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Library i\!ll'YliJ-anco~ Wostminster J ,- BEAT . 25 YEARS DICKINSON OF THE GOLD BUG COLLEGE! PAGE 3 Z286 Vol. 25, No.4 WESTERN MARYLAND. COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD, November 14, 1947 Betty little, Robert Mathias Star In Claudia, Ten WMC Seniors WMC Celebrates Comedy Drama To Be Given November 27 In Who's Who 25th Traditional seniors Ten western Maryland outstanding Homecoming have- been selected as Rose Franken's cori'tedy drama personalities to be listed in the 1947- Clatldia has been selected as this I 48 edition of Who's Who Stu- Tomorrow, November 15, year's production to be presented Western Maryland celebrate its and Thanksgiving evening, November 27, dCl1tS in AtMJ'ican students are con- twenty-fifth annual Homecoming day, Colleges. These et 8:15 in Alumni Hall. The play is sidered on the basis of character, which was originated by President under the direction of Miss Esther scholarship, leadership in extra-cur- Albert Norman Ward in 1922._ Smith, head of the dramatic arts de- ricular activities, and their potential- The day's activities will include ft partment. ities for future usefulness to business football game, sorority and fratemity Betty Little will portray Claudia. and society. a charming, young, innocent girl The students who have earned this open house throughout the day, ana whose close emotional dependence on national honor at Western Maryland a semi-formal dance to be held in the her mother makes for her a struggle are as follows: Wayne Cowan, Ed- evening. A big pep r'ally in Alumni to break this tie and gain maturity ward Cushen, Gordon Groby, Mary Hall followed by a bonfire and a pa- enough to move freely in adult mar- Alice Hershfeld, Phyllis Houck, Stan- rade through town is scheduled for ried life. ley Kulakowski, Carlo Ortenzi, Fern t.his evening. Enacting the role of her husband, Ray, Christine Royer, and Sally Smith. Gladys Sause, by popular student David, a promising young ar-chitect, This distinction is awarded to stu- vote, has been chosen 1947 Home- will be Robert Mathias, while Chris- dents meeting the necessary qualifi- coming Queen. Miss Sause has been tine Royer will fulfill the part of cations in approximately 600 colleges a member of both l\lay and Home- Mrs. Brown, the mother. Bet-the and and universities in the United States corning courts for four years. Last Fl.-itz, the couple employed by Claudia and Canada. Those obtaining this and David, will be Marcia Kobleg ard honor are listed along with a record year, she was junior duchess on the find James Leonard. The remaining- Betty wUle Bob lIfa,tkias of their college career in the annual IIlay court. Margie Eiermnn will be roles include Ruby Stein as Madame publication of the Who's Who. A senior attendant and the court will Daruschkea, a successful opera star, review of each student's college life include .Janet Raubenheimet-, junior and Donald Bailey and Martha Adams Over 100 St,udents Funds Fall Short is sent to his local newspaper and a attendant; sophomore, Martha Scha- as Jerry Seymour and Julia Naugh- placement service is provided through effer; and freshman, Dorothy Payant. ton, respectively. Attain Dean' s List Of wSSF Goal which employers may obtain the The Terrors, who have never lost a The stage production is being head- cream of college graduates. Homecoming game, will meet Dickin- ed by Donald Bailey with Anna Hess, One hundred fifteen students, who Following is a resume of the activ- son College on Hoffa Field at 2 p. m. Solicitation for the World Student Duane Saltzgever and Martha Powell made a general average of "B" last Service Fund for 1947-48 at Western ities participated in by each of the At half time, the Homecoming Queen assisting him. semester, have attained the Dean's 'Maryland College will terminate on selected students during his four and her attendants will march across The story of the plot involves List for the fir-st, semester- of the years on the Hill. Claudia's encountering of life and her school year 1947-48, according to Miss November 18. Pledges and cash con- Wayne Cowan: a philosophy and the field with the color guard and acquiescence to the demands that liv- Mat-the E. Manahan, registrar. These tributions, however, are payable un- religion major from Baltimore. Col- present Mrs. Ensor with a bouquet of til December 2, the date of the official ing makes upon her. Like the review students are entitled to unlimited termination of the drive. lege Players with roles in The Flut- flowers. from the Chicago Journal of Com- cuts for this semester. tering Word and The Royal Family; The sororities and fraternities will merce, it is "Irresistible--a very The present senior class heads the With the campaign now well into Sunday School, secretary and men's observe open house throughout the funny play. Not a wisecrack play, list with forty-eight of its members its second week, prospects of reaching counselor; waaleyans ; Delta Pi AJpha dp.y and will provide refreshments for but one with laughter stemming from attaining this honor. They are: Ray- the $1200 campus-jroal do not appeal' fraternity, chaplain; International the many alumni who are expecte"d-~ the deep roots of living." mond Bennighof, Jean Brant, Edward too bright. Total contributions and Relations, president; Gold Bug staff; back on the Hill. The campus will be Claudia is full of deep character Cushen, Robert Dubel, William Finck pledges to date approximate only soccer team; Student Christian Asso- appropriately decorated with banner.s. study and actuality of life, and its Jay Gore, Gordon Groby, Stanley $300. ciation, chairman of Area 4 of Mid- play of