Page 17 - TheGoldBug1946-47
P. 17
The Gold Bug, October 30, 1946 Tigers Face Terrors For Homecoming Hampden-Sydney Gridders To Play In This Corner Western Maryland Saturday By N. J. Wolfsheimer First Homecoming Game Since 1~42 To Attract (SPQ1'ts Editor, The Gold Bug) Large Crowd; O'K .. ffe Named Captain This writer had decided not to write In an attempt to make it three wins in four starts Coach a column for this issue but in yester- Charlie. Havens' gridmen will play host to Hampden-Syd~ey Col- day's mail the fo'llowing letter was re- lege this Saturday, in their annual Homecoming tilt on Hoffa ceived and it seemed to me a logical Field. The kickoff is scheduled for 2 p. m. and all I follow-up of my column of last week: With an open date last week, the ,- 'I ----, 3630 Parkdale Ave. Terrors will be fully rested Mason-Dixon Cenlerence Baltimore, Md. should be ready to see action again, Gentlemen: except tackle Joe Kittner. Though A party DC friends and I decided to he may be in uniform, it is doubtful attend the game between 'Vestern if Havens will use him unless ebeo- Maryland and Washington College, so lutely necessary. The remainder of we drove slowly to Westminster and the squad, however, will be in top on arriving at the entrance to Hoffa shape. Field, at two o'clock sharp, paid our Al Jacobson Bill Anderson Coach Havens has been running his admittance fee of $1.50 and drove in. The passing and running of Jacobson squad through intensive drills in an rule favorites over the Virginia elev- en. But where to go was the question; has been one of the highlights of the Terror Guard has developed greatly effort to sharpen the offensive and de- The Virginians, though having drop- there were no seats to be had, all of current grid 'campaign. since being shifted from center. renstve power of the team. O'Keeffe ped all five of their contests to date, those on the west si4e of the field be- led the ground-gainers with 86 yards should not be held in too light regard. ing occupied presumably by the stu- in their last outing against the Sho'- Their opposition has been of high cali- of the field and the best I could do Terror Soccer Tearn To Play seems to be getting back to his pre- ber, and they will be anxious to break dent body. Cars ringed the east side men of washing ton College, and win Corrado, Gianelli, and Ja- was to park mine opposite the twenty- war form. also picked up much distance into the expense. column at the local In these five games cobson team's rear of my car could not see for the Delaware At Newark Friday and if at last these boys have hit their _ they have lost to the University of yard line, and as the people in the ones in front, the only thing we could stride, they will be very hard to stop, Virginia 71 to 0, Washington and Lee 41 to 6, Richmond 33 to 6, Randolph- do was to get out and stand along the Western Maryland's soccer squad Lack of scoring punch has held the • Ccrtete'e Play Outstanding Macon 6 to 0, and this past weekend side lines or sit on the ground. will journey Friday to Newark, Terror booters back throughout the Though the forward wall looked succumbed to Davidson 40 to 0. The lack of seats was .surprising as Delaware, where they will tangle season and resulted in the loss weak in their last test, it is potential. also was the fact that there was no with the booter a from the University against Loyola. Although they had ly a strong one as was proven in the Starting' Lineup attempt to keep the fans informed as of Delaware in the third Mason-Dix- the potentialities for scoring, they season's opener with Gettysburg. But Western Maryland Hampden-Sydney to players making plays, lineups, sub- on tilt for the Terrors. failed to take a real shot at the Bul- the line is sturdy and should find their 88 Jensen L.E. .. " Squire 51 stitututions and scores of other games. Johnny Jones' charges are being tlmore team's goal. form on Saturday. Joe Corleto, hold- 35 B. Norman .. L.T... Prichardt 33 Also the lack of a scoreboard was very groomed to gain revenge for the de- ing down one of the tackle posts, is a 69 G. Piavis L.G Eddy 36 noticeable. feat which was inflicted upon the newcomer to the Terror fold, and is 15 Bush C Holland 29 Now what I wish to point out is Terror football team in October. Lit- Terror JV one of the most promising of the line- 64 G. Norman ._R.G. Kostel25 this: All of these things that Hoffa tie is known of the Delaware squad men. In the Delaware game, time and 75 Corleto R. T... Hudson 46 Field lacks are provided by at least two other than that they were tied by again he harassed the opposing backs 86 Cotler ~.._. R.E .. ' .... Galalee 43 colleges that compete with Western Salisbury State Teachers College 2-2 Hits Road with his fast charging, until a recur- 33 Mendell Q.B. W. Wahl 17 Maryland, namely Dickinson and Get- and they lost to Washington College rent knee ~jury forced him to the 12 O'Keeffe L.R.B. . . Pond 50. tysburg, and for less money. I paid 4-1 Play At Gettysburg bench. 