Page 10 - TheGoldBug1947-48
P. 10
The Gold Bug, Oct. 24, 1947 Milesiones Ed Cu.hen Boy Wonder Letters , Carpe Diem! To The Editor As college students we have been told from time to time that By Ruby Stein To whom it may concern: we are to be the" leaders of to- The Alumni Association has es- morrow." That's a high-sound- In the pandemonium that some peo- for a "soon to be written" book. tablished what it calls "Class Me- ing phrase-rather trite from ple call the lunch hour in th~ Grille, P1'actical Gold Brick for All Army morials" for individual classes. These being bandied about so much, a small voice could be heard coming PJ'ivl.Ltes, or How to Goof on All Sorts Class Memorials are made up of but carrying with it connota- from the center of a group of wav- of Details. He is now working on amounts contributed by individuals tions of great responsibility. ing arms and nodding heads. Sud- plans for a PrMtical Gold Brick [or or by classes as groups. The money What wonders do people ex- denly a momentous silence ... then All College Students. so raised is administered by the pres- pect from us after we leave this .... "Yes, the Gamma Bets have Along with a quick sense of humor, ident and treasurer of the college, institution of learning? Just gone long-haired. We have an Ed has a great appreciation of the being used to make small loans to the mere fact of our having album of Beethoven in the club- more serious things in life. His de- students of proven worth, after they gone to college will not prepare room." And who was this venerable sire and ambition is to be a philoso- have been here long enough to have us for such a task, and there are gage? None other than our favorite phy teacher, and a good one at that. established a standing. These loans no courses listed in the cata- president of the Student Government, Those of you who are taking or being are repaid and the money thus be- logue on " How to be a Leader Ed Cushen. Ed was engaged in an- taken by Dr. Holthaus's philosophy comes available to help student after of Tomorrow." What shall we swering questions tossed at him about courses may remember a class con- student as the years go on. do? a proposed Fred Waring program, ducted by "Professor". Cashen. And For the convenience of those who The first step to be taken in the Homecoming dance, the new stu, u good job he did. wish to make small contributions the matter is one advocated by dent constitution, and accidentally, a Cush wants to teach philosophy as anonymously, class jars have been Socrates: "Know thyself." Shall few iersonal questions slipped in by Edward Cushen "an organized approach and attitude placed in the book store in which we take a look? It won't be your reporter. to life." After he takes his master's such contributions may be placed. It pleasant. "I come from Hagerstown," he eratown and came to WMC in 1943 degree and his Ph. D., this philos- is suggested that those who wish to Our besetting sin is indiffer- said, "and incidently J have a mother, on a scete :scholarship. His intro- opher hopes to teach at a college or make contributions of more than one ence. For some reason we have father, and a sixteen-year-old sister. duction to our fair college was fresh, university, interspersing his teach. dollar bring their contributions to become so concerned with our Also a cat that eats cantaloupe." He man initiation .... one night spent ing with trips abroad in order to the desk in order to have them per- own individual worlds that we seemed p-ained that no one recognized in sleeping on bare bedsprings, ann study the oriental philosophies at first sonalized on the cash book. cannot see beyond them--or the cat as a genius. It took a little another spent in tramping through hand. Eventually, while working in This is a worthwhile project. It has don't want to, which amounts to gentle prodding to find out that his swamps. But undaunted, Gush crawled conjunction with a college, Ed would helped a large number of students in ..... the same thing. Well, then, let's earliest memory concerns an after- through the first few days of his like to organize a school in which he the past and some 'Western Mary- get some" school spirit"! noon spent at his aunt's home. It freshman year to arise a triumphant, would instruct children in the arts landers add a little to their Class We've heard so much about seems that little Ed declared total if somewhat battered, "frosb". How- and sciences as the tie-up with phil- Memorial every year. You are invited that rather nebulous quantity war on her garden, and spent his ever, Ed had to leave school in '44 osophy. His idea is based on his be, to participate in this worthwhile lately that we are sick and tired time in annihilating her pr-ize tulips. as a favor to that familiar institu- lief that a good philosophy of life is movement. of it. What does it mean, any- Much to his surprise he was taken tion, the United States Army. Much based on a solid background of the T. K. HaT?"i8on way? A few yells at a football ho~e in somewhat of a hurry. of his G.!. career was spent in the classic beauty as a knowledge of the Executive Secretary gamer' That's what cheer lead- Cush went through school in Hag- Aleutians, where he drew up plans natural and scientific phenomena. ers are for: let them yell. Al- lowing the seniors to go out first from chapel and assemblies? Pencil