Page 19 - TheGoldBug1946-47
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SWING BAND ~HORT PICTURE STORY PAGE 3 PAGE 2 Vol. 24, No.5 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER. MD. November 14, 1946 Cast Of UJanie" Western Maryland Swing Quintet To' Play National Who's Strives ToAttain At Sadie Hawkins Dance On November 16 Who To Include' Tone Of Reality Saturday, November 16, from 8:00 • for Slobovian weather conditions, had Eleven Seniors By EUA.TANE HAHN :~e~~:!~:~:i'rt::c:~t:s~~l~ :~:~;!a:o~ qwJ4./ ~~::un~~~~a~~o~:~li!~ty h:an~;:~: Choice Based On Character, Creative acting is the goal ever before Miss Esther Smith, Western f~!h'::li~:n~:~n a;~::;l:S:~~;_!~~~~~:~ BUY A CORSODJE I :~:~ :1:,0a~~e:i!~:n;7~~ !:ee~: ;;:~:: Leadership, Scholarship Maryland dramatic instructor, as she and woman emancipator, Sadie Haw- Dont bee cheep! Sho yore date a lating Slobovian signs, she was un- Who's W/W Among Students in directs the cast of the Thanksgiving kins. gude time! Giv him a speshul Sadie able to open her mouth any wider American Colleges and Unioersitiee play toward a performance of Janie In honor (or defiance) of the oc- Hawkins Day corsodje for the big than the minimum requirement for has accepted eleven seniors to repre- that will portray living people in easton the Gold Bug, sponsor of dantz. Bee shoore and giv yore or- tasting Fern Ray's "kickepoo joy sent 'VMC in this year's publication. truly American scenes. the dance, is having the music of dore to Phyllis Houck, fioorist, Me- juice". The "preaarved turnips", Upon the basis of character, scholar- Miss Smith's invaluable experience George Spittell and his WMC Quin- Daniel Haul. Fern reported, were expected in time ship, leadership in extra-curricular in assisting to produce Stra/I7Qe Fruit tet. The bands members at this wr-it- for the festivities, but the import activities, and potentiality for fu- and her contacts with the profession- ing, all students, feature GeorgI" tariff at the border seems to be hold- ture usefulness to business and so. al theatre promise to give Janie the SpitteJ on the sax; Seymour Leme- "Dogpatch style"-with shoes. It also ing them up. She, nevertheless, has clety, the Student Activities Commit- tone of truth. shaw, the drums; Nick Pisacano, th'e has been customary for the men to an adequate supply of equally delic- tee selected Mary Davies, Bob Grum- piano; Phil Shaffer, the trombone;' receive colorful, if not fragrant, cor- ious, though not as fancy, delicacies bine, Emajane Hahn, Joanna Hau, and Ernie Leap, the trumpet. They sages from their dates. Special cor- to lure the men. ver, Sig Jensen, Art O'Keeffe, Al hope, however, to add a vocalist, sages may be obtained for 35c by Now a natio~al institution, partie- Resnick, Mary Wright Silvey, Shir- and bass player. Those interested contacting Phyllis Houck. in Me- ularly celebrated in colleges, Sadie ley Snyder, Margaret Statler, and contact any member of the band for Daniel Hall. Surprise bonuses will be Hawkins' Day was started on No- Qenneth Volk as deserving of this an audition date. Although this will awarded the best "Lil' Abner", vember 9, 1937, when Sadie, a char- recognition. be their first dance engagement on "Daisy Mae", and "Sadie Hawkins". acter in Al Capp's comic strip, "Lil' .For Prospective Employment the Hill, they are already familiar to The various committees have been Abner", inaugurated the race method Not only is this distinction a great the student body who have enthueias- working very hard, and thus far have of snaring a husband. The results honor to those chosen, but it serves tically heard their swing playing at been quite successful in maintainihg were so good that it was adopted by as a guide to prospective employers. the pep rallies. secrecy as to their plans. However, the other unmarried women in Dog- In addition to being editor of the Since the announcement in the last Betty Schmidt, chairman of the en- patch and surrounding communities, 1947 Aloha, Mary Davies is a mem- issue of the Gold Btlg, the plans have tertainment committee, with the aid to be subsequently followed by the ber of Iota Gamma Chi, has been been changed and the dance will be of the zanier members on the campus female portion of the entire country. house president and a member of the held in that portion of Lower Slobo- promises an hilarious program. It has been almost unanimously ap- Women's Student Government, and is via known as Gill Gymnasium. For a Daphne Clarke, in charge of decora- proved by this group, the men evi- now on the Dean's List. ~~::l~~ p:fssp$o~~~~e~o,~:;P~iob!