Page 8 - TheGoldBug1947-48
P. 8
The Gold Bug, Oct. 10, 1947 seA Forms On The Inside... Exchange Students ROTC Increases Student Government from page 3, column 1) Enroll At WMC from page 1, column 2) (Continued (Continued Commissions as the leading football poppa now Membership ... whereby each of the four fraternities f01" the concession may operate that his little girl has arrived to pal (Continued from page 1, column 5) (Continued from page 1, column 1) a given period of time. In- this way, (Continued from page 1, column 2) around with Bustin' Bill, Jr. Con- ferjng - to an engineering graduate from the class of 1940, Colonel Knepp no one fraternity will suffer from grat.~ to Mrs. A! the perennial disease, Lackajunds. visitors to the meeting's are nlwnva Bill Se-ber-t is recovering from n school, Yi-Yuan will spend one year will act as ROTC instructor. v-clccrne. . shoulder operation, the result of a '43 on the Hill studyinc mathcmnttcs The following appointments in the Part of the revenue will go to the The Freshman Club, another inno- injury. He is lost for the season. His physics, end German. grades indicated have been made in student governments to be used for the student body as a whole. vation this year. has been holding its kicking would come in handy. o Assistant Engineer the unit: Cadet Lieutenant Colonel, Important! There will be an as- meetings in McDaniel Lounge ana Carlo Ortenzi, who will be g'um' The slight, pleasant, twenty-four Carlo J. Ortenzi; Cadet Major, Don- sembly on Monday, October 20, for will continue to do so for several captain tomorrow, was the '46 boxing year-old student explains his studying ald Brohawn; Cadet Captains, Stan- the purpose of electing class officers weeks. captain. He missed ~playing in the in the United States at this time by I",y Kulakowski, Harry B. Bright, for the coming year. The senior, SCA headquarters in Old Main has first two games because of an infect- snying- there is little work for an en- A_ Knepp, Robert W. Wagner, Del- junior, and sophomore classes should Alfred been refurnished and freshly painted ed leg. gineer in China at present. "Under mar H. Warehime, Lieutenant, R. Yaglin- plan to>have a class meeting on Mon- ski; Cadet First John A. andwill be ready for use on Monday. Tilo Margarita played a lot of the conditions of civil war there is no Bradley, Norman W. Coates, Jack C. day or Tuesday (October 13 and 14) October 13. It will not only serve as guard at Gettysburg for a man with equipment and money for engineering Eccles, Alfred p, Lovelace, Charles L. to nominate people for these offices. a meeting place for discussion groups, II. bum shoulder. Maybe Ortensi and projects." A project similar to our Warner, Kenneth H. Munroe, Richard Lists of nominees are to be posted on but will provide students with an Anderson will let him rest this week. TV A was under way with American D. Pindell. the bulletin board prior to the as- interesting collection of books and List Leo Lathroum as a hard- exchange engineers, but it has been eembly. pamphlets. working gridder. Despite a swollen disbanded. Yi-Yuan has already Cadet Technical Sergeant, J. M. Don't forget the central calendar- Cadet First Leonard; Dr. Ba-adley, sponsor of the or- ankle, he insisted on attending prac- worked as an assistant engineer and ald O. Egner, Marshall Sergeants, Don- of activities for the year in the game Engle, Henry ganization, has moved to the tice every day this week, but Coach expects to return after completing his J. Muller- Cadet Staff Sergeants, room, and notice especially Home- old Aloha room, next door to the SCA Havens finally made him take a day graduate work. Eliason, Fletcher, Gruber, Keith, coming Weekend. Just won't be room. out for treatment: "The atmosphere of freedom was anything else like itl Wayne Cowan has been appointed • The Sick List apparent from the first moment I Myers, Quelch, Regan, Seemer, Win- recently to the chairmanship of Area Giannelli, Kern, and Margarita are landed in San Francisco on September frey, watson, Gale, Skvarek, and IV of the Student Christian Move- 'On the doubtful list, but it is hoped 8," he said. "Although action is not Veres. COLONIAL MUSIC CO. ment. This area includes Maryland, that they will be able to see action. restricted, there