24 Jacobson R.H.B •... _. Morgan 35 only $1.25 at Gettysburg this year On the 8th of November the Terror • Terrors Are Favored 63 Corrado ...... F.B •........ Shifflet 20 and received a ticket with 1. Section team will travel to Baltimore to meet And Williamsport Western Number, 2. Row Number, 3. Seat a strong Johns Hopkins squad at Friday afternoon the Baby aggregation Maryland is a far better than has been displayed Number, and 10 and behold the seat Homewood. Terrors will travel to Gettysburg to thus far this season, with the Hockey Team excep- had a back rest! Hopkins was back in intercollegiate face the always strong Gettysburg tion of the initial contest. Delaware, In closing let me say in the vernac- soccer circles last year-a year be- "B" squad. a big-Lime team with a small-time ular of President Holloway, that once fore Western Maryland. The Blue Little is blown of the Little Bul- schedule, was pressed in the first half, Wins Twice more the Green Terrors were repre- Jays won four out of five last season lets, but they always field strong but easily pulled away with superior sented on the gridiron, once more the as they placed second to Haverford teams and this season should be no numbers in the second, and then Blank Mt. St. Agnes 1 to 0, alumni and frlends joined to watch in the Middle Atlantic Conference. exception. . Washington, catching them still down, them, and once more they either stood Leading the strong Baltimore team The Terror Yearlings got off to a also almost turned the trick, but the Notre Dame of Md. ~ to 0 along the side lines or sat on the will be Joe Nones, center forward, flying start last week as they defeat- Green and Gold should find themselves On Saturday, Coach Marie Parker ground. Also let me assure you that and second h'%[hscorer in the confer- ed the Veterans Institute of Balti- on the upswing for Homecoming and sent a select team to represent although this letter is of a critical ence, who was all- Middle Atlantic last more City College by the score of 18 Western Maryland at the hockey play- nature, it is not meant to be destruct- year; Charley Huang, who was hon- to O. This was the first loss in four day sponsored by the Baltimore Wo° ive, but quite the contrary. as my orable mention All-American at in- games for the Vets. men's Field Hockey Association at friends and I have been followers of side left last year; Karl Pepermel- Gene Oetz sent the Baby Terrors Bryn Mawr School. Western l\larylanil teams for the past ster, who formerly played in Ger- off to a fast start when he scored The Terror Lassies, with superior fifteen years. many and was also all-Middle Atlan- early in the first period. The extra playing throughout, won both their It is hoped that in its small way it tic Conference at outside right, and point was missed. Buford Zephir and games, defeating Mt. St. Agnes in may bring these things to scmeone's Jerry Cooper, goalie, who has return- :!._ulian Dyke had helped carry the the morning, 1-0, and blanking Notre attention and that in due time they ed to Hopkins from the service. ball down into the Vets territory af· Dame of Maryland, 3-0, in the arter- will be corrected. Cooper played with the Baltimore ter Western Maryland had gained noon, Sincerely yours, Soccer Club in 1943-44 season and possession of the pigskin in midfield. Louise Rossell, left wing, who show- James W. Pearce, turns in a fine performance in the The scoring was at a standstill goal every game. ed great skill in hockey practice, was EDITOR'S NOTE: Because of the The Green and Gold dropped their until Zephir tallied in the second the leading scorer of the day, making intense interest among students, initial Mason-Dixon tilt to Loyola quarter to put the home team ahead all four goals for Western Maryland. Alumni, and faculty in the question last Friday on their newly-acquired 12 to 0. Miss Parker's squad was the only set forth in the above Jetter and in field on the seventh fairway by a 3 to In the last frame Bill Seibert team of the competing