Page 14 - TheGoldBug1942-43
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., November 12, 1942 • A. H. WALKER--- lid. 'We gee !Jt .JOE WORKMAN--- Aloysius Isaac B. Rehert Is Not Only News, end war. There can be no fight for freedom; The Keg ~----TELLS ALL. But Also A Controversial Subject only Love can. attain freedom. The only --NEWS ANDVIEWS. way to achieve a world based on Brother- The account of my visit to dream- No news concernine Isaac B. Renert, we hood is to begin to practice Brotherhood e Sadie Hawkins "Come as you are Last Saturday's now. land last time was acclaimed by many feel, should, in any deqree of fainless at aU,- trapped" affair was certainly tops in critics (ranging in color and magni- be classified under the commonplace hea-ding There is an alternative to war: the way of decorations, band, refreshments, and tude from Rochester of the dining- of "story" and inserted. in, the columns of the Freedom, of Truth, and of Love. When men attendance as far as the eye can see. hall to a little town-girl with three Gold Bug as a tnere 1'ecounting of facts. The become so free that they refuse to be con- From the cross section opinion of arms, whose name I didn't catch, as pe1'sonality of Ike Rehert is fal' too colm'fut, quered; when they love truth so strongly those who trapped or were trapped, something for the birds. Determin- his views on life and on a way of life stmy that they refuse to be swerved from its path "~adie Hawkins Day~1942" wa.s a ing, as a result, to do something simi- '<;0 fm' from the Q1'dina1'y concepts of living by the demands of a totalitarian state; when real success. To those who survived so dearly they love God and one another lar this time, I turned up in Psycho- that even if we were to make no comment at and returned after intermission, the logy class yesterday armed with a all upon him, a,ny "st1'aight news" concern- that they refuse to lie to one another and sight of the scion of the Sociology short Mickey. I wasted no time in ing Renert would be compelled, if preeeniea steal from one another, and kill one another, Department, kicking up his heels and gulping the brew; and before long I impal·tia1l1J and adequately, to contain edi- but rather try to help one another and swinging his partner was entertain- was well out of the' picture (assum- torial material. That is the recscn why the strengthen that love, and kindle that-spark ment enough. As usual, Miss Jean of Divinity which is in every man-then will ing, of course, that 1was in to begin gt'ca,ter part of this editorial is composed of war cease and God's will be done on earth." "Daisy Mae" Eckhardt outdistanced with). The following debacle result- the following story turned into the Gold Buy the contestants in her field and won cd. office by reoorter Mm'Y Webb. Idealistic? Yes-Ike Rehert is definitely the coveted portrait of "Hairless It seems our class was visiting one Isaac B. Rehert, former editor of the Gow. that. When we apply that adjective to him, Joe" while Charles "Underwear" of the local goofy-bins in search of Bug and a member of the class of '42, has re- however, we intend no slighting 01' deroga- Chlad won the award as the "Most factual evidence relating to our ceived a sentence of three years' imprison- tory remark: We think that it is almost im- Likely To Succeed L'il Abner." course of study. As we drove up to ment in Mill Point, West Virginia, on the possible to view with scorn a rnan who be- • Petitioning the grounds, we noticed several indi- charge of refusing to register for the draft. lieves in the concept that all 'men ore in- viduals distributed more or less hap- Rehert, who graduated from W.M.C. last herently good and that it is possible at sorne The swains of McDaniel Hall, aU hazardly over the surrounding green- June, was sentenced by Judge Meany of the jutu1'e time for men to live cooperatively, in the interest of National War Ef- sward; At our arrival. all of these Federal Court at Newark, New Jersey. The ha1'moniously, completely by the ideals and fort, would like had hastened to assume unorthodox charge was placed against him as of June standards set up by Jesus Christ. to petition the postures in an effort to keep up the 30, and he was sentenced on October 23. We look upon Rehert:e views as immraoti- management 0 f old tradition. Some outdid others; A Baltimorean, Rehert was most success- cal, fm' too abstmctty conceived for the that female sanc- one in particular managing to achieve ful in his college career. In 1941 and '42, he wOl'ld of realities in which we live no-w. We tuary to please an unusually bizarre effect by sus- was Gold Bug editor. A consistent Dean's think that he is wrong to set standards and cut down on the pending himself in the air three feet Lister, he was included in the Student Who's then to refuse to help create a 1Om'Ld in electricity bill by above the ground, in an attitude of Who of 1D41. which those :~tandm'ds may later be extinguishing the prayer. Ike Rehert formed his views and