is no such freedom ,Pennsylvania, and Washington, D. C. Catholic U. packs a wallop, but of thought in my country." SMITH Be REIFSNIDER 32 W, Main St. Phone 303 The function of this area is to plan this department predicts that the Yi-Yuan speaks fluently with little Incorporated The Home of the summer conferences and to or- Green and Gold will unveil an offen- accent, but is still puzzled by the King &: Buescher Band Inst. ganize program material for rollege slang terms on the campus. Added LUMBER-COAL training conferences during the sive which will bring victory. Let's to this difficulty is the learning of WESTMINSTER, MD. EPIPHONE &: GIBSON school year. get behind those Terrors! German, a duo-language study for GUITARS Tomorrow's PrObable Lineups: him. Hammond Solovox (Ed. note: Helen and Yi-Yuan are BALTIMORE SUN PAPERS c. U. \V.MD_ two of many international students for delivery see And ALI Musical Everybody Stops In At Semperten End Cotter on campus. The others will be intro- JOHN GRUBER Accessories Fulner Tackle Paul duced to the student body at a later 'Margaret & Earl's Seoppotuolo Guard Ortenzi date.) 341 A. N. W. Phone 591 Daley Center Bush J. WM. HULL, Jeweler fo' Amadio Guard Anderson HEAGY'S Headquarters for SANDWICHES- Jenkins Tackle Corlew BARBER SHOP Compliments of Keepsake Diamonds Mulvey End Piam SOFT DRINKS Five Piesr.Class Barbers 1. W. Mather & Sons The Store of New Fashioned Prank Back Tullai Jewelry and Old Fashioned Maiuri Back Kulakowski 24 West Main St. Honesty Rhodes Back Lathroum Westminster's Department Times Building Holl Baek Corrado Store of East Main St. FOR RENT Flowers for Every Occasion Westmiruter, Md. Good Service and Values COSTUMES and FORMALS Barnes Appliance Service Stewart N. Dutterer Dorothy Elderdice Phone 793 FLORIST '-s W. Green S! BENDIX-THOR 114 Pennsylvania Ave. Run Right to WELCOME! R.C.A.-SUN BEAM Westminster, Md. Phone 350 READ'S COLLEGE STUDENTS All Work Guaranteed Phone 57 For Fine Cosmetics, Toiletries 45 E. Main Street and Drug Needs Westminster, Md. Complete Photography The Everhart Barber Shop GREETING CARDS Department .Radio-Elecrrcnic Service for MAGAZINES At The Forks ALL POPULAR BRANDS 15 E_ Main Street, OF RECORDS Fountain Pens Westminster, Md. Decca, Columbia, Victor, Compliments Ink of Assorted Colors Majestic, Capitol, etc. Blotters Needles of and Popular, Swing and Classical It Pays To Look Well Use Our Record Booth to Cardboard Hear and Choose Your BONSACK'S P. G. COFFMAN CO. Visit The Favorite Selections Radio Electronic Service SODAS LUNCHES Times Building Avenue Barber Shop 14 W. Main St. Phone 703 Where The Students Go 85 Pennsylvania Avenue CAMPBELL'S Good Health Ramo and Record Shop Welcome to Benny' 5 Kitchen To Needles, Records, and Radio All and Phonograph Supplies Where old friends meet and like t"o eat Sun. to Tues., Oct 12 to 14 Sun. to Tues., Oct. 12 to 14 From' D~p in and hear the "THE BACHELOR AND THE Technicolor Strictly home cooked food "THE VIGILANTES RETURN" NEWEST RELEASES BOBBY SOXER" Jon Hall, Margaret Lindsay REXALL Gary Grant Wed., Oct. 15 59 W. Main St., Westminster Shirley Temple, Myrna Loy Westminster 654-J Opposite Firemen's Building "THE SEA HAWK" Errol Flynn, Claude Rains Wed. and Thurs., Oct. 15 and 16 Thur. and Fr-i., Oct. 16 and 17 "ODD MAN OUT" "BULLDOG DRUMMOND AT BAY" James Mason, Kathleen Ryan "HEARTACHES" Welcome, Coeds! Westminster's Sat., Oct. 18 New Modern Drug Store The Arlcraftsman Fri. and Sat., Oct. 17 and 18 "THUNDER MOUNTAIN" Oct. 19 to 21 SIERRAS" Lillian DRUGS "SPRINGTIME IN THE Frazee Sun. to 'I'ues., RAFF" "RIFF Roy Rogers, Jane Fashion Shop SCHOOL SUPPLIES 80 East Main Street Pat O'Brien, Anne Jeffries COSMETICS Wed., Oct. 22 SODAS Opposite Post Office Sun. to Wed., Oct. 19 to 22 .. FRONTIER SCOUI' 20% Reduction on Bixler and Guild TAILOR.MADE GIFTS "WELCOME STRANGER" George Houston ,ENTIRE NEW STOCJ( Greeting Cards, Stationery Bing Crosby, Barry Fitzgerald Thur. and ~ 23 and 24 "LES lUISERABLES" for Westminster Days Drug Co. Hand-painting done Charles U:ughton, Fredric March Thurs. to Sat., Oct. 23 to 26 Sept. 25 and 26 John and Main Sts_ to order Sat., Oct. 25 "MERTON OF THE MOVIES" "PIONEER JUSTICE" Red Skelton Lash La Rue II
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