Page 6 - TheGoldBug1947-48
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The Gold Bug, Oct. 10, 1947 Milestones library Has Books College Calendar d!o.wJ.'lfGWJ, OF Varied Interest by Saturday, October 11- by Barbara Sowers A Couple of wheels Catholic U. vs. WMC, Hoffa Field, 2 p. m. SchooL Spella? For students who have that valu- Informal dance, Gill Gym, able commodity, "spare time," there There has been a growing aware- and increased expenditures. They 8-11 p. m. is an interesting and widely varied ness of a subversive trend spreading felt the whole affair to be a com- Western Maryland has grown selection of books which has recently Sunday, October 12- in size this year; it is the aim been added to the shelves of the li- throughout the campus. munistic plot upon their personal - Sunday School, Dr. Ber- and the hope of the student gov- brary. • At first it was merely little .thinga: capital. "It would be better if the tholf, Baker Chapel, 9 :15 ernments that it may grow in two biology instructors were seen let- clothing induatr-y did aomethine about college spirit. In Atomic Power and MOTal Faith tJng down the hems oftheirlnbcoa!_s; the baby diaper situution," said one Chapel, Dr. Holthaus, And yet the impossible way the author, T. V. Smith. of the Uni- one football coach was discovered bitter veteran. Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. versity '0 achieve this is to approach a philosophy of Chicago, builds a -sturdy shaving hia legs in preparation fOT • Communists? of ccurnae upon founded student and instruct him to shorter slacks; a sophomore girl One mystic was found in the Grille Monday, October 13- "Hnve spirit." The techniques "the knowledge of fna!' an-i +op-i." bloke her knee as she tried to step practicing the active annihilation of French Club, Me Daniel by which an increase of spirit The life work of St. Paul has ex- into a taxi. So, in a scientific man- a triple chocolate milkshake. "Never Lounge, 7 p. m. may be brought about, however, ercised a profound influence on the ner we are going to get to the bot- notice women's clothes!" he snapped Wednesday, October 15- peoples of the earth for more than seem so simple that they are al- eighteen centuries. St. Paul, written tom of this. and curved himself into another di- SCA, 7 p. m. most childish in content. Unless This is at the request of a Mr. Ted mension." the college and the Hill are an by Arthur D. Neck, enables the read- Malone. He wrote us a personal let- Radicalism is not confined to the Saturday, October 18- integral part of the thoughts er to see St. Paul as a man and as a tel', mimeographed on very nice pa- males, however. A rabid sophomore, Washington College writer in the context of his times. WMC, away, 2 p. and feelings of a student, he can The Secret of VictOrioWl Livi?lg, by per, asking our help in conducting a Helen L. Sommerovich, in McDaniel Ill. hardly be said to entertain any Harry Emerson Fosdick, is a series survey. As we're both in the writing Hall, is planning to invade the Sunday, October 19- real "spirit." of sermons on Christianity today. It racket-he has a few pages in the campus in sheer red hose. Orders Sunday School, Dr. Ber- The actual means for provid- was members of the congregation of Good Housekeeping Magazine and a from Moscow are on the way! tholf, Baker Chapel, 9:15 ing a stimulus to such growth CBS radio prog-ram, "Between the When questioned, the Aloha editor, Church, York, New and might be conveniently grouped Riverside of the radio audienee who Bookends"-we agreed to help him Marie Aleece Kallikuk (Aloha 1875), members into four categories, for pur- encouraged the writing of this sec- out. stated that the new length was not Monday, October 20- poses of discussion. (1) Aid al- ond book of Dr. Fosdick's ser-mons. • Representative Group long enough. "I'm aick and tired of Soccer, Franklin and Mar- ready existing activities, and For more pleasure reading there We selected a representative group having to put on shoes before going shall College, home. keep the students informed. (2) is Flight of the Swan, a novei based of 150 students. In order to pick out." Camera Club. Help maintain as high as pos- on the life of Hans Christian Ander- those with social awareness, we eta- The Gold Bug staff disapproved, sible the living conditions. (3) sen. and written by Margaret Ann tloned our interviewers at strategic but declined to comment. They even Wednesday, October 22- Emphasize the fact that West- HUbbard. More truly biog-raphical is pcin ts-c-in a pocket of the pool table, declined to work this week. As a SCA, 7 p. m. ern Maryland spirit can become The Red Prussian, the life and legend around the juke box, and in the Grille. matter of fact, we haven't seen them Friday, October 24- a living and shining quality on of Karl Marx. This footnoted work Here are the results: since Mr. Malone's letter arrived. As Soccer at U. of Delaware. the Hill. (4) Draw the attention is by Leopold Sehwarzschild and was Question: Do yo'u like the new Ed Pillow, Men's Representative in of the outside world to the beau- translated from the German by Mar- feminine style trend? charge of Undermining Morale, had ties of the Western Maryland garct Wing. No Opln- not told them of this movement, they