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GOt TROUNCE BEAT THETERPS r MARYLAND Z286 Vol. 17, No.2 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. October 5, 1939 Placement Gold Bug Staff Dr. Holloway Celebrities Featured Test Results Meeting Tonight Speaks At In Varied Program Reported There will be a meeting of the Convocation GOLD BUG staff at 6:45 this even- Stresses Importance Freshmen Led ing in the newspaper office. Of American Neutrality Class Meetings Lecture and By Garrison, All members must be present at In World Today Concerts Are Gable, and Levin this meeting. With the seventy-third convocation Monday service, Monday, October 2, Western Monday, October 9, the as- Attractions "Placing among the first ten in four Maryland College was formally open- sembly period will be given over Peach Garrison, Western High School, Prof. Makosky ed to five hundred and ninety-four to class meetings for the pur- Western Maryland's program of placement tests, Miss of the freshman candidates pose of nominating Dr. F. G. Holloway, in his students. Baltimore, Maryland, headed a fresh- opcning address stressed the import- roc cteea cmcers. special events for the school year wiII H. H. October Dr. 26 when open man group of one hundred and seven- Announces ance of America's neutrality in the The sophomore class will meet Nininger, president of the Interna- ty students. world today. That other nations in Alumni Hall, juniors in tional Society for Research on Meteo- Penn- Radio Plans Second place is taken by Miss Mary have contributed greatly to the cul- Smith Hall, and seniors, Room rites will deliver a lecture on discover- Caroline Gable, Stewartstown, ture of the world cannot be denied, 22, Science Hall. The period ies in his field of scientific research. sylvania, and Mr. Alvin H. Levin, he asserted, but America can con- will begin promptly at 9.50. Dr. Nininger, who is also Director City College, Baltimore, who placed Football Practice tribute the unique gift of maintain- Attention is called to the fol- of the American Meteorite Laboratory among the first ten in three of the ex- ing peace. lowing election regulations ad- and Curator of Meteorites in the aminations. And Student Planned opted by the student and faculty Colorado Museum of Natural History, Five students were ameng- the lead- Programs Featured Tells Of Advantages In U. S. activities committee. has been recognized by others in his ing ten in two of the tests. They Dr. Holloway gave ample reasons A. Meetings for nominations field as one of the most famous au- were: James I. Elliott, Laurel, Dela- Continuing the radio broadcasts why the students of Western Mary- and elections cannot be con- thorities on meteorological research ware; Doris E. Jones, Wcstern High started at W. M. C. last year, Pro- land College should be glad they live ducted until a- quorum is pres- and discussion. School, Baltimore; Martha Lee Robi- fessor Makosky announced his plans in the United States, a land of desir- ent, said quorum to consist of nette, Fort Hill High School, Cumber- for the programs of the next two able geograph1c situation, of demo- 75 per cent of students in full Trapp .Family Choir To Sing land; Har-r-iet R. Smith, Aberdeen, weeks. cratic government and of peace. He anp regular standing. On November 3, a concert will be Maryland; and' Dorothy R. Sowter, Launching the new series with a pointed out the disadvantage of life in B. All meetings should be given by the Trapp Family Choir, Hagerstown High School. program of interviews of incoming other countries. We have the privi- . conducted in accordance with composed of members of one of Eu- This families. old high-born rope's Highest Scores Given freshmen, the program overseer con- leges of speaking our minds, choosing parliamentary procedure. group, which is under the direction of Students receiving the ten highest tinued with an interview with Pro- OUt' government, and of seeking trust. The following Monday, all composer-conductor Dr. Franz was- scores in each of the examinations are fessor Oliver Spangler of the music "To deny these rights," Dr. Holloway classes will hold their elections ner, has toured France, England, as follows: