Page 2 - TheGoldBug1947-48
P. 2 Dr. Lowell S. Ensor Meet The President A Slant The New On The Hill WMC The "campus personality" everyone by Three Great Minds without A Single Thought is most interested in at this time is the Asbury Methodist Home for the Well, kiddies, so you're going to Aged. It is customary for an editor that of Dr. Lowell S. Ensor, our new "The most interesting thing that park your bubble gum in Westmin- in the first editorial of a new president. ever happened to me was my daugh- ster! Climb upon Uncle Adelbert's school year to welcome all stu- Although Dr. Ensor insists that he ter,' Dr. Ensor declared with a smile knee and bend an ear to hints, tips, dents, particularly the incoming is a "freshman" in administration at in answer to our question. "But per- and words to the confused. freshmen, to the dear old Alma Western Maryland College, he has a haps we'd better -mention my mar- First, and foremost, the final word Mater. long record of educational institutions riage first." This year, however, it seems behind him. After graduation from He met Mrs. Ensor, the for-mer on the correct skirt length on to us not only trite, but almost the Baltimore City College, he en- Eloise Bittner of Harrisburg, Perin- the campus: it is approximately 3.01001479 inches above the top shoe out of place, to do such a thing. tered Johns Hopkins University, from sylvania; where she was working for button. 'Don't forget your hour glass Of course we want to welcome which he received his Bachelor of Arts her Master of Arts. They were mar- all students-but to a dear new degree in 1928. Next, he enrolled at ried in the chapel at Drew just be- corset for the fashionable "blue Alma Mater. Drew University, where he took a fore Dr. Ensor's graduation in 1931. look". As for the men, they are wear- ing shoes this year; and, fellows, the In the first place Western Bachelor of Divinity degree cum Eleven-year-old Caryl Jeanne is new shorter trouser length is definite- Maryland College is bigger than laude in 1931. Western Maryland now in the sixth grade at the West- ly in. Further, we predict that the ever before. Last spring's grad- College presented him with an honor- minster Elementa.ry School. She, too, latest thing from Devil's Island, en- uating class totalled ninety-four, ary Doctor of Divinity in 1944. is interested in athletics, and has won graved ankle damps and chains of a far cry from the days of our a cup for being the best athlete at interwining lovers' knots, will sweep "infancy," when only seven "I was a normal college student, I Dr. Lowell S. Ensor camp for the past two summers. Late- the country in the wake of the short- graduates received degrees from suppose," said Dr. Ensor. Always in- ly, her father reports, she has de- ened masculine garments. the hand of Dr. Ward. terested in athletics, he became man- _ rived a great deal of enjoyment from Western Maryland has grown ager of the track team at JHU. Later, ville. In 1940 he became pastor of watching WMe football pr actice. Her Now a word about the layout. The in size accordingly. The center he was elected president of the YMCA Centenary Church in Westminster, hobbies are collecting stamps and campus is situated at the far end- section of Old Main once housed there. At Drew he was chosen preal- where he was instrumental in effect- foreign dolls. far, that is, from the movies, the bowling alley, the stores, the orange the entire school, serving as dent of the senior class. ing its merger with Immanuel Dr. Ensor's favorite recreation is dormitory, dining hall. class Dr. Ensor was ordained in the Church-"and I've been here ever golf, but he complains that he has groves, etc.--of Westminster, a town room, auditorium, and recrea- Methodist ministry in 1931. His first since," of about five thousand people all week tion room. Our .present one pustorata was a four-point circuit in Dr. Ensor is a member of the been too busy to use our lovely course except Saturday night, when the pop- hundred acres of campus and the tobacco country of southern Westminster Kiwanis Club, the Car- more than twice since he has been ulation jumps to twenty thousand, all of them on Main Street. It is serv- here. sixteen buildings give testimony Maryland, where ex-carte are still an roll County Ministerium, and the We want to mention here that Dr. iced by the Western Maryland Rail- to our growth in size. important means of transportation. Methodist Conference Board of Edu- To match this physical expan- From 1934 to 1940 Dr. Ensor served cation, and a trustee of the Confer- Ensor is very friendly and pleasant way (you can always recognize its sion there is a larger, more mod- at Ames Methodist Church in Pikes- ence Claiments Endowment Fund and tv talk to. We think we are going to boxcars by the arrows the that train are still that like our fifth president! in them); sticking ern and progressive spirit on comes to Westminster is a tri-weekly the Hill. Although WMC has always been a co-ed school, the -it tries to get up here one week and first students were segregated. Summer Seizures tries to get