tradition. Dealing with the varied aspects of Pro Con Moderation iO:1 were entirely unprepared. Romance 'n Stuff (1) Both curricular and ex- the life, art, traditions, archeology, ,JIJen 8 31 9 1 • Effect On Industry tra-curricular activities fre- and history of the complex Isthmus women 35 26 39 0' A mature, intellectual attitude is, More Western Marylanders are quently are under-patronized of Tehuantepec is the book Mexico nevertheless, . very evident on the because they could have been Sm~th, by Miguel Covarrubias. ... Totals 43 57 48 campus. It was pointed out by an apparently adapting their theoretical more adequately advertised. It Prints and /mpressio'/Ul 0/ Charles- There it is! You might as well say earnest junior. that a similar situa- sociology courses into practical chan- is the hope of the student gov- ton is a volume of forty-eight etch- good-bye to the American leg. Look- tion started the downfall of the Holy nels. As a tribute to Dr. Earp and Dan Cupid the Gold Bug is continu- ernments that assistance be of- ings by. Elizabeth O'Neill Verner. ing at the moderation coifnt, it prob- Roman Empire. A senior, Phyllis ing the list of recent marriages and fered any activity which may The author and artist has succeeded ably won't be this season-but it's Phunctional, vouchsafed the informa- engagements. find itself in need of a boost. We in recording with warmth and sin- coming. Well, fellows, you wanted tion' that the new tr('nd will put 3,· expect to fill any Saturday night cerity much of the beauty-natural girls to be like grandmother! 984,743 silkworms into non-pr-oducttve Married couples:. program which has not been al- as well as man-made-c-of her charm- • Humanitarian View hbor and upset the entire economic Betty Hussy and Bill Oberin lotted to any organization on ing eity. 1\105t of the opinions, howeven, field. Jean McDowell and Ralph Barrett the Hill with a dance or variety were neither definitely for or against, The consensus of feminine opinion Ethel hart Dunning and Gladden Brill- . program, and at as nominal a but were qualified ill many ways. was that the longer length was ac- price as possible. This move is know about it. We are in the The extreme length was frowned eeptable for dress and New York Gerry Mann and Priscilla Smith not calculated to prevent other process of appraising the desir- upon; a few inches (very few) below City, but out of place in school and Those at the bann-publishing stage: , -organizations from planning ability of working with the Na- the knee was O. K.'d. One humani- sport styles. Marian Beck and Fred Osing Saturday night affairs, but tional Student Association Con- tarian disapproved of the material Masculine ideas were summed up Jean Stein and "Buck" Benson merely to be sure that there is gress. When more information waste. but stated that he didn't care by the WMC candiqate for the Lenin Eunice Evans and Robert Buzby something to attract attention is available, it will be brought to how long the dresses were at the chair of Classics, Dr. C. Augustus Annabel Glockler and Stan Peter- over weekends. the attention of the student hemline if they wcre proportionately- Kallikuk, in the statement: "Minor .on (2) Help your student gov~ body for discussion and appro- lower at the neckline. gerunt nelioT ... '" Or, in the words Betty Miller and Jack Lechliter ernmcnts keep living conditions priate action. Comments were varied and expres- of Anonymous: Betty Powell and George Norman on a high plane by reporting to Therefore, with your assist- "Back and side, go bare, go' bare, Martha Powell and Donald Lloyd us any suggestions fQr improve- ance, we can make our life on sive. An English teacher, who shall Both foot and hand go cold . Helen Miles and Bob Dubel J. Donald (Professor ment of dormitory life. Nine the. Hill more meaningful. If we be nameless believed that, like a ser- Vishinsky and Caleb O'Conner were Sorry, the list is still incomplete. Nameless), hundred heads should be able to exercise an optimum of discre- mon, skirts should be long enough to una.vailable for comment, but we are As soon as the scout recovers from find potential improvements bet- tion in our judgments, the stu- expecting it momentarily. diamond blindness, the survey will ter than nine. dent body will automatically be- covel' the subject and short enough continue. (3) No spirit can grow where ('orne increasingly autonomous. to be interesting. "Vhich prove •• omdk;IIU· However, the fields of study and Rod addre"" there is no starting spark, just The student governments will Echoing a voice instructor. also 'Name to the ,Ve,tll\;n",cr delivered Light upon So('icty requ&Bt work are limitless as WMC alumni ;JS osks do not grow from n011- try to remember its gORIs, but nameless (Professor A. Winfield 'Being" moth nnd.r.hemistry mojor, sbeh ... l'eports show. At the International else to do. nothing (>yistent acorns. Western Mary- your help is indispensable to Nameless), the majority of married "Vh;!~ap;:- .•nSI,,(ed mean.: 00. mo .., ,IU House in New York Shizu Yama- )alld spirit· begins with the heir being effected. males voted against the new styles 'English 201, guchi is putting her soeiology to good fT1Nlll1 in your eye when you use. Margaret Statler, former editor 1~s~s