Page 46 - TheGoldBug1942-43
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Watem Maryland College, WestmiDJter,Md., April 22, 1943 • F~OM THE---- .-------IId. 'We See!Jt·-----'-------, .IN THE ARMY WITH - Pig Pen W. Reti,. And Look Back Ov.r Aloysius staff, ---- BY PORKY. A Pleasant Journalistic Career friendly banter with various members of the --- A. H. WALKER. There have been those even wilder Wed- It's just about this time every year This is our last issue of the Gold Bug as nesday nights when, liberally besmirched Buy. C, 8th Bn. -as the current scholastic season editor and-speaking for the rest of the sen- and spotted with paste, the Go~d Bug make- Ft. Eustis, Virginia, draws to a close----that a columnist ior members of the staff---our last issue as up was evolved into readable form, when Dear Ye, gets an inexplicable urge to search editorial board. We wish it weren't so, scissors flashed and too-long articles fell by It is lovely here on the island. back through the files of his newspa- We wish it weren't so for several reasons. the board, when proof readers chuckled and Trade winds are blowing and blow. per and see what his predecessors had Ranking first among these is the fact that groaned in turn as they found numerous er- winds are trading- ... all very con- to offer in eomparteon to what he has the Gold Bug has developed our sense of re- rors in the galleys, when the editor swore fusing, but nice. Pardon me while I written. Inexplicable f-c-I take it sponsibility, of independence-and of inter- and fumed and decided alternately that sigh. back; it's very probably due to his dependence. Slightly over a year ago, when there was too much news and that there One of the native girls who hangs being just too spring feverish to do his we delineated the policy of the paper as it wasn't enough news. Over all this hectic, around the official stockade here is a own work. At any rate, having made was to be carried out for the ensuing twelve madcap, seemingly aimless confusion has luscious berry by the name of Glue- suitable apology, I present the fol- months, we pledged ourselves to "the attain- constantly hovered that which has made Face. She wears a purple canvas sa- lowing as my idea of the cleverest or ment of a new and higher level of achieve- "Gold Bug nights" things to be remembered rong, and has long blue-black hair most interesting items that have ap- ment, the increasing of readability and at- by anyone who has ever been in the office-- which hangs down parallel to her peared in Gold Bug columns since tractiveness, the voicing of clearly-defined a saving, broad, good-naturedly cynical spine in brilliant confusion. There is September, 1939. Contemporary col- pertinent opinion, and the ever-increasing sense of humor. a tribal legend going the rounds that umns are excepted. interest of our readers." In-striving to reach And there is another cause for regretting if anyone should ever light the end eweekmen's Keg this goal, we have learned what it means to that our editorship of the Gold Bug is soon of Glue-Face's hair, it would act as a From the Keg, by Joe Workman, have the not unpleasant burden of responsi- to be no more. Seeing human values in all fuse and blow her head to smither- October 9, 1941-"Just the other eve, bility placed our hands. We have the different scales-good, bad, indifferent- eens. Smithereens, however, has a ning, Janet Lee learned what it means to work together as a we've come to know and appreciate people head of his own, and is continually Baugher, the unit. We have learned what it means to for what they are. We've come to know discouraging young white men who youngest of that think singly and to combine our thoughts students; we've gotten acquainted with fac- are tempted to try the experiment. unpredictable into a single entity called the Go~d Bug, ulty members. Most of them, we have found, And, in the light of the fact that family, observed We are sorry that this is our last issue for have their human failings, some to a greater Glue-Face is the chief's only daugh- a handsome lad another reason-working on the paper _has degree than others. But almost all of these ter to resemble a member of the hu- seated at the far been fun. There have been those wild Tues- slight and far-apart defects in personality man race in any particular, Smither- end of her table day nights in the office when copy failed to have been overshadowed by a spirit of eens is usually successful in his per- during dinner. show up and anguished screams arose from friendly cooperation, of interest, of warm suasion. Not caring for various members of the staff, when crumpled advice, of a desire to be of service evidenced In my last letter to you, I had in- the Jello dessert yellow paper littered the floor and the noise on the part of both studenta.and faculty. tended 'to tell you of a rare new fruit and not caring to Levin of typewriters