Page 18 - TheGoldBug1946-47
P. 18
The Gold Bug, October 30, 1946 Club. The other Commun.ity Con.certs Open Camera Club Begins Camera Myers, vice-president; officers are penthal, treasurer. Anyone who is in- Dorothy terested more about pho- Jesse in learning Activity For 1946-47 Scott, secretary; is invited to join. and Margaret Rup- tography Meetings With Columbia Quartet be held on the first and third Monday SMITH & REIFSNIDER of the Camera Club will of every month. Plans for the year J. WM. HULL, Jeweler Incorporated Four distinguished singers, Fran- tinguished record. For several sea- include lectures, demonstrational Successor to Cassell's LUMBER-COAL ces Yeend, Helen Olheim, William sons a soloist with the New York movies, and picture-taking hikes. MD. Hain, and Arthur Kent, comprise the Philharmonic Symphony, he has ap- Representatives will be appointed The Store of New Fashioned WESTMINSTER, well-known Columbia Grand Opera peered with the Boston Symphony ~to take orders for personal Christmas Jewelry and Old Fashioned Quartet, which will open this year's and other major orchestras. Mr. Hain cards, which the club prints for eev- Honesty Community Concert series at the is well known through the' radio, enty-five cents a dozen. If students Save With Safety Westminster High School, Monday, where he has been featured on have no negative that they 'V;ish to Times Building At The r:rovember 4, at 8:15 p. m. "Great Moments in Music" and the use, there are a number of campus . East Main" St. Frances Yeend, lyric soprano, is a Bell Telephone Hour. scenes from which to choose. Westminster, Md. Rexall Drug Store native of Washington state. She won .The fourth member of the Quartet, Norma Keigler is president of the Old Spice, Friendship Garden, • recognition in the East in radio and Arthur Kent, is an American-born, Cara Nome, Orloff and and winner Americau-trained singer Broadway productions. She has sung of the 1939 Metropolitan Auditions of Berganot Toiletries on "The Hour of Charm" and "Sere- FOR RENT Barnes Appliance Service Listen to the Jimmy Durante- nade to America". the Air. COSTUMES and FORMALS Bendix Home Laundry Garry Moore Rexall Drug Fo~ many seasons, Helen Olheim, All kinds of Electrical Radio Show every was one of the Metropolitan's most Appliances Serviced Friday evening -- popular artists, bringing to every Thea. F. Shaeffer Dorothy Elderdice and Repaired 9:30 P. M., WCAO and performance a style of fine artistry. 75 W. Green St. Speed Queen Washers and WFMD William Hain holds an equally dis- Master Plumber Ironers We9tminster, Md. 45 EAST MAIN STREET SCHMITT'S 92 W. Main St. WESTMINSTER, MD. REXALL DRUG STORE Phone 57 Phone 793 55 E. Main St. Phone 298 Phone 359-J Westminster, Md. Benny's Kitchen Where old friends meet Run Right to and like to eat READ'S Strictly home cooked food For Fine Cosmetics, Toiletries 59 W. Main St., Westminster and all your Westminster 654-J DRUG STORE NEEDS 15 E. Main Street, Westminster, 'Md. Colonial jewelry Company 32 W. MAIN ST. WESTMINSTER, MD. Phone 303 e~
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