Page 7 - TheGoldBug1947-48
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The Gold Bug, Oct. 10, 1947 On The Inside Terrors Oppose Catholic U. On Hoffa Field Tomorrow by Bob Dubel t Sporb Editor, The Gold Bug Untested Cardinals Rated As Strong Opponents There is no sense ill avoiding the issue. The football team did not look As Western Maryland Seeks Initial Victory • like last year's aggregation at Get- tysburg Saturday. By Jim EJliot Something is missing! And it is more than the few seniors who grad- An injury-ridden Western Maryland College eleven, undaunted by de- uated in May. In fact, on paper,the feats in both its appearances thus far this fall, will clash with Catholic Uni- squad is stronger this year'. versity of Washington, D. C., on Hoffa Field tomorrow afternoon in the Ter- The Terrors have seasoned and rors' first home game of the 1947 season. The kickoff is scheduled for 2 :30 capable backs who represent -roten- p. m. tial scoring punch. A spark is nee led The visiting Cardinals, who have not placed a grid team in inter-collegiate to set off this attack. competition since they battled Tempe State Teachers to a O~O stalemate in the Sun Bowl Game at El Paso, Texas, on New Year's Day of 1941, are • Giannelli Needed naturally an, unknown quantity. Terror coach Charles Havens, fully aware Maybe Joe Giannelli is the needed of the caliber of teams fielded by the Washington institution, expects his spark personified. Twisting Joe charges to have their hands full. played the GEttysburg game in street clothes on the bench because o~ f\ ~ Series Renewal which had its incep- rivalry The tilt will mark the renewal of a gridiron foot injury suffered in the Harvard tion back in 1913, in which year the Flying Cardinals were victorious 17~6. tilt. And all day long the Green and Since that initial test, four other contests have been played, the Terrors com- Gold needed someone to skir-t the ends ing away with the spoils in three, while dropping one. Their last meeting or break loose with a broken-field run tookplace in 1936 when the Green and Gold emerged waving its colors by a to start the ball Tolling. G to 0 count. Then again. the Irouble may ._h~ The Harvard contest proved very costly to Western Maryland when 155- with the students. The gridders feel pound quarterback Joe Giannelli, who along with fullback Hank Corrado that. there is a distinct lack of spirit Stan Kulakowski starred in defeat, suffered a foot injury which kept him out of the Gettysburg on the campus. This lack was quite Senior to start against C. U. game last Saturday. It is the honest belief of writers witnessing the game evident when t.he team returned to that Giannelli's absence meant the difference between victory and defeat for the field at the end of half time only the Terrors who bowed to the Batt.leflelder-s on the latter's gridiron, 6 to O. to be greeted by silent stands. Not For The Ladies Booters Journey Also among the missing were 1946 lettermen Bill Kern, with a crushed foot, one cheer! And after they had par- Carlo Ortenzi, with an infected leg, and Bill Anderson for reasons beyond ticipated in a hard-played, scoreless his control. (Ed. note: This past Saturday Anderson became the proud father firstllalf! Heavy Response To Chestertown of a nine-pound baby girl.) Defensively, the team was well up cut at For Fall Sport to par. As one of the assistant In an effort to break into the win • Corrado Sixty Minute Man coaches put it, "A different column, the varsity soccerites will Corrado, a mainstay of. last year's successful Green and Gold eleven, the right time would have made it at In bright regalia reminiscent flf leave tomorrow morning for the East-" which/racked up five victories against but two losses, played stellar ball with- least a tie game." (This of course summer months, an army of battle- ern Shore to meet a strong Wash- out substitution in both the entire Harvard and Gettysburg games. Also refers to a possible tackle of the prepared girls turned up for the sea- ington College eleven at Chestertown. seeing sixty minutes of action in last Saturday's clash were end Walt Pjuvls Gettysburg end who caught a twenty- son's first hockey practice on Mon- The Shot-men will be out for re- and guard