Page 50 - TheGoldBug1942-43
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PAGE-SIX The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Weatminster, Md., April 22, 1943 Rush For Rooms - Aloysius- Becomes Hunt (Cont. from page 2, col. 5) And, as it sinks majestically into the caress its beamy scrub-pine, fingers stony For Tents ....... 1 the carmine orbs from their But just the mess~all smokestack and stipple sockets, and fill my pockets. a subtile pinkness in the 90 m.m. anti- as I was reaching for the last ruby, I Twenty Girls Are Left (Cont. from page 2, col. 1) .The From Hermitage HfJl'lnitage, by Henry heard what sounded like a scream of aircraft guns. My view of this soul- panorama ob- rending is partially The far below. tenor "We don't swear by the etory, interesting Unsheltereel As All it could be true .... " but Holljes, January 11, 1940- Upon investigation, I found that ;t scured by another limply over a pack four- some. Hanging Space Is Taken "Ice. 'Vater, Snow: H.O was only Skully who had broken out rope slung between the windows are e The Doghouse Slide off roof; into a native song, being, as he pic- some articles of masculine attire. Are A few weeks ago upperclassmen Sprightly now mist away from tea- turesquely put it, "lonely". I re- girls reclining in their rooms were From The. Doghouse., by Alvin kettle spout. moved the final eye and scrambled they articles of confederation? They startled bYI the appearance at their Newton, May 2, 1940-"The mere Crisp willow stems; down. On the way back to camp, I are not. They are underwear; so much for the lingerie department. mention of a dog has been the cause door of several freshmen who would of a sour taste in the mouths of some Hushingly lap along shores, found a new fruit which I ate, Skully scan the room critically, exclaim, "1 of the readers of the Sunpapsrs. For Somewhere break against rocks having absent - mindedly devoured Well, give my love to everyone, and don't want this one" and run to the with a roar! mine while J was still aloft on the I shall see you a fortnight from now. beast next room. "Do your room selecting the past week some accursed name of Creep across continents; idol. Respectfully, by the. ridiculously unfunny early" was the motto of every fresh- Knee-Hi has been appointed to the Crystal house windows so children The sun is a vast golden shield. Pvt. Aloysius. man girl. position of instructor in the Balti- may paint. The unavoidable rush came last more Public Schools. Daily the pa- Split rocks asunder; Thursday morning, the day for "sign- pers have displayed intimate photo- Thunder roguishly down gorge, SMITH & REIFSNIDER PATRONIZE ing up". One eager co-ed said that graphs of the dog as he 'led saiety At dams hesitate-against power Incorporated OUR she was going to get room 28 if She dtscosstous' among Baltimore school wheels forge. LUMBER-COAL ADVERTISERS. had to sleep all night in front of the children, as he helped a big policeman Blush in the sun; WESTMINSTER. MD. Linger on petals for posts to see. office door. We are happy to report across the street, as he wakes up in Drench all Earth; FOUR CHAIR SERVICE that she did get room 28 and that she the morning, as he brushed his teeth, Rise over levees with ease; Compliments of did not have to sleep in front of the and nearly everything else a dog does No Waiting disease. Flood valley homes-bring office door. Not everyone was as for- during the course of the day, within Float in the sky; are gay. 1:W. Mather & Sons HEAX3Y BROTHERS' tunate as she, however. limitations, of course. Warm radiators 50 tenants BARBER SHOP At first every freshman enter- "Some people with normally mild Desert deserts. Main St. NfJ~t to P08t Office tained high hopes of getting a dispositions have declared that it Flow through animals, men, trees; room with a cer-tain number cf would be a source of inestimable These are your works-even these. John Everhart windows, with a certain view, or pleasure to them for this very clever -H. H." COOTES' with wallpaper of a certain color; animal to be run over by an auto. A e Likewlse TI-IE COLLEGE BARBER but towards the end she consid- less vengeful outlet for the emotions BARBERSHOP AND BOBBER ered herself lucky to have at room at would be, perhaps, to have the mayor, From the same-"Quite by acci- AT THE FORKS all. For twenty of them went away the city council, and all Sunpaper dent F. M. Stone received an offer HUB BASEMENT from a driller down in Texas to in- roomless. reporters and photographers dragged vest in some virgin oil land at two As yet, the unfortunate 20 have forcefully from their offices and lined Phone 300 Ea,ly Spring Specials no idea where they are to lay upon a curbstone while little Knee- dollars per acre. Since that time, P. the CARROLLEEN Bechtel has been doing his level best their heads next year. It has been to buy a square foot of the region, Frederics Teu.cuel facetiously suggested that something Hi did his tricks. One must remem- for, as P. Bechtel says, (quote) $10.00 new be pitched on seventh green-a ber the old adage, however, 'A little hole they drill is so small that you Permanent Wave tent. Nothing- like the martial life! dog shall lead them.' (Mueaolini.' could have two or three wells upon Individual Coiffurea Special at $8.00 Complete But they do not appear to be greatly 1936.)" onc square foot, (unquote)." Beauty in iU Entirety worried about the situation. They Lowry Beauty Salon