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Library l IStage Door To Open Comm'~~~~~hl~~tgeActivities 1te Mary Frances Hawkins Will 1 qoM Bt:!Y Share Lead With Whiteford Cast Boasts Nine Senior Veterans All-Star Plus Twenty-Three Other College Players The College Players are now frequenting nightly rehearsals V__o_I._2_O_N_o._l_3 W_E_S_T_E_R_N_M_A_R_Y_L_A_N_:D__:C_:O_:L:.:L:.:E:.:G:.:E:__~ __ __:M:_:::a:..:y,:.:6:....:19:.4.::3 ~~~yt~~u~~~~~~:,l:i'8S;'~f~cfi~1i~:~f j;al~ou~l~e~r~~~n~~~e~r~~alf _ Miss Esther Smith. This presentation will begin the events of ROTC Officers Present 5ponsors commencement week-end, and will close the dramatic careers of i nine seniors on the Hill. in 1936, starring Door first ran on Broadway Stage Mar- garet Sullivan as Terry Randall. The scene of the play is a club Awards For Merit Are for girls of the stage, seventeen of whom appear during the un- Given To Twenty raveling of the plot which is woven around the struggle of young aspirants to the stage. Corps Cadets Mary Frances Hawkins will be presented in the leading role, heading a cast of thirty-two members. Miss Hawkins' dramatic Western Maryland College saw its career dates back to her high school Reserve Officer's Training Corps Bat- days when she was starred many talion receive its various awards at Alumni Expected times in operettas and plays. During 1:30 P. M. today, as a climax to the her senior year she was awarded a company competitions which were dramatics plaque and a membership held last Tuesday afternoon. This To Return For in the Lynchburg Little Theater for military affair was not only tile last outstanding work in dramatics. R.O.T.C. drill of the year but also the Graduation She has also participated in vat-i- last R.O.T.C. drill for the duration, ous radio dramas presented over in which advanced military students Commencement weekend for the Lynchburg stations. Here at 'Vest- will participate. class of '43 will include the registra- ern Maryland Miss Hawkins will be The formation of the battalion was tion of Alumni in McDaniel Lounge remembered for her appearance in followed by the presentation of the on Saturday, May 15. The Alumni, Ow, Town, Riders to the Sea, The sponsors. Cadet Lt. Col. Lee D. Lodge some of them coming from as far Yellow Jacket, The SongiIt'l'ess, and .presented Miss Pearl Bodmer; Cadet ROTC Of~cers And Sponsors away as San Francisco, and repre- Goodn.ight., CaroHne . Capt. Emmanuel J. Kaplan, Miss El- Frank Suffern; Lee Lodge, Pearl Bodmer; William Prettyman, Ruth senting classes all the way back to In the leading male role, Joe len Honneman; Cadet Capt. Wm. Miles; John Robinson, Jane Miles; Emmanuel Kaplan, Ellen Honeman ; Thom- the class of '93, will be greeted by a .Whiteford will play the part of Da- Prettyman, Miss Ruth Miles; Cadet as Lavin, Mary Frances Hawkins; Paul Brooks, Doris Himler ; William receiving line which will be in the vid Kingsley, a young producer. Capt. John Robinson, Miss Jane Baylies. Lounge after a A. M. Virginia Bell will portray the part Miles; Cadet Capt. Thomas Lavin, At 2 P. M. the traditional garden of Kaye Hamilton. Miss Bell also Miss Mary Frances Hawkins; Cadet party will be held in Robinson Gar- appeared in Riders to the Sea., and Capt. Paul Brooks, Miss Doris Him- den, with a receiving line including the Christmas pageant, and directed ler-; Cadet Capt. Frank Suffern, Miss Captain Henry Caple To Leave Mr. and Mrs. George Kindley, Mr. the May Day play, When Shakes_ Meet; Virginia Cashman. and Mrs. Fred G. Holloway, and Mr. -peorc's Ladies Maitland, the girl who As and Mrs. Gerald Richter. Jean To Cadet Lt. Col. Lee D. Lodge, the ROTC For New Infantry Post The Western Maryland College Al- makes good in Hollywood, Peggy The following awards were made: the reputation outstanding member of the second Captain George Henry Caple, Jr., ficient supervision, classes and drrll umni Association wilJ hold their \Vilson maintains on the Hill through she alumni meeting at 4 P. M. on Satur- has established year advanced course, a saber; to instructor in Military Science and periods have thoroughly indoctrinated day in the "S.C. A." room in Menan. such productions as The Male Ani- Company "A", as the winner of the Tactics on the Hill for over two years, college men with the values of mili- iel Hall. Mr. Kindley, class of '16, mal in which she played the leading company