John Sgariglio. The Gettysburg Western with almost the entire tilt, Maryland yard pass and scampered thirty ad- eral of the boys played sixty minutes Although Monday is a general boaters will play host to teams from rooters came in the third period when or near sixty minutes ball on a day pract.ica day, the sophomore girls far Towson State Teachers Green and Gold halfback Leo Lath- that was created for baseball. In outnumbered the other women. In 14 and Franklin and Marshall on roum recet ....ed a Gettysburg kickoff spite of the terrific heat, the Terrors their private practice Wednesday the October 18. These will be the first on about the Western Maryland were charging for that all-important freshman girls showed inexperience, home games of the season for the Fraternity Football twenty and returned it to the mid- touchdown until the final whistle. hut plenty of fight and stamina. soccer team. field strlpe before being hauled down Walt Piavis played an outstanding The opening match of the season Schedule Opens by Orange and Black 'tackler-s. A game at end. On defense he was in Practice will continue tor another found the local turfmen out-classed knee injury which has been bot het-ing the Bullets' hair all afternoon, and week or two daily, the upperclass- and outccnditicned by Nick- Krop- FLASH: Lathrourn all fall quite possi" \y kept he made a spectacular snatch at a women taking their turn on Tuesday felder & Co. of Loyola, as the Green PREACHERS O-BACHELORS 0 him from going all the way. Kulakowski pass. and Thursday and the freshman girls and Gray walloped the visiting 'West- The entirc Western Maryland Moon Paul was a tower of strength on Wednesday and Friday. minsterites by a 5-1 count. The blood and thunder boys of the starting lineup, man for man, showed at tackle, while John SgarigHo again Though the first week of practice Interfraternity League started an- moments of brillant play, but lacked proved to be a scrapper at guard as is over, Miss Marie Parker will offer other season this week -with the Outside speed and precision to car-ry he played every minute of the con' 110 commitments as to the personnel of champion Preachers rated strong, a sustained drive the length of the test. the various teams. Such data will b ' and with the Gamma Beta regarded field. This lineup showed Walt Piavi s Keep an eye on Gene Frank. His determined by her, Miss Todd, and as a leading threat for the 1947 and Jim Cotter at the ends, tackles running is of the fast and powerful Mrs. Kittner and will be posted on crown. Joe Corleto and Al Paul, guards variety. the gym bulletin board. Athletic Director Charles Havens, flf.-arigli", and Tilo Margartta, center in cooperation with the Interfra- • Chit-Chat Golf is still being played. Tum in ternity Athletic Council, has an- HalTY Bush, Stan Kulakowski at Bill Anderson replaces Sig Jensen your best six scores for nine holes to quarterback halfbacks Si Tullai and (Continued on page 4, column 2) Miss Parker for credit. nouuced the following rules and reg- Lnthroum, and fullbock Corrado. ulations that will govern play: Svarkling in a reserve role was 1. All games will begin at 1. p Gene Frank, 170-pound halfback from m. Any team not fielding at least Glen Lyon, Pcnnsvlvana, who, al- Terror 1947 Football Squad seven men by 4 :05 p. m. will lose by though reporting latc for practice, is forfeit. In case of rain, the teams fTving the first stringers a real bat- concerned will set a new date. the ball ap- Name Pas. WI. Hgt_ Yr. School Home 2. Players will not be permitted to tle for honors. half Cal'rying dozen times a pl'oximately +Anderson,\'(filliam G 1955' II" Sr. Patterson Pk. Baltimore, Md wear G.J. shoes or spiked shoes. against Gettysburg, Fi'ank displayed Babb, Jolm E 1545' 9" Fr. Bloomsburg Bloomsburg, Pa 3. Flying blocks and flying tackles speed and deception which should Bright, Harry C 1855' 9" So Patterson Pk Baltimore, Md will be illegal. Bornemann, Richard E 177 6' 0 So. Sparks Sparks, Md stand the Terrors in good stead in +Bush, Hauy C 1855' II" So. E.McKeesporr E. McKeesport, Pa 4. Any fraternity man who is not futUre games. "Corrado, Henry B 1955' 10" So. Medford Medford, Mass on the current varsity or junior ·Codem, Joseph T 2055' 