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Z286 Vol. 24 No.4 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE October 30, 1946 College Players To Present Jensen, Ortenzi,. ll IIJanie ; Snyder, Holloway, Youngblood Are New Presidents Bartley, Neville H~ad Cast gins marked the class officer elections Keen competition and narrow mar- which took place on Monday, October The high spot of the Thanksgiving holiday, sharing honors with the 28. The results are as foUows: traditional turkey, will be the College Players' annual production, to be pre- Sig Jensen is senior class president sented on November 28, at 8:16 p. m., in-Alumni Hall. Under the direction and Art O'Keeffe is vice president. of Miss Esther Smith, the choice for this season is the popular comedy, Secretary and treasurer are Shirley Janie, by Josephine Bentham and Herschel Williams. Jones and Joanna Hauver, re-spective- Shirley Snyder will play the title role, that of a pretty teen-age girl with ly. Shirley Snyder is class historian, kid-sister and man trouble. Elsbeth, the kid sister, will be enacted by Fran- and Curly Coffman is sergeant-at- ces Bartley, while Jack Neville, Fred Holloway\ Jr., and Jack Ammon supply the masculine worries. The juniors chose Carlo Ortenat to The cast will also include Anna Lee lead their class, assisted by Don Bro- Hamilton, Stude'nt Of Greece Butler, George Wilson, Betty Powell, hewn as vice president, Sally Smith as Emajane Hahn, Stanley secretary, and Mary Hershfeld as Robert Mathias, Betty Blades, Anne treasurer. Phyllis Houck is class his- Cain, C. E. Clarke, Margaret Statler, To Launch WSSF torian. D. Bailey, William Donahue, and Ar- Pete Youngblood was the sopho- art classes. Drive On Campus thur O'Keeffe. These students are more choke for president. Phyllis members of the dramatic A lexander- was elected vice president; 'I'heocharis Pendis of Greece, a stu- Bettye Benson, secretary; Anna Eng- dent of Civil Engineering from the Iar, treasurer; and Jay Cummings, Technical University in Athens, will sergeant-at-arms. The sophomore Homecoming Queen, Jackie Kilha1l1. begin the World Student Service class historian is Ninita Barkman. Fund Campaign on the Western Maryland' campus on November 3, MSG Appoints Officers Bachelors Plan First Homecoming when he will speak in the Sunday In accordance with their constitu, evening chapel service. Mr. Pendis tion, the council of the Men's Student Since 1943; Featured Activities will be at the Pireside-Pellowship af- ter chapel for an informal discus- Government appointed a viee-presi- chose George Honor Queen Jackie Kilham sion. dent and a secretary-treasurer at a A goal of $2000 has been set for recent meeting. They the entire college, and the WSSF Norman and Bob Grumbine, respec- For the first time in three years, years. tively, for these offices. committee has set an individual goal Western Maryland will again observe Among the faculty who have been of $2.00 per person. Representatives About the end of November the traditional Homecoming Day. The invited to join in the fun are Dr. and have been selected to conduct the cnmbined student governments plan date for the big occasion will be Sat- Mrs. Fred G. Holloway, Dean and drive in each dormitory, and to con- to sponsor a movie, the proceeds of urday, November 2, when the day's Mrs. Forrest Free, Dean Kathryn tact faculty and day students. Bern- which will be used to honor the foot- activities will include a football Huganir, Prof. and Mrs. Frank Hurt, ard .Jennings and Helen Wright will ball team with a banquet. This is the game, sorority and fraternity open and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Havens. first time that the team has been so handle publicity. The drive is 'under house throughout the day, and a Tickets for the dance went on sale the direction of Mary Wright Silvey. honored by these organizations. semi-formal dance to be held in the in McDaniel Hall office yesterday af- evening. ternoon. They may also be purchased • Student ueuer Full of pre-war gaiety and spirit, at the door Saturday night. Tickets Shirley Snyder is a unique and inclu- Bartley Will Give the day will provide the same enter- are $2.00, including tax. The WSSF tainment sive organization of American stu- years past. which made it popular in The queen and her attendants will Since its first production three dents and professors for participa- First Voice Recital The Terrors, who have never lost a be guests of honor at the dance and years ago in New York, Janw has tion in emergency student relief and also in the Bachelors' clubroom Sun- played to thousands of enthusiastic rehabilitation in Europe and Asia. It Franees Bartley, one of our most Homecoming Game, will meet Hamp- day afternoon. theater-goers throughout the coun- was created in 1937, with the out- prominent voice majors, will give the den-Sydney in the afternoon on Hoffa Special dance programs have been try. Many will also recall the delight- break of war in China, and is spon- first student recital of the year in Field. At half time, Jackie Kilharn, secured by the Bachelor-s. They will who was elected Homecoming Queen Levine Hall, Friday, November 8, at ful motion picture based on the play, sored by the religious forces, Chris- 8 p. m. by popular male vote, will present be much larger than the ones former- starring Joyce Reynolds. tian and Jewish, in the United States. ly used at other dances. In 1943, the National Fund-Raising Besides being well-known on the Mrs. Holloway with a bouquet of Sororities and fraternities will ob- Its appeal lies in its lighthea~ted campus for her outstanding soprano flowers. serve open house all day Saturday gaiety and occasional hilarity, tem- and Relief Administration commit- voice, Miss Bartley has been active The day's festivities will be until 12 p. m. into the World tees were coordinated pering the genuine human problem of Student Relief, with headquarters in in various extra-curricular activities. brought to a grand finale by a semi- In order that the men may order adolescent youth versus misunder- She is now a member of the College formal dance, 8 to 11 ;~5 p. m., spon- corsages, representatives