Page 52 - TheGoldBug1942-43
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Westtt'tl. Maryland College, Wutmimter, Md., May 6, 1943 r-----Ih 'We .1!o.oh IlIuu:i.J----------. • FROM THE---- THE GOLD BUG Ofllci.l.ludenl newspaper ol V>"'''~tern Mary- Pig Pen land Oollege, publi.hed .ern;·11lonthly, on A Statement Of Policy As We issue, we intend to devote some part of the '!11und.y, during October, November. Janu- paper to the recognition of those of our men uy, FebruRry. 1hreh, and April, lind monthl, Begin Our New Duties -----BY PORKY. ~"~~~D'R"Se'p"~~~er~IB~:c~:~~:;:~d,i'!:I~~;n~:~ who are in the service of their countr'y.mak- Pou Om"., under the Ac.. of March 3, 187~ We look ahead and see the kind of year ing it possible for us to stay on here at A few notes on ninety-nine nuts, or A backward glance at the Senior that the Gold Bug has not seen before'; we Western Maryland in peace and safety. Subscription Price $2.00 8 Year In order to properly commemorate these Marathon see that in the future there will be differ- ences in the Gold Bug that no one, least of men, we wish to inaugurate a "Boy of the Baugher arrived at the Follies in National Advertising Service, Inc. all the staff, ever expected to establish; we Week" system, which will enable us to print typical Baugher fashion. The emi- Coll8ge Publishers R"pr"seI>lttJ;v" look ahead and-see that the paper is going to current news about former Western Mary- nent author - director - producer-actor be as much a victim of circumstances as is landers, stating their present duties and lo- hove into sight stretched out flat on the college, for the changing world cannot cations. This is perhaps the only major the hood of one of the over-crowded fail to affect the news of even college publi- change that will take place in the publication cars which brought the senior mili- I'Issocialed CoUeeiale Pre" cations ...... with the exception of the sports- page revis- tary men up from the station just in ions. At the same time that all of these visions time for the opening of the show. D1WiblllorO{ of the future make themselves evident to us, It will be necessary to limit sports to Draped about Bo's neck, in order to O:>IIe5iale Di6esl we see that there are underlying principles write-ups of the co-eds, No change could be preserve the union between his body of the present Gold Bug that cannot be more drastic than this one, for in former and the automobile, were the athletic Editor-In-Chief Lillian Jackson, ;45 eliminated, there are purposes which cannot years, the Gold Bug has almost forgotten the legs of Manny Kaplan. 1 saw it- world in an effort to Indy of the sport's Managing Editor Mary V. Webb, '45 be destroyed,' and we form a determination properly publicize the encounters of the and now 1 almost believe it .. News Editor Bob Adams, '45 to maintain the high standards that have men's teams. This is truly to become a • Lew-Priced Entertainment been achieved in the past, and to add to Assist. News Editor June Vogel, '..\6 these standards the further criteria of new woman's world. Dr. Mudge, ever the mathematician, Feature Editor ..Lucinda Holloway. '45. and interested workers. ) figured out that, with admission set Sports Editor We believe that the primary purposes of We look ahead to a year that will be filled at 35 cents, the school had entertain- Dorothy Rovecamp, '44 with happy relationships between the stu- ment for the evening at the rate of Copy Editor __..__Virginia Voorhees, '46 the Gold Bug are to furnish the student body ~fnJ~ffi~~ltl~:i~tna~e: ~t~u~:e~~fJr~~~n i~~;: 7 cents pel' _hour. Considering the with news, to keep the Alumni in contact Staff Photographer with their Alma Mater, and to reflect in our high cost of everythingc-cincluding- Milson C, Raver, P.R. articles the true spirit and purposes of cooperate with each other and aim for the ham--during these war days, the au- Business. Manager Western Maryland College in such a manner best than can be achieved in a collegiate dience got a break. newspaper. Denis Blizzard, '45 that those outside the campus who read the • Smooth Handling Cireulati~n Manager paper may feel that they have visited the Y.le cannot look ahead to the Gold Bug of Credit f01" the spiocth handling of Barbara Brower, '46 Hill and have caught some of its atmos- 1943-44 without remembering the year just , the fire at intermission must go large- Contributors: Fred G. Holloway, Jr., phere. past, and the people who contributed to the ly to Otts O'Keeftc, who wrapped Ruth Sartorio, Jane Miles, Betty As we look ahead, we see the possibility issues of the year. We say a sincere thank himself around the microphone and Waits, Mary Virginia Wplker, Peg- that the Gold Bug may become even more of you to those who have earned for the paper very complacently advised the audi- to Alvin H. Levin its All-American rating; gy Reeves, .AI Walker, Katherine a student publication than it is at present. who labored to produce the best in every ence to get a bit of fresh air. Very Helnmueller, Woody Preston, Earl This can be true when every student begins few persons even suspected that any- Schubert, Janet