11" So. Medford Medford, MlISs Ken Vol!.;>rt varsity football squads is eligible for At this writing, Ol'tenzi has left ·Cotter, Jame. E 1956' 0 Jr. Painted Post Painted POSt, N, Y league competition. the injured list which still indudds Dorsey, Walter E 2106' 2" Jr ChadotteHall Leonardstown, Md. To {ace Washington College Kern, Giannelli and Bill Seibert, a Dyke, Julian B 175 5' 10" So. Forest Park Baltimore, Md. 5. Passing or running plays will punting specialist out with a sr.oulder Feldman, Eugene T 2105' 10" Jr Camden Camden, N. J. Havin~ had only four days prac- be used on attempted extra points. Formwalt, James B 1855' 11" So. Polytechnic Baltimore, Md tice prior to t.he Loyola engagement, 6. Unlimited substitution wiil be injury. Anderson is once again in Fieldman, Stanley B 1905' 10" Fr. Forest Park Baltimore, Md. the members of the team found them- allowed. Substitutes will not be re- uniform. The availability of Gian- Frank, Gene B 1905' 10" So. Newport Glen Lyon, Pa. selves winded and out of condition as nelli and Kern tomorrow is highly +Giannelli, Joseph B 1555' 9" So. Medford Medford, Mass. the Greyhounds handed the -Western quired to report to the referee. questionable. Gruber, John C 2055' 10" So. Swedesboro Swedesboro, N. J. 7. Only backs and ends will be eli- Hajduk, Walter T 2236' 3" So. Camden Camden, N. J. Marylanders their worst defeat in gible for forward passes. "Jacobson, Al B 170 5' 10" So FareS[ Park Baltimore, Md. postwar competition, scoring twice in 8. A game will consist of four ten- ·Kern, John C 2216' 3" So. Southern Balrimore, Md the first period, once in the second, Kobosko, Charles E 1826' 0 So. Shickshinney Mocanaquc, Pa. minute quarters. +Kulakowski,Stanley B 1705' 10" St. Mahanoy City Mahonoy City, Pa. and twice in the fourth. Ernie Mc- 9. The field will be eighty yards by +Lathroum, Leo B 1686' 0 So. Southern Baltimore, Md. Fadden scored the only counter for forty yards. Margarita~Attilio G 1865' 8" So. Medford Medford,Mess the Terrors, tallying in the waning 10. League standings will be de- Martin, Robert T 1965' 10" So. Polytechnic Baltimore, Md moments of the final quarter. termined by awarding a winning Norman, Henry E 170 5' 10" Fr. Eastwood Syracuse, N. Y. "Ortenzi, CllrlO G 1835' 11" 5r Southern Baltimore, Md. team two points and tying teams one "Paul, Alvin T 1986' 1" Jr_ Forest Park Baltimore, Md point. Peregoy, Maurice E 1756' 1" Fr. Westminster Westminster, Md +Piavis, George G 1955' 10" Sr. Newport Glen Lyon, p" I Jay Vee Schedule I 11. Twenty yards gained will give ·Piavis, Walter E a 172 6' 0 Jr. Newport Glen Lyon, Pa a team a first down. Roch J James 1525' 9" So. Westminster Westminster, Md. The officials for all contests will Roch, Thomas B 1465' 10" Fr. Westminster Westminster, Md. October IS-Veterans' Institut~ Away be provided by the athletic depart- Seiben, William B 1655' 11" So. Hanover Hanover, Pa. ment. Sgariglio, John G 1835' 9" So. Camden Camden, N J. October 24-Gettysburg Home Sewall, Phillip B 2106' 2" $0. City College Baltimore, Md November l~Dickinson The home teams are listed first. Tereshinski,Paul B 1605' 9" Fr. Newport Glen Lyon, Pa. The schedule for the second half will +Tullai, Simon B 177 5' 9" So. Newport Glen Lyon, Pa. (Williamsport) Away be the same with home teams re- Twigg, James G 185 6' 0 So. Allegheny Cumberland, Md November 8----Bullis Prep. Home versed. Warson, Thomas T 225 6' 0 So. Wilmerding Wilmerding, Pa November 21~Bainbrige Awny Schedule for first half of league Werner, Stewart G 1915' 11" So. Fairview Bradford, Vr. Coaches Joe Kittner and Tom Te- Wilson. Joseph' C 2006' 0 Sr. Charlotte Hall Elkton, Md. Yagiinski, Al T 2486' 3" So. Newport Chester, Pa reshinski are still interested in ac- Oet. quiring additional football material Bachelo .... " •. Preacher~ " •. Black .,,·]nd;,,",., 1946 Lettermen for the Baby Terrors. Both freshmen l~ ~~:." Bl~ck and Bets Whi~" " •. Bach.lor" Carlo Ortenl;i a·nd White G..mm8 and upperclassmen Pret>eherr;"s. Gamma Bel" Bachelor. Managers Dick Bn~wni Bob Gemmill, Vnnce Hale out for practice. are urged to come i~~~~. v,. G~mm,. Beta $.e~ted M c(t.ptai1t for C. U. tilt 28_Tue•. Black and Whi~" ve.·Ptea<:her& •
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