was associated with Albord & Albord, Saturday afternoon. The queen and Then, as a WMC Dance. Band cussion, but not debate: "What should Gordon Seagrave a Wall Street law firm. her court will present a bouquet of be our attitude towards Russia?" naval officer assigned to Intelligence, Under the Ieadershtp of Nick Pisa- flowers to Mra. Holloway at half time. Representatives from W est ern Dr. Gordon S. Seagrave, author of he attended language courses at Har- cane and Phil Shaeffer, the newly- The day ,viII be climaxed with Maryland were Professor John D. Ma- the best-sellers Burma Surgeon and vard and was subsequently detailed to organized dance band on the Hill is semi-formal dance, featuring the mu- a Burma Surgeon Returns, will appear kosky, Dr. Lincoln Lorenz, and Wil- the Nuremberg trial. now ready for business. A sample of sic of Rudy Killian, to be held in the. liam H. Shannon, a member of the at the Westminster High School on His su-cess, however, is not sur- the band's possibilities was given at dining hall. Miss Kilham and her at- 1, 1946, at 8:00 p. m., in November freshman class. the first of a series of three lectures prising to those faculty members who the Pep Rally on October 18. On No- tendants will be guests of honor at Although in previous years Western to be given under the auspices of the remembered him as a student on the vember 1 a similar program will pre- the dance and on Sunday afternoon in Maryland has maintained as many as Hill. The '35 Aloha, of which he was cede the football contest with Hamp- three debating teams (freshman, var- Carroll County Teachers' Associe- editor-in-chief, said of him, "Debonair, den Sydney. In addition to playing for the club room of the Bachelors, the sponsoring organization. tion. sity, and women's varsity), the extent intelligent-suavely dexterous with general campus functions, the band's Tickets for the series may be ob- word, thought, and pen." In his sen- A large crowd of Alumni is expect- tained from Helen Ray, Betty Lee ior year he was also president of services for local dances may be ob- ed to return to the Hill for the week· to Nick English Clergyman Robbins, Ruth Allen, and Carol Lowe, Delta Pi Alpha and, in keeping with tained through application Wa,·d Hall. end. The Homecoming Queen besides be- Albert Norman Pisacano, in McDaniel Hall. The price for stu- \VMC traditions, married true later dents is $1.00, for faculty $1.80. The word is that the instrumental- ing noted for her beauty, is a member Presents Lecture When the Japanese invaded Burma, an Brown. cutetanding- classmate, MaD' tsts have plenty of boogie-woogie and of the Delta Sigma Kappa sorority. blues on reserve. Their numbers will their homc is in At present Dr. Seagrave offered the services of westminster, from which he com- featur-e intcrpretations based on such Her senior attendant, Shirley Snyder, A visiting English clergyman last himself and his group to the U. S. a member of Phi Alpha Mu sorority, week accomplished the unheard-of Army and was commissioned a major :udte~:: h~::~~V offices in Pittsburgh .~dv:,~~~:~~~yaSa:!'~~:I'~h:n~10~~i~~~ was freshman attendant to the Home- feat of disrupting the English De- in the Medical Corps, assigned to Gen- coming Queen of 1943 and has also partment's scheduled classes. The eral Stilwell's army. He formed a This assembly, the second this year,' Misbehavin'." served on the court of the May Queen a series Reverend Mr. Hugh J. Matthews, rec- mobile unit, organized ambulance ser- will inauguratc Although the of similar Members of the band include Sey- for the last three years. programs. are plans tor of St. Marylebone's Church, Lon- vices, and put field hospitals where not yet, completed, the presentations, mour Lemeshaw, drums; Ernie Leap, don, presented an illustrated lecture they were needed. The Seagrave unit promising to be on varied and worth- trumpet; Phil Shaeffer, trombone; G. on the .history of his parish to 150 joined the epic retreat of American, while subjects, 'should cover the in- W. Spittell, saxophone; Nick Pisncc- Phi Alpha Mu Pledges English literature students on Octo- British, and Chinese army men, and a no, piano. The band requests that berlS. polyglot mixture of refugees out of terests of all. following the assem- anyone playing a guitar or bass-fiddle Thirty-Two Sophomores Immediately Now in this country on a lecture Burma into India. bly, class elections will take place. get in touch with one of the members. For the second consecutive year the tour, he was guest speaker, October Phi Alphs have topped the other sor- 13, at the Episcopal Church in West- orities in the matter of pledges with Rever- minster, whose former is now substi- Veterans Protest Housing Plans Budapest Quartet To Give thirty-two new members added to the rector, end Richard Lundberg, V.ried Musical Program roster. London. He also spo-ke at the Faculty At Mass Meeting October 21 The thirty-two new members are tuting for Reverend Matthews in The Bud ape Club meeting on October 17. String world-renowned present a pro- s t Phyllis Alexander, Betty Amos, Bet- Quartet will The Reverend Mr. Matthews has a By AL CONLEY week the administration announced gram of music by