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FASHION POLL BEAT PAGE 2 CATHOLIC UI Z286 Vol. 25, No.2 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, M~. October lO, 1947 ROTC Totals SCA- Organizes Students From Sweden And China Enr~lIed 160 Members In Commissions One of the main issues of the first At Western Maryland College For '47-'48 This year's R.O.T.C. unit will be meeting of the SCA on October 1 prepared to march in review for the concerned the formation of the four "What I like best about Western student body by the end of October. new commissions: Faith and Cbrie- Maryland College is the nature," said That is the prediction of Colonel tian Heritage, .Pereonat Relatio1Ul Helen Beth Lijidahj, of Katrinehoim, Smith as he emphasized the drill im- and Campus AffairB, World Related- Sweden. "I would like to remember provement, From ninety-two men ness, and Social Responsibility. Stu- always my first impression of the last June, the unit has increased to dents were invited to sign up for the campus at sunset." tbe present number of 160, including group in which they were most in- Helen took advantage of all ex- fourteen veterans from the senior terested. change scholarship to study in the class and eleven veterans from the The following students volunteered United States for a year. Although junior class. Following last year's their services: World Relatednes/J: she is not preparing herself for a procedure, drill instructions through- Jackie Clemett, chairman, Eva Mae particular career, she wants to learn out entire drill periods are given by Davis, Charlotte Goodrich, James Og- everything she can about our coun- the juniors and seniors. den, Shirley Clark, Miriam Simmons, try, our people, and our lnnuage. Advanced status of the unit mav Anne Lockey, Helen White, Jane Her schedule at WMC includes be due in part to the six weeks train- Lianos; Social Responsibility: Vir- English composition, English lang- ing that the men received this sum- ginia Dodd, chairman, Tom Sands, uage, reading, Spanish, Americau art, mer at Fort Meade where they were Walter McJilton, Ted Quelch, Jack and dramatic art. given demonstration lectures by the Ammon, Paul Kaetzel, Nancy Haskin, and Jager The Swedish school system has famous 82nd Airborne Division and Dorothy Shindle, Barbara Dodd, provided Helen with a sound eduea- the 3rd Cavalry. Out of a group q.f Joyce Parker, Betty Ammon; Campus tional background. After attending fourteen from WMC, all students and Personal Affairs~ Phyllis Weaver Exams To Be Given elementary school for the required qualified on the oifle range and and Wayne Cowan, chairmen, Anna six years, she completed four years eleven made Expert Rifleman. Also, Hess, J eb Brant, Anita Rowan, Dut Yi-Yuan Yu • For GraduateWork of intermediate school, and went on with the help of six WMC men the Scott, Edith Sanner, Millicent Hill- for three years more of what cor- Company B softball team won ROTC yard, Jane Guttmann, "I'ed Quelch, Graduate record examinations will responds roughly to our high school. Clarke, IReT 0 Feature Talk, 2nd Army Championship. Madge Franklin, Evelyn Eisenberger, be given this month to determine Each student who passes the exami, A new figure in the military this Eleanor Nettleship, Peggy medical aptitude and to-measure gen- nation given at the end of this time Lois year will be Lieutenant Colonel Peggy Buhrman, Joe Lacount, Gerry Films On Sweden eral education. receives a white student cap, trimmed Knepp. A Western Maryland alumnus Sauter; ChriBtian Heritage: On October 25, at 8:45 a. rn., the with Sweden's colors, blue and yellow. (Continued on page 4, column 4) Ackerman, chairman, Clarab_eUe Bla- Professional Aptitude Test of the He may go on to the university next, ney, Mary Dodd, Betty Funk, Betty Helen Lindahl, exchange student Association of American Medical if he chooses. Notice To Veterans Jane Groby, Ed Hammer-ala, Nancy from Sweden, will speak on her na- Colleges is scheduled. The Graduate • Course of Study at the first meeting of tive country Haskin, Haskii't, Jim Lines, Lillian George Pferdeort, Fern Ray, Julia the International Relations Club on Record Examination, a test of eight The high school offers three courses Each Wednesday during October Whorton and Ed Wright .