Page 12 - TheGoldBug1947-48
P. 12
The Gold Bug, Oct. 24, 1947 Robert St. John Inauguration Soccer .••. Pencil Shavings ,-Continued from page 2, column 3) To Give Lecture president of Syracuse University. (Continued f"lOmpage 3, column 5) by (Continued from page 2, column 4) little Motivation Smith, who writes (Continued from page 1, column 5) Line play has been marked of DePauw University and effective At High School president Edwin Holt Hughes, former weakness they in nave been passing, al- bawk "chances" for a new auto- symbolist poetry and philosophy pa- Next pers to earn her daily bottle. mobile; a bulboW! cluster surrounds though improving Bishop a popular Western Maryland speaker, regularly. Linemen include Fletcher a television SCreen in a eedtc store year she is scheduled for a seminar Incentive psych course little with A top-flight reporter, a sound will deliver the address. Following Ward, outside left Ernie McFadden, display window. "What will they Sanford. . analyst and interpreter of the news the address, Bishop James H. inside left Kelly Rice, and George think of next?" an old man com- Then there's the brief bulletin is Robert St. John, who will appear Straughn, President of the Board of Winfrey, who has been' alternating ments. about the five new buildings designed on November 4, at Westminster High Trustees, will officially induct Presi- at center forward, inside right Doug From under the gaudy tier of color- by Frank Lloyd Wright for Florida School. dent Ensor. President Ensor's in- Beakes, and Ken Volkart, who is ably ed bulbs blinkfrig out a double fea- Southern College. Don't you think augural address and a benediction by holding his own at outside right. ture program, a long thread of hu- For the greater part of 1947, Rob- the Western Maryland students should ert St. Jolin revisited a majority of Bishop Flint will conclude the pro- George Hankins and "Pudge" Bruner man sponges wavers uneasily in the mull this over before the commission the twenty-nine countries he covered gram. have been seeing action quite reg- surrounding current,' waiting for for the new library is given over to so brilliantly during his career as a A reception by President and Mrs. ularly. their turn to sop the fitful images the Gettysburg designers? war cor respondent, He is a represen- Ensor will be held in McDaniel Hall Center halfback Joe Thompson di- floating in the distance of the dark- Hoodwinked are ye, tative of the magazine ;47 and a for- Lounge at noon. There will be a re- rects the halfbacks, while Jim Hack- ened chamber. Dribbles of the hyp- The paper's not real. eign correspondent for an indepen- ceiving line and everyone will be man is his right hand man at right notic music leak through the intermit- It's all in your mind, to meet t1le dentderrt radio net-work which carried given the opportunity halfback and Homer Earll holds the tent swinging of the metal covered Just a Berkeley ideal . his short wave broadcasts from New .president and his wife. lcit flank down. Harry Christopher doors., So I sit alone on the floor of my home York to California. A luncheon, at 1 p. m. in the col- and Pete Callas have also seen action. Out-of-town wives huddle in Too brillig, you see, to set the truth In the winter of 1944·45 he watched lege dining room, will conclude the Fullbacks Walt Sibiski and Crecen little wads along the walk, startling free. Greetings by rep- the dying struggles of the Nazis from day's activities. of the various groups Brewer have furnished goalie Jack passing friends with sudden ree- presentatiives vantage points in England and attending will follow the meal. Roger Spicknall with all the protection ognitions. Homecoming Qu£~n France, and at the same time pro- they have been capable of and have Outside, on the street corners, duced his first novel written against J. Whiteford of Washington, D. C., been eighty-eight minute men as have p'atient devotees of the Word survey (Continued from page 1, column 1) a background of war, It's Always will serve as toastmaster. Sally been most of the other players, since the frivolity of life, and offer mute at-arms. gov- Smith and Ed Cushen, student Tomllrl"lIw. ernment heads, will also address the the squad lacks substitute strength. mandates from the Master-the latest Nominations for the Homecoming Escaping from Greece on the last gathering. Women's Sports issue of the Watchtower-while the Queen will be made in the dining hall British evacuation ship, St. John ar- Since such an event rarely takes object of their clement pity scurries at noon on Tuesday, October 28, it rived in England to become NBC's place in college history, it is hoped (Continued from page 3, column 3) by, pretending not to see. But certain- was announced by the student gov- London commentator. He worked in that as many people as possible will Ellen Hess, Jane Babylon, Alice ly their courage for trying will re- ernment. The four girls receiving a munitions factory, helped dig air be on hand to see the formal induc- Year-ley, Doris JOiner, Elizabeth Lin- form the ways of men. the highest number of- nominations raid victims from the ruins of Can- tion of their president. Tickets for ton, and Peggy Kerns. Gradually, like the dirt-crusty, will