Page 11 - TheGoldBug1947-48
P. 11
The Gold Bug, Oct. 24, 1947 Hickory Sticks Booters Face Delaware U. Hockey Program In Mason-Dixon Circuit Tilt Starts For Girls Coach Johnny Jones Points For Second Victory; By Helen L. Miles Ernie MaFadden Leads In Terror Soccer Scoring FLASH! Wl\1C 0, Notre Dame 0 Hopin~ to gain their second victory Hockey season is under way and of the season at the expense of the this year's schedule promises some- University of Delaware, the varsity thing new with the hicknrys. Last soccerttes left for Newark, Del., this week WAA president Gladys Sause morning to encounter the Blue Hens. represented Western Maryland in a Their last meeting found the West- meeting at Notre Dame College for ern Maryland Terrors on the long women where she and represent-- end of a 3-0 count, and the local lads atives from other colleges planned the intend to do it up that way again to- athletic program for the year. day. Delaware is usually not too It was decided that instead of hav- strong in soccer, since for the past ing the customary "field days" which number of years they have been em- required that several schools meet phasizing football-with great suc- and play several games on one day, cess until this year. At any rate, the contests will be played separately Coach Johnny Jones is figuring on this year. The reasons for this change returning tonight with a victory un- Harry Bush are that cafeterias and dining halls der his belt. Scnl-PPY center's line-backing has been big facto)" in Terror de/ems. ere too crowded to admit numerous Next Wednesday afternoon the Uni- visitors and that the girls do not play versity of Baltimore tur-fmen will vis- On The Line ali well when they have several games it the campus with a squad of at least the same day. mediocre ability, and once more Jones Represented at this conference were will set his boys out for the kill. Terrors Have Open Date; Notre Dame, Towson Teacher's Goucher, Jack gpteknall Gold in Carlisle, Pa., to play an un- Col- November 1 will find the Green and Lutherville College, lege, Mount St. Agnes, and Western Mary- Goal tende'r hopes to stymie known quality from Dickinson. This Prep For Hampden-Sydney land. It is to be hoped that these now Delaware forwards. is the first meeting of the two schools informal can inter-collegiate games on the turf since the war ended, as be developed in later years into an will be the cast! when Bucknell visits .by Bob Dubel all-Maryland conference comparable Junior Gridders here on November 8. to that in the high schools. Sporte Editor, The Gold Bug Last Saturday the Diplomats of Since more time every year is be- Oppose G-Burg Franklin and Marshall journeyel down With the varsity rootoauers idle tomorrow with an open date, the soc- ing- spent on developing girl's sports, fr-om Lancaster, Pu., to sweep a tilt eerites and junior varsity gridders are basking in the spotlight this week. At there is no reason that more attention Although they lost to a' power- from the Big Green squad by a 4 to this printing, the booters are being entertained by the Blue Hens of Delaware, should not be paid to them. laden Baltimore Junior College eleven 2 score. while the Baby Terrors are facing the Gettysburg reserves. The school squad, as was chosen by in Baltimore Stadium last Saturday, It was Dick Klinge's day, as the The soccer team made a creditable showing against Franklin and Mar- Miss Parker, Miss Todd, al'l.d Mrs. Western Maryland's Baby Terrors visiting center forward chalked up shall last Saturday. Working under the handicap of starbingJate, the squad Kittner is as follows: Gladys Sause, have been looking forward to today, three counters to lead his team to now shows promise of turning in a successful season. Martha Witter, Annette McMahan, as they hope to avenge the varsity's victory in an openly played ball game recent lees to Gettysburg. featuring quick offensive thrusts for • Four Grid Tests Remain ., t ~~~~an~~::~ ~~i~~is~~:~iah S~~~~':' The Green team was behind from scores on both sides. vars:t: ~~~t~=~t a~~~e~:~~~t~;:i~nv:~I:~OJ!~ ~~t:C:d t~~s:~~lg!