Page 47 - TheGoldBug1942-43
P. 47
The Gold PAGE THREe I Pan-Hell To Be Held. Saturday, May 1 Co-Eds Sell Ann~al All-Frat Dance Will Supplant May Day AFFair The Pun Hellenic 'Qance, sponsored era. by the Women's Student Government The May Queen and her court and the Pan-Hellenic Council will be will be presented before the inter- held on Saturday, May 1, to climax mission. May Day festivities and round out the Receiving line members will be yea r's program of dances. Dean and Mrs. Forrest Free, Harry This dance which will take the Gruel and guest, Peggy Wilson and place of the traditional May Day escort, Mary Prances Hawkins and Dance will be held in Gill Gymnasium Tommy Lavin, Ridgely Freidel and {rom 8:00 P. M. to 11:45 P. 1\1. Ad- Thelma Young, and the sponsors of mission for the str-ictly formal affair all the fraternities and sororities. will be $2.50 per couple. The fraternity sponsors are: Prnfes- The orchestra committee, after SOl· Frank B. Hurt, Bachelor sponsor; much dulibera ticn, has decided upon John D. Makosky, Pi Alpha Alpha; \'layne Milton and his twelve piece Dr. Theodore Whitfield, Gamma Betn band. Mr. Milton is not unknown to Chi; and James Earp, Delta Pi Al- II number of Western Maryland stu- pha. Miss Esther Smith, Sigma dents. He WAS heard by many at the Sigma Tau; Miss Wilsie Adkins, Delta Marvland Military Ball this year. The Sigma Kappa; Miss Martha Mana- band which features a g-irl vocalist, han and Miss Mm·garet Snader, Iota includes one man who has playarl with Gamma Chi; and Miss Addie Belle .Iimmy Dorsey and also a former Robb, Phi Alpha Mu will represent member of Benny Goodman's orches- their sororities in the receiving line. Ridgely Friedel, general chairman of the dance, has appointed the fol- Reel Cross Blood lowing committees: orchestra ccmmi t- tee, Jean Diffenbach and Dick Shuck Donor Drive co-chairmen, Harry Yingling and Re- becca Larmore; decoration committee, Successful Bill Baylies Evelyn Royer, Fred Kul- and Ann Covington, co- chairmen, Approximately 130 Western Mary- mar, Otts O'Keeffe, and Bill Smith; land students and faculty members program committee, Mary Frances FLASHING THE PRETTIEST SMILE Ward, '46, was one of numerous WMC girls the call Of Hawkins and Tommy Lavin co-chair- ON THE HILL-Is June Vogel, '46, as she who took part in a recent bond-selling pro- answered the Red Cross men, Bill Sires, Betty Rose and Sara hands over a recently purchased war stamp gram down-town. by giving blood on Wednesday, April Belle Veale; invitation committee, to a Westminster youngster. Story P. 4 describes the results of the co- 21. When making th1s announcement, of John Robinson and Grace Dryden co- Ml·S~ John L. Bennett, chai rman Miss Vogel, pictured above with Catherine eds' spirited efforts. the Red Cross Blood Donor Cam- chairmen, Jane Martin and Virginia paign in \Vcstminster, stated, "I was Bell; publicity committee, Peggy very much pleased with the co-opera- Reeves and Harry Gruel co-chair- ROTC To Drop French Club •.. War Department tion shown by the college students in men, find Peg Thompson. signing up for the Blood Bank and in obtaining their releases. I counted on elected next year's officers of Le Cerda Fran- Will Inspect them to show the same co-operative Pan-H.II Flash ... A committee of five students cais at the club's monthly meeting spirit ~n Wednesday and they did." The committee in charge of the which was The Blood Bank unit, last Monday night. The officers will Battalion sponsored here on the Hill by the Pan-Hell Dance has decided to be the following: President; Edward R.O.T.C. and the fraternities, change the dance from a strictly re- Nygren; vice-president, Adele Tenny; Basic and advanced students will mained in Westminster on April 20, formal affair to semi-formal. secretary, Mary Virginia Webb; and be required to "show their stuff" in 21, and 22. Of the 145 pints of blood This change was made in order treasurer, Margaret .Anne Smith. the two-day annual War Department Inspection coming up April 26, Capt. given on Wednesdey, 130 were from that men whp do 1I0t have tuxedos George Henry Caple, professor of the college and 15 from Westminster. available may stilt be able to at. Student Art Work Military Science and Tactics has an- Another 130 people were scheduled to tend. blood today. contribute To Be Exhibited nounced. annual War Department In- The By Department spection, conducted this year by Col. Senior Play, Is Now CoUege, 1Stage Door/ E. J. Oliver, of Gettysburg An exhibit of students' work will will include a thorough inspection of be held by the art department in the all the facilities and activities of the Being Rehearsed By College Players new studio in Smith Hall beginning college, including classes, basic and Wednesday, April 28, and continuing advanced, and a four hour drill. summer theater groups. Upon his would be required to con- through Sunday, May 2. Capt. Caple stated that the visiting graduation in May, the Army will the subject through tho The exhibit will feature examples Colonel will