Page 9 - TheGoldBug1939-40
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I Sadie Homecoming I Hawkins Day GOt Day I Nov. 4 Nov. 18 Z286 Vol. 17, No.3 October 19, 1939 College Changes In Galbreath Architect Players Open Infirmary Is Elected To Speak On Drama Season Regulations Senior Prexy New regulations have been an- Persian Art To Present "Spring Dance", nounced by the administration Lewis and Bechtel College Comedy, In Alumni whereby each student is entitled Are Chosen As Leaders Hall Thanksgiving Night to the use of, his or her respective Of Their Classes Myron B. Smith during for infirmary seven days the school year without fee. Here- To Conduct Series Opening the drama season at West- .. tofore charge has been made of ern Maryland ColJege, the College $1.50 for each full day that any In the most closely contested elec- Of Informal Talks Players will present the comedy, resident student has spent in the tion in recent years, Samuel Gal- "Spring Dance" by Philip Barry, on infirmary. The seven days provid- breath, Thomas Lewis, and Philip Thanksgiving night in Alumni Hall. ed for in the new system may be Bechtel were elected presidents of Myron B. Smith, prominent archi- their respective classes. has received wide I The play, a romance with a colle- taken consecutively or divided over tect and authority on Persian art, giate background, the entire year as the case re- The senior class almost equally di- will conduct a series of informal talks acclaim from the New York critics quires. It is hoped that this nr- vided their votes for president. Sam in McDaniel Hall Lounge during the both for its enter~ainment valu~ as a rangemunt will encourage the stu- Galbreath with 33 votes defeated Bob week beginning October 30 and con- comedy and for Its accuracy m de- dents to report any illness to the Stropp by three votes and Frank tinuing through November 3. He picting college students in amusing nurse promptly and so prevent the Shipley, the incumbent, trailed with T. LEWIS will also speak ill assembly on Mon- situations. The New York Evening spread of any sickness in the dcr- 27. day, October 30. J01J.rnol, in its comment, speaks of mitories. The Association of American Col- the playas "skittishly collegiate, full' NO'llE: Men, in reporting to the Galbrcath Active On Campus Homecoming Day leges is sponsoring Mr. Smith's visits of slacks, light banter and roll-over infirmary in Smith Hall, are re- Mr. Galbreath, president of his to college campuses in order to ec- acting"; the Brooklyn Times---calls it quested to use the back stairways. class when he was a sophomore; is on Plans Include . I quaint the students with the culture a "gay little comedy of college 1'0- If the nurse is not in the infirmary the Student Government Council; and d Islam. MI'. Smith is a graduate of mance-a highly entertaining ex- at the moment, she can be sum- a member of the soccer squad, the R. Banquet and Dance Yale University and he holds ho'nors hibit with sentimental problems-new mcned by an electric bell that has O. T. C. battalion staff, end Delta Pi and degrees from a number of other dialogue that sparkles." been installed for that purpose. Alpha fraternity. institutions. He has won recogni- Cast Is Announced The position of vice-president of mi~t:e TaU;;~;~edo~~o:e~'ea~~dab/o;l'~ ! ;;:;l:~n~f n;,:~~~:~i~h;; f::f~S::: The cast in order of appearance ap- the senior class went to Malcolm Holloway met to make preliminary !Can. Instltuto for Pereiam: Art and pears below: Kullmar with 59 votes. His nearest arrangements for Homecoming Day A1'chaeology and as author of num- John Hatton-James Merritt College Debaters rival, Edgar Rineheimer, had 19 on November 18. erous articles and books on erchttec- The Lippencot-Arnold Fleagle I votes. Mr. Kullmar is a member of According to the plans, guests will ture. Buck Buchanan-Don Griffin Attend Meeting the Preacher's Club, a platoon leader \ be shown through the new boys' dcr- Discussions To Be Held In Lounge Doc Boyd-Harper Le Compte in Co. "C", and a well-known actor in l\Iady Platt-Virginia Willing In Harrisburg the dramatic club plays. mitory and field house, both before During the round-table discussions, Frances Fenn-Anna M<;Luckie - Letitia Bogan was elected secretary and after the football game with meeting in the Lounge at 2:30 each At 6:30, the Car- afternoon (at 3:00 Oll Monday) and Dickinson College. Alex Benson-Veronica Kompanek Professor Makosky Elected over Margaret Quarles, 34 to 20." roll County-Wester-n Maryland Col- at 7:30 each evening, the following Kate McKinn-Ethel Barnes The incumbents were elected to fill lege Club will have its annual banquet phases of art will be c{msidered: Walter Becket-Donald Humphries President of State the remaining offices: Jean L. Scott, in the college dining hall. Following Incense, Spices, and Pearls: Incense Sally Prescott-Dorothy Brown Debaters' Association treasurer; Margaret Packwood, his- San Thatcher-Mac Kullmar ta'Ian ; and Charles Cole, sergeant-at- the dinner there will be a student- and ritual; the Orient in the Renate- alumni dance in the new field house. sance. Miss Ritchie-Ruth Kimmey At the annual meeting of the Penn- This dance which will bcgin at eight Mildred-Mary Hoffacker sylvania State Debaters' Association, Juniors Re-elect All But President o'clock will have no admission charge Islamic Cost.umes: Psychology of held in Harrisburg on Saturday, Oc- for students. It will be the first event dress; position of women. madras, Islamic Textilcs: Chintz, tobe 7, the question selected for this The junior class re-elected all their tlo be held in the field house. etc. Recital by year was: Resolved, that the basic officers except the president. This were: J. members of the committee The Islamic Book: The book as an Other Reese and T. K. blame for the present European war office went to