department, in which Professor said, "is to deny what is infinitely in Alumni Hall. Belgium, Ontario, Italy, and Scandi- Students receiving ten highest Spangler explained the operation and mor-e the United States than its geo- L __..! navia and has returned for the pres- scores in Psychological Examination use of the pipe organ. Professor graphy." ent to the American concert field to (names a r ran g e d alphabetically): Spangler promised to present some OUr country can retain its peaceful take its place as one of the leading Jean Bentley, Woodbury (N. J.) High hi!ltory and literature of the organ, condition only so long 8S she will for Iensemble groups. peace is within the people. "Flowers School; James I. Elliott, Laurel (Del.) with selections, at a later- date. grow together in a bed," said Dr. Hot- Graduate' Olive Graves and George Baker, High School; Tony LeRoy Fleming, two of England's foremost vocalists, of each Summers On Sykesville (Md.) High School; Mary Foot.ball Practice On The Air loway, "and the fragrance of all is will present a program of arias and Caroline Gable, Stewartstown (Pa.) For the next two broadcasts r-ro- only the combined fragrance duets from the Gilbert and Sullivan High School; Peach Garrison, West- resscr Makosky has arranged novel ·one." Thus all citizens have to think operettas on December 8, and on Feb- ern High School, Baltimore (Md.); programs. Tuesday's broadcast is to neutrality. Continent ruary I, Lois Bannerman, harp solo- Doris E. Jones, Western High School, ~o:~es~~:e~i!r~~v~:sff:n~i~~~ ~~::~ . Stresses Leisure Time ist, and Herman Ivarson, Norweigan Baltimore (Md.); Alvin H. Levin, City Bass-Baritone, will give a recital. College, Baltimore (Md.); John W. Terror football team will be inter- As college students we should keep Miss MacVean Tours For the fourth successive year, on Morris, Charlotte Hall (Md,) School; viewed at their football practice. our vocational objective before us. It Europe and Studies In March 8, the National Symphony Or- Ridgely Pollitt, Allentown (Pa.) High Coaches and players will be intro- is necessary to choose carefully one's chestra, under the direction of Dr . School; John C. Rawlins, Seaford duced, and fans will be enabled to get vocation and to plan leisure time .International Seminar Hans Kindler, will play for a Western (Del.) High School; Martha Lee an idea of what the team undergoes profitably. "\Ve should give ourselves Maryland audience. Robinette, Fort Hill High School, in preparation for their. Saturday to making the attitude of America so As a member of the Economic Semi- Detailed announcements of these will be in I Cumberland (Md.); Harriet R. Smith, games. The following week's program uncongenial," he declared, "that a nal" Group of the National Inter-col- events will be made prior to each Aberdeen (Md.) High School; Doro- will be the first of many broadcasts in dictatorship cannot survive here." legiate Christian Council, Miss Janet event. thy R. Sowter, Hagerstown (Md.) which the entire program That America can set the example MacVean, graduate in the class of High School. the hands of students. For the first for maintaining world peace was up- 1938 and at present an assistant in of these undertakings, Professor Ma- held by Dr. Holloway. "Let democrat- the English department, recently English Examination the McLaughlin Students receiving ten highest kosky has selected Miss Veronica ic genius so demonstrate it," be said, toured EurOPE: and attended scores in English Examination Kompanek to direct the complete pro- :""1"1 "that we can keep it as America's gift Councif's international meeting at Names Student gram. Holland. Amsterdam, to the world." names a r ran g e d alphabetically): Miss MacVean sailed from New James I. Elliott, Elizabeth Gable, York on the B1"itannic on June 24 and Committees Stewartstown (Pa.) High School; returned Mary Caroline Gable, Peach Garrison, She spent August 15 on the Aq1l.a.ta.nia.. in London and ten days Mary G. Jackson, Allegany High Dean's List - First Semester Lagging efficiency and incompetent School, Cumberland, Md.; Doris E. din-ing the remainder of the tour vis- control of student affairs last spring Jones, Alvin