reasons achieved. We think that, to a gnat degree, searchlight in We were met at the door by the for failure to comply with the requirements his ideas smack of emotional teroor occa- Robinson Garden. chief-of-staff, a small, white-clad of the Selective Service Act while still at sioned by a one-sided outlook on a soorla sit- It is their stolid figure with a gray goatee and vari- college. On June 26, 1942, he explained his uation which calls for .comptete circumspec- p o s i tion that cose-veins. He accepted us cordially, course of action by writing the following: tion. We think that he fails to take into workman such a beam is un-nec- and offered to show us around. No • "On Tuesday, June 30, I shall not appear account the fact that human values are defi- essary and merely entirely a crowded forces sooner had he proffered this sugges- to register for conscription under the Se- nitely not as high as he supposes. But 10e condition on the rear of the Dining tion than .a man of ripe years came lective Service Act .... cannot help but feel a wistful admiration, a Hall. cutting around a corner of the corri- I believe in the Brotherhood of Man, the-- uxmderina respect, f01' a man who so be- dor on a pogo-st.ick. When stopped sacredness of the individual, and the lieves in the possibility of an higher life in .Military Bail by the good doctor and asked what he strength of the power of love of God and the world of tomorroio-s-asui, perhaps, of On Saturday night, November 21, was about, the aged wack grew petu- man. War is opposed to all these things. It . today-that he is willing not only to go to the officers and men of our R.O.T.C. lant, protesting that he was quite ob- cannot save true democracy which is based prison for his beliefs but also to subject Battalion and their guests, will cross viously conducting a gallop-pole. At on Brotherly Love; it cannot achieve free- himself to contemptuous jeers and cries of the wide open spaces and attend the this, several of our number became dom, it cannot make men love one another. "Slacker!" that he must know will be his annual Millitacy Ball in Gill Gym. The violently sick, and had to wait in the War is a complete denial of all these things lot. entire student body is invited to this cars till we returned. and cannot have them as its ends. There affair, which is strictly formal, and Moving-into the first of the wards, can be no war to end war. Only peace can $2.50 a couple. Each year, the Mili- we were permitted to view a goodly tary Ball is one of the best if not number of dopes in their natural hab- the best of Western Maryland's for- itat. I was approached by one young mal dances. This year will be no ex- woman and asked when I had taken caption. my last bath. Never a whiz at re- Campus Personality Baugher membering dates, I was a little non- _Sorority Initiations plussed at the question. Finally, in The men of the campus would like desperation I faked an answer. For- to send the president of the Inter- tunately for me, the girl was of a Sorority Council It vote of thanks gullible turn of mind, and she return- now that the initiations are over. ed to her erector-set without further "Will I be sorry to Ieave t Definite- years they were veterans of the new There is little doubt but what the ini- ado. [y~I'm thinking of going to the sem- dorm, but this year they have strayed tiations were a burden to those in- Next, we came upon a man, clad in cluded but did anyone stop to think silk pyjamas and a diving-helmet, inary just to stay three more years!", from the fold and are living at 148 of those "who stand and wait"? It performing genuflections before a wa- joked Bo. "No kidding, though, I've Her-r-ing Hall "Last (telephone number on a was the poor men of the Hill who had year' was really request). really had lots of smiles up here and ter-cooler in the corner. Which, if I'll be sorry when it's all over." So beauty though," Bo said. "C section to be confronted with the horrible you ask me, was a rather dumb thing spoke Be-e-cheer leader de luxe, strip was quite a place, and we really had spectacle of witches, female soldiers, for a full-grown man to be doing. teaser of note, and native of Catons- and Papa Sigmas. Each morn At this point, the professor noticed fun. T'his year Kaplan and Gusgesky brought another horrific sig-ht. Thank II particularly unobtrusive-looking ville, "the garden spot of the world". keep us happy with 10 o'clock con- you, Inter-sorority Council, for not dr-awing the inibin tion out any longer. certs-Gus on the banjo and Kaplan man sitting on the edge of a bed, with Bo launched on his dramatic, or I'm really going to try to his head in his hands. Asked what shall we say vaudeville, career when vcr;ali;:-illg. .Minute !