Page 48 - TheGoldBug1942-43
P. 48
PAGE FOUR Tbe Gold Bug, Weatern Maryland College, Westmituter, Md.. April 22, 1943 Glimpses Of Senior Follies I Western Maryland's May Queen College Choir To Reveal Cracks And Corn Johnny Williams' Orch.stra Will Furnish Music As Cut-Ups And Clowns Take Over Stage Orchestra Program Will Be Held In Alumni By Janet Lee Baugher best to pick up a few hints for you. I hear the women all join to drop Hall On April 29 Intercepted Letter to one of the Boys: them freely. Deur--, Thc college choir, under the di rec- This will really interest you: Han- Gosh, I sure do wish you weren't in cock is going to auction off America uo» of Professor Alfred deLong, will camp this week-you'd really get a to the highest bidder-Japs, Nazis, or present a two hour musical program kick out of the Senior Varsity Show. Johnny Q. Public. (1t's hard to guess to the men at Aberdeen Proving No kidding, it sounds better than any- the result, but thc approach is a pan- Grounds at 8 P. M., Saturday, April army show or 7..eigfield Follies ever ic.) 24. could be. M~re stars, more cracks, Well, kid, take it easy, I'm sorry Secular and religious numbers will and more corn. you won't be here. Even if you're ce sung by the fifty choristers who You remember Johnny WiJliams 1 Scotch" this is one 35c you won't rc- will be accompanied by Janice Me- Well, he's really organized a hot band. g+et spending. Kinley and Mary Rehmeyer at the They've been rehearsing for three Yours, weeks and they are really solid. John- JANET. ny always wanted to be nn orchestra leader (suppressed desire) so now's War Department To the chance. gives out on the sax Inspect Battalion The band is full of characters: Joe Elliott really Vocal soloists for the evening are (he's the other senior). Then there's (Cont. from page 3, col. 3) Mary Frances Hawkins, Alice Ditt- Sellman, Rhodes, Bruner, Deeds, Pis- 2:30-3:00-Physical Drill mar, Anita Rue, and Doris Baker. Mr. Philip Royer will play several vio- acano, Newell, Sovitsky, Mansberger, 3:00-3:15-Platoon Drill and Schaeffer, plus Jeanne Corkran 3:15-3:30-Company Drill lin solos, and at the close of the eve- as the soloist. Doesn't that sound 3:30-4:00----Extended Order drill ninp,",Miss Joyce Bnr thelscn will lead great? No kiddin'g, they're worth the 4:00-4:30-Battalion parade tj- e service men in a community sing. price of admission. I don't see how 4:20-5:15---0bstacle Course rT~xt musical fete of the year will the hepcats in the audience will be Men whose afternoon classes pro- be the orchestra concert which is in Alumni place able to stay in their s~ats. gram will be affected by the above sr-lcdulcd to take night, April 29, and Hall on Thursday Then they're having a victory show. schedule will be excused from those which will follow the Mozartian You know, flashing scenes from the classes for that afternoon. theme of the SO'fI.gstresl;, the orcbes- war front and the home front. That If inclement weather- prevents thc f i-al presentation of last year. is really packed with smiles. You' inspection from being held Monday just can't imagine. afternoon, it wil! be postponed until The program is as follows: There's another skit, "What the Tuesday. Unless this happens, there P1"lJ1Hdeill E Minor Man Never Knows", but I'll do my will be no military drill on Tuesday. Johann Sebastian Bach Overture "L68 Prr'titi8 Riene" (Triffies)- Junior Girls Will Bid Seniors Farewell Symphony Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart No. 41 in C major ("Jupiter") At Rose Cup Ceremony On May 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Alkgm vivace Freshmen To Pay Homage With Lantern Chain; Minu.itto AllBU1'etto Molto Allegro Reh.arsals For Both Activities In Progr ... The second movement is not being played at this concert. Rehearsals for the traditional Cup is in charge, and those assisting her Intermission Ceremony and Lantern Chain have al- are Marie Wilson, and Mindel Seltz- ready gotten under way in or-der to er, co-authors of the Class Song of Ah, [ feel How AU Hath Vanished insure a smooth presentation on Wed- '46, and Betty Ann Montgomery and P.ggy Wilson. from "The Magie Flute" nesday, May 5. Ruth Callahan, co-authors of the Three years an attendant in the May Court, Miss Wilson will this year Ok Tremble Not from the "Magic Flute"- The Cup Ceremony, under the di- Freshman Farewell Song, reign as Queen. Wolfgang Amadeus Moza;t rection of Cordelia Price, junior class Alice Dittmar secretary, and Mary Turnley, class Overture, "The Magie Flute" historian, will take place in Robinson Inter-Sorority News Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Garden in the afternoon. Preceding this, on Tuesday, April The first part of the ceremony is 27, at 4 P. M., organ students of Miss of a light nature. Junior girls will Grace Murray will give a recital in present a humorous skit for the se- Alumni Hall. niors and an original poem will be A newly organized string quartet, read about each senior girl while she The first of the spring rush parties On Wednesday, April 28, the Phi party at Frock's pool on May 8. Mary consisting of Mr. Philip Royer, Har- is being imitated by an underclass- for the freshman girls which was Alphs will take their tum at rushing Frances Hawkins, club president, up- riet R. Smith, first and second man. The seniors are expected to scheduled to be held on Tuesday, the freshmen with a hobo hitch t.o pointed Marie Steele to head the food lins, Mary Rehmeyer, viola, and guess who is being impersonated. April 20, has been postponed until Roop'a schoolhouse. Frances Hall committee, placed Jean Bentley in Lcukel, cello, will play in a . The