be voted on by the entire student terbury, went down into the mines, the ceremonies in Alumni Hall may The schedule for this program is tenacious snows of late spring before body. Only senior women will be eli- and flew with the RAF over the be obtained by the student body from posted below. It is regretted that be- the sun, the gum-and-spit-spattered gible for this honor. North Atlantic. Dean Schofield during office hour; on cause of this pJan, the originally street is emptied before the nacreous Individual class meetings will be Robert St. John is probably the Saturday, October 25. Special car scheduled game with Gettysburg had dawn. The watchman in his little called later next week for the selec- only man in the world with scars on stickers have been sent to the invited to be cancelled. . cubicle by the rail-road crossing hails tion of an attendant from each class. one leg from Chicago's gangster, AI guests, as all other automobiles will Lists of the intramural teams will the morning freight, and sees that Be thinking about possible candidates. Capone, and a bullet in the other be prohibited on the campus. be posted with the schedule for those night has come and gone-again. from Europe's gangster, Hitler. games on the gym bulletin board, to- a leave of absence In 1932, with from his duties as city editor of the Milestones .•• day or Monday. Monday also starts SHEET MUSIC as class teams, a week of practice Associated Press in New York, he (Continued from page 2, column 1) and after a week of such practice, Compliments of POPULAR-STANDARD retired to a farm in New Hampshire are the only chance we have to the tournament will be started. where he devoted himself to writing prepare ourselves. The course T. W. Mather & Sons CLASSICAL and to the scientific breeding of is uncharted, but opportunities Choose from a Large Selection chickens. abound. There is at least one Caution! St. John is a popular contributor activity on this campus that will Westminster's Deparnnent . COLONIAL MUSIC CO. to such leading magazines such cas interest everybody. We can To eliminate loss of laundry Store of Colliers, Liberty, American, CIIEmW~ practice to be leaders (or fol- cases, sender will please inclose ~4 W. Main St.. Phone 386-} plllita1f, Coronet, Reader's Digest, lowers) here in our own college card inside of the ease contain- Good Service and Valuea Town and Country, and such out- community, which after all, is a ing the names and addresses of standing English newspapers as the miniature world. the sender and the addressee. London Daily Express and Sunday -THE EDITOR. Fra.nk P. MytT8, Exp;.ess. ActinQ' P08tnuuter. His first book, From the Land of Run Right to WELCOME! People, is the graphic story READ'S HEAGY'S of the four terrible weeks which fol- Coffman Stationery BARBER SHOP COLLEGE STUDENTS lowed his tlight from Belgrade. HIS For Fine Cosmetic" Toiletriea novel, It's Always Tomorrow, is an Five First-Class Barbers and Drug Needs The Everhart Barber Shop· exciting and authentic portrait of a HALLOWE'EN CARDS 24 West Main St. Complete Photography European war correspondent. and Deparnnent At The Forks PARTY ACCESSORIES 15 E. Main Street, SMITH 8< REIFSNIDER Flowers for Every Occasion We!tmiruter, Md. Incorporated Order your personal LUMBER-COAL Christmas Cards Now Stewart N. Duttercr WESTMINSTER. MD. FLORIST It Pays To Look Well 114 Pennsylvania Ave. Visit The Everybody Stops In At Barnes Appliance Service Phone 350 Avenue Barber Shop Margarel & E.rl's Phone 793 BENDIX-THOR Where The Students Go R.C.A.-SUN BEAM 85 Pennsylvania Avenue SANDWICHES- AU Work Guaranteed CAMPBELL'S SOFT DRINKS 45 E. Main Street Westminster, Md. Radio and Record Shop Needles, Records, and Radio FOR RENT Compliments and Phonograph Supplies COSTUMES and FORMALS Fri. and Sat., Oct. 24 and 25 Friday, Oct. 24 of in and hear the "LES MISERABL.ES" Dorothy Eld£rdice Drop "MERTON OF THE MOVIES" Fredric March Charles Laughton BONSACK'S NEWEST RELEASES Red Skelton Virginia O'Brien 75 _W. Green St. Sat., Oct. 25 Westminster, Md. Sun. to 'I'uea., Oct. 26 to 28 "PIONEER JUSTICE" SODAS LUNCHES Opposite Firemen's Building Lash Larue AI St. John Phone 57 "UNFINISHED DANCE" Margaret O'Brien Danny Thomas Sun. to Tues., Oct. 26 to 28 '"THEY WON'T BELIEVE ME" Robert Young Susan Hayward Wed., Thurs., Oct. 29 and 30 "LOST HONEYMOON" Wed., Oct. 29 Welcome to "FRONTIER FURY" Good Health • The Artcraftsman Franchot Tone Anne Richards Charles Starrett Benny's Kitchen To Fri. and Sat., Oct. 31, Nov. 1 Thurs. and Fr-i., Oct. 30 and 31 "LIFE 80 East Main Street "BLACK GOLD" William Powell WITH FATHER" Irene Dunne Where old friends meet All Opposite Post Office Anthony Quinn Elyse Knox Sat., Nov. 1 and like to eat "FLASHING GUNS" From TAILOR·MADE GIFTS Sun. to Tues., Nov. 2 to 4 Johnny Mack Brown Strictly home cooked food "SONG QF LOVE" Greeting Cards, Stationery Paul Henreid Sun. to Tues., Nov. 2 to 4 59 W. Main St., Westminster REXALL Hand-painting done Katherine Hepburn Ted Donaldson Robert Paige "RED STALLION" Westminster 654- J to order Wed. and 'I'hura., Nov. 5 and 6 Wed., Nov. 5 "THE ADVENTURESS" "THE OUTLAW" Deborah Ker-r Raymond Humphrey George Houston
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