Page 12 - TheGoldBug1946-47
P. 12
The Gold Bug, October 24, 1946 Hash, Trash, and Nash Are you satisfied with the cut system? We aren't! haps both the faculty and students will·support the pro- By Jack and Jan Rogers posed plan. *" A supposedly war-time procedure, a new system of cuts, Proceeding from the assumption type of personality betrayed in Og- was inaugurated in 1943, but the war is now over and that The suggestion will be made at the faculty meeting that a few fortunate individuals on den Nash's verse. He is harmless, little matter of "one-cut versus two dollars" has somehow that each instructor deal individually with the number of the campus manege occasionally to completely unsophisticated, and just remained behind to plague the WMC students. Its long additional absencee-c-each professor governing cuts in his find a little leisure time, we propose a trifle inhibited in lines like: life began arousing its victims (those students who find course by adjustment of the final g-rade in certain re- to offer for yoUr-.consifleration, in this "Some hate broccoli, some hate their names listed publicly as offenders on any of several curring cases. and future columns, remarks on a bacon, bulletin boards) to action at some enlightened moment of Knowing that even this show of liberality ....-ill not eet- variety of topics, ~uch as plays, mo- But I hate having my picture the last semester of last year. To say it in the most po- isfy many of the more radical cut-seeking students, we tion pictures, and books. taken." lite manner possible, only much talk and little action- would like to point out some of the sensible and redeem- Our initial endeavor concerns the At other times he contrives to be among students and faculty--characterized this movement ing features of the system. verse of that bad boy of American boldly debonair (though, more often t.hroughout this semester. Although we believe that there is much to say for un- poetry, Ogden Nash. A collection of than not, the role doesn't quite fit Numerous faculty meetings, intensive student discus- limited cuts, we acknowledge the fact that the plan under close to three hundred Ogdenesque him): sions, and considerable argument, "pro and con", finally question is certainly one step in the right direction. lyrics, limericks, and quips may be "I would live all my life in nonchal- culminated in the indefinite move of appointing a commit- Opportunities for three cuts will enable the student to found in the library under the title of ance and insouciance tee, under the chairmanship of Dr. Clyde A. Spicer, to en- enjoy several so-called "long week-ends" and to exercise The Face Is Familia? -. To the uniniti- Were it not for making a living, deavor to compromise on a cut system that would satisfy, a certain amount of judgment as to the most useful and ated e random sampling of the Table which is rather a nouciance." as nearly as possible, all the views expressed during the profitable time to absent himself from classes. It seems of Contents will give a fair indication And then, quite suddenly, we find him period when campus interest was directed upon the prob- to us that with three cuts offered to him, the average of what is to follow, for he will see completely nonsensical: lem. By the time that. this action was decided upon, student will not feel so confused and resentful about the there such bits of nonsense as "To a "Then here's my hand, my trusty most students had resigned themselves to a life of un- thought that he is not only paying the college to attend Small Boy Standing on r.t"y Shoes companion, br-oken class attendance. The actual problem remains the lectures of the professors, but is also paying to stay While I Am Wearing Them", "Oh, And may neither one of us fall in a enough in the back of their minds, however, that various away from these same lectures, all of which is a very Did You Get the Tickets? Because 1 canyon." emotional reactions will probably be aroused immediately contradictory process. Don't Think I'll Go After All", and (Continued on page 4, column 4) upon reading this editorial. With only one cut permisaable to each student a semes- "When You Say That Smile, or, All Without giving the students any opportunity of using ter, unfair advantages exist as we look at the question Right, Don't Smile". Her Death these emotional reactions to prompt "Letters to the Ed- from the angle of the two dollar fine. Why should a pen- Having turned from the titles to itor" or other actions of protest, we should like to make alty for cutting classes such as the one now in existence the poems themselves, the reader will See how the fascinating arms of the statement that Dr. Spicer and the faculty have risen be placed upon the students-why should the class mem- probably be struck by the complete flame up with a tentative plan resulting from a careful study ber who can afford "monetarily to absent himself from whimsicality which seems to prevail Flung evenly above the dark hori- and consideration of all factors involved and from their classes enjoy actually unlimited cuts while the financially in the versification, in the grammar- zon's precipice heeding of the advice of several competent and interested poorer student may be able to use only his one allowable yes, even in the spelling. Nash's utter Will tint surrealistic symbols of a students. - absence 1 A system of three cuts would alleviate this abandon in the matter of this last is woman's love The plan subject to change, that is to be presented to situation to some degree although it would not solve the colossal; he stops at absolutely noth- On soft, absorbent clouds of dust! the faculty at a mceting on November 4, will recommend problem. ing in the effort to make his lines The last struggle of the day that