know that the administration, like the Phone 395 66 W. Main Lord, has a way of providing. Big Time Operator ,~ Defined WESTMINSTER. SL MD. Adjoining PostoHice May Day Fete By Reporter As Cocky Kid be- By John Robinson Easter From Greetings To Include If you don't know what a big time before him the big time operator up ab- J. WM. HULL, J.w.I., KARA BEL INN 25 W. Main St. gins to function. He gets operator is, then it stands to reason ruptly from the table, motions across Westminster, Md. Comedy you are devoid of the facts and are the room to his girl and proceeds to Successor to Cassell's Special Chicken Dinner Sunday $1.25 sorely in need of this information. walk with her the length of the din- The Store of New Fashioned From One to Five or by (Cont. from page 1, col. 5) A B.T.O. is a person who is intent ing hall muttering "I can't stand it". Jewelry and Old Fashioned Appointment As a climax to the day's activities on reaching the big time. There are Then there is the big time act that Honesty Week Day Dinners 65 cents the women's Student Government is several types of big time-there is the athletes put on.. They wear their East Main St. from six to seven combining its efforts with the Pan the big time athlete, the big campus football sweater with the big M and Westminster, Md. Call Mrs. John Englar Hellenic Council in presenting the an- socialite and the big military man, leave the sweater unbuttoned in the Times Building 449-J Westminster nual Pan-Hell Dance. the big time actor. But perhaps a front just enough so that the casual The various committees who will f.ew examples would serve the pur- observer may notice the Western assist Miss Bell in making this day a pose much better. Maryland jersey underneath. Then success are: costumes, Elizabeth Ga- Take for example a real big time one may notice the neat white sweat 'The Best In The bie, chairman, Alice Rohrer, Peggy act in the dining hall-get your pic- sox on the foot with the cuff rolled Carter, Charlotte MacConney, Elaine ture correctly-it is Friday night and up a turn or so, giving the idea that Coffman-Fishe, CO. Ort, and Peggy Reeves; music, Mary everyone knows that the meal is go- the sox are the athlete's and not the SODAS Department Store Jackson, chairman, Ha r r i e t R. ing to be the worst since last Friday school's. Smith, and Lucille Gischel; proper- night. Several, or perhaps we should Of course, the biggest and heaviest ties, Jean Bentley, chairman, Anne say many, people have gone out to operator is the one that is putting on SUNDAES Ready-To-Wear Meeth, and Cordelia Price; reception, dinner-some to Margaret and Earl's the show for the fairer sex. He must Sport Wear Mary Louise Sehrt, chairman, Mary and others to the City. But not our be sur-e that no slip ups are made and Turnley, Sara Belle Veale, Deborah big time operator. He is going out. this type may become closest to the LUNCHES Millinery Bowers, and Marie Steele; flowers, to dinner all right but first he must j-eal B.T.O. standards. Nisley Shoes Ridgely Pollitt; publicity, Betty Rose, go to the dining hall, walk in the You can not be classified as a Freeman Shoes chairman, Peach Garrison, Alice Al- men's entrance five minutes late and B.T.D. unless you do something out of exander, and Alice Keefer; pro- sit down at a table. the ordinary and the farther out the Bonsack's Clothing grams, Mary Virginia Walker, chair- Then, carefully eyeing the food put better. man, Alice Kuhn, Jo Daniels, and 11 East Main St. Dorothy Clarke. The College Shop Phone 102 Following the Old English Custom of welcoming the arrival of spring on the first day of May, Western Maryland College in 1927 inaugurated Carroll Theatre State Theatre May Day celebration as an annual event. WESTMINSTER, MD. WESTMINSTER, MD. Sunday, Monday & Tuesday Sun. & Mon., April 25, 26 April 25, 26, 27 George Brent - Priscilla Lane One of the greatest stories to in DRUGS--SODAS come out of this war "SILVER QUEEN" COSMETICS "HITLER'S CHILDREN" Tues. & wed., April 27, 28 We Deliver with Tim Holt _ Bonita Granville Frank Buck's great animal picture "JACARE" Wednesday, April 28 & Fri., April 29, 30 James Elliso\~- Jane Wyatt Thurs. Double Feature "ARl\'1Y SURGEON" Warren William in Thursday, Friday & Saturday "ONE DANGEROUS NIGHT" April 29, 30-May 1 and Teresa Wright - Joseph Cotton Eddie Albert - Anne Shirlcy Phone 9 in in WESTMINSTER, MD. "SHADOW OF A DOUBT" "LADY BODYGUARD" Saturday. May 1 Sun., Mon., Tues. & Wed. Charles Starrett May 2, 3, 4, 5 in Betty Hutton "LA W OF THE NORTHWEST" READ Eddie Bracken Victor Moore Sunday. Monday, May 2, 3 CASSELL'S COMMENTS in Richard Dix in On The "STAR SPANGLED RHYTHM" "AMERICAN EMPIRE" SPORTS PAGE POLEY McCLINTOCK wept as he turned over his drums Thursday, May 6 James Tuesday, May 4 Craig - .Bonita Granville Of The to Fred Waring on the "Chesterfield Pleasure Time" pro- James Ellison - Lois Andrews in I'IIILES FROM but DO pitcher of it- He's bang Evening Sun gram, he has Waring got baton a big average. out Waring's Pennsylvaniam "DIXIE DUGAN" "SEVEN ALCATRAZ" but a high were horn when Poley and Fred Waring played together in Friday & Saturday, May 7, 8 Wednesday, May 5 LEROY E. GERDING a Boy Scout hand back in Tyrone, Pa. Now they do radio All Cartoon Show by Walt Disney Russell Hayden in College Agent "FANTASIA" "SADDLES AND SAGEBRUSH" audiences a good turn five nights weekly on N.B.C. stations.
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