competitions, streamers for is leaving his Alma Mater on May 16, tary discipline and precision. will preside. feminine role. the guidons; to Captains Frank Suf- 1943 for active duty at the Infantry As advisor of the Officers' Club, it At 6:30 P. M. the Alumni reunion Deborah Bowers, another star of fern, Thomas Price, and John Robin- Replacement Training Center at is fitting that both he and the person- dinner will be given in the college The Male Animal, will play the part son of Company "A", the President's Camp 'Croft, South Carolina. He will nel of that organization will leave .:It dining hall, with highlights of the ..!JJ_ Judith Canfield, a hard. but cup and insignia for coat, shirt and be assigned as either company com- the same time for active duty in their evening including an-adOress by aspirant to stage fame. cap. mander or battalion staff officer. respective units. Majer- General Milton A. Reckord, House matron for the Footlights To Cadet First Sergeant Richard Fortunate in being stationed in his Early this year, the need was seen (Cont. on page 4, col. 3) (Cont. on page 4, col. 4) Schuck as the best platoon leader in home town, Capt. Caple has capably for a more efficient and effective the second year advanced .fourse, a handled the job of instructing men in physical education program. Captain military kit; to Platoon leaders Ridge- the intricacies of the military arts Caple in close collaboration with Lt. Assembly Will Feature Finalists (Cont. on page 4, col. 1) since February, 1941. Under his er- Col. C. M. Walton and Dean L. For- fea- As Battle Song Contest Closes rest Free, helped design the obstacle course which is now a permanent New Gold Bug Staff Includes More ture of Western Maryland under- Students of Western Maryland Col- Wenner to select the songs to be used graduate life. lege will have the opportunity to act in the finals. of his career Underclassmen Than In Past Years Hill The climax undoubtedly that on the as judges in the morning assembly to Out of the songs presented to the fateful was be held on .May 10, 1943, when a male body, two will be selected, Members of the Gold Bug staff for previous journalistic experience m December 7, 1942, when he received chorus of twenty, organized by Arlie student on the basis of the volume of strictly the coming year of publication are either high school 01' college", stated notice from the War Department that. Mansberger and under th'e direction applause given the compositions. One being announced today by Lillian Miss Jackson. he was no longer a first lieutenant, of Miss Joyce Bar-thclson, will pre- of these songs will represent the In- Jackson, '45, the new editor-in-chief, Mary Virginia Webb, of the sopho- but a captain in full standing. sent a group of R.o:r.c. and Infantr-y fantry and the other, the R.O.T.C. who was appointed April 21. more elass, will succeed Miss Jackson Captain Caple's position will be tak- battle songs for their judgment. The winning pieces will be announced The selections were made during. a as managing editor of the paper. In en over by Lieutenant E. B. 'Yard, Early in the semester, Miss Bar- and will be sung by the assembled conference on Thursday, April 30, this capacity, she wiJl head the staff who was recently transferred here thelson, prominent member of the students. with Alvin H. Levin, '43, retiring under the editor, being the coordinat- from Camp Wheeler, Georgia. music department staff, felt tha need aditqr-in-chief, and Mrs. Evelyn Wen- ing factor in the direction of the for a good, s-ousing, fighting song for The finalists selected by Mr. Royer depart- ner, faculty advisor of the paper. news, sports, and feature previously Junior Class Sets the Infantry and R.O.T.C. similar to and Mrs. Wenner arc: Steve Albrecht "Although we were restricted by ments. Miss Webb has those eulogizing the Marine Corps, and Arthur O'Keeffe; Ingerson Bru- the small number of men who will be served as a reporter and worked with Navy, and Army Air Corps. She sug- ner; Dr. James P. Earp; Arlie Mans- on the Hill next year, and by the fact Carolyn Gable, '43, as news editor, Prom Date gested that students and faculty mem- berger; Mary Rehmeyer; Philip that many members of the incum- Robert Adams, a freshman report- bers of the college engage in a con- Schaeffer. bent staff arc graduating in May, we er whose work the editors felt merit- The