors, U. ought to be glad tfrat. they lost last year's champions, have won two only by two points. games, defeating the freshmen 36- And what a racket that gang from 27 and the sophomores 27-20, while American made! It's very possible the juniors lost- to the sophomores 22- that the slow start made by the WMC 7. club can be attributed to the nerve- Those girls chosen to' represent wracking rhythm set up by our ad- their classes on the "A" teams are versaries on the drums and the fight Senior "A"-Ruppenthal (F), Steele bell whenever we had possesalon of (F), Taylor (F), McMahan (G), the ball. It was very definitely a dis- Price G), and Daughtry (G); Junior traction to our players. A member of "A"-Lenz (F), Graf (F), Alexander the A. U. faculty couldn't even halt (F), Clayton (G), Frounfelter G), this wild and unsportsmanlike pro- Snapping out of the doldrums, Gal- and L. Davis (G); Sophomores- cedure. A referee had to stop the Gamma Bets Clinch Jaudet was whipped 61-45 the night Bittle (F), Pfoutz (F), P. Smith (F) game and do it. He was probably go- of January 28 on the losers floor. A Babylon (G), Dalgleish (G), an? P. ten-point halftime margin was Brown (G); apd Freshmen-Brengle ing crazy as fast as the rest of us! Diadem; Runner-Up widened to sixteen counters as four (F), Callender (F), Schmidt (G) • Gridiron Lineup of the Terrors hit double figures. John watson Solomon Simpson (G), N. Smith G), and Hale The football season is still many Spot Still In Doubt Adamovich led the way with 14 while (G). months away but the Green Terrors just less. This bout, pitting the two football Inter-sorority basketball began its schedule has been As the interfraternity basketball Jacobson recorded Stephenson one rounded Lathroum and aces of each school in what was to be second season on the Hill February filled and is com- season nears the three quarter mark out the quartet, both garnering ten. the feature bout of the night, never 7, when Delta Sigma Kappa met plete except per- a look at the standings shows the Gallaudet is currently residing in the materialized beyond the embryonic Sigma Sigma Tau in Blanche Ward haps for several Gamma Bets' at the top of the pile league cellar having yet to score a with no league defeats in league play. changes in dates. stage. Gym. Capturing an early lead which win. All the mittmen performed extreme- the Si'gmas never overcame, the Delta The car d ern- Sefond spot is very much in doubt ly creditably as exemplified by the came out on the long end of a 28-14 braces nine con- with both the Bachelors and Preach- fact that there were no knock-outs or score. There are five remaining games tests in contrast era fighting for it. Several aupr-ise • Loyola Wins knock-downs. on' the Intersorority schedule, with to the seven that contests have been turned in thus far r n the second game of the season At the present, the leather-luggers Phi Alpha Mu slated to play Iota E~rn were played this in the season. between Loyola and western Mary- are in constant practice for their big Gamma Chi on Monday night at 9 :00. yea r. Randolph- The Preacher Black and White land, the Terrors lost 72-47. Playing match on February 12 with the As a result of the badminton play- Macon College has been dropped game which was very close and was at Evergreen, Jim Lacy found the Cadets at West Point. These two offs, Della Grauel once again emerg- from the listing. Hampden-Sydney an upset since the Preachers won by home court to his liking as he sank 28 teams did not meet last year, but in ed as champion. Defending her title and Dickinson, after a lapse of one two points only 26-24. The Black and points. Vance Hale with ten points 1946, the Terrors bowed by a close earned last year, Della defeated V. year in football rela.tions, will again .. White came from behind a 16-0 half- anl newcomer Walt .Har t with eight 5-3 score, and it is certain that the Clayton, junior class champion who be met and Franklin and Marshall time score to almost pull it out of the Jed the Green. entire squad will be (Jut to try to was runnerup, P. Smith and C. will also be among Terror opponents. fire. Saturday night at Gill Gymnasium avenge this loss. Schofield. Mt. St. Mary's, Catholic U., Gettys-, The .Ereshmen turned in the big- American University bowed to the On February 16, the Green and burg, Lebanon Valley, Washington, gest upset of all when they downed Hill quintet in a 61-59 upset. Terror- Gold will travel to Pautuxent Navy and Hopkins round out the schedule. the Bachelors. men, Adamovich and Hart, with con- for their last scheduled meet of the Frederiek RiRemen Nose And while we're still on football, season. Southern High School of Baltimore Towson Vanquished; necting set shots, broke the visitors Still in the forrnulative stage are Terrors By Close Score recently acquired a new head coach zone defense in the first half, which bouts with Catholic U. and Mount for the gridiron sport. He's Bill Catholic U. Next· ended 33-25 in Western Maryland's St. Mary's. In