Page 18 - TheGoldBug1945-46
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminstet", Md •• December 6, 1945 THE GOLD BUG L.iters Ol'llei,,1 atuden\ newspaper of 'V •• tem Marr To The Editor land Oollege, published semi-monthly, on Thursday, during October, No,'ember, Janu· UY"February, March, and April, and month!, durlug September, December, Bnd lIlay. En On Cap, Cuts lend .. second clss" m8tt~r nt Vi"e"~min.ter Guest Editorial Po.t office, under the Act of March 3. 1879. I read with great interest the last Subscription Pricf) $2.00 a Year We of Western Maryland College have a are to abide by it. But for us who have Gold Bug and took special note of rich heritage. We have been given much by known another system the change will be Editor-in-Chief, those who have gone here before us. They apparent. The change, once adopted, must be Cap's Caprice. I enjoyed reading tbe Virginia Voorhees, '46 have made Western Maryland what she is. complete. If we do not put forth the extra article and appreciated the author's Managing Editor, They deserve the credit for her growth and "effort it will take on our pad, and assume frankness on some of the hot issues Margaret Statler, '47 are the ones responsible for conditions as the responsibility it will bring, then our which he touched, but I am inclined News Editor, Enrique Lamadrid, '46 they exist. They are the ones who have given honor system will not work and it will not be to disagree with some of the state- .ass't, News Editor Jean Tull, '48 us our sacred traditions. They are the ones kept. The honor system is not to be a gift of ments and accusations that were Feature Editor Mary Davies, '47 who have wrought changes as needs arose. the Student Governments. It is to be the re- made. Make-up Editors, Don Capobianco, '46 These changes were not all accomplished sult of the efforts of the student themselves. Since I am a freshman this will no Charles Brooks, '48 overnight, but because someone believed It is to be because we want it and we are the doubt be considered to be sticking my Copy Editor Fern Ray, '48 they were right, we enjoy their benefits. ones who will be responsible for the success neck out, but then again, I patronize Business Manager. For over a year now the Student Govern- or failure. the slogan on the wall of a Naval Re- Mindel!e Seltzer, '46 ments of WMC have been working on an Thus we have been given the opportunity search Laboratory in Washington, Advertising l\Ianager, honor system. They have been investigating to bring about a change-a change which which states the following: "Con- Lucy Jane Stoner, '46 various honor systems in colleges, and have may make a major difference in our lives sider the turtlc--he doesn't make any Circulation Manager, presented for our approval one which they and in Western Maryland. This change progress unless he sticks his neck John Barnes, '48 think will meet our needs. They feel that an would be the installment of an honor system. out." I know very little of the Stu- Contrtbutcrs : Betty Schmidt, Wayne honor system will develop personal integrity It would also be the establishment of a dent Christian Association of past Cowan, Dorothy Anderson, Anne and a sense of social responsibility. Those sacred tradition which will have a greater years and I am still 110t very well ac- Klein, Helen Frantz, Doris Hines, who have an honor system believe it does influence on more people than any other one quainted with all its mechanics in Charlotte Suddith, Shirley Snyder, develop character and morals for the indi- at Western Maryland. This is our opportun- running this year. Anne Murphy, Jane Price, Jean Sil- vidual. The honor system of such places as ity to repay those who have given us so I must have been shielded from this amongst murmur cox, Edith Zatlin, Peggie Phillips, West Point is the possession most cherished much. We have this one great chance to en- "ever-increasing body about the growing the student John Dorsey, Barbara Sowers, Bet- by those who go and have gone there. rich the heritage of those who come after power of the SCA", because I have tye Benson, Shirley J011es, Arlene . The adoption of an honor system will be us. In the future we will be the ones they not as yet heard it. If anything, we Chen. hardest on us. New students will know that look back on as the instigators of a great might say that the SeA is assuming the honor system is practiced at Western heritage. a greater responsibility than ever On Cap's Maryland and will come realizing that they -Peggie Phillips, '46. before. I do not understand in what manner their powers are growing. Caprice Another question which I have is this: how is the SCA taking over practically all the extra-curricular By Don Capobianco Campus Personality Mehring activities other than those which fall directly in line with