~~! ~~:~e:tOu:: h:~\a~e rn~U;:,ti~;::ss:;; :;~~;~n.too busy running to give an • SCA Leader may be obtained in Blanche Ward President of the SCA, Bob Grum, office on Thursday, November 14. hine also heads the Pi Alpha Alpha Faculty members and wives of rae- First Argonaut Meeting OF 1946-47 ::::e:~itihese;ee:'sass:~~::~ar~~~:;~: ulty members to have been invited attend with their husbands or- guests. Features Speech By Dr. Holthaus ment, and is a member of the college Miss Esther Smith band. As this is the only girl-bid affair Miss Smith, with the 21 members of the year, the dress will be formal Best-known. as president of the of her Janie cast, works toward the Dr. Reupen Htllthaus, A~s02iate philosophy department. Women's Student Government, Ema- creation of moods within each indi- professor of philosophy, will be the As president, Margaret Statler will jane Hahn is also a member of the vidual actor that will raise the play F';'r Eastern Authority speaker at the first Argonaut meet. lead the meeting: The other ofll"ced Trumpeters, the Argonauts, Sigma above the level of puppet-like inter- ing of the year on Friday, November for this year are as follows: vice- Sigma Tau, and the College Players. pietation of an author's lines. Situa- To Address Students . 15, at 7 :30 p. Ill. in McDaniel Lounge. president, Arlene Chen; secretary, At the present time, she is a member tions thus revealed by the actor, ac- Having received his A. J3:. at Morn- Anna U:!e Butler; treasurer, Fred of the cast of the Thanksgiving cording to changing moods, will On Chinese Pro&"~m ingside College, Dr. Holthaus earned Brown, while the advisers are Miss Play. create actual situations for the .aVdi- his A. .M., S. T. B., and Ph. D. at Addie Belle fulbb and Dr. William .WAA President The ·Chinese problem will be dis- Boston University. Although a new- Ridington. Joanna Hauver is president of the Hours have been given by Miss cussed by Dr. J. Spencer Kennard, a comer to Western Maryland College Invitations are extended to all lac- Women's Athletic Association and of Smith to individual rehearsals that Far Eastern authority, in an assem. this year, he is at the present time ulty members and faculty wives.' Iota Gamma Chi, honor chairman of build up within each student the bly before the student body on Mon- teaching the entire program of the Those juniors· and seniors who have the Women's Student Government, knowledge of the need for a realism day, November 18, at 11 :30 R. m. His attained an overall "B" averag-e dur- and a member of the Home Econom- that is motivated by an intellectual, topic, "The Outlook for China", will Lecture ing four consecutiye semesters are ics Club. Her present position as situa- seA Schedules as well as emotional, understanding be his analysis of the present also invited to attend. Twenty-eight treasurer of the senior class marks of the character being played. tion and the probable outcome based By Noted British Writer juniors and seven new seniors will her fourth year as a class officer. With this background, the cast of on his past 30 years experience as R be invited to become members this Known to all as the powerful left Janie is preparing to present to the teacher in China and Japan. Chi- Formerly In Parliament year. end of our football team, Sig Jensen Recently Western Maryland audielJ(~e a real nese university associated with the The club activities for the year will also boxes, and is president of the in Chengtu, Dr. Ken- "slice of life." nard is now a visiting scholar at the One of England's keenest journal- include a meeting in January at senior class and of the Delta Pi AI- Although Janie was originally in- Union Theological Seminary in New ists, world observer, and former whic~ Professor John D. Makosky pha Fraternity. Last year he appear- tended to depict the crises introduced Y..ork.A universal student, his studies Member of Parliament, will address will present a book review, a tea in ed as Petruchio in the senior play, into an American family in time of have taken him from the Sorbonne two public meetings in Westminster February, and the traditional ban- The Taming of the Shrew. war, t!"Ieplay is such an accurate por- University to Yale University where on Wednesday, November 20. quet in May. (Continued on page 6, column 4) trayal of hu~an nature that it he received his Ph.D. At <1 p. m. Mr. Wellock will deliver transcends the limits of time. The The Far East picture, at this time an address at Baker Chapel, Western conflict between the older generation one of conflicting national politics l\faryland College, under the auspices Miss Brainard, Mr. Royer To Give and the younger generation is a