H. Levin, Alice Rohrer, 1939-1940 ited Denmark, Sweden, Germany, brought about a demand for a strong- Hagerstown (Md.) High School; Sara J Holland, Switzerland, and France. er men's group which would be ag- While crossing and while in Eng- Belle Veale, Wicomico High School, SENIOR MEN SENIOR WOMEN land the group was able to partici- gressive enough to institute needed Salisbury, Md.; Mary Virginia Walk- pate in Sherwood Eddy's seminar reforms. To speed progress, newly er, Beall High School, Frostburg, Md. Clarence Beard Helen Armacost elected President MacLaughlin ap- Kermit Beyard Catherine Barker group which is taken abroad for pointed several committees to do the Biology And Reading Exams Milton Crosswhite Sara Hood Blessing study in foreign countries. Students receiving ten highest Homer Elseroad Kathryn Cochrane work necessary in rcgaining control scores in Biology Examination Carleton Gooden Regina Fitzgerald Visits Many pciints Of Interest of student respect and interest. (names a r ran g e d alphabetically) : Mabel Fowler During her stay in London Miss Chairman of the committee to ex- Robert L. Fowble, Manchester (Md.) Webster Hood Grace Gillner Mecveen heard addresses by David amine possible methods for a working honor John is system Carnochan; Howard Arthur High School; Peach Garrison; Lois Edward McLaughlin Katherine Klier Lloyd George, Harry Pollett, and J. J. working with him are Sam Galbreath E. Guba, Woodbury (N. J.) High George Myers Veronica Kompanek Mallon, Companion of Honor to the ScHool; Charles L. Merchant, Bel Air Leslie Stokes Marianna Lee Long King, and attended an official recep- and Dick Baker. This committee is (Md.) High School; Thomas E. Margaret Quarles tion by the Archbishop of Canterbury seeking the joint cooperation of the O'Leary, City College, Baltimore, Edith Ritchie at -Lamheth Palace. Other points of women's group. To supervise the ac- (Md.) i Alice Rohrer; Vernon J. Sei- Carolyn Smith interest visited in London were Ox- tivities of the freshman orientation bert, Accident (Md.) High School; Eleanor Wheeler ford, Eton, Windsor Castle, and committee of the sophomore class and to supply orienta- needed freshman James F. Snodgrass, Highland High Hampden Court. tion, a committee of Tim Lewis and School, Street (Md.); E. Warren JUNIOR WOMEN In Denmark she visited the only Frank Shipley, with Paul Alleyunas Spencer, Annapolis (Md.) High JUNIOR MEN Inter-National High School in the School; Pauline Whltmore, Westmin- Benjamin Allnutt Hazel Beard world and' heard an address by its as chairman has been appointed. ster (Md.) High School. Lindsay Chase Pearl Bobbitt founder, Peter Mannicke. The three League Holds Meeting Students receiving ten highest Willard Everett Jeanette Brannock day holiday of the Storm Troops was Student council plans for several scores in Reading Examination Arnold Fleagle Ramona Deliz being celebrated when the group projects were presented to the men's (names arranged alphabetically): Levine Grumbine Phyllis Dietsch reached Germany and the members league Tuesday· night by president Elizabeth Gable; Mary Caroline Ga- Sidney Mansh Madalyn Flickinger were able to attend the athletic events MacLaughlin. Several suggestions bIe; Peach Garrison; Albert w. Henry Triesler Mary Kathryn Hudson held in Olympic Stadium. and additions to the council's work Jones, McKinley High School, Wash- Nelda Kalar Speaking of the international meet- were advanced from the floor. Most ington, D. C.; Alvin H. Levin; Elea- Mary Alice Klein ing of the Christian Council at Am.- pertinent of the matters discussed nor Mowbray, Barton (Md.) High Isabel Maddox sterdam, Miss MacVean said that it were the duties of the planned for School; Martha Lee Robinette; Alice Ruth Mansberger was the largest international gath~r- house committee, the regulation of Rohrer; Betty Linton Smith, West- Margaret Rich ing and the most ·diversified ever held seating at luncheon and dinner in the minster (Md.) H~gh SchOOl; Harriet Helen Willard -including the League of Nations. dining hall and the formation of a R. Smith, Dorothy R. (Continued on Page 4, Column 2) (Continued on Page ( Column 2)
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