latter part of the ceremony Monday, April 26. Rain forced the heads the invitation committee; equip- charge of the pool committee and Lee Tuesday, May 4. During the will be more serious. All senior girls members of Sigma Sigma Tau to can- ment will be provided by Ann Leete; Stiffler as chairman of favors and program, senior public school will form a circle and will be individ- cel their plans for a hay ride to Frances Ogden will have charge of prizes. Janet Lee Baugher will have majors will direct a select ually presented with a red rose and n Tramp Hollow and set next Monday the food; the entet-taiument commit- charge of entertainment, and Gale chorus from the Westminster High sip from the Cup as a chorus sings to as a prospective date. tee will be managed by Virginia Phil- Lodge will head the invitation com- School in some of the lighter choral each one. lips; and the clean-up committee by mittee. works. Those in charge are: poem commit- Mary Virginia Walker. tee, Dottie Thrush; impersonation Graduation Plans Limited by transportation difficul- committee, Ann Covington; play com- ties, Iota Gamma Chi decided to en- Western Maryland Co-Eds Sponsor mittee, Dottie Rovecamp. tertain their freshmen rushees at a On the same night, the Lantern For Weekend treasure hunt at the Pavilion on May Three Bond Drives In Westminster Chain, composed of senior and fresh- 3. The following committee chair- men girls will meet at the top of the Outlined men were appointed: food, Winnie Western Maryland co-eds joined Hill and move down on to Hoffa Field. Wareheim; entertainment, Jane Mar- the women workers in the war Sav- Two freshmen will conduct each se- (Cont. from page 1, col. 2) tin; invitations, Marjorie Gross; ings Program by sponsoring three nior and the former will carry lighted the service will be dedicated during cleanup, Peggy Reeves. successful drives to sell war stamps On Saturday, March f gth, lanterns. the program. The Delta will close the sororities' in the City of Westminster on Satur- hundred girls took up their When the seniors have taken Plans for the evening have not yet spring rush activity with a swimming day afternoons and evenings. Dean sixteen downtown stores their places in the grandstand, the been completed. If the committee gether, members of the four Freshman girls will sing the Fare- should find it impossible to sponsor All-Hill Hook-Up ties sold $396.25 worth of war wel l Song, and form the four numer- the traditional Senior-Alumni Ball, ings stamps. The five and ten als '46, '45, '44, '43. At each forma- an Old Parlor Night will be held, fea- stores yielded the highest total. tion, they sing "Where. 0, 'Vhcre", turing an evening of sociability and Bowman-Schubert Weclcling Will ors for the largest sale go to the traditional song of the occasion. entertainment. Beall and Kitty Waring who of Jane Beall, Freshman "'omen's 1\11'. T. K. Harrison, secretary an- Be Strictly Western Marylancl hardly believe their eyes when Student Government representative, the Alnmni Association, has \V estminster-s prosperous . nounced that arrangements are being laid down $75 in cash. made to accommodate alumni in the A distinctive wedding ceremony, Best man is to be Francis Blair of ROTC To Drop dormitories Friday and Saturday patter-ned after that of Ruth Ann the class of '43, and the ushers will night.s. Whitmore and Joe Kittner, in that it also be members of that class. They Sunday morning at 10:15, seniors, Upper Courses faculty, alumni and guests will file will be an all-Western Maryland af- are Bosley Baugher, James Booth Higman, William Baylies, and Nemo in Baltimore fair, will be performed into Alumni Hall to the tune of "A on Monday, May 17, at Howard Robinson. (Cont. from page 3, col. 1) Mighty Fortress Is Our God" for the Park Methodist Church when Earl • Ellen Piel, classmate of the bride, ed will be required to take it. traditional Baccalaureate Service, at Schubert, '43, and Betty Jane Bow- will serve as maid of honor, and two Men now in the advanced military which Dr. Holloway will speak. man, '46, are married in the midst of of the four bridesmaids will be stu- classes will enter active duty with the Climaxing the activities of com- an all-Maryland atmosphere. dents of '46. These two Western war, the sororities once Army at the completion of this sem- mencement weekend as well as the ef- From the two principals on through Maryland co-eds are Ruth Slater and wered the call in what ester. Senior ROTC men will enter forb; of four years' study. will be the the soloist, all the participants except Inez Macklin. The other two attend- called "the most important Officers Candidate School immediate- graduation exercises for the 99 mem- for two bridesmaids, will be connected ants are Dorothy Schubert, :sister of endeavor ever inaugurated ly while junior advance military bers of the class of '43. Because of the in some way with the Hill. The min- the groom, and Helen Piel. country." Sales in this _ men will be sent to a replacement 'change in time the program will not ister will be the Reverend Mr. Paul Even the music will be Western amounted to $326.20, making center for completion of their basic follow the traditional plans, No com- Harris, who graduated in 1924. His Maryland inspired, for Joseph White. grand total enough to supply training, at the close of which they mencement speaker has been an- wife also graduated from tm!! college ford, '43, ~ll act as organist, and armed forces with some of the are eligible for OCS, nounced as yet. that same year. Jeanne B8rryrnan, '46, will si~. and bullets !O necessary today,
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