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Libr§ry Uestern Maryland College VI Md. Court Which Will Attend May Queen On May I ••• Ai) .. \ \",r ,~ ~ \ JI.c ....... ~,L~ Vol. 20, No. 12 WESTERN MD. COLLEGE April 22, 1943 It ~i Commencement Plans Include Alumni As Well As Seniors Pictured above are the twelve members Play, Registration, Banqud, Meetings, "Dance, year's May Court. The court, which will of this Frances Hawkins, senior duchess; Peggy Wilson, Peggy Bell, senior attendant; May Queen; Virginia escort Baccalaur.~t., Graduation Ar. On Program May Queen Peggy Wilson on May 1, consists of: Moss, senior attendant; Doris Himler, junior at- (left to right) Inez Macklin, freshman attendant; tendant; Audrey Triesler, sophomore duchess; Ellen Commencement 1943, to be held this Alumni Day, Saturday, May 15, Marsh, freshman duchess. year on Sunday, May 16, in contrast will begin with the registration of Lynn Burr, freshman attendant; Marion Whiteford, Another picture of the May Queen will be found Ann Margaret sophomore attendant; Smith, junior to the Monday morning tradition, will former Western Marylanders at 9 A. nttendnnt; Rebecca Larmore, junior duchess; Mary on page four. climax a weekend of senior and alum- M, in McDaniel Lounge. Robinson ni activities on the Hill. Garden will be the scene of the gar- Events of the weekend will begin den party which is under the auspices with the presentation of the senior of the women of Carrol! County with Miss Katherine Peggy Wilson And May Court To Preside play, Stage Door, by the College Chapter of the Alumni Association, Players under the direction of Miss in cooperation . Esther Smith on Friday, May 14 at Carmichael, dean of women, and Miss 8 o'clock in Alumni Hall. Sarah S. Tweed, dietitian. This is Over Yearly Spring Celebration May 1 scheduled for 2 P. M. The receiving line for this occasion ROTC, Infantry will consist of President and Mrs. Hol- . ford; freshman duchess, Eleanor Pen-Hellenic Dance In loway, Mr. George Kindley, President Ceremenl •• To B. Held Marsh; freshman attendants, Inez Song (ontest of the Alumni Association, and Mrs. In Harvev Ston. Macklin and Lynn Burr. Gill Gymnasium Will Mrs. Gerald Richter, Presi- Kindley; End Day's Activiti.s who head the proces- The heralds Successful dent of the Carroll County Alumni the seventeenth annual sion will be Ruth Spry and Doris chant oj Venice-Thelma Young; Association and Mr. Richter. Plans for The annual business meeting of the Hines. Desdemona from Othello--Sara Jane Since the opening of Western Alumni Association will be held in May Day celebration to be sponsored Appearing again as assistants to Rice; Cleopatra from Antlwny and Maryland's song writing contest last McDaniel Lounge at 4 P. M. This by the Women's Student Government, the queen are Allen Spicer as crown Cwopa.tnL----Janet Baugher; Ophelia month, the campus has been a scene meeting will be followed by the Al- on Saturday, May 1, are rapidly tak- bearer, and Margaret Whitfield as from Hamlet----Ruth Miles; Kathar- ing shape with Peggy Wilson;s pre- of musical activity. The contest, un- umni Banquet in the dining- hall at flower girl. ine from The TG;mi1ogof the Shrew- der the sponsorship of Colonel C. M. 6:30. In keeping with the times, the siding over the ceremony as May After the procession Iftd the coro- Dorothy Thrush. Walton, and Miss Joyce Barthelson program for the banquet will have a Queen featured as focal point of the nation of the Queen by Dr. Holloway, (Cont. on page 6, col. 1) was instigated in an attempt to find military emphasis. The speaker will day, according to Virginia Bell, gen- the all-girl cast will present the one- eral chairman. a suitable song for the Infantry and be General Milton Reckord, a native Presentation of the court and the act play, "when Shakespeare's La- a comedy of errors by dies Meet", ROTC, and was open to all students Marylander who holds an honorary de- Charles George (with apologies to the Aloha Distribution place in the amphi- who wished to contribute. gree from Western Maryland Col- play will takc rain makes it neces- unless theatre According to Miss Joyce Barthel- lege. General Reckord at present is sary to use Alumni Hall for this pur- :l:l~d)~SSi~::~i~~ ::~~~s :~:e~~: son, twenty-seven entries have been head of the 3rd Service. Command. pose. High school seniors will be in- manager. The cast is as follows; Planned For received so far, for both branches of The Roll of Honor for our men in vited to be present on the Hill for Juliet---- and the service. Many songs have been (Cont. on page 4, col. 2) these festivities since there will he Juliet from Romeo from the Mer- May 9 received from the Music Theory class, no official Visitcras Day this year. Pearl Bodmer; Portia but Miss Barthelson expressed pleas- The Court as elected by the stu- The 1943 Aloha has gone to press ure over the great percentage coming dent body is made up of the follow- Eighteen Students To and is expected to be ready for distri- from non-music students. Argonaut Banquol ... bution by May 9, according to Marvin ing representatives from each class: At present, the plan is to eliminate The annual Argonaut banquet will Senior duchess, Mary Frances Haw- Be Graduated By Evans, Editor. Because of pr-inting the songs by having them judged by be held this year on Tuesday, l\lay 4, kins; senior attendants, Virginia Bell difficulties arising from the war a committee of music and English at 6 P. 1\1. in the Charles Carroll Ho- and Margaret Moss; junior duchess, Seminary shortage, however, it may be neces- professors until only the six best tel. The