students be allowed three absences per semester in Essential to understanding the problem is to realize rhyme. Has burst in red emotion, each course, as was the custom before the war, with the that all Western Maryland students supposedly have ar- "Let us scratch in the presence of Flung against its fate, provision that only one of these cuts be taken on Satur- rived at College Hill to store away for future use valuable multitudes medical The deep omniscience of night. day. . knowledge that is be learned from all those who are And if they object, let us call them And lo! the sun in scarlet robes of The crippling of Saturday classes is the reason ad- termed "faculty". Under a new cut system this idea unedical !" vanced for the' added provision to the suggested rule- should be a challenge to the members of the teaching staff death " Many an infant that screams like a Will pay unwilhngj t ribute that only one absence from each course may be used on to present interesting classes that will impel student at- calliope As its glorious rages glimmer that day of the week. Lecturing to empty seats was the tendance and a challenge to the student body to gain the Could be soothed by a little atten- In their flickering hesitation to fore- chief objection of the faculty to a loosening of the laws most out of these classes. tion to its diope." go her sight, of cutting. With this "post script" added to the law per- -The Editor. When it comes to grammar and And twilight bows to night. versification his crimes are no less The dawn reversed alone may paint Em.jane Hahn Holmesick To The Ec/itor heinous. As one writer has remarked, Such haunting imagery of death his sentences are "wrenched and As the peacefulness of she Deal' Editor, mutilated to bring the rhyme-word I have a rather unusual request to to the end of the line," while the sec- Who, after her last grope for life, make, but I cannot state my wishes Complacently complies with fate, ond line of a rhymed couplet may be Her smile as unseen coals ag-ains't By Daphnot Clarke without first relating to you a most-- two or three times as long as the first. delightful experience of which I read Any attempt to read a regular meter the hearth, the other night. In t.urning over my into his verse places most of the ac- Reflecting sympathetic warmth Emajane Hahn is one of those peo- curios from the home of the Pharaohs On evening's cloudy face. cents on the wrong syllables. -c-Charles G. Brooks. ple who just always knew she was I found on the back of one of the This madness is, however, not coming to WMC - not because her stones an inscription I hadn't noticed without method. While it is true that mother or sister or uncle came here, before. Although it was written in practically anyone could turn out but because when Emajanc was in ele- those little figures of the Coptics, r verse if he or she took such wanton mentary school, the big girl who lived found that I could translate it [after- liberties with the English language, By CHARLIE BROOKS across the street went to college, and the fashion of a student in Arabic the severest critic must admit that The loveliest beauty in the world .Emajane decided that she would, too. 102.) The text in the words of the some of Nash's effects are very clever. may be seen and felt here on the So--here she is. She's always felt at narrator ran something- like this: Consider the assonance and allitera- Hill, occurring with each day as home here, because even before she " One of the struggling youngsters tion of these lines which were prompt- the sun sets and the college body was a student she attended the sum- learning to be a scribe wandered out ed by the news item "Smoot plans awakes. He who will not feel it and mer conferences and our homecoming of the hallowed halls of Karnak after tariff ban on improper books": appreciate it is almost necessarily in- games. nn evening of hitting the books. Mus- "Senator Smoot (Republican, Ut.) sensitive and usually near-ly dead. Any Emajane hails from Walkersville, ing as he emerged, he noticed the Is planning a ban on smut, man may easily live without a coun- which "nobody has ever heard of ex- light of his old standby, Sirius, Oh root-ti-toot for Smqot of Ut. try, for boundaries, in the long run, cept me and Chris Christopher 'cause thcug htfully playing among the shad- And his reverent occiput." are merely arbitrary, imaginative he just moved there". She has a ows of the steps of the. temple. With Then, too, it may be stated in his lines; but he who will not love beauty, younger sister, whom she loves be- a dejected slash of his foot the boy favor that he certainly evinces no and in beauty, nature, will only exist. cause they're both the same size. She jabbed at the shadows, for his pet reluctance in expressing himself. The Cities were built to exist in with their claims that she hasn't had any really cheetah had just left him. A mag- pages of any of his books will offer towering masses of steel and stone interesting experiences, but can only nificently proportioned beast the ani- the reader copious quantities of Nash which will someday crumble, leaving remember a couple little things like a com- on Politics, Nash on geneolog y, Nash room for the original forests to arise having a crush on her high school Emaiane Hahn , mal was, too, and as jovial But for no panion as your own dog. on literature, Nash on the theater, and rule again. Cities crumble slowly teacher, Mr. Browning, and falling off apparent reason at all, his cheetah in high school, him all her life-mainly and even Nash on Nash. His opin- as the common man perpetuates him- a trapeze and knocking herself out. though. She knew him there because had disappeared, leaving not even a ions range fTom simple admonitions self, unnoticed as an individual, yet