Page 8 - TheGoldBug1939-40
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Briefs Rat Rules Onward Marriage Trans-Atlantic Passage 1. No rat will have a date or any Freshman Survey (Continued from Page 2, Column 4) New Drive other social activity with a girl Soldier Conducted While this sounds troublesome in con- until further notice. In order to have a more convenient 2. No rat will sit on the mourners nection with an ocean voyage, it kept approach. to the field house and new us from feeling the monotony of the dornttory, the college has purchased 3. ~~~h~ust not walk on the side- By A Frosh Contrary to popular belief, disputes week long voyage. And we did get the John Elgin property on Pennsyl- walks or grass. An array of beaming faces, glitter- over table manners and religion have the awful "white tea" at four o'clock. vania Avenue. The drive leading 4. Rats must be sociable and speak ing eyes and warm salutations little to do with happy married life. Morning and afternoon the shuffle from the avenue up to the field house to everyone on the campus. A countryside more beautiful than all This conclusion was reached after board and ping-pong tournament, of- is now available for public use. 5. Rats must wear a sign, back and the descriptions ever givell before. . one of the most thorough statistical ficial and unofficial, went on, and our in each boys won the championship ever made in the' with clean Aviation front, at least 12" square. Names an environment living. a group of surveys of marriage Conducted by Dr. tournament. In the evening folk- radiating and healthful United and nick-names must be printed States. All men who plan to take the avia- plainly. girls to suit the taste of any man and Leonard S. Cottrell, Jr., of Cornell dancing on deck, singing wrapped in' tion course under tile direction of 6. Rats must carry matches at all certainly any freshman. . informal and Professor Ernest Watson Bur- blankets, strolling the deck in the Lieut. Col. W. D. Tipton, '14, at the times. and formal gatherings mainly to be- gees of the University of Chicago, the moonlight. Some brave souls swam in' Curtis-WIight Airport, Pikesville, 7. Rats will remain seated until all come acquainted ... new customs and survey took seven years to complete. the postage-stamp outdoor pool while Maryland, are urged to file applica- upperclassmen have left Alumni ideals