from Dut- standing adults. "Janie is disarming, Geneva, representing the united ef- Players, chairman of the Inter-Ra- sored by the Bachelors. As we go to terer's Florist Shop will be in Ward amusing, and down-to-earth in its forts..,.of three great international cial Committee of the SCA, and press, the location of the dance has Hall and Albert Norman Ward dur- contemplation of the American student organizations. treasurer of Iota Gamma Chi. been changed. The affair is now to be illg the week. scene," reviewed the New York Her- • Creates Unity Her program will consist of the held in Gill Gymnasium, and arrange- A large crowd, including many al- ald Tribune during its long run on following: . ments have been made for the men umni, are expected to be on ha~d for Broadway. The WSSF is not solely a program Vedrai carino "Dou Giovanni" living there to vacate to the basement the occasion. So, it looks as though of rehablitation abroad. It provides a Mo~art of Ward Hall. The College Players will f~llow this means for American students to Ah! 10 so "The Magic Flute"_.Mo~art I The music for the occasion will be Homecoming Day '46, will stand out play with a number of presentations, share in assuring that the interna- Batti, batti "Dou Giovanni"; ..Mozart supplied by Rudy Killian, whose band in WMC history. , among them the Christmas and Com- tional student community will never A Woman's Life and Love_Schumann is rated one of Baltimore's best. Mr. mencement productions and several again be disrupted, and creates a Since Mine Eyes Have Seen Him Killian has been perfornring at Bal- Faculty Members Have erie-act plays. One of the group will common bond between the students of timore's Dixie Ballroom for several also aid in the directing and produc- war-torn Europe and Asia and those He, the Best of All Tea In White House I Cannot, Dare Not Believe It ing of the May Day play. As the of our own country. The Ring IRe Will Show Movie Miss Daisy Smith and Miss Minnie yearly operating cost is usually de- Several alumni have already sent Help Me, Oh Sisters Ward recently had the privilege and frayed by the admission charge of in contributions. If there are others Sweet, My Friend, Thou Viewest ' On Lif~ In Soviet Union pleasure of meeting Mrs. Truman the Thanksgiving play, as yet unde- who wish to contribute, send to M, and having tea at the White House. termined for Janie, these additional Mary Wright Silvey, Box. 183, West- Here On My Bosom, Here On My The International Relations Club The occasion was October 10, when events are free to the student body. ern Maryland College. Heart will present a movie entitled "U.S.S.R. the Columbia University Alumni Now, For the First Time -The Land and The People" at the Club, of which they are members, was next meeting, Monday, November 4. .Ruben8tein Gold Bug Sponsors Shorf Story The Dew is Sparkling ____1I.lickael Head The main objectives of the film are: entertained by the President's lady. At four o'clock the guests, who had The Piper Slumber Song of the Madonna to present facts objectively about the been waiting in the large East Room, Contest With $5.00 Cash Prize Michael Head Soviet Union: to stimulate alert ob- were led through the Blue Room to How Do I Love Thee_Edouard Lippe servation and analytical thinking as the accompaniment of the White judgment; The Gold Bug, tr~e to the spirit ceived up to that date of publication, Marie- Antoinette's Song Jacobson prerequisite to sound backward na- to House orchestra. Mrs. Truman re- show how a formerly printed , of its godparent, that master crafts- as judged by Dr. ;Marshall, and Pro- Feast of the Lanterns 'Bantock tion, with people of widely different ceived them in the Red Room. She wore a very simple black dress, ad- man of the horror story, Edgar Allan fessor Makosky, will be . cultural backgrounds, has developed orned only by two orchids. Miss Poe, is announcing a short story cash anonymously. The prize story will be into a modern industrial nation; to Smith and Miss Ward were impress- prize contest. This is a follow-up of selected by student poll following the IJIUUJ.UHC. .. " •• show that the U. S. and the Soviet ed with her stately bearing and gra- the poetry contest sponsored last year publication of the last story and $5.00 Union can and shou~d work together cious manner. to encourage and reward the creative will be awarded to the winner. S~~~.2) oece in peace as well as war. Tea was served in' the State Din- talent on the Hill. The influx of new energies and tal- The annual Sadie Hawkins The IRC may send deleg-ates to the ing Room. In the center of the long There are absolutely no restrictions ents should produce a wealth of im- Dance will be held in Blanche Regional Meeting at Vassar Col- table was a bouquet of white roses, as to theme, mood, plot, lack-of-plot, aginative writing to rival the enthu- Ward Gym on November 16, from lege in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Novem- pink carnations, and baby's breath, or vocabulary; the only requirements siastic response of the. poetry contest 8 to 11 ;30 p. rn., under the aus- ber 30 and December 1, 1946. The Club with a tall white candle on either are that it be fiction, approximately and encourage continuing the compe- pices of the Gold Bug. is now awaiting infonnation concern- side. A silver service on each end of 1200 words in length, and placed in tition. By this means all those thwart- Women escort the. men. Dress ing the area conference to be held the table provided coffee or tea. Oth- the Gold Bug box in the book stars. ed revolutionists, essayi sta, intelleetu- "Dogpatch style". Refreshm_ent's either at. Loyola or Notre Dame of er refreshments consisted of cakes, In the November 14 issue of the als, and wits will have their d!! will be served. - Admission: ·8Sc Maryland in the near future, and it cookies, salted nuts, and bon-bons. Gold Bug and in each successive is- voice their.thoughts and dispJay their drag, 5Oc. stag. will definitely attend end send dele- MrB. Truman mingled freely with' sue thereafter, tlie best entry re- abili~i~ gate~ .. the guests.
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