Shavings College Calendar We want to get out just as much as they do. First come, first By Leon Stover Friday,' October 24- serve! Maybe you mean this by Soccer at University of new idea about bringing WMC Super-Sloth, the Snooper Sleuth What does Saturday night mean to Delaware to the rest of the nation. Nat- you? A date ..._study? Saturday, October 25-- urally, we want to have Fred Since my last daring expose on this things are depressing, but we must You move through your accustomed Professional Aptitude Test Waring come here and to be campus I have been taking a much occasionally peep out from OUr Ivory orb; but all . over the immense earth photographed for Life Maga- earned vacation in an old wastebasket Tower to cbseeve the surrounding (the philosopher-scientist will tell JV Football with Gettys- burg zvne. in The Gold-' Bug office. It's an excel- world.) you that the earth is not immense jc- We don't intend to waste time lent place to rest as it's farely emp- Of course, the Greyhound is not the cause it is a granule in the Universe, SCA Hallowe'en Party, Gill and space in this column al}- tied and is very cozy. (For a slight only persistent admirer. Western but you know the earth is immense Gym, Sto 11 p.m .. swering these arguments. It IS fee I could lead the MacAngus anth- Maryland's Caleb O'Connor, '98, with because you have wandered lost Sunday, October 26- obvious to every intelligent ob- ropological and bird-lovers expedit- six radio stations, is never too busy and nameless, among the wrinkles of Sunday School, Mr. John server that we are always en- ion to some beautiful fossil remains to send his opinion of the paper, the it!' crust} people are swarming, mov- B. Jones, Baker Chapel, thusiastic about the prospect, of of former editors.) faculty, the administration, GeUys- iug in their orbits. You do not have 9:15 a. m. being entertained, but as soon But I can remain silent no longer! burg, and what are we going to do VJ seek the distant regions of the Chapel, Dr. Ensor, Alumni as we are required to think or Students, your official organ is noth- during the Hopkins-WMC game with planet to see them. The pageant is Hall, 7:15 p. m. make any kind of effort, we be- ing but a harmonica. Do you realize a president who graduated from Johns where you are. It is in Westminster, some restless and impatient to that the most amaaing , amusing, per' Hopkins.' He is also sending us the' and all the endless movement, all the Monday, October 27- Graduate Record Exam have it over with. tinent, and impertinent information lowdown on the Harvard-Western kaleidoscopic life that has exhausted Other defects stem from this which reaches The Gold Bug never Maryland Game. Watch the next is- marble, paint, and print. Tuesday, October 28-- indifference of ours. There is reaches th_e student? sue of this paper. Walk down the street when the Graduate Record Exam an appalling lack-of cooperation Do you know that they received a I could stand all these things; but shadow of Saturn grows long. See the Albeneri Trio, Alumni Hall,' on the campus, in major as well personal letter from Elsie, the cow? when they throwaway a magazine people; who are they? Somebody 8:15 p. m. as in minor things. Few of us Writ by hand just like a college fresh- which, by January 2, 1948, will be a knows them. You do not: they arc attend class meetings regularly. ' man's-perfectly legible. collector's item, that does it! Besides, strange and mysterious to you, Wednesday, October 29- Soccer, WMC vs. Universi- Often we promise to do sorne- the music department could use it. phantasmal figures. But you have ty of Baltimore, home. thing for an organization or an Why they're so stingy with their Entitled The Capital News it quotes seen their faces many times. You individual and then "forget" celebrities is a mystery to me. There's Louis Armstrong on the subject of have seen their faces before you came SCA Joint Meeting of Com- or do it only halfway. Appar- enough and plenty to spare. Just the "rebop, bebop, and sundry other here. missions, Baker Chapel, 7 ently, we have little respect for other day a chatty letter was re- forms of so-called 'progressive' You have seen them, the tireless p. m. Western Maryland College it- ceived signed by sixteen ambassadors music." The Gold 81tg is probably a walkers of the million-footed streets, Saturday, November 1- self, for we ignore its traditions and one charge d'affairs.' It seems tool in the hands of Petrillo. the endless rivers pouring down the WMC vs. Hampden-Syd- when they don't suit our con- important enough to reprint in its ney, away This will come as a shock to our venience and we are not always entirety. veterans, not to say their wives and bright, iridescent banks-a wound in Soccer at Dickinson College the night bleeding the red, blue, green careful to keep the campus Dear Editor, children. A statistical study of fresh- and white of flickering neon signs, clean. In chapel and assemblies Freer trade between the nations of man veterans at Northwestern Uni- vermined with four-wheeled, shard- Sunday, November 2- .we are inconsiderate of speak- the world can only lead to better un- versity indicated that the ex-G'L's dad maggots. Search the petals float- Sunday School, Mr. John ers who may happen not to in- derstanding, greater prosperity and B. Jones, Baker Chapel, terest us particularly; we take lasting peace. made better grades than nen-veter-, ing on the waters-what is in a face? 9:15 a. m. care to emphasize this by cough- Sincerely, ans. The article mentioned incentive A woman in a faded and sagging Chapel Zdenek Salzmann, ing and wriggling incessantly, (The Sixteen Ambassadors.) and motivation, arid they certainly dress leads a grocery hand in stained, WSSF, Alumni Hall, 7:15 like children who are forced to Sounds like the inside dope to us and know whereof they speak. One soph- white jacket as he carries her family's p. m. sit still for punishment. shouldn't be kept from the student omore, Dan Smith, has a two-year old weekly supply of soups and vege- Wednesday, November 5- From this, we can easily con- body. 