Haydn, Milhnud, and tye Benson, Beatrix Clarke, Betty special interest in the Brownings, for Problems relating to the Western that an attempt would be made to Beethoven, on Tuesday, October 29, in Dixon, Sue Dixon, Anna Englar, Eunice Evans, Dorothy Gamber, Char- 1946 is the centenary of the marriage have all the single men out of the Alumni Hall. The tickets m.ay be ob- of Elizabcth Barrett and Robert Maryland College veterans' housing gym and into their new quarters by tained now in McDaniel Hfill office lotte Goodrich, Joyce Gorsuch, Fran- Browning in St. Marylebone's Church. project were discussed at a meeting the latter part of November. It was free of charge. ces Keiser, Salle Lore, Jean Lummis, concerned, last Monday Nancy McAllister, Annette McMahon, of all parties He is currently speaking before evening, October 21. Dean Schofield, for this reason that the married vet- Program Jeanne Minnis, Martha Fowell, Janet Browning Societies on this event and representing the administration, pre- erans requested a hearing to air 1. Quartet in C major, Op. 33, No.3, working to provide an addition to the their views on the matter of first oc- Haydn; Allegro moderato, Scherzo al- Raubenheimer, Dorothy Ruppert, Mar- church as a memorial to the Brown- sided over the meeting. cupancy. legretto, Adagio, Finale (Rondo-Pres- garet Ruppenthal, Jean Sause, Bar- ings. Various views of the married vets to)./ r I bara Sowers, Louise Stagg, Betty Staley, Wilma Steele, Gladys Turner, The address to the literature stu- were that many of them had applied 2. Quartet, No.7, Milhaud; Modere- dents pointed out many interesting for housing as early as last winter ment anime, Doux et sans nate, Lent, Ruth Volk, Jean Watkins, Phyllis stories about the historical ch·urch. aIld a large number of the men have Weaver, Shirley Wells, and Ruby St. Marylebone's' influenced an amaz· been ill attendance at the college for Vif et Gal. Williams. 3. Quartet minor, in C-sharp Op. ing number of famous names. Byron one or two semesters previous to the 131, Beethoven; Adagio ma non troppo Next in line are the Sigmas, with was christened in it, and Lord Neison present term. The point of maladjust- twenty-two new "sister Sigs": Ninita attended there for many years. The ed married life under the present e molto espressivo, Allegro molto vi· Barkman, Jean Daughtrey, Joann painter, Hogarth, used a study of the conditions was also stressed. For vace, Allegro moderato, Andante ma Dillon, Jean Douglas, Mary Katherine previou!'l church building as the set- these and similar reasons, the mar- non troppo e molto cantabile, Presto, Fielder, Esther Gutbub, Joyce Hinkle, ting for his "Marriage of the Robe." ried vets went on record as advocat- Adagio quasi un poco andante, Alle- Mary Ann Hollander, Jo Ann John- And Stainer dedicated his "Crucifix- ing that tlIeY be given priorities for gro. son, Norma Keigler, Jean Milby, ion" to St. Marylebone's choir. the units. Helen Miles, Ginger Miller, Pat Out- According to Reverend Matthews, Sentiment among the single men erbridge, Helen Raschke, Louise Charles Dickens wrote many of his was favorably inclined to the mar- Attention, Veterans! Reese, Carolyn Sapp, Louise Sapp, books in a house across the street ried men's point of view. They felt Mary Ada Twigg, Doris Vansant, from the church, induding one, that the latter should receive first . A speriai bulletin board, located in Virginia Walters, and Eileen Weeks. "Dombey and Son," which used Mary- consideration, all points taken into the north end of the hallway of the Twelve girls pledged Iota Gamma lebone residents as characters. The account. second floor of Science Hall, has been Chi: Margaret Buderer, Wanda founder of Methodism, John Wesley, At the conclusion of the meeting, designated as the bulletin board for Bradham, Marade! Clayton, Betty was once associated with Mary- upon the request of Dean Scho- veterans. All important notices con- Ann Coblentz, Margaret Cook, Bar- lebone's, and his hymn-writing broth- Dean Samuel B. Sclwfield field, a committee of six persons, cerning academic credit, information bara Dodd, Lenore Hoffman, Phyllis er, Charles, is buried in its church- _ three from each group, was appoint- from the Veterans Administration, Houck, Doris Ritter, Mary Sands, yard. The main purpose of the meeting ed to meet and draw up an alterna- .and notices to individual veterans will Betsy Taylor, and Mary Ann Thomas. The Reverend Mr. Matthews used was to allow the married veterans tive plan in an attempt to re'ach a be posted on this board. It will be the The Delts gained seven new sisters: for his lecture slides showing the and single veterans, now residing in settlement agreeable to all parties responsibility of each veteran to Doris Beatty, Alice Brodrick, Dorothy people and places he discussed and Gill Gymnasium, to air their respect- concerned. The findings will be pre-- ch€ck these notl~es so that he will not Kullmar, Helen Lavin, CarOline Mc- the spread of London into the once- ive views as to which party should sented to the administration in the miss any important information. Nabb, Mary Jane Price, and Pori! rural parish. 'first occupy the housing project. Last near future. Zia..