Thomas Lewis who de- Francis representing alumni; Trapp Family rests on the allied powers. were: feated Henry Triesler, 45 to 39. Bob Harrison, Speir, representing the the fac- authority and as the Bible, page dec- oration. Barnette questions Other considered Mr. Faw with 34 votes was third. Mr. Smith will use slides and mov- Resolved, that the U. S. government ulty; Blanche Scott and Edward Mc- res to illustrate these lectures. Ex- Scheduled give financial assistance to the aev- Lewi's is a student government rep- Laughlin, representing the student hibits in the Lounge will be changed body. resentauvc and a Bachelor. eral states in order to provide equal educational opportunities for all cit- The office of vice-president w:as.giv- daily. The aim of the college is to have Internationally Famous teens (Tau Kappa Alpha question); en to Tom Elius with 52 votes. Neil Colleges Declare the students and faculty members Choir to Feature Choral :~;~ :~eg~~s~~ng~~:a~t;;it~~~~~si~::;: Eckenrode, with 44 votes, was his aided through these talks by an au- Instrumental. Folk Songs rity of all countries in the Western nearest rival. The other officers November 4 thoi'ity to a better understanding of the m-t of the past and present ages. Hemisphere, and that the U. S. gov- elected were Aliee Vollmer, secretary; Sadie Hawkins Day On Friday, November 3, Western ernment should take steps to stop Arnold Fleagle, treasurer; Ru th Maryland College will play host to an anti-American activities within its Mansberger, historian; and Henry According to a proclamation re- R. O. T. C. Students octet of young musicians renowned as I borders. Holljes, aerg'eant-at-arms. ceived here from Promethus J. Gar- the fam:ly of Count Georg von Trapp., Western Maryland College will de- gle, Mayor of Dogpatch, Kentucky, The expected program may be divid- bate the selected question during the The sophomores, electing officers home of Li'l Abner and Daisy Mae, Decorated By co into three types of music: A cap-j coming season and will also debate for the first time, chose Philip Bech- college women-folk all over the coun- Dean Free ella choral work, an instrumental ar- the Pi Kappa Delta -question, Re- tel as president. He defeated Bob try are due this fall to see their big- rangement of blockflute selections, I solved: that the U. S. should followI Bricker 56 to 49. Other sophomores gest November 4 since the passing of the Nineteenth Amendment. For the Large Group Receives ::i~ ~:I~~Pf:O~ :~~k::s~~iaa:~l;:.un- ~o::!Cis:l~t~~~P:!:~i~~~r:a~:~se~~: e~ected' i~clude Lueie Leig~ Barnes, Hon. Mr. Gargle, mindful of the Merit Awards Earned Practice Three Hours Daily vol:v~din armed, civil or internatio~al ¥lce-presldent; Elmer Evans, treas- plight of the parents of his town's A stepmother, five daughters, and conflict outside the Western Hemls- urer; Anna Robey, secretary; and unmarried gals and the undeserved During Last Semester two sons form a professional concert . (Cont. on page 4, col. 3). Harry Bakel', sel'geant-at:arms. freedom of the eligibles of Dogpateh, Members of the Military depart- company consisting of an ensemble has declared November 4 as Sadie of four sopranos, two contraltos, a Hawkins Day. And a number of col- ment receiving awards for the wOJ:'k tenor, and a basso. The Trapp Family To Give Concert Here leges, unmindful of pappy's food bill of the past semester were presented Choir practices for three hours daily but out for a good time, plan to co- their merit awards by Dean Free at under the direction of Dr. Franz Was- operate with the Hon. Mr. Gargle in the R. O. T. 0: dlill of Tuesday, Oc- This was the first formal tober 17. ner, composer-organist. The reper- Sadie Hawkins Day of their own. battalion ceremony of the unit. toire of the choir is comprised of Originated In Dogpatch several hundred 15th to 17th century It appears from a press release j'e- In .,lJresenting the awards, Dean compositions. Free complimelltcd the men on the ceived here from Dogpatch that· the attainment of the requirements neces- ChGir Plays Blockflutes historical day originated when Heze- sary, which involve a mark of "B" or Two features of. this family group kiah Hawkins, first mayor of the above and conformity to military reg- are the blockflutcs and folksongs and town, finding his middle-aged spin- ulations of the unit. Major Sadler, mountains calls. The former are Ren- ster daughter Sadie, hard to marry the new P. M. S. & T., also congrat- aissance wooden instruments of var- off, declared a foot race in which the ulated the men and said that he was ied shapes which were used to a great eligible young men started running, very pleased with the "spirit of the extent il1 the home and church. They with Sadie close behind. And the un- unit and quality of the work per- sound much like an organ, although lucky male she caught became her formed to date". the tone quality follows the same husband. Seeing her success, the Following is a list of students dec- range as the human voice. These in- other Dogpatch spinsters held subse- orated: struments, purchased and mastered ouent Sadie Hawkins Days, setting a To Receive a Third Gold Star: Ca- by the family in order to add variety ;l'ecedent for the sororities and other det 1st Lieut. D. H. Humphries; to the programs, were played in pub- college organizations which last year Cadet 1st Sgt. W. M. Banks. lic first by this family. The folk- sponsored similar days on their To Receive a Second Gold Star: songs and mountain calls were sought '1 campuses and turned out hundreds of Cadet 1st Lieut. M. Kullmal'; Cadet from goatherds and the dairy maids. Daisy Mae's and Lil Abner's to Sa- 1st Lieut. F. W. Mather; Cadet Brahms turned to these songs for in- die Hawkins Dances. Sergeant K. G. Bills; Cadet Ser- spiration in his latest years. ' (Cont. on page 4, col. 4) (Cont. on page 4, col. 2)