drowned out conversation, It's been a rare experience, this editing of which has been found here. Being see it go to \ when Nemo Robinson sent the office into ·the Gold Bug. It's been an adventure in hu- myself the discoverer, I am intensely waste, the 'Little Borg' composed a paroxysms of laughter at his mad, m.oronic man personality as well as in journalism. interested in this unusual plant. note to the hungry male reading: antics as he labored over his sports page, We are grateful for it. If I remember correctly, I had 'How would, you like two desserts?' when students and faculty passed in and out, started off one morning with my na- Some bright person intercepted the seeking and giving news and exchanging tive boy, Skulduggery, in search of communication and slyly erased the idol's eyes. Many times in the pages word 'desserts.' The recipient of the of fiction. I had read with rapture of note nodded his assertion vigorously people who found rubies in sacred and was immensely disappointed idol's heads where the eyes should when the truth became known." Campus Personality Wilson have been. According to the books, • Ditto idols invariably had ruby eyes. Rubies From the same of April 17, 1941- seem to have been the optical mater- "The Brodie of the week came when ial in the days of idol-making. George Barrick dropped a penny in I had heard from a wizened runner the pay scale at the dime store and that idols were to be found in abund- was intensely surprised when a pic- By Eleanor Healy, Feature Editor .Interested In Modeling She has been busy this year in ful- ant profusion on a certain part of our ture of Carole Lombard graced the "It all started with my grandfath- It was in connection with her dra- filling her duties as president of island; it was toward this locale that card he received. Said Barrick, er", Peggy related, "-my interest in matics that Peggy became interested Sigma Sigma Tau, which office she Skuldugg-ery and I were marching as "What's going on here? This isn't dramatics, I mean. I used to spend in modeling. For several years while held during the first semester. the sun pressed its flaming verge over me." lots of time y..ith him, and he recited she was in high school, she modeled Although definitely interested in the purple crest of something or oth- • Sames' Stull Shakespeare by the hour. Ever since clothes in~ Baltimore department dramatics, Peggy is not a "one track" er-I've forgotten just what. From CamP'l~ COllat6TtU, by Lucie th~n I've been interested in dramat- stores. person. She likes to swim and ride We finally found an idol in the far In connection with her modeling as Leigh Barnes, December 13, 1940- ics, but of a less classical nature," well as with dramatics, Peggy re- horse-back, lind she also goes in for end and (or near end, depending upon "His [Dick Harlow's] was a many- Peggy remarked laughingly. members lots of funny happenings. favorites on food, "Buttercreams and which way you come in) of a huge faceted and complex personality. The Born in Baltimore and having lived "About the craziest thing that I can spaghetti!!-Not eaten together,how- temple, and it had no less than 37 maker of grid warriors loved flowers, there all her life, Peggy went to ever." eyes shining in its massive forehead. did more than dabble in horticulture, Hamilton Junior High and Eastern remember was the time that I made a I decided I'd have a climb up the idol's for and cultivated alpine plants at his High School, in the same class with commercial recording Kohler's station e Collector body to make sure that they were One "}VBAL, advertising quite a number of girls who are her summer home in the mountains near Night Corn Salve! It was the fun- Peggy is a "collecting" type person rubies. Leaving my half-eaten ban- here. classmates now. "I just loved junior niest thing-It was in the form of a too. Not specific collecting, but just ana in the care of Skully, I was off "The story is that he gave up driv- high school", Peggy said enthusias- telephone conversation. 1 was sup- generally keeping little things from like a flash up the idol's torso. ing a car after he ran off the road tically, "and I don't believe I've ever posed to be going to a dance, but my here and there. "I'm afraid I save while craning his neck at a field of been as thrilled as when 1 got the too many little things", Peggy re- There were bad moments during bluebells. Mrs. Harlow brought him citizenship award at graduation. But marked, "for every now and then I the ascent-s-once when my sock got high school was different. to school; one morning, dropped him, It was 80 just have to make myself throw some caught on his nose which was needle- went on, turned around, drove past big, and 80 crowded, that J never did of the stuff away-it really piles up!" sharp-but on the whole, the journey him again as he stood by the grill. get as much thr-ill there." Peggy has been in the May