Baugher, Elizabeth .to think of the paper as a part of the school SeJISeof the word; to Mary Miller and Ruth thing was wrong. Professor Hurt, Gable, Marie Wilson, John Vermil- that cannot function unless he does. We Sartorio : to Carolyn Gable and Eleanor who, incidentally (even though I Healy; to John Robinson, sports editor be- yea, Alvin H. Levin, Thelma Mor- want to stress the fact that at all times the yond reproach: to LeRoy Gerding and Wil- haven't had a course from him since ris, John Robinson, Peggy Reeves. editor is willing to accept the suggestions of liam Burgess; to all of the underclass staff my ft-osh year) is my idea of a gen- individuals, and will act upon suggestions if members, and to all of the writers. tleman and a good sport, ~insisted they are practical. until tears were running down his • IN TH~ARMY WITH - that have taken place before the publication makes us feel that the Gold Bug is worthy of cheeks (because of the show. Seems The work of these people of the past that We shall not print stories about events of the smoke) it was all part Aloysius of the paper. In order to have news pub- the full attention of the people of the future that he just wouldn't put anything and as we look ahead, we pledge ourselves to pest lished, organizations are asked to submit in- the seniors. has always stood; we wish nothing --- A. H-.WALKER. formation at least three days before the pa- live up to those things for which the Gold • Presidential Dignity right Bug There will be a per is to be distributed. I'd have given a slightly-used more than to be able to serve you of Western Pvt. A. H. Walket· schedule of the papers posted on the bulletin Maryland as you deserve to be served. We arm to have seen Dr, Holloway on his Btry. c., 8th Bn. boards in both Lewis and Science Halls, as look ahead, and looking, we see challenges to hands and knees feeling the floor- Ft. Eustis, Virginia well as in the offices of the deans. be met, pitfalls to be avoided. We look back boards of Alumni HaU while trying Ye Ed, The future is largely an amplification of and catch from those who have gone before, to discover ,,,hat portion of the build- Gold Bug, the past, and so, as we look ahead, we want the encouragement that is necessary to make ing was on fire. Western Maryland College. to keep before us a rear view mirror that we the Go[d Bug a vital part of Western Mary- e Genial Gentleman Y,. may benefit from those who have gone be- land College. ' To get back to Professor Hurt: on fore us, nut only in the field of journalism, Today's attach is labelled "Life in but in all of the work on the Hill. Each ....- -··'1kC~ the way home after the show, I hap- the Barracks" and concerns itself with pened to meet up with the genial gen- and expressed tleman from Virginia a soldier's leisure time. The lapse so designated comprises the hours be- the hope that his toes weren't too tween 4:30 and 9:30 P. M. each even- sore from being tramped on. "No, ing. This time is the soldier's very Campus Personality Levin no", said the prof in a slightly whim- own, to do with as he sees fit. Of sical tone of voice, "I just feel rather course there is an hour or two in the sad when 1 think that it will be a morning of free time, but during this long, long time before the Hill sees men and as fine a bunch of young period we all see fit by tacit arrange- ment to scrub the floors and make our By Lucinda Holloway the Emperor Waltz. There you have ticle. His efficient editorial work women as they saw on that stage to- respective beds. Therefore, in speak- your perfect picture of an editor at contributed to the staff's winning the night". See what I mean about Pro- ing of our "spare time" 1 shall con- If the pace-driven workers in the peace. All-American Honor Rating by the fessor Hurt's being a good sport? tine myself j;o the aforementioned Gold BllY Office ever took time out for If the GoM 81(g has meant much to Associated Collegiate Press. e Expeetantly Timid Baugherlsh yells, they would prob- evening hours. ably. give out a hearty "Ray-rah, Porky, Alvin H. has mC11.11tjust as The war has put a halt to Porky's One of the English professors on Tbere are many diverting pastimes Levin" for their departing editor. No much to the Gold Bug. His co-work- journalistic ambitions, but some time the Hill-s-we're not telling his name, to be indulged in by your idle soldier. editor has ever deserved it more than ers will never forget the fine spirit of in the future we may hear of another but his initials are D.W.H.