Emajane rooms with Jeanette Mil- another girl had a crush on him. footprint or a bone behind. concerning carnivorous felines ("Ii felt by mere weight and the combina- holland, who says she has a wonderful (Wonder what happened to the other "At this point the student noticed called by a panther don't anther. .") tion of innumerable separate emotions roommate. So Emujane r e p lie s, girl?) a furry chinchilla stop in front of to a profound last word on women and prejudices. "That's just because she's so wonder- Emajane is a math major and chem- him, coyly beckoning with one of his ("There is one form of life to which The country, except for barnyards, ful, she doesn't notice my bad habits". istry minor. She's the president of paws. Utterly overcome at the benev, I unconditionally surrender, which is is a wonderful ecstasy; the city is fas- -c-Mutual Admiration Society-but af- the Student Government, and a mem- olent look on the beastie's counte- ter all, what else could they say when the feminine gender .... ") cinating and yet disgusting. .Ona loves ber of the Argonauts, the Col- nance, the scribe followed, fascinated, This last example is also indicative the country with its endless wilds, they were both in the same room...? lege Players, the Trumpeters, and until they approached an abandoned of the sweet, Sterling Holloway-ish lacking people to spit upon streets; But all this is merely background Sigma Sigma Tau. She modeled in canoe. Crawling over the gunwales yet one is held in awe by the mighty stuff. Emajane's personality doesn't our Hutzler's fashion show last year of the boat, the rodent religiously really blossom until you ask her about dives THE GOLD BUG metropolis with its innumerable flowing Holmes-the to get married 1 Well- and loved it. "I guess I must be just doffed his fur coat, hanging it on a: man in her life. When's for the moment. aplinter convenient where beer and people form she says. She loves she going an exhibitionist", shadows in thick smoke, and occasion- "That's not for publication-but my the country, ..,'3teaks, thunder-storms, On the watch chain dangling from Official student newspaper of \Vest- ally a person disappears not to be and \'{crcestershfrc. She also whis- the animal's vest was a pendant fash- ern Maryland College, published heard of again. If each pre-minis- future plans arc to be a housewife- ioned, oddly enough, after the symbol semi-monthly, on Thursday, during first class!" Holmes is a farmer and pers that she has a passion for high- October, November, January, Febru- terial student and each idealistic opti- E. J. loves farms, so the future sounds brow music and poetry, but only whis- of the supreme human Deity. After ary, March, and April, and monthly mist could but live among such peo- pretty rosy. pers it-"because somehow it ion't a searching look at the boy, the chin- during September, December, and ple in the long lines of slums for one collegiate to admit it". chilla reached his paw into a crevice May. Entered as second class matter mont.h, all would benefit. These places No one ever knows whether Ema- beside the oarlocks and ,vithdrew a at Westminster Post Office, under the jane is home-sick, or Holmes-sick, or "My life sounds a little dull", says Act of March 3, 1879. do exist and are not mythical stories going home, sweet home, or home Emajane, "but I've really had a gay folded bit of papyrus, and handed it read about in the daily newspapers. sweet Holmes. Anyhow, she sees him old time". And I bet she'll have an to his amazed follower with a ges- Subscription Price $2.00 a Year Life is low if one judges with the cri- almost every weekend. She's known even gayer time in her home sweet ture of understanding friendship. The terion of the high-minded idealist who home with Holmes! chinchilla then scampered away, EDITORIAL STAFF fails to understand why a mulling pausing only to remove his outer gar- E:ditor·in·'hief Margaret Stotler mob of wretched human beings living no matter how bea utiful the story ment from the splinter and to replace ~Ianaging Editor Fern RIIY 8pol1' Edi!or :N. J. Wolfsheime:r in filth and in gutters fails to have may be. Dear Editor: it on his plump form. reat~re Edi(ora. Daphne Cluke, Beay Schmidt faith. And perhaps one might be in- One~s faith is his own business, as "Now entirely baffled, the student Copy Editors ... Irma. Eney, Lenore Holl'man Typing Editor Anne Klein spired to wonder where faith disap- is one's philosophy, as long as it does Dean Schofield talks about West- opened the papyrus, and noticed but what BUSINESS STAFF pears to, what faith is, and why, when not bring to another corruption and ern Maryland traditions, thirty odd thereon an eight-line poem written in to the happened has BUBine"" Manager... . ,.Phylli. Hoock an adequate acquaintance with the coerced transfer of belief. Yet, let all an admirable script. In scanning the Adv~,.! Manager Dorothy Anderson year tradition that forbids women Circulation Manager Willi m Cook major portion of life, which does not not realizing what life and people sitting on the mourner's bElnch1 poem the boy found that it had re- envolve milk bars and Sunday Schools, really are cross the proverbial called to him some of the most pleas- CONTRIBUTORS has been made. "tracks" for a short period,. not to Yours truly, ant experiences he had enjoyed with Ted Quelch, Wayne Cowan, Fnd Holloway. Jr.. Virglni .. WIII[..TO. Maq Lon Sleven., The prodigious father and the prodi- change his ideals, but to see that all his missing cheetah. A second read- Helen, Edwud Ouohu. El.anor Seh.!lk... gal son n~V~T originated in the slums, are not in his own mental image. (Continued on page 4, column 1) J .. n Cohen. Ed. Ba.mmual .., Dorothy Joh.nOQll.
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