what the organi- One is tempted to speculate as to whether the explosion 6f the atomic 'Wtu, PaitenU galf "Ilk!'" zation stands for? me as the The SCA has impressed bomb has awakened the world from its somnambulistic stupor, or wheth- dominant organization on the Hill, er it has merely jarred us sufficient- By Betty Schmidt and thus far has shown me every rea- son why it should be. There is much ly to hasten us back to our paradisic- truth in the statement that the SCA al fancy that this is the best of all has taken the initiative when it was possible worlds and if left alone, the In the spring of 1938 the girls' nurses there, and were literally dang- was the happiest time of my life," needed and rendered a good deal of world will right itself? Unfortun- varsity basketball team of the Tan- ling the bait of mixing business with she smiled. "Off-duty hours were service. ately, this appears to be the case. eytown High School dejectedly left pleasure before my nose. I got the filled with riding, swimming, boating, I heartily disagree with the impli- International diplomatic relationships Blanch Ward Gym after being de- wanderlust, and off I went." fishing, and just about everything seem to bear this out quite fully, fnr feated by another county team in you can think of. But I had always cation that the SCA, merely by vir- organi- tue of its being the dominant we are engaged in nineteenth cen- one of the most important games of promised myself that I would finish zation, stands for intolerance among tury practices in a twentieth century the season. This was Idona Meh- my .colloge education." So !in the other things. world. ring's first introduction to WMC, but fall of '44 Idona came back to the The SCA teaches the college stu- this it may be gleaned that next year she came back for more, Hill, not only as a member of the exists a r!f between theor-ies this time as a student. And last No- student body, but as Mrs. Griffin's as- dent to approach life with an open mind and not with the implied closed and practices, for the theoretical con- vember 3rd, almost at the end of her sistant in the Infirmary. mind. The only view ever presented cept of World Organization is not stay here on the Hill, she left in the SCA is the Christian view, as blossoming forth into the flower of Blanche Ward as 0. successful Sadie e Hobbles and Skills you would expect it to be, and I must hope that idealists anticipated it Hawkins, who, after a madcap chase Although her duties in the Infirm- admit that I have never seen it forced would. One of the underlying reasons around the gym for Li'l Abner, fin- Ilry plus her studies make her on anyone. I think that it was very seems to be that the world-mind has ally, caught him and saw to it that schedule an extremely full one, she unfair for Mr. Capobianco to infer not yet caught up appreciatively he didn't get out of her grasp. manages somehow to find time to that the SCA rejects or looks down with world progress. .Graduate Nurse play bridge and keep up on the lat- upon any person who does not accept e Pundamenta! Difficulty Not being old enough to go into est novels. "I've always liked to that which is promulgated by the A closer study of the problem will training upon graduation from high make something from nothing," she group. reveal that the fundamental difficulty school, Idona decided to come to col- admitted. "Right now I'm making I think that Mr. Capobianco was is that our moral progress has not lege for two years. During this time a lampshade from matchcovers I've very right in saying that he felt most kept pace with our scientific progress. she majored in Home Economics, collected during my travels. I'm us- of the remedy lies with the students Mankind has implemented himself thinking this department the most ing only those that] can tie up with themselves, but I cannot see how he with a wealth of new tools for con- practical background for her future a certain experience, though." She classes tbe SCA as a conservative struction and destruction, neither of work. After the completion of her also enjoys attending horaeshows, faction when its liberality has already which he fully understands. Let us sophomore year, Idona entered the Idona Mehring arranging flowers, having par-tics been proven by its attitude toward take the radio as an example. 