~:n~~~ei~e'g!:~ Betty Armiger, Hope Kellam, Mary the outset on Saturday as the Vets Franklin and Marshall took the stead \vith the four remaining tilts with Hampden-Sydney, Delaware, Dickin- Groft, Dot Wilder, Della Grauel, Ruth scored early on a blocked Terror lead in the opening quarter when son, and Johns Hopkins. Wentz, Reba Wentz, Betty Lena, kick. Later a strong Western Mary- forward Bill Barr pushed one through With pounding Hank Corrado breaking through the middle and with Dot Gamber, Ruth Alien, Wilm::l. land threat evolved from a pass the uprights, but this lead was short flashy Joe G.iannelli exploding any place, the Terror offense has rolled up a Steele, and Helen Miles: thrown by Fieldman to Peregoy, who lived as Doug Beakea, WiIIC left in- total of 62 points in the iast two outings against Catholic U. and Washington Outstanding freshman girls who ran some fiity yards to the Baltimore side, came right back and countered College, while the defense has yielded but 7 polnts., may travel with the team are Barbara five-yard line. At this point Pere- for Western Maryland, tying the Ever since Stan Kulakowski broke away on a 64-yard touchdown jaunt Pfoutz, Charlotte Janney, Mary goy's "trick knee" jumped out of score. in the third period of the Catholic U. contest, there has been no stopping the (Continued on page 4, column 3) place, halting him jnst five yards The home team didn't score Green and Gold, and at least onc touchdown has been racked up in every from the goal. A WMC touchdown till the last quarter when a imminent, period since then. q,.ee/z ! seemed Freedman was but hit on the first mined offensive got under way. hard and play, one goal by though it only netted • Giannelii Scores fumbled. Baltimore recovered and the McFadden, it gnve the visitors quite Joe Giannelli completely demoi-al- Baby Terrors saw their best scoring a scare. ized the Sho'men when he cut loose Early Grid Lead opportunity of the day fade from Last Wednesday, a week ago, Men- with a 72-yard pay dirt dash on the view. tor Jones' boys tasted victory for the second play of the contest. Jumpin' To Gamma Bets The game showed up numerous de- first time this season when they de. Joe climaxed a big day- by passing to fects to Coaches Kittner, Tereshin- feated Towson State Teachers 2 to 1. Jim Cotter for a touchdown and run- ski, and Piavis, but it also revealed Leading, following Kenny Volkart's ning through tackle for his second Interfraternity Standings some excellent playing by such line- beaut.iful shot from the extreme right score of the afternoon. men as Johnny Gruber, Sydney, All- corner of the penalty area, the West- Anoth~r bright spot in the Terror Won Lost Tied Pu. britton, "Buck" Watson, "Hank" -mtnstentes scored the victory de- grid picture is Julian Dyke. Julie has Oamma Gamn,a Chi Tau 2. I 0 0 0 1 4 3 Norman and Bob Yaeger. Stan Field- spite scrappy opposition. Ernie Me- Beta Alpha scored in the last two games. Add Delt~ Pi AlphB o o 1 1 1 man was responsible for some fine Fadden scored his second goal of the Phil Suwall to the list of hard- Pi AlphR Alphn 2. 0 0 passing. season, while the visitors scored with ""driving backs. He scored 011a ten- Bruises and fatigue seem to be the Other Green Terror backfield men one and a half minutes to go on a yard bolt in the final period. rule rather than the exception in this who showed promise in piling up penalty shot. Once again Walt Piavis proved to Greek league of fellowship and yardage include "Doc" Summers, MePadden leads the scorers with be an alert end as he recovered a brotherhood. With but minor excep- Hugh Burgess, Bob Gage and Gene three, having countered once against fumble on Washington's 15-yard line tions, infractions of the rules laid Freedman. End Ken Monroe will each of Loyola, Towson, and Frank- to pave the way for a score. On the down by the Interfraternity Athletic probably be lost to the team for the lin and Marshall, while Volkart has other flank, Jim Cotter grabbed a Council have been very well sup- rest of the season, as he sl1'ffered a scored once against Towson, and touchdown pass. pressed by competent officials at each broken nose. Beakes against Franklin and Mar- The center of the line was tough hard-fought game. Today's game is important in that shall. Jim Hackman made the team's all afternoon against the She-men Bill Anderson A brief rundown of each game can the team not only is out to avenge the only score against Washington Col- with Al Yaglinski, Gene Feldman, Senior guard adds strength to center not describe the hard and usually 6-0 varsity defeat