\Ien (Cont. on page 4, col. 4) he was t"ingmaster for a high school get Gus signed up Broadway~no re- Sunday afternoon's gathering on class circus. That, however, was only Reetions on Kaplan, you understand." Field the begilllling, for since he has been Bo's talents, however, do not lie Hoffa groups of the the various Minute from Men surrounding THE GOLD BUG at \V.M.C. and particularly since he only in the dramatic line, for as a towns and the parade that followed Bo has up play writing, has taken up there. It tennis player, he is right gone in for roles of a 'much. mOI'e seri- was a sight to see. The R.O.T.C. Offici,,' 'tuden~ "ow.paper of \\",tern :ll~ry' must be a family trait, for his broth- hopefuls were extremely critical of land Cone]!:e. publi.hed semi-monthly, on ous nature. His first "pbblic appear- er, Grif, who graduated from U. of Thursday. during October, Knv"mbo'. Jail'" the marching and such, but only in a ar)-, ~'eb,uary, March. Rnd ,\pril, alld monthly ance" at 'V.M.C. was not along the !l1ar~'land in June, is also an A-I ten- joking way. These men are doing during September. D~eembcr. and May. En line of serious art. It was art, un- tered nS 'e'nnd cia •• mMt~r at We'tminster nis player. Although Bo and Grif their part in their home defense. It Post olliee, under the Aen of 1!"rch 3, 1870 doubtedly, but of a slightly different have played lots of family grudge nature, for during fraternity initia- is our opinion that these Minute Men Subscription Price $2.00 a Year T. Bosley Baugher (Cont. on page 4, col. 2) (Cont. on page 4, col. 1) tion of his freshman year Bo made Editor-In-Chief Alvin H. Levin '43 his debut as a strip teaser. And he Associate Editor Mary Miller"43 still can't live it down. "I'm trying Managing Editor to escape from my past", Bo told us, Lucinda Elucidates Nelson Wolfsheimer '44 "but everyone won't let me!" New Editor Carolyn Gable '43 Freshman year also found 80 do· Lillian Jackson '45 ing a little singing; namely, in a Assislant News Editor._Rod Naef '45 quartette composed of himself, Bob Feature Editor... Eleanor Healy '43 Moore, Bill Dumler, and Bud Blair. By Lucinda Holloway Seq.-stim., rec., den., neur. the versatile one! Learning Chinese. Assistant Feature Editor This quartette rendered "Moon Love" This represents some profound state- Imagine!" Joe Workman '43 during freshman week. Bo admitted Before I came to college, note-tak- I've developed quite a speed, too, in Sports Editor ._John Robinson '43 that it was really awful, and all sen- ing was to me an unknown art. Upon ment uttered in sociology, but for the taking notes. I operate on what you what it remember life of me 1 can't Copy Editor iors who remember will readily verify attending my first class, I was greatly was. might call the touch system-any- Mary Virginia Walker '43 the fact that he is not just being surprised to see my colleagues scrib- Of course, you can see that my way, I don't look down at the paper. Staff Photographer .__Carl Webb '44 modest! bling away for dear life. Being of a notes are of' very little help to those As a result, one page in my notebook Business Manager Freshman year began a lot of conforming nature I followed suit; not initiated into the mysteries of my is covered with barely perceptible 'Verner Orrison '43 things for Bo, as it was then that he and now during evel'y class I write system. One friend scanned my notes scratchings. That happened the time Assistant Business Manager began rooming with "Herm", and he 'n' write 'n' write, fearful lest any lit- and exclaimed, "Why dear, aren't you (Can't. on page 4, col. 1) William Burgess '45 ~as done so ever since. For three, tle word of wisdom pass unrecorded. Circulation Manager After much practice in note-taking Leroy Gerding '44 1~..eelle.--- I have developed a charming little Contributors: Fred G. Holloway, Jr., system of abbreviation. For instance, Dorothy Rovecamp, Ruth Sartorio, Dear Rock, among my English notes is this en- Dear Editor: Jane Miles, Rod Naef, Alice Rohr- try: In .the Gold Bug of October 23. 1942, there appeared an article er, ·Betty Waits, Mary Virginia At the risk of making a pret- T. Pe.~A. Cr. '76-lds. Wsh, &C.- concerning the pledges of the FOUR sororities on The Hill. We, the Webb, Mary Thomas, Mary Vir- ty awful pun, might not yes- knocks Trs. members of the Inter-Sorority Council, wish to present the- accepted of the U. R. ginia. Walker, Eliza.beth Ebaugh, terday's opening This being translated out of the origi- meaning of sorority_ A sorority is defined as an organization repre- A. C. Fund Drive be r.eferred to sented in the Inter-Sorority Council, abiding by the laws of this eouncil, Sa.ra Belle Veale, Peggy Reeves, a,s _Dur fagl nal !neans, "Thomas Paine in 1776 aM passessing Greek letters. To date, there are three recognized sor- Thelma Morris, Agnes DysQn, Vi?· wroi;;; 'The American Crisis' in which orities at Western Maryland College: Delta Sigma' Kappa, Phi Alpha ginia Voorh~s,_ Lu.cinc;la..Holloway, SinceNly, he lauded Wasblngt.on and his'anny i\I'u, and Sigma Sigma Tau. - Al Walker, .Alec '-Resnick, Earl and scornfully reproached the. Tor· 'the Inter-Sorority CounciL ~o~l.~~~~ ~. L~ ";'_~,I/t oiJ..w..d ies." Or take this ma.s;rerpiec'e: .
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