~men- Chief among these, perhaps, is the Porky, formally known as Alvin H. William Allen White and recognize Honed the show the next day, and 1 cleaning of the rifle. The U.S. Army Levin. (He prefers the inserted H. him as being the Alvin H. Levin we asked him if he enjoyed it. He said Rifle, or boom-boom, fire-stick, so just so that people will say "Ah, used to know in the Gord Bug days. (Cant. on page 4, col. 2) called, is composed of wood and metal. Levin!") At all times the metal parts must he Confronted with the interviewer's polished and the wooden portion kept inevitable "What was the biggest Senior Follie, ... free from termites. The former func- event of your life?" Levin's answer is tion is consummated with the aid of a prompt. "Working on the Gold Bug," cleaning rod and some small white he responds between puffs at his un- patches. After the piece has been lighted pipe. Ye Ed is all out for cleaned with a cloth, the patches are Journalism with a capital "J". His run through its barrel until the bore greatest ambition is to take over- a -By Betty Waits boys. is more or less cleared of mud and small-town newspaper and make it The dream of every Broadway pro- Allan (Angel) Cohen got himself debris. Any patches which remain into a; worth-while journal. ducer was realized by the class of '43 back into training with some celestial unused after this ream job may be ePuffs and Fumes on Tuesday, April 27, when the Sen- music. lettered "His" and "Hers" and utiliz- With Porky, as with Kipling, "a ior Follies turned out to be so hot were Perhaps the most familiar scenes depicted those that it set the building on fire. Time "Big as ed as guest handkerchiefs. good cigar is a smoke.t'-c-tha same The follies were produced under Operator" on the Western Maryland Next in order of popularity cernes, sentiment also applies to a good ciga- the able leadership of Bo (Earl Car- Campus by Bud Blair. The imita- shoe-shining. This is done by taking rette or pipe. He has been known roll) Baugher, and featured the tions by "Porky" Levin and "Nemo" a pair of shoes and shining them. The to smoke all three during one night in music of Johnny Williams and his Robinson kept us in stitches and the choice of polish is left to the dis- the Gold Bug office. He confesses band, with a vocal number by Jeanne antics of the professors were amusing cretion of the individual, the only that he has even contemplated mari- Corkran. Special note should be to all concerned (we hope). requisite being that it must, produce huana when the copy didn't arrive in Alvin II. Levin given to Ed Newell whose solos kept Beard's, Earl's, the grill, the din- a lustre of sufficient. intensity to bring time. Pipe-collecting is his hobby. loyalty that he has always shown. the feet tapping, and to Johnny him- ing hall and the classrooms were all tears to the eyes. If the inspecting "A.H." describes his early days as They will remember the subtle humor self, who was certainly "sending". featured. Added attractions to the officer happens to be suffering from uneventful, but we consider a medal that brightened the nerve-wracking- No less entertaining were the skits stage play were the actions of George dry ducts, the owner of the unmov- for being the best English student as labor of the setting up the dummy- that followed. "Poison Pete", in the Barrick and "Doggy" Friedel (who ing shoes is just out of luck. something of an event. He was the same .humor that found its way person of Tommy Price, aided by really knew their onions) in the au- When riffe and shoes are spotless, awarded this upon graduation from into the Pig Pen, his own column of Mary Jane Jeffries, Doggy Friedel dience. A cake of ice passing "gent- the warrior tums to gaming and song. junior high school. This award must campus chatter. Of invaluable im- and Paul Brooks, had almost as many ly'" from hand to hand, row to row have influenced him in his decision to The game, Stud Poker; the song, portance to the success of the paper corpses on the stage as a Street and helped to lower the temperature and "Goodbye, Little Darlin', Goodbye". major in English at W.M.C.; his were rus sound judgment in aU situa- Sinit.h Western, and the Pie-Eyed Pi- liven the atmosphere. The latter endeavor is generally ac- minor -is French. In spite of hi!! t.ions and the good-natured criticism pers were so good that it has been J. C. Hancock's auctioneering and journalistic duties he has remained a companied by soothing plunks of a constant Dean's Lister. that was always graciously given. suggested that they try out at Fred- Otts O'Keelfe's dancing were top- guitar and the rhythmic thud or Eas- eThe Pig Pen erick. notch. terner's heads against the washroom • Solid Comfort Entering his editorial office with- A Chorus from Blanche Ward and All in all it will be a much duller wall. A student of philosophy conrses, out warning you would have under- one from McDaniel plus the skit campus without the class of '43, and philosopher Porcus Levinius has his stood its being dubbed "The Pig "College 'Without !lIen", represented we're truly going to miss the "gran' My 10\'e to all, and I shall see you own philosophy of contentment. Imag- Pen". You would never guess what a )"eal life. More music was forthcom- old seniors". We congratulate them two fortnights from now. ine him with an l8,-cent· in the systematic procedurf! the man behind ing from Ginny Crusius and Mary on giving us an e'/ening chock full of Sincerely, an arm the paper followed. But it has been Frances Hawkins, not to mention the fun. P. S. Did Capt. Caple ever go Pvt, ALOYSIUS. playing said of him that he never lost an ar- lilting lyrics of Guzzling Gus and his home?
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