Page 14 - TheGoldBug1946-47
P. 14
The Gold Bug, October 24, 1946 Letter To Jhe Editor Preachers Lead Frats In Football League (Continued from page 2, column 5) [ heard of their new tune on that day, (Continued from page 2, column 2) harsh realities of biology, psychology. hundreds of townspeople were fol- (Continued from page 3, column 3) and sociology, may we suggest a dash ing- showed that there were now ex· Of course, there are always those actly double the original number of lowing them, some amazed, some de- Wallace to Ernie Leap gave the literary utilitarians who insist that if of Nash? lines, and, shaking his head, the scribe riding, some sympathetically inter- Preachers a 13 to 12 win. an author doesn't contribute to the found them unfruitful. Then a strange ested. As they turned the corner, I In the biggest surprise of the short onward .march· toward a better art thing happened. The sixteen lines tried to catch a last glimpse of this season, the Black and Whites held the form, or if he doesn't offer some great J. WM. HULL, Jeweler faded into eight and expanded into merry group, and I found that there Bachelors to a 7 to 7 tie. The Bach- truth about love or the U. N., or if Spcceseoc to Cassell's sixteen again. Searching for the were now not six, but that their num- elors scored first, but a pass from he doesn't at least bear witness to beauty he had found in the eight, he ber had just doubled! Roger Saltzgaver .tc Jesse Starkey Life in Our Time, he doesn't deserve The Store of New Fashioned found more beautiful" the doubled " I hurried home for my chisel and tied the score and neither team was to be read. But the very lack of Jewelry and Old Fashioned portion, for the good in the eight had diorite block to record this unequalled able to score for the balance of the these things is Ogden Nash's greatest Honesty grown too. song for my kiddies-and listen well, game. charm. "Rushing home to his room in for these eight lines will grow bigger On 'Tuesday the Preachers took a Times Building Thebes, the boy found that the poem for you, too: two-touchdown lead as Charlie Chlad So the next time the setting sun East Main St. had again doubled in ejze, -and by "'Of the Infinite Love I sing,' " accounted for all the Purple points finds you longing for escape from the Westminster, Md. morning it had reached epic proper- And here, Madame Editor, the tab- on passes from Wallace when the Del- tiona. Charging to the market-place let is shattered, and the song is un- ta Pi Alpha team beat the Gamma to point out his discovery to his finished. I beg, won't someone finish I Bets 13 to 6. The Gamma Bets scored friends, he repeated the first eight this song? By its magic were the six in the last half-minute of playas Red FOR RENT lines to himself. So masterful was it bound together. What, I implore you, Hammag-ren passed to Harry Ying- Compliments in thought and style that the five were the last seven lines 1 ling in the end zone. COSTUMES and FORMALS friends learned it too, and, locked arm Sincerely, of in arm, they marched down th~ The· Ed. Cushen. Dorothy Elderdice ban streets chanting joyously. Their (Editor's Note: The Gold Bug will SMITH & RBIFSNIDER BONSACK'S' old favorite song about The Three welcome any letters to the Editor on Incorporated 75 W. Green St. Blind Mice had been momentarily any subject-e-well, almost any sub- LUMBER-COAL Westminster, Md. fm-gctten-c-and when the~ did recall ject.) WES),MINSTER, MD. SODAS LUNCHES it they laughed at its silly meaning. Phone 57 Three Blind Mice, indeed! Say ra- ther, Six Blind Fools! And the last For Teen Queens- Flowers for Every Occasion CHRISTMAS CARDS When Downtown Stop At PICTURE FRAMES STATIONERY Stewart N. Dutterer made to order SCRAP BOOKS JOHN EVERHART Goldee's Goodie Shoppe FLORIST Large Selection of The College Barber Opposite State Theatre Mouldings Pennsylvania Ave. Coffman's Stationery and Bobber Prompt Service Phone 350 FULL COURSE DINNER Opposite Bus Terminal AT THE FORKS 11 A. M.-2 P. M. T. W. Mather & Sons 35c Department Store Phone 300 Theo. F. Shaeffer CARROLLEEN Barnes Appliance Service Master Plumber Bendix Home Laundry Individual Coiffures All kinds of Electrical 92 W. Main St. Appliances Serviced Phone 359-J Beauty in iu Entirety and Repaired ( 66 W. Main St. Speed Queen Washers and Westminster, Md. Ironers WESTMINSTER, MD. 45 EAST MAIN STREET WESTMINSTER, MD. Phone 793 Run Rig,ht to Margaret & Earl's READ'S Students' Center For Fine Cosmetics, Toiletries Stoner & Hobby Phone 214-W and all your C. R. Aldridg~, Owner SANDWICHES-- DRUG STORE NEEDS SOFT DRINKS 15 E. Main Street, INSURANCE Westminster, Md, Sa ve With Safety At The RADIO.ELECTRONIC SERVICE Benny's Kitchen Rexall Drug Store has table model Radios of Old Spice, Friendship Garden, Famous makes, Cara Nome, Orloff and RECORD PLAYERS, ETC., Where old friends meet Berganot Toiletries Colonial Jewelry Company for immediate delivery and like to eat Prompt and Efficient Radio Listen to the Jimmy Durante- 32 W. MAIN ST. Moore Recall Repairs Strictly home cooked food Garry Radio Show every Drug WESTMINSTER, MD. Radio Electronic Service Friday evening , • Phone 303 14 W. Main St. Phone 703 59 W. Main St., Westminster 9:30 P. M., WCAO and WFMD Westminster 654.J SCHMITT'S REXALL DRUG STORE MONARCH CLEANERS 55 E. Main St. Phone 298 CLEANING and PRESSING OCT. 24 TO 26, THURS. TO SAT. OCT. 24, 25, THURS., FRI. Westminster, Md. "JOHNNY IN THE CLOUDS" "TWO GUYS FROM MILWAUKEE" Michael Redgrave John Miles R. L. &J;cDonald British-made Picture- Dennis Morgan Jack Carson Phone 484 Joan Leslie OCT. 27 TO 29, SUN. TO TUES. "IF I'M LUCKY" OCT. 27, 28, 29. SUN. TO TUES. Perry Como Vivian Blaine 80 EAST MAIN STREET "BLACK BEAUTY" Harry James and Orchestra COMPLIMENTS Mona Freeman Richard Denning Opposite Post Office OF Evelyn Okanas OCT. 30, WED. ''THUNDERTOWN'' Charles Carroll Hotel - Bob Steele TAILOR_MADE GIFTS OCT. 30, 31, WED., THURS. "OF HUMAN BONDAGE" OCT. 31, NOV. 1, THURS., FRI. Accommodations for Double Feature Your Week-end Guests Eleanor Parker Paul Henreid "BLITHE SPIRIT" SPECIALIZES IN GIFTS "DEVILS' MASS" FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS o NOV. 1. 2, FRI., SAT. NOV. 2, SAT "IN OLD SACR.A1tIENTO" "GUNMAN'S CODE" Constance ·Moor{! William Elll~tt. Kirby Grant
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