'From Argentina. The), h",~e to be different. tables to the car long discovered by SCA Commissions, 7 p. m. clude that we college students Are you a wall weed? Here's the 'A!iquando bon". dormitat H<>m~"",or: you the dust of country roads. The hus- try writi'.lg from the hottom of .. barrel. are sadly immature. We aren't chanCe of a lifetime for some lan- 'I'm Carl colleenDg tbe names of tbe other fifty. band, returning a sweated wallet to Saturday, November 8-- Thomas BDd :Moli· Sandburg, Dylan fit to be the" leaders of tomor- guishing Don Jacobson. If you don'~ ....tion Smi~b had hetter watch their step. his worn trousers, emerges from the Dr. Ensor's Inauguration, sugg .. t!ons sbort of row" --or any other time. 'Any be grateiullyreceivad. impeachment will thinned-out light of the high-ceilinged Alumni Hall, 10:30 a. m. These four years of college mind suspending operating activities (Continued on page 4, column 5) store bearing the smallest child on his WMC vs. University of for a few years, the South American, (Continued on page 4, column 2) Shoulders, while the other two run, Delaware, away No.1 Botanical Experimental Station laughing, at his side, chewing a S'occer, WMC vs. Bucknell, will send All you have to do is send a Gurlsll pretzel from a tightly clutched cello- home of orchid you a package Gurlsll THE GOLD 'BUG seeds. TIZ WIlUMENS DAY__ llhane bag and drinking in the noise Sadie Hawkins Dance, Gill packet of vegetable seeds by air mail, visit and splendor of their infrequent Gym, 8 to 11 p. m. Olflc!aj etudentne",,"paper ofWe8ternMary·. then allow from six weeks to three to the town. Monday, November months for the arrival of your exotic h'Dd College, publiahed "eml'monthly on Snag yer man and cum to the Sa- Creaking the wooden floorillg of the 10- Thnr£day, during Octoher, November, Janu· embryos.' The girls will be swooning Fiv!'l and Ten, thick curds of people Camera Club, 7 p. m. ary, Feb,.""ry. March and April, and monthl,. die Hawkins Dance during September. Decemher, Bnd Yay. En· into your arms before you know it. November 8 8 to 11 p. m. diffuse aimlessly among the narrow, Wednesday, November 12- tered a. a"cond eTuo mBtteT at Westmlnoter They'll probably also be stroking Poot Office, nnder tb. Act of Much S, 187g. your white beard. At Phogbound University (Gill Gym) countered islesl Curious patrons maui Soccer at Gettysburg Col- Sub!lcrlptlon Price '2.00 • Yur 75c attached 40c unattached ,display items of transient fascination, lege How many of you, including vic_ Fermal atire--"Dogpatch styJe"- while salesgirls view the invariable SCA Commissions, 7 p. m. EDITORIAL STAFF tims of the family soc. course, knew vegetable corsodjes fer yer man. spectacle with ennui. about the fifty-one sisters in Gaithers- Editor·;'l·.hief ...•..•••..••.. ;:E~:~J~~~:::~.·····.~~~~::i!01£~~ Backed by the GOLD BUG (fur, fur high-school boys, with their two-tone of Fern Ray Down the walk comes· a group burg Md.? Hmmmmm? It seems that back). ~port. Editor Robert Dnbel a Dunloggin Master Stroke (well, I Prizes wil bee given fer the best "L'iJ sport coats and breaker of hair em- Oopy Edllor •...•.•.••.• Bett,- Lee Robbipi should say!) herd sire ha~ become Abner," "Daisy Mae," and" Sadie balmed in sticky tonic, talking loudly Homecoming! Theoda Lee Kompanu: the seventieth Holstein-Friesian bull Hawkins" costooms. and lmowingly of their girl fTiends. BUSINESS STAFF it<. the nation to receive the disting- Reefreshmints tool- Kickapoo Joy They know all the calculated lines Get a "Terror" pin, a foot- Busines. Manager .. • ...••.. Phylli$ Hond, Advertising Manager .•••..••.• Ted Qnelch uished designation of "Gold Medal Juice and Presarved Tarnips. and demeanor to win feminine esteem. ball button, or a banner before CirCUlation Manager. OeDa Grauel Proven Sire."Although all daugh- Speshul idees fer trappin' yer man A little bubble in the moving tid'l the game. Can use a student ters are priz;e winners, one of them, given up on request. is m'ade by a raffle stand sp~ead to sell these at the game. Ap- Helen Becker, Heten Lingenfelter. JUDe Bea Rolling Knoll Matador Mistress', re- ver. 'Vayne Cowan. Nancy Winkelman, Jane (NOTE: It haz; bin reequested that under the rude glare of a bare elec- ply at Book Store. Liano" June Smith. Joen Boker, Eleanor 001. corded 664 pounds fat at the age of shews bee worn with costoom-iff tric light bulb where Legionairs T. K. Hl.Lr'I-isQn. lin" }orary Alice. Heuhfeld, Helen Ray, Ed. Wright" Sheila SIegel, Dot Seoft. 2 y~rsl V month:,? (I know these yer feets havn't got too beeg!) (Continued on page 4, column 4_)
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