back the next. If on a rare occasion the sexes Apparently everyone took a vaca- The campus ttselr is very well or- were allowed to associate, it was tion this summer but Cupid. He cer- ganized as far as communication is under strict faculty supervision. Early this month on the University issue was published. The result is a tainly worked eve-time! It may be concerned; the system is dependent Today WMCers are allowed of Wisconsin campus, one thousand well set-up magazine of world-wide upon the vocal chords, and its hub is more freedom in everything students from 350 colleges held a con- student-contributed articles, pictures, theteummer- sun or atomic radiations, the Grille. If a lusty scream projected but if it doesn't soon stop all our fu- (which may be taken, perhaps, ference which launched the first na- and cartoons. One copy is available ture rice puddings are going to come into that subterranean region (built as an indication of our greater tionwide organizaton of American for reading in the Iibrary, Those, how- out of the oven as jallo. Western underground for fear of flying sau- maturity) . college students, the National Stu- ever, interested in buying a copy will Marylanders to fly in the face of cers) does not produce the desired Hitherto, we have pointed out dents Associatio~. find them in McDaniel Hall. Price is student, do not look for him. He is .differences between the WMC of At this meeting the constitution 15c. If none are on display contact butter prices and for whom we wish dead . all happiness are: today and the WMC of the and structural organization were Jean Cohen in McDaniel Hall for ad- There are a few extra-curricular 1860's, but even within the provisionally worked out, subject to ditional copies. Stanley Hamilton and Arlene Chen activities called classes. Their pur- memory of the present seniors future ratification by each member Edith Justice and Don Woolston pose is to break the monotony of there has been a great change. school. Before decisions are made it is • Background Gladys Schlag and Ernest Twigg cards, dancing, conversation, book- When they came to the Hill as the desire of NSA to have every The idea for NSA was born in Au- Mary (Binky) Dexter and Bill making, and study of the racing (and freshmen during the war years, United States student aware of their gust, 1946, at the World Student Con- Thompkina female') forms. However, they are the school had Quite a different aims and accomplishments. gress in Prague, Czechoslovakia, by Frank Jaumot and Jean Heidt usually held at .such an impossible atmosphere. This feeling of the twenty-five American delegates. Evelyn Benson and Kenneth Volk hour of the day that few care to at- "newness" is a recent experi- • Purpose It was on the initiative of the British Lynn Clark and Kenneth Burdette tend them, even under stress. ence. The purpose is two-fold: "to foster National Union of Students and the Peggy Reilly and Carlo Ortenzi Incidentally, that bald-headed man Yet while we rejoice in our campus activities that improve wel- National Union of Czechoslovakia Nancy Bowers and Hugh 'I'resaelt sitting next to you is not ehe pro- development and expansion, we fare of the student; to conduct ac- Students that the congress was called. Eloise Downes and Dr. Irl Wentz fessor but a fellow freshman. Most must not forget the old tradi- tivities which will bring the Amer- Having no official United States Audrey Clendening and James of the professors have hair. tions which are a kind of bond ican student toward closer, and gr-oup to send students, the Americana Foster Practical experiments in child between us and the Western friendlier, contact with students of \ represented collegiate groups and the .Mary Sands and Bill Cook psychology are held daily in Vetville. Marylanders who have gone be- the United Nations." student governments of ten leading Florence Naill and William Ogle No credit is given for this work, a fore. It is in the keeping of universities. Jackie Leach and Don Lewis fact we consider very unfair. Babies these traditions that the unique Specifically, the NSA has listed a To sound out campus opinion on the Paul Zlonkewicz and a home town are allowed in claes .if accompanied spirit of Western Maryland Col- number of practical aims under three desirability of fonning a national girl by parents. They are not allowed to lege flourishes and blossoms. general headings: student organization, a conference of This Jist was not compiled in order take exams since this would raise the Every time we "kick the post" I 1. Student government and student American student leadej-s was called of importance or chronology, but as class curve. This curve is a system of we do honor to the memory of government functionS-increasingly in Chicago on December 28-30, 1946. the information reached us. The sev- marking so that you will flunk any- former co-eds who dared not important at WMC; They had been Impressed ;'ith the eral couples that we have neglected way, no matter how hard you cheat. venture beyond that boundary 2. Educational oppor-tuniry-c-atand, activities of