attcnd the various mili- utilize Mr. Whiteford's acting ability of their sophomore year, of fine and applied arts, including tary classes, and possibly participate in a slightly different manner. Although no phase of sculpture, painting, illustration, in them by testing the military Also a veteran is Miss Hawkins, will be given during drawing, crafts, design, and etching. knowledge which students have accu- whose record as a heroine includes school session, such Those whose products will be fea- mulated in the past year. He will sever-al of the major presentations of will be offered in the fall, tured are Peach Garrison, Peggy then attend the afternoon drill which the dramatic art department. A Moss, Elizabeth Gable, Ann Moore, will be held Monday afternoon, on the promising newcomer to this art is Thelma Young, Thomas Bush, Eliza- college drill field, and will inspect the Mr. Busch who made his first appear- 1) bcth l\liIler, Ellen Henneman. activities of the unit at that time. ance supporting Mr. Whiteford in He will then send in his report to the Tho Male Anim.a.l. C.O. of the 3rd Service Command. On Previous senior stars who are act- the basis of the report sent in by Col. ing ill this, the final dramatic effort Important (hanges Made Oliver, the unit will be rated A, B, ~r of the College Players of '43, include c. Peggy Wilson, Deborah Bowers. Pearl Western Maryland College has n Bodmer, Virginia Crusius, Virginia Catalogue, Says Registrar record lower- than an A, and the offi- a Bell, and Peggy Reeves. having of never gotten rating tion on the education program. Bc- :;:s a~~~o:e~o o:e!:\~~;~o~~t~~i~: ROTC, Infantry Song ginning next year the senior year of its present standard. teachers will be divided between edu- Joseph Whiteford Contest Closes cation courses and practice teaching; The afternoon drill will begin at Stage Door, senior play, is now in the major and minor requirements 1:30 P. M. on Monday afternoon, and (Cont. from page 1, col. 1) under the direction of Miss .will necessarily have to be met during will close at 5:15 P. M. The program rehearsal Smith, and the entire cast of Arlie Mansberger. They will be sung Esther includes the following: the first three years. Tbis wiII affect eleven men and 21 women of the Col- twice in order to give the students all classes except the present juniors. 1:40-1:50----Formation of Battalion lege Players will be prepared to pre- sufficient time to judge the songs. The 1:50-2:00-Formation for inspection To date no changes in the faculty 2:00-2:30----Inspection in ranks by sent this comedy at 8 P. M., Friday, first timc no applause will be allowed. are expected. Tuition, board, and Col. O,liver May 14, in Alumni Hall. The second time, applause will be re- other charges remain the same in the (Cont. on page 4, col. 2) Joseph Whiteford and Thomas quested, and with the aid of an "ap- meter" the from plause borrowed catalogue, although the college re- Busch will play the leading male parts serves the right to modify prices as in the roles of David Kingsley and Physics Department, the students' choice of the best song wiII be deter- the present situation may demand. S.niors To Eat ... Rieth Burgess, while the female lead mined. This will constitute fifty per Mary The calendar for next year will not Dr. and Mrs. Fred G. Holloway will will be played by Randall. Frances cent of the judgment. Hawkins, as Terry These be radicaiJy different from the one entertain the entire senior class at a key positions will be supported by a The other fifty per cent will be based used this year. However, the sum- buffet supper at their home on Thurs- staff of seniors and underclassmen all on the decisions of a committee of stu- mer session is slightly lengthened to day. May 6, at 6 P. M. A tradition of whom have had previous experi- dents and teachers placed in the audi- 13 weeks for two terms, the first term at Western Maryland College, the ence in the field of dramatic art. enee to judge the music and the suita- lasting from June 7 to July 21, and dinner will be one' of the first of a Many of the Players have participat- bility of the words. It has not yet been the second from July 22 to September series of activities in honor of the ed in every dramatic presentation decided whether only one ~ong will 3. seniors prior to graduation, during their years with the organiza- be chosen as the winner or whether The catalogue this year has receiv- A dozen junior girls will assist tion. one for each unit will be selected. ed an entirely new touch by the inser- Mrs. Holloway in serving. Aceording Mr. Whiteford has starred in sev~ Miss Barthe1son hopes to hold the tion of the full-page photographs,' to the annual cnstom, the affair will eral of the recent productions on the assembly sometime after the Senior one of the whole campus and one of be semi-formal. Hill; and, previous to his eareer bere, Follies, but no definite date has yet the libran. he aeted with stoek comp~nies and been set.
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