• Monday, October 20. fields, will be administered on Oc- of study: science, for which one must from 2 to 4 p. m., Mr. Ketchens, a tober 27 and 28. read English j modern languages, Since she will also show films on representative of the Veterans' Ad- Each committee met individually Sweden, the meeting will be held in Only bona fide applicants for the which also requires English; and a ministration, will be at the Admina.. Wednesday evening, October 8, to Room 203 of Science Hall. All mem- 1948 freshman class in medical col- combination of classics and modern n-ation Building to confer with any discuss its future work. It is hoped bers of the faculty and student body leges may take the Professional Ap- languages, which requires both Latin veteran. that this new commission system win are invited to attend. titude Test. This test is required by and French. Helen took the latter In addition to this, a representative enable the SCA to accomplish mON! all schools and it is advisable to take course, her subjects including- Swed- of the Maryland Veterans' Commis- in all phases of campus life. The Jeff Smith and June Smith have it as soon as possible to avoid the ish literature and language, world sion will be at the Maryland State commissions will hold meetings every recently been appointed to carryon risk of the results received at a med- history, history of religion, philos- chairman Employment Office, Times Building, first and third Wednesday of the the duties of program respectively, and ical school after admissions are ophy, Latin, German, French, Eng- publicity ac- chairman, Westminster, on Friday of each week month. Everyone is urged to join cording to the president, Mary Todd. closed. It will be given again on lish, physical education, and drawing. from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. to advise and one of the commissions; however, February 2, 1948. Applications may She graduated from the school at aid in obtaining veterans' benefits. (Continued on page 4, column 1) Membership in the IRC is open to be had from Dr. Sanford in room 210 Nor-rkcping- in 1946 and entered everyone wishing to attend its meet- in Science Hall. They must be filled business school for one year. For ings on the first and third Monday of out and filed with wMC not later three years during the war Helen was Presie/ent fe/ware/ Cushen Reports every month. The highlights of these than two weeks in advance of the an airplane observer. She usually meetings will be addresses by capable date. testing On Stue/ent Government Activities speakers. Graduate Record Examination for the on spends her summers on a farm. the registration Although • Always Busy Plans for the rest of the year in- clude the annual football dance and "At home," she declares, "I am by Ed Cushen attendance at the Model World Court October 27 was closed on October 9, always busy." Among her hobbies the examination is administered four The freshman chant of "Dear charge-get in the competition just Convention at the College of Notre times. a year. It will be given in are horseback riding, reading, draw- ing, swim- and skiing, ice skating, Western Maryland" on Wednesday for the fun of it. Partners in the Dame in Baltimore. The convention February, May and August. Unlike ming. afternoon must have startled you out card games, and singles for ping will take place on November 15, and the Professional Aptitude Test, it Because she has always wanted to of a bit of lethargy, as it did us. Our pong. The application lists are post- the subject will be that of the Russo- may be taken more than once. Seven travel, Helen was glad to have this only hope is that the voices will be ed in the game room, and have just Turkish question of the Dardanelles. areas of study and an advanced test opportunity of coming to America. in proper working condition for the about enough room for your signa- in the major subject compose the The Norwegian passenger boat on pep assembly Friday night and the ture. French Club To Give examination. These are. biology, which she crossed the Atlantic left game with Catholic University on Bob Gemmill is looking into the physics, chemistry, mathematics, so- Sweden on August 26, arriving in this Saturday. pcssibtlittes of installing drinking Two Skits In French cial studies, literature, fine arts, and country about three weeks ago. After Now for the seniors. . When they fountains in the buildings. No in- the verbal factor. disembarking, she "deed" New York began theu- jchnpe] !expeiecocea at formation available on that score yet, On Monday, October 13, the first A fee of $5.00 is required for the City. Having spent some time already Western Maryland, the wise-looking but we promise to keep you informed. meeting of Le Cercle Francais will Professional Aptitude 'I'est. This is in neighboring Norway, Helen plane seniors filed out at the end of the Jean Cohen and Bobby Lee will be take place in McDaniel Lounge at 7 to be paid on the testing date and to to see as much as