price for non-Argonauts will Rebecca Larmore; junior attendants, sary to mail the books to subscribers Bongs are left. These six are to be be $1.25 per person. The faculty is Margaret Ann Smith and Doris Him- Eighteen men will be graduated from after the closing of the school year. presented to the student body in an asked to buy tickets from members of ler; sophomore duchess, Audrey the Westminster Theological Semi- The cover this year is, again, gold assembly by a group of men led by the Argonauts before April 28. Treisler; sophomore attendants, Vir- nary on Monday, May 3, the sixtieth on green, and since (his issue com- (Cont. on page 3, col. 5) ginia Lee Horine and Marion White- annual commencement day of the in- memorates the 75th anniversary of stitution, as Dr. Charles Edward the book, the theme will be, "The Poi-lines, retiring president of the Flight of Time". There will be 700 Jackson Appointed Gold BugEditor Seminary, delivers the baccalaureate copies available for students, faculty, An at- alumni and oth~l' subscribers. sermon to this graduating class. tempt is bcing made to reach former The commencement program Dennis Blizzard Given I I scheduled for 8 P. M. in the Westmin- is students including those alumni who left in February. Post Of Busin." The New. • . . .. And The Old ster Methodist Church. At this time, presented themselves in connection difficulties Although many unusual sermon will be de- the baccalaureate Manag.r livered by Dr. For-lines, and degrees to with the publication of this yearbook, diplomas and will be awarded field, Lillian Jackson, '45, has been ap- eighteen men. especially in the photographic will be that stated the editor there pointed by the retiring senior staff The awards will be as follows: more pictures than in former years. members to succeed Alvin H. Levin Diploma, John Marlin Ritter; De- Some pictures were taken with a box as editor-in-chief of the GOld Bug gree of Bachelor of Sacred Theology: camera due to the insufficient ma- for the coming year. Miss Jackson's Elwood Leroy Bail'; Thomas Harvey terials available for the photographs. appointment departs from usual Gold Bakel'; Edgar Herman Bradley; Foresight on the part of the edi- Bug policy in that she is a sopho- Robert Elwood Breth; Raymond Mar- torial staff prompted the ordering of more; it has been the custom in the vin Crowe; Marion Oscar Dunlap; many necessary materials last year past to hand over the reins of the James wren Garthoff; William Gould; so that the prices of the A lolu!, are paper to a junior member of the staff. Carl Clinton Helt; James Milford still not exorbitant $10 to seniors; Dennis Blizzard, '45, will fill the Mcjntosh ; Marcus Wayne Randall; $5 toundercJassmen and other sub- post of business manager which will Raymond Leroy Roderick; Sherwood scribers ($2.50 of this comes from the be left open at the end of the year activities fee); and $3 to faculty when LeRoy Gerding enters the Har-tzler- Roser; Edward Franklyn members. In the event that mailing Armed Services. Shrader; William Henry Snyder; is necessary an additional charge of Both appointments were made yes- Thomas Wesley Sunder-land: and Fer- 30 cents will be made for postage. terday at a special meeting held in dinand Wagner. the room of the Gold Bug's sponsor, Mrs. Evelyn Wenner. Present at the meeting which is held annually for the purpose of selecting a new staff Lillian Jackson Alvin H. Levin - Apology To Our Readers- were the retiring editor-in-chief, Levin; associate editor, Mary Miller; itor, and managing editor in turn. would return next fall. The editors and the staff of the Gold Bug wish to apolo- news editor, Caroline Gablc; reporter, Miss Jackson is also vice-president of "There will be little change in pol- gize to the readers of the paper on the Hill for failing to meet Peggy Reeves; copy editor, Mary Vir- the SCA, and a member of the choir icy, as far as I can see now," Miss the usual Thursday evening deadline. At the same time we ginia Walker; Miss Jackson; and Mrs. and glee club. Jackson has announced. "I should wish to explain that this failure was due entirely to circum- Wenner. Dennis Blizzard is a new recruit on think that the greatest change would stances beyond our control. Lillian Jackson, graduate of the Gold Bug staff. A day student, occur in the sports page, since there The fact that our principal engravings somehow became Southern High in Belt. .nore, has had he has wide contacts in Westminster, will be little activity in that direction tied up in the mail and did not arrive 'until this morning is one extensive journalistic experience, both which will be of value to him in a next year; added to that is the fact of the reasons for our being late. Added to this is certain in high school and in college. While business capacity. that Nemo Robinson who has been changes in the size of the engravings which necessitated rear- at Southern, she was editor-in-chief Miss Jackson will take over the sports editor for the past two years ranging the make-up. of the Courier for two years-inci- Gold Bug with the next issue, two will be graduated this May." We ask our readers to bear with us and to understand that dentally, a departure, from Cuurie7 weeks hence. Her editorial board has The present staff will act in an ad- when the news refers to "tonight" it means Thursday evening. policy. She has been, while connected not yet been decided upon because of visory capacity to the new editor-in- with the Gold Bug, reporter, copy ed- the uncertainty as to what students chief until graduation.
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