time- and ideologies, confusing at best to of the Student Christian Association less one. the American, is of particular inter- on the subject "Thirty Years of and Now What?" Sonata Recital On Piano, Violin Miss Smith's students, who are est due to the present occupancy of World Revolution, members of the cast of Janie, include our troops and the personal knowl- At 8 p. m.. he will speak at the Cen- Miss Helen Brainard and Mr. The program will include: Shirley Snyder, Jack NeviIle, Fred edge o~ China and Japan by so many tenary Lecture Room of the West- Philip Royer, both of the music fac- Sonata in A Major, No. l __._Handel (Continued on page 4, column 5) during the war. minster Methodist Church on "The ulty of Western Maryland College, Basis of a Stable and Satisfying will present a sonata recital on Tues- Sonata in G Major, No. l Brahms Civilization." day, November 19, at 8·:15 p. m., in Sonata in C (1939) . ._..Hindemith Student Governments Plan Movie Mr. Wellock is in the United States Alumni Hall. Sonata in F Major, No. 5_.Beethoven for a speaking tour under the aus- To Get Funds For Football Dinner pices of the American Friends in Ger- .Much Experience Trumpeters ToExplain Serv_ A graduate of Oberlin College and ice Committee. His travels School of Music, where In order to raise money for a ban- be valid either on the .afternoon or many, Russia, India and Mrica have the Juilljard piano under Josef and she studied quet to honor the 1946-47 football evening..._of December 5. will be 40 given him acquaintance at close hand Rosina Lhevinne, Miss Brainard has Activities ToFreshmen team, the Women's and Men's Stu- cents .. with the problems of the world. For toured as a member of a trio and as Emajane Hahn, Joanna Hauver, he was a Labor a number of years dent Governments will sponsor the Fresh~an women will be excused member of Parliament, and he is now accompanist to a well-known cellist. Shirley Snyder, and Margaret Stat- movie, The Cloak and the Dagger, from their study hours in order that serving on a Select Committee of Fu- She made her debut on the Hill with ler, 1946-47 TrUmpeters, will explain starring Gary Cooper and Ingrid they may attend. a solo recital on January 18, 1946. the extra-curricular activities on the Bergman, at the Carroll Theater on This is the first time in WMC his- ture Government of East Africa. With the Western Maryland Little campus to a freshman assembly some- Mr. Weilock was born in Lanca- Thursday, December 5. The movie tory that a banquet or ~y such rec- shire of working class parents, Symphony Orchestra, she performed time in December. recently had its Holl~ood premiere ognition has been given the football worked as a boy in the cotton mills, the Schum ami. A Minor .concerto on The assembly is being planned in and has been rated tops in motion team. The Student Governments, ac- ~nd at eighteen began his public May 3, 1946. Recently she played at order to give the freshmen a preview picture entertainment. c~rdrng to· presidents Al Resnick and career as a local Methodist preacher. the National Gallery of Art in Wash- of the activities in which they may The date for the banquet has not Emajane Hahn, hopes that the stU- From his cotton mill savings he was ington, D. C. participate while students at Western yet been set, but it will take place dent body will feel as though it is able to .attend Edinburgh University • Directs Orehestra Maryland. The committee that plans sometime before January. really sPQnsoJ:irig·the affair'," for stu- for four years. Besides teaching violil}' Mr. Royer these assemblies feels that now that Arrangements for selIing ti~kets dents are· re~ponsible .foi its success. As a ·~riter, Wilfred Welloek is is conductor of the Western Mary· freshmen are adjusted to the aca- for the movie are.stni ~~ntative, but Att~lt~ln·g· th.e roo.vie P~:1!y ·is ·eer. known for such publications as "The land Little Symphony Orchestra al)d dem.ic pursuits of the college, they "In- interested re'presentatives will probably· he in ~1nly a way fl)"'r.~veryOhe to show Spiritual Basis of Democracy," Out," the Col1eg~ Banq. In his prep~rat~on should become organizations in some ex· h~~.;app~~c:iation· to""""tlJ,eTel1"or~ tor in order tra-curric\!lar dia for the .ool;llfngrecitaJ. h~rwa!! eoached "The Way Awakening.," the dorms within ·the ~ext:fEiw· weeks. by Theodore H~mberget', who. was ·s and itA Mec:J!.atiistio.or a. Human ~- tq ..ep.CQ\.Irl!-ge.a.. J1+0rt. Juij.y rounded The ~Hee·Of tn4i-ti"ekets, ·wMe'h": Wfif ~#~;~:~~!O~~~::.~!~...;~~ne...this ~i.e"ty?'.·. pupil or~~~·~~~: ~eg!.~. .
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