Court was uneventful. I arrived at the She was nearly to the arch, which e High School Days ever since she has been at college. group of eyes unscathed except for was then at the president's house, During her high school days, Peg- This year, moreover, she was Home- 'my left leg which had somehow been when Dick ran after her and called. gy's interests were largely outside of coming Queen, and 011 May 1, she will severed from my body at the knee. She heard him and leaned out of the school. Much of her time was spent fill perfectly the role of a gracious With feverish fingers I began to pluck car, "\Vhat is it?" "Say, dear, did working with the Ramsay Street and charming May Queen. ' (Cont. on page 6, col. 4) you hear that robin?" Players. "Stock company work is ex- (Cont. on page 6, col. 2) Ircmely intcresting. In the summer theater we used to do 6vel't1thing- Lucinda Holloway Has paint sets, collect props, fix costumes THE GOLD BUG and of course, learn lines. The most r, Jam.· has a small part when on the stage. For a long time I have carried on all that noise by themselves. Rry, FebruBry, MardI, Bnd April. Bnd monthl,. he is as important as the star in the a mystic friendship with two unknown They have intellectual pursuits, too. ~:,.~~ngB"Se~~~~~er~If.':c;,,~~~;~ ~~d "~:{,,",in~:; other work he does. It really is a Po.t office, nnder the ACB of Much 8. 1879. matter of working together", she ex- souls above. As is common in such They're very enthusiastic about typ- plained. friendships I have received communi- ing, believing that the typewriter is cation from them through the media mightier than the machine gun. Peggy Wilson of tapping, knocking, and scraping'. Theirs makes as much noise, at any My curiosity about these friends has rate. But I'll forgive them for even feet hurt terribly. And then the per- increased, but I have hesitated to sat- that. Some day one of them may be son with whom I was talking said isfy it, lest I destroy the ethereal a famous writer, and J can proudly "Why don't you use Kohler's One quality of my experience. I fear, Night Corn Salve?' Then the next however. that I shall some day weak- say, "Yes, I knew her when she used part of our conversation was after en, anti atudy tbe floor plan of Me- to drive me nuts with her typewriter." By L. H. the dance-----Ihad used the salve, got Daniel Hall. Then I shall know what But I feel closest to them in the rid of my corn, and had been. a belle hush of the night when, exhausted If ever I'm pulled' from a raging fire of the ball!" two freshmen live in the room above with the day's routine, one friend And suffer a third degree burn, mine. wearily removes one shoe and drops If ever I fall headlong down stairs e Likes Dramatics I feel as if I know them personally it on the floor. My roommate and I, And both of my ankles turn, Here on the Hill, Peggy's interest already. One of them (or perhaps hovering between semi-consciousness If ever J'm snatched from a watery in dramatics has continued. Of the both) has a yen tor moving furni- and oblivion, are made wide awake gravc various parts that she has played, ture. Day or night, sun or shine, I by the resounding thud and lie in And my breathing has stopped for Peggy decided that she liked "Clau- heal' her moving a chair, a bed, or a hushed anticipation, waiting for the a time, dia" best., "It was so much fun being desk. Such activity seems to release If ever I fall from a stroke of the sun Claudia. There was something about a tension within her. Or perhaps she other shoe to drop. and At last I can tell rattlings squeaks by the that While wandering in tropic clime, that play that made me feel good." is studying to be an interior decora- they have raised a stubborn window. If ever a mad dog bites me A Soc major, Peggy enjoys work- tor. Someday I'll understand and for- Then, after moving the bed to another Or some cruel poisonous snake, ing with people. "I can't imaghie give. If ever I break my leg in a fall anything worse than sitting in an of- They're a clever pair these friends angle. they too have turned in. Or drink cyanide by mistake, fice working with figures all day-I of mine. They go in for tap danc- Any day now I shall discover the If ever r get in a fix such as this can't stand math", she emphasized. ing in a big way. Their twink- names of the mysterious strangers And bending over me see In connection with her so~ courses ling feet make the ~handeijer sway. and pay them a visit. How pleasant Some member of Phys. Ed. 202, Peggy has helped at nursery IIchool. But wait until their friends join them it will be to see them in the flesh! And ::- I shall take up my improvised "We entertain the children and tell and hear the plaster tremble. There nlaybe I can help them do something -stretciJer and! them rl:orie!!, .te". must be fri4U'lds-th&y C'lOu1dD'tmake aboUt that bureau drawer.
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