possible of Europe service before the more impetuous the Western Maryland delegate and p.m. be in the form of a check or money. in the future. underclassmen. Not only was the alternate at the regional meeting of After a business meeting, an enter- For the Graduate Record Examina- procedure more orderly, but Alumni the National Student Association this tainment program will follow. Two tion a fee of $5.00 is also required • Chinese Student Hall was vacated in a shorter period weekend. The meeting, to be held at skits, L'IUustre du Pinehel and La upon filing the application form. For three years Yi-Yuan Yu has of time. Since, therefore, the seniors Dunbarton College in Chevy Chase, Cruche Cas/Jee will be enacted by October 18 and 19 at a camp near been waiting to utilize a Western will not honor us with their presence should furnish some useful informa- French Club members. A French Westminster. Maryland scholarship. It was not un- next year, we propose that starting tion about the national movement. community song, " Pleurez, nes til he had obtained his bachelor's de- this Sunday night, we let them move The managership of the refresh- event," will be sung by Dorothy Ru- We.ley.nelle. Plan gree from the Tientsin University out of chapel first. ment 'ccnceesions during the sports pert. that he was allowed to leave China. Don't forget the pep assembly on season has been placed under the gui- The gTOUp will hold its meetings Weekend Retreat At Tientsin he received his degree his Friday night, and let's begin getting dance of the student governments this in McDaniel Lounge on the second Under the direction of Mrs. Lloyd ~n civil two engineering. However, spent were college years first in shape for the Homecoming Game year. A plan has been arranged Monday of each month. The follow- M. Bertholf, their adviser, the Wes- and Weekend. Plans for making (Continued on page 4, column 5) ing officers have been chosen: presi- leyanettes are making plans for a studying electrical engineering at Homecoming, 1947, the biggest dem- dent, Christine Royer, vice-president, retreat to be held the week-end of Chiao Tung University. Before trans- onstrati6n of college spirit in the James Cotter, and treasurer, John The girls will leave the campus (Continued on page 4, column 3) history of the school are well under Bradley. after lunch on Saturday, October 18, way. The student who doesn't re- The club is making several plana accompanied by. Mrs. Bertholf and S~rority Alumni Hop member that day will have been both Tickets are now available in Mc- for the year. The annual Christmas Mrs. Paul Schilling. Discussions, deaf and blind. At least! Daniel Hall office for the concert program which includes favorite recreation, and worship services are Set For November 8 Paul Kaetzel has been named chair- to be given by the Albeneri Trio Yuletide folk songs and carols will be on the program for the weekend, dur- man of the Saturday night program on October 28. held on December 15... No date has ing which plans for the coming year The Intersorority Council has an- committee, and guided a most suc- The trio includes violin, celio, yet been set for a midwinter bridge will be formulated. All members are nounced an Intersorority Alumni cessful dance last weekend. Sue and piano. The performance is and bingo party. urged to attend. Dance on November 8, to be held in Dixon is chairman of the constitution scheduled for 8:15 p. m. in Alumni In keeping with tradition, the club The primary purpose of the or- the Edmondson Community Hall in committee for the student govern- Hall. will again dramatize another dassi- ganization is to bring together those Edmondson Village, Baltimore. ments, which hope to have the re- The cost of the tickets for stu- girls who ar~ interested in some No tickets will be sold for the af- Garden. in vised document ready for your in- dents is included in the activities cal play repertoire Robinson included The phase of Christian life work, such as fair, which will last from nine to one. Two dollars per couple will be col- or missionary has teaching the work. The past s~ection and discussion soon. fee, and they are not transferable. works of Moliere, Rostand, and Maet- group welcomes all who wish to join lected at the door.• Formal dress is The tournaments for bridge, pin- Outsiders may obtain tickets at erlinck. Several addresses by noted their fellowship. They meet every optional. ochle, and ping pong addicts will be McDaniel Hall at $1.20. Frenchmen are also on the year's other Saturday evening at the home All Western Marylanders are wel- shoved to an early start. No entry agenda. of Mrs. Bertholf.