Annual Junior Prom will be test for the purpose of composing an Others who received honorable men- have tried to fill the vacant positions ed his appointment to an editorial held on Saturday, May 8, despite appropriate song for these ncglected tion include: Robert Siemon and Mar- with capable persons who have had position, has been selected for the vious announcements, according to service units. garet Waugh, Jeanne Corkran, Jane post of news editor. He will replace Arlie 1I1ansberger, junior class presi- The response to Miss Barthelson's Kester and Betty 'Vaits, Dean Hess, Jan- Rice, Alice Dittmar, Sam Jane Day-Students To Mary Miller, '43. dent, who will serve as general chair- plea was immediate, and it requir~d {'f ice McKinley and Chal'lotte Ann Wil- Mr. Adams will be assisted by Jnne man of the dance. Gill Gymnasium talents the best of the combined Vogel, '46, who has had previous will be the scene of the affair which !\Ir. Philip Royer and Mrs. Evelyn kens, and Audrey Donaldson. Hold Picnic newspaper at Catonsville High School. will be from 8 P. M. to 11:45 P. M. in her during experience will be assisted Mr. Mansberger career Day students of Western Maryland This office has been previously filled making the dance arrangements by a College are making plans to celebrate by Carolyn Gable, '43. committee of class officers composed - Cyrano de Bergerac - "the closing of the last class period of The feature department of the Gold of Arthur O. Keeffe, vice-president; the second semester by holding a pic- Bug will be headed by Lucinda Hol- Cordelia Price, secretary; Dick Pat- nic on the afternoon of Friday, May loway, a sophomore. During her two ten, treasurer; and Mary Turnley, A part of the weU-knowll classic, Cyrano de Bergerac by 14. Weather permitting, the party years at W.M.C., Miss Holloway has historian. Thomas Bush and Dottie Roswnd, will be presented by four freshmen French students The presenta- on Wednesday evening, May 12, at 8 o'clock. will be held at Harvey Stone Parj<; contributed to the feature columns of Thrush will also help. otherwise it will be' held in the day the paper. In the past months, she Music for the occasion will be pro- tion will have its setting in the south court of the Administra~ student room of McDaniel Hall. served as assistant feature editor un- vided by Johnny Williams and his or- bon Building. Complete arrangements have not (Cont. on page 4, col. 2) chestra who made their debut at the Four outstanding French students of the class will por- beeri made, but committees have been Seniors Follies last week. The band tray the characters. Mr. David Auld will play the title role appointed. Margaret Frederich and is made up of men from the various of Cyrano; the part of Christian, the baron of Neiurllette will Denis Blizzard are in charge of gen- Ration Sooles ••• lllusical organizations of the campus be portrayed by Mr. Harry Mattax; Miss Louise Willis will eral arrangements. The food com- and also men with musical talent who be cast as the heroine, Roxane, while 'Miss Winifred Shauck mittee headed by Evelyn Royer will War ration books 1 and 2 will are not so well known on the Hill. will portray the role of Duegne. Music for the occasion will ask the guests to provide individual be returned to the student body This will be the last dance of the be furnished by the Chamber Music Ensemble of the college. box lunches if rationing difficulties on J\.[ay 11, 12, 13, Miss Sara . year, the wind ~p of the 1942-43 dance This sketch was suggested and directed by Miss Mar- prevent them from obtaining food. Tweed, college dietitian, an- series. It will be a semi-formal affair garet Snader, instructor of the students, as a substitute for Mary Jane Kimmey will direct the nounced today. The place and but corsages will not be in order. the annual inter-collegiate French Club play contest which entertainment, and Paul Francis Mil- hour will be announced in the din- Seniors who paid their class dues last has been held in previous years in Alumni Hall. Due to the ler will be in charge of maintenance ing hall a day previous to the year will be admitted free. Admis- disbandment of the league the contest cannot be held this and equipment. rhe day student distribution. sion for others will be $1.10 per cou- year. group includes about sixty students. ple.
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