'I'he University of Maryland School of and making her own clothes. "I the racial question and other pressing radio has been hailed as one of the Nursing, where she was later pre- For a time she was on private duty love to cook, too! Probably because and ticklish matters. greatest disseminators of informa- sen ted an award for executive ability at St. Francis' Hospital, Miami I like to eat so much!" I Our columnist claims that we are tion and education in modern times. in practical nursing. Receiving her Beach. Then, through a friend she only listening to one side of the story, While this is so, it is equally true diploma from U. of M. in 1943, she got an interview with Frederick B. e Plans Psychiatric Nursing which may be true, but he does not that it is one of the most effective obtained a positicn as an industrial Snite, the Boiler Kid, who as a victim Idona is a member of Iota Gam- mention the fact that there is nothing means for spreading propaganda nurse with Western Electric in Bal- of polio, is confined to an- iron lung. ma Chi and is the sorority's Inter- stopping the other side from speaking and misinformation, not to mention timore, where she was to stay for She became a member of his medical Sorority Representative. Now a their piece. Surely the SCA is inter- the fairy tales the daily "soap operas" only six months. "Some friends of - staff, traveling with him from Miami psychology major, she plans to go ested in hearing the other side of the gush forth with. The daily soap mine in Florida were writing me of Beach to Chicago and northern Wis- into psychiatric nursing when she question, also. operas' heroines have chased leper- the wonderful positions available for cousin. "That summer in Wisconsin graduates in February. As yet, during the present semes- chauns so long that they have cre- ter, I cannot recall seeing Mr. Capo- ated the great American myth that bianco present at one of the meetings there is a Prince Charming for every of the organization which he so elab- Cinderella in the country, and if she orately criticized. waits long enough, he will come up Respectfully, on his supercharged automobile and WAYNE H. COWAN. rescue her from the dreary exist- FRIDA Y, DECEMBER 7- FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14- ance that is hers. When he does Argonauts, Dr. Huganir, speaker, in McDaniel Piano Recital, Jean Murray, Levin Hall, 8 P. M. To the Editor, not show up, and he usually does Lounge at 7:30 P. M. One of the most discussed prob- not, the myth is exploded and the SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16- lems on our campus is that of the repercussions are widespread and SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8- Sunday School, 9:15 A. M.; Student program, cut system. This letter is by no tragic. Yet we permit such rubble Interaorcr-it.y Christmas Dance in Gill Gym at "The Other Wise Man." Christmas Pageant, means a personal one, but a criticism to continue from day to day. 8 to 11:30 P. M. "Why the Chimes Rang", Alumni Hall, 4 :30 voiced by many of the students. More flagrant misuses of other P. M. As of 1943 the system was changed "modern heritages" can be cited, but SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9- MONDAY, DECEMBER 17- from three to one cut per class per it will be superfluous to do so. The Sunday School, 9:15 A. 11., Dr. Lloyd M. French Club Carol Program, McDaniel Lounge, semester. It was explained that, Bertholf, speaker. whole point is, scientifically we are 8 P. M. since the nation was involved in a years, if not centuries ahead of our- MONDAY, DECEMBER 10- struggle for survival, we few who selves, while morally, we have not Wesleyans and Wesleyanettes in Baker Chapel, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18- were privileged to be in college at Tri-Beta. progressed significantly for over two 9 P. M. Miss Robb, speaker. WAA Party, the time, should also go "all out" in thousand years. In fact, it appears 9-10 P. M., Blanche Ward Gym. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19- our pursuit of learning. as though we have to some extent, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11- Formal Christmas Banquet, Dining Hall, 6 At the beginning of this year the retrogressed. We have been Chris- Community Concert. P. M. SCA Program. college was put back on its pre-war tianizing for twenty centuries, and THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20- schedule EXCEPT in the instance have not yet become Christians. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12- Women Students' Christmas Party, McDaniel of the cut system. If this is an • Conservativism At Fault Debate on Conscription, John Swomley vs. Dr. Lounge, 7 :30-8 P. M. "oversight" on the part of the ad- I attribute this, in a large meas- T. M. Whitfield, McDaniel Lounge, 7 P. M. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21- ministration, we of the student body ure, to the eonaervatlvism in the THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13- Senior Caroling, 4 A. M. retract our criticisms; if not, we ask propagation of Christian teaching. Home Ec. Club, Lecture on "Diamonds". Vacation, 12 noon. that you consider what to us seems By conservativism I mean the stress- a most reasonable request. (Cont. on Page 3, Col. 1) SHIRLEY JONES.