schools not Mr. Wolfsheimer's column of last broke loose for fifteen yards for the scored upon. week, a statement of opinion on the ° count. failed to push a last score of the game. After the completion of the play. The home team matter was obtained from the Admin- marker across against the Green and The lineups: J06 Corlew . off, a committee selected the best play- istration, the substance of which is as Gray's defense despite the fact that ..:iil~~~a.... In.tit"t~ 10 E Wuter .. ](d. ers for the All-State eleven and All· Siloor follows: they were constantly threatening. Plum •... rc~:. Dorsey Big Joe has been a standout for the State Reserve team to be in the fea- L.T. Knepp The problem of erecting bleachers There was little real difference be- ~~~;~nav~ch .... Ef;;:~; Terrors at the tackle slot. ture game of the day. Sue Dixon, on the east side of Hoffa Field seems tween the abilities of the two ~rns KolpRCk KG right inner, was placed on the All- to be one of allocation of funds rather other than the fact that Loyola had Kimball .... R.T .... Y8g~~~~~~ State team from Western Maryland. R.E. F. Conneny Q.B than lack of desire or willingness on three goals to their credit and the Farnsworth. L.H.B .•. Form;;::! Dear Ed: It was her shot that made the only CotltrO$ the part of the Administration for Terrors had none. Smith .. RT-f.B. Zephir With a vacation for those past goal of the All·Star game. Betty such seating accommodations. Dr. Hol- Wetysillk F.B. Dyke two weeks from the predictions, I Minnis, right wing, and Beulah Fritz, to the en· Black And Whites Play Great loway is extremely aware of the need, am all set to go. right fullback, were on the All·State is personally sympathetic For this week I'll trY plenty of reserve team. tin~ problem, and has investigated all picks: angles of the situation. is cer· Game To Tie League. Leaders Harvard to beat Rutgers Lon;"" WMte .... Ma'1lland L.W. HI. St. Agn.,~ Rossell . .. Ga~horn Pat The letter, in his opinion, Notre Dame to slaughter Navy Sne Dixon Donovan L.r. Ohnlotte Nancy Jameson Litz C.F Sherry tainly the statement of a fact, but a 40 Western Md. to beat Hampden· Louise Reese , ... R.r. . Nancy Lou Miller fact that everyone has realized for I Interfraternity League loop leaders scoreless through Sydney Betty J. Minnis R.\V .... .. Nancy Tboma. Norma minutes of play. Kei!l'ler L.H.. K . .MacGuire 4 sometime. The Preachers started strong_ with William and Mary to beat Betty Armtger C.H ... Peggy Augu.tine At the present time, however, the Sttnuii"Jl' 0/ the P,,, ..... their running and passing attack Maryland Hop" Kell~m .. R.H. . •• Alma Duvall ~:~: .~.".rjN~~c;Vt:~~~ estimated cost of $14,292 necessary working well, only to have the play Western Md. to beat Randolph· ~::~~~ ~~~zver .. G. .Mary Owens Annetta McMahan for such improvement is not available. .~:~';,.:iB!i~h'Ci,·i· W,l, ",',1 ~,l P~,". stopped time and time again deep in Macon Seorebyperiod$ ~ Pi Alpha...... ~ Alphll F==========ij Alph .. Gamm .. Tllu .. the Black and White territory. Johns Hopkins to beat Drexel :-~!,::nSt~1i~::d. ::.::: g ~~ FLASH! Gamma Beta Chi moved Charlie Burkins and Bill Merriman Notre Dame to beat Army Field Hockey Schedule into second place with a 19 to 12 win were standouts on the line for the Pi Army to beat West Virginia Oct. 30 Mixed "A" vs. Junior "A" JOHN EVERHART over the Bachelors yesterdaY. Alpha Alpha team with Roger Saltz- Delaware to beat Western Md. Oct. 31 Sophomore A vs. Freshman A gaVer, Fred As the Fraternity Football League Jesse (Soccer) Hollowa.y and hit the half·way mark, the Delta Pi Starkey on the secondary. Wester"'h"lid. to beat Washington Nov. 1 Freshman B vs. Sophomore B The College Barber Alpha Preachers remained on top of The Preacher passers, Curly Wal· (SOccer) Nov. 5 Mixed vs. Sophomore A the standings by a slim margin. lace and Dick Palmer were not ·able Yours truly, Nov 6 Freshman A vs. Freshman B and Bobber Nov. 7 Freshman B vs. Junior B The major upset of the young sea- to connect with the consistency Qf the son was the scoreless tie between the previous games and were unable· to Nov. 12 Mixed A vs. Freshman A AT THE FORKS Preachers and Pi Alpha AlpDa. cross the goal line 'despit;, a first Won Lost Pct. Nov. 14 Senior A vs. Junior A' Playing superb defensive ball, the do~ on the one.yard line in the third 8 1 .889 Nov. IS Junior B vs. Sophomore B surprising Black and Whites peld the peri~. GameS aTE!-at 4:20 "I~.M.
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