Page 10 - TheGoldBug1946-47
P. 10
The Gold Bug, October 10, 1946 method averted mobbings and viol- are not as perfected as they arc in Danish Student Arrives ence by the populace. America, and Alice saw her first foot- ball game From time to time the Germans de- Maryland Western when stroyed buildings in Copenhagen and beat Gettysburg. Yet competitive (Continued from page 1, column 5) one of the universities to become a in the end the British bombed the sports do exist, largely in the form guages are required in the scboolsl Doctor of Medicine. Just what she German sites about it. One day a of soccer. Alice, herself, plays tell- I although many here have trouble will specialize in remains as yet uri- . British plane, whose target was the nis, even with English and few language certain. German shell-house, crashed into 'a .Will Remain One Year With rapidly increasing momen- majors here are actually fluent in for- In the Gymnasiums, of which some school of small children, on the same She is studying chemistry, Eng- a flood tide of engagements and eign speech. are co-ed and some are not, all cours- street as the one Alice attended. The lish, bacteriology, sociology, psychol- turn, is descending on our cam- marriages The educational system of Den- es are fixed and classes required. The British mistook the fallen plane for ogy, and is takirig physical education pus. It is impossible to keep up with mark, she explained, is somewhat dif- university set-up is far more liberal, the site of their target and wiped at Western Maryland. She will be all of them; thus it is that we left ferent from that here. In some ways requiring only attendance at exam- out one section of Copenhagen about here for a year it is better and more progressive, al- inations, the student working solely her. permitted to remain receive an exten- out several names last issue. Jackie Kilham, '47, received a ring and may possibly though in other ways she admires on his own, although it is far easier e corree and Tea Scarce sion for another year. One of her from Edward Mogowski, '46, and ours. There are eight years of com- to attend lectures. The university Food was reasonably plentiful reasons for coming to .the States was there's a sparkle in Dottie Wilder's pulsory primary schooling, after classes are chosen by the student, de- throughout the war in Denmark, al- the traditional desire of the Danish eyes to match the one on her finger. which most people usually attend a pending upon his or her field of en- though there were absolutely no lux- people to sec if they are able to stand Jackie Blick, '49, and Harold Fuss middle school for four years. Follow- deavor. uries like coffee and tea. When coffee upon their own feet with self will march down the aisle in June. ing that many go on to the Gymna- • Public Education was again to be had,· she related, confidence, which Alice'bas done. An- Mildred Duerst, ex '48, was married sium for three years, which may well Adult education is to be had in there we,e formed lines of people other is that American schools have in Washington on September 28. correspond to our undergraduate col- Denmark by all, laborers or business hours to obtain for on the Hill is con- The atmosphere leges. Here one chooses between a men, and without any charge what- standing long-missed I beverage. a cup much to offer in her chosen field of tagious even to those who aren't stu- of the medicine. Such linguistic course or a scientific course soever. The universities hold lectures ere some of her experiences; such Western Maryland is where she dents. Witness the fact that Cather- and for each the classes are prescrib- upon almost any imaginable subject has been part of the life of a conti- came and here she is welcome. Let ine Sies, who works for Mr. Harrison ed and compulsory, the linguistic during the evening which draw peo- nental inhabitant. her visit be both pleasurable for her in the bookstore, said "yes" to Roger course containing languages and re- ple from all walks of life who wish The organized sports of Denmark to her. Saltaguver, '42. lated subjects, and the scientific to further themselves. However, no nnd profitable course containing mathematics, biol- credit or examinations are given. ogy and all of t.he physical sciences This is a very progressive and desir- as well as social sciences. English, able system. German, French and others are re- e Relates Experience quired for both cours~s, the main dif- Alice can relate many experiences ference being in degree and in meth- about the German occupation of ods of instructing. Denmark and has collected a mass of .Gymnasium Fest.ivit.ies photographs which she values high- Graduation from Gymnasium is a ly. She spoke of the German perse- celebrated affair, the festivities last- cutions and the Danish general strike ing for about a week. Immediately which caused heavy retaliatory meas- following a month of examinations ures upon the citizens of Denmark, there are parties and a parade with often in the form of mass killings. horses and carriages' carrying the In September of 1944 the German students who wear white caps as authorities feigned an air raid to symbolic of the honor they have at- drive the people to shelters; leaving tained through matriculation. Upon the police force the sole inhabitants completing this higher education it above ground. Then they seized the is not unusual for students to con- guards of peace and rushed them tinue their education by attending one to various concentration camps. This of the two universities in Denmark, the University of Cppenhagcn or the University of Aarhus, which corre- sponds to our peat-g-raduate schools, producing doctors, lawyers and other Typewriter and Adding professionals, Alice is a' science, or a math, major and plans to attend Machine Repairs RENTALS DavisTypewriter Co. JOHN EVERHART 32 West Main Street Westminster, Maryland The College Barber Telephone 585 and Bobber Agency AT THE FORKS L. C. Smith Typewriter Gibson Guitars Selmer Band Instruments Benny's Kitchen Stu', Music Studios Where old friends meet 32 W. Main St. 2nd Floor and like to eat Westminster, Md. Phone 585 Strictly home cooked food Down Beat-Instruments 59 W_ Main St., Westminster Popular Sheet Music Westminster 6"54-J Accessories Recordings Made .' I (J)~.oi~th GIRDLESO NO BONES ABOUT IT STAVS UP WITHOUT STAYS \ l Another "Hickory" Success 1. W. Mather & Sons
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