of two weeks ago, lege. Bob Martin, and Harry Bright help- of line. clean fight the teams put up to make but also because the Baby Terrors (Continued on page 4, column 3) ing the starters. and defend their scores. The battles- have a score of their own to settle. Chalk up Harry Bush as a deter- covered from a dlashed foot, the sick royal over the pigskin spheroid must Last year they lost to the Bullets, mined pivotman. Despite a weight list is entirely cleaf': be seen to be appreciated. and a tough battle is the prospect disadvantage, he is a tough customer Hats off to Al Paul and Bi!,!.An- In the first game of the season, two this afternoon. when backing up the line on defense. derson for a fine exhibition of sports- highly rated teams clashed to a the Preachers • Tullai Deserves Credit manship at Chestertown. Both boys scoreless tie. Neither could claim credit Students To Attend nor the Bachelors It is about time for somebody to kept their heads and averted a fist for a win or blame for a loss .. notice hard-hitting 8i TunaL As a fight-an activity that does not be- Ocrober 14 found the Gamma Physical Ed Confab blocking back he does a fine job of long on a football ,fiel.d. Bets rolling over the Black and paving the way for the runners. He • Phillips with Colts Whites to the tune of 32---0, in a Six of our Western Maryland stu- i-. also a fierce tackler as ~ll as a Mike Phillips, '47, continues to be game that had more spirit than the dents will represent us in an athletic hawk on pass defense. a big cog in the Baltmore Colt foot- score indicates. The second half saw youth forum to be held in the ball- The Terrors suffered last year from the Black and Whites hold their op- room of the Lord Baltimore Hotel, an inability to make points after ball machine. Big Mike is the Hosses' ponents scoreless except for one tally. October 31. In 1942, Mike cap- center. starting touchdowns. This year has seen a tained the Western Maryland eleven, Taking the field again October These students are Hope Kellam, remarkable about face with Corrado and he was chosen for the All-Mary- It, the Black and Whites lost a Gladys Sause, Annette ilIcMahall, and Dykes successfully booting eight land aggregation that year. Last sea- hard-fought game to the Bachelors t{j Douglas Beakes, Joe ·Wilson, and Tom out of nine. the tune of a blocked kick for a safe- Tereshinski. They will meet with six son Mike assisted the Terrors in a • Chit-Chat coaching role while he completed his ty. The final score was 15----12,with representative's from the Maryland • George Piavis, senior guard, has studies. !!. large percentage of casualties. public schools. . general conference The starts turned in his uniform because of a The Baby Terrors made a credit- October 21 saw a battle royal early in the afternoon but the forUln persistent leg injury. He will assist able showing against the Baltimore which the Gamma Bets won from the will be held at 7:30 p. m. The topic Tom Tereshinski and Joe Kittner with Junior College (Vets Institute), al- Preachers 13~ in an evenly matched the junior varsity. George, who was though they lost 14-0. Hank Nor- game of nearly flawless teamwork on of this discussion will be "What a pre-war starter, will be missed, but man, Stan Fieldman, Tom Watson, both sides. Bloodletting was scarce, youth Desires in the Health, Physi(!ai the guard position is well-manned and Joe Macy look like varsity ma- but many contusions were in evidence Education, and Recreation Programs with Tilo Margarita, John Sgariglio, terial. after the contest. of the Schools." Our representatives Carlo Ortenzi, and Bill Anderson, all Hampden-Sydney has had an un- Our busy president, Dr. Ensor, took are all from the physical education in good condition. successful season to date and those time out to see a game or two--- department of WiIIC. president of Jim Cotter Dr. Earl T. Hawkins, Every member of the squad came Terrors are rolling, so I predict a What's the excuse of the busy sister Husky end scored against out of the Washington game sans in- third consecutive Western Maryland sororities and other team supporter:s Towson Teachers College, will be in Washington College. jury, so with Bill Kern completely re- victory next week. for not appearing? charge of th~ whole program.
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