family relationships, with its Kulakowski, Ernest McFadden. Rob- Last year with even a smaller en- dle AUantic Region; student govern- The day's festivities will be brought mixture of tears and laughter makes ert Mathias, John Nichols, George rollment, students at Western Msrv- ment representative; the debating to a g-rand finale by a semi-formal, for effective entertainment. Piavi.s, Millard Rice, Jesse Starkey, land College contributed nearly $1000 team; and numerous dance commit- non-corsage dance, sponsored by Hugh 'I'resselt, Albert wlldberger, to the fund, and were commended en tees. Gamma Beta Chi. Mr. William Mai- Orin Wroten; the fine spirit they exhibited. It is Edward Cushen: from Hagers- sel, and his Baltimore orchestra will Make Friends Catherine Bishop, Patricia Brown, interesting to note, however, was by town, Md. Government;' of the Men's provide the music for the affair to be Beck, that Marion Armiger, Elizabeth President even such an accomplishment Argunauts ; Student means spectacular. Greensboro With Europe Catherine Buckel, Madeline Buhrman, no Colleg a in North Carolina eontrlbuted Gold B?!g staff; state senatorial schol- held in Gill .Gymnasium, 8 to 11:45 p. m. Tickets for the occasion will Betty Chatterton, Patricia Jean arships; student assistant-Philoso- Ferris, Geraldine Frizzell, Cather-ine- an equal amount despite the fact that phy department; College Players with be $2.00, including tax, and are now To promote mutual understanding Frounfelter, Annabel Glockler, Sarah its enrollment totalled only 362 stu- roles ill Excursion and The .Qevil and on sale in McDaniel and Blanche and friendship among the young peo- Gordy, Mary Alice Hershfeld, Adc- dents. Daniel Webster: Camera Club; 'Ward offices. Admission may also be ple of countTies outside Europe and lene Hopkins, Phyllis Houck, Frances lncomplete dormitory reports for (Continued on page 6, 'column 3) paid at the door Saturday evening. those of Great Britain, Sweden, Den- Keiser, Hope Kellam, BE'tty Little, the current drive at WMC throng!l mark, Finland and Norway, two or- Barbara Morris, MildTed Ohler, Mary- November 11 are as follows: ganizations are sponsoring a system Lou Parris, Jeanne Patterson, Fern $90.0::1 of student correspondence. Ray, Christine Royer, Gladys ·Sause, 85.00 Since the students range in age 1I1ildred Shipley, Sarah Smith, Susan 65.00 from 14 to 25 years (in England from Steelman, Aileen Taylor, Hazel 17.0') 11 to 25), those interested in corres- Weeks, Dorothy Wilder. 13.01 ponding should state on a postcard The sophomore class is repl.·esenteJ No reports were available from theiT age as well as their name. ad- I:;y thirty-seven students: Thom;!s Cassell or Ward Halls. dress and interests. In this way stu- Barnes, \Valter Brewington, Freder- dents with similar ideas and inter- ick Brill, William Donahoo, Thomas ests will be matched together. Doolittle, Kenneth Haugh, .Tames WM( Has Sh'r~s In Those who wish to have pcn pals Higgins, Samuel Knepp, Herbert and to exchange ideas and c-xperiences L('ighton, Donald Lilly, John McGrew, Westminster (o·op with students of foreign countries Gruver, Charles :Mullican, may send a postcaTd to either of these William Munroe, Charles Parker, The Co-op grocery store here in secretaries: David Patten, Daniel Pinholster, Westminster, in which WMC owns For England: Miss Mable Kimber, Richard Randall, WilJam Seibert, shares, Is one of the many Con- 39 Bargery Road, CaUOTd-London SE Howard Shannon, John Silber, Floyd sumer CooperatiVe projects of the 6, England. Thomas, Simon Tullai, George Wal- kind in existence allover the nation. For Sweden, Norway, Denmark, ters; These business enterprises differ from and Finland: Mr. Kal'l Knutsson, Dorothy AlexUlldel', Virginia Arma- the more familiar type of business in 27 Lastmakareg, Stockholm. Sweden. cost, MaTion Auld, Margaret Beyer, that they are owned and operated by Miss Anna_Maria Braun has estab- Sherry Donovan, Rachel Ennis, Jane the customers they serve. lished an international conespolldence Guttmann, Ada Harde~ter, Mary The first cooperative store was be- (Continued on page 4, colulllll 5) Frances Jones, PTiscilla Lankford, g'un in Rochdale, England, by a group Betty Jean Lenz, Ruth Marsden, d weavers about a hundre:l years Elizabeth White. ago. The plan was so successful that Thirty juniors appeal" on the list: cooperatives sprang up all over Eu- James Cotter, George Coulter. Quen- rope, especially throughout England tm Day, Arnold Garrett, Shermel' and the Scandinavian countries. Garrison, Edgar Hammersla, Seyrno\1l Though Ehe idea was slow to take today it has fi- Sixteen beautiful photographs of Lemeshaw, James Leonard, Aloysious root in our country, stage where one· the reached nally Western Maryland Ualone, Jerold Mann, James Ogoien, Charles Rahter, Frank Stephen!\Oll, sixth of all the farm. supplies pur- Loose-leaf style memorandum book Fletcher Ward; chased in America are handled by Ideal as gift for student, professor, Elizabeth Amos, NinitaltoBarkman, consumer cooperatives. dietician or dean Marguerite Clossman, Jean Cohen, The Co-op stores follow what are Cost $1.00 per book Audrey Dixon, Irma Eney, Anna today known as the Rochdale princi- Englar, Carol Krebs, Helen Miles, ples. Anyone may become a member Wil! be on sale November 15 Dorothy RUpeTt, Carolyn Sapp, Louise by buying one or more shares in the Contact Della Grauel or any Gold Sapp, Jean Sause, Barbara Sowers, business. Each stockholder has one Bug staff member Mary Anne Thomas, Virginia Wal- vote regardless of the number of Gladys Sause, Homecoming Queen, 191,7 tel's. (Continued on page 4, column 5)
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