national student unions will be included in future issues as Professors at \VMC are noted for unaccompanied by at least an- ardiaatlon ot. entrance requirements of Europe, as contrasted with the soon as they get enough courage to their eccentricities. They tend to be- other six or seven females, in- and exchange credits, review of dis- complete absence of similar activities tell us about it. It's a tedious busi- come neurotic when crossed. Least of cluding a chaperone. It is a good criminatory practices, scholarship among- our students. From that meet- ness, trailing those rice grains! all do they like comedians. (We are thing to do honor to those who funds, etc.: ing developed plans for the confer- With the engaged girls it's a mat- just passing through on our way to have withstood the trials and 3. International student activities- ence held this summer. ter of spotting a ring and glowing Pittsburgh.) hardships of college life for a representation on UNESCO, greater glance and our seeing eye staff mem- Well, pencils Jong period of time; therefore, exchange opportunities. .Regional meetings ber is now on the job. The following sharpened, kiddies, have your and you, Kleenex handy, the underclassmen stand and Although Western Maryland did in a very incomplete list: Betty Beck. too, can be a success on the Hill. And wait reverently for the seniors .Organizational Structure not send a delegate to the national er, Jean Sause, Edith Zatlin, Toby always remember: If he is bigger to go out from any gathering The present NSA is organized on convention they have been urged to Jones, Marion Stoffregen, and Hope than you are, wait until he is asleep. before they presume to depart. three levels: campus, regional, and attend the regional meetings. One has Kellam. Besides,' he's probably broke, too. If we do not preserve the cus- national. Working in cooperation with already been held at the University We understand tha.t the football toms of our school we will lose the existing student government on of Baltimore, the second will be at team proposed en masse to "Mom" '~OSB who are not Becutomed to WIlking that intangible something which the campus, these activities will be Dumbarton College on October 11. Griffin but no definite word has come w,th B one·inch Btride may crawl on hand. ~nd knee •. makes each school individual. It coordinated on a regional level. Com- Until the constitution is ratified the through on the answer. ;::v~~"nti.llcBtlolI or OBme, see faahlon note is good to have change-we do parison with, criticism and sugges- WMC representative win have a voice not want to stagnate-but it is tion for and from other campuses will but no vote. Representatives, one dele- also wise to retain something of be possible. The national organization gate and one alternate, may be elect- the old spirit of former Western is the center of infonnation and co- ed by entire student vote or appoint- Marylanders. ordination. ed hy the student government. -THE EDITOR. Present regional plans include in- • NSA Information ter-collegiate meetings of musical Saturday, September 27- More detailed infonnation of actiVi- and dramatic groups, academic lec- Classes begin. THE GOLD BUG ties planned by the national confer- tures, national eulturala to be held Sunday, September 28- Harvard vs. WMC, Cambridge, Massachusetts. next summer, combined radio broad- constitution ence and copies of the are available for study by the Student casts, and reports on congressional Sunday School, Virginia Dodd, speaker, Baker Council and all campus organlza, bills pertaining to education. Chapel, 9 :15 a. m. tions. Reg-ional progress reports and Chapel, Dr. Ensor, speaker, Alumni Hall, 7 :15 p. m. announcements of interest will be Monday, September 29- sent to WMC through the intercol- Three drunks (not from WMC, of Fall Convocation, Alumni Hall, 11:30 a. m. legiate news service recently set up course) staggered into a bar. "What's Open House at Murphy's 5 & 10, 7 to 9 p. m. by the Maryland-District of Columbia yours?" said the bartender to the first EDITORIAL STAFF region. Wednesday, October 1- Editor-in·ehler ...• . ... Fern Ray man. First meeting of SCA, Baker Chapel, 7 p. m. Of particular interest to the WM"C "I'll take a Tom Collins." M:,~:g~lito~~i.tO~.. . . . .. . ... Len~~:aHo~o.!:~ Saturday, October 4- student will probably be the United "And the fellow sitting down?" Gettysburg vs. WMC at Gettysburg. ;~~r!~eE~~\~:r~ '. ~'.'.'.'. ~J~ek'an:oJb:~ rPo~~! States edition of the World Student "He'll have an Old Fashioned." Copy Editors.. . ..... Belty Lee RObbin. Sunday, October 5- Theod. Lee Kompanek News published by International "What about the fellow lying on Chapel, Dr. Eric W. Baker, speaker, Alumni Hall, Union of Students. Although NSA the fioor?" 7:15 p. m. Boaine"" Manager • . •••••••. Phyllis HOlick currently has no affiliation with IUS, "Oh, he can't have anything. He's Adve~tl.inJ Manager •• • ••••••. Ted Quelch Circulation Mallager ••••.••••• Jim O,ileD it was by combined efl'ort that this driving."
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