a tight home match last Thurs- Anderson, WMC '48, who performed Western Maryland's varsity. wres- favor. In the second half, newcomer ably in the line for the Havensmen day, the Green Terrors were nosed on the '46 and '47 'ferrer teams. An- tling team, under the direction of Bill Press got through the zone, which Jayvee Strengthened out by the shooters of the Frederick ether Western Maryland alumnus, Kern, broke into the win column with was guarding closely up near mid- Rifle Club by a score of 1327 to 1325. court, and successfully set up pass-off a 17 to 13 victory on January 21 at and Hajduk. Charlie Kidd shot high for the home By Recent Recruits team with 271 out of a possible 300 AI Malone, moves into Southern as the expense of Towson State Teach- plays to both Lathroum rallied up 17 baseball mentor. Garshag ers in Gill Gymnasium. AU's 6'6" Lefty Elliott's jayvee hoopsters points. Also in the high five were Towson gained a five point ad- points to share high scoring honors have scarcely been faring better this Henry Muller, Bill Rroads, Jimmy vantage before the match started with Lathroum of the Green squad winter than their bigger brothers. Leonard, and Eugene Mechtlv, a when the Terrors were forced to for- who also scored 17. However, the change. of semesters freshman firing in his first match. feit in the 121-1b. class. However, this brought about several additions to the Tomorrow the charges of Sergeant lead was cut to two points in the first • Hopkins Bows team that are expected to provide Puryear will tarevl to Johns Hopkins; match when the veteran Bob Wilsey, In Wednesday night's game played greater strength throughout. University to try to outshoot the wrestling in the 128-1b. class, de- at Homewood, Art Press led the re- Recent contests found Mt. St. once-beaten Blue Jays for their sec- ciaioned his opponent, nine to seven. juvenated Terrors to a 64_49 victory Mary's running wild in the second ond victory. This match, howcver, Western Maryland and Towson di- over J ohm Hopkins by scoring 27 half to edge the Green and Gold by will probably be closer than the last vided the next two matches; Ed points. The Jays, still victory-less in a 50-47 count. Gettysburg's Baby Bul- when the Terrors won by a thirty Klohr, 136, lost on a decision, but the league play, werc led by big George lets handed the team their most one- point margin. 145-lb. representative for the Green Mitchell who recorded sixteen points. sided setback of the season when At the present time the team is and Gold, Paul Schaefer, easily Ahead by two points at the midway they inflicted a thorough trouncing firing the preliminary phase of the shaded his adversary, five to nothing. mark, WMC cut lose in the third by a 67-26 score. The ability-laden Intercollegiate Match. Placement in Tow~on forged well into the lead quarter scoring twenty points while Battlefielders virtually rang 'up hoops the first ten teams in the Second when their 155-pounder pinned holding Hopkins to six during the as they pleased. Army Area will qualify the squad for Dvorine in the first period. But West- period. In the final stanza, the home Last Friday the Baby Terrors did competition in the National Intercol- ern Maryland won the match with team closed to 47-53 but the winners their share in recording a twin vic- legiate l\Iatches with the best teams three straight victories. Jack Larri- quickly opened up their 'ead and tory for the hardwood clubs as they in the country. (Continued on page 4 column 4) coasted to the win. knocked off the Gallaudet JV in the opening game of that double-header. The final score was 50-41 but earli"er As a result of, their victory over Hill Andersm. in the contest the margin had been the Bachelors, the Gamma Bets have Ex-f[a,vens1r!r:L1! now head coach of WELCOME Westminster's 'considerably greater. The closing virtually assured themselves of the football a,t Baltinwre's Southern STUDENTS New Modern Drug Store minutes found the winners playing Inter·Frat basketball crown . High. with four men as personal fouls took The DRUGS their toll. • The Colts Are Coming SCHOOL SUPPLIES Six frays still remain for the team. Good Health In case you didn't notice, the Balti- Coffman~ Fisher It is hoped that perhaps the addition more Colts announced in the "Balti- COSMETICS of these new men will provide the To more Sun" their intention of training Company SODAS vitally needed late season spark neces- on the Hill beginning in late July. sary for victory. All Inasmuch as the pros Open their sea- DEPARTMENT STORE Bixler and Guild son early in September, there will be no conflict between the practice ses- COSTUMES & FORMALS From sions of the Colts and the Terrors. Drug Co. For Rent Here's a swell opportunity for sum- to see pro foot- DOROTHY ELDERDICE REXALL mer school students in their own back- 11 E. Main St. Phone 102 John and Main Su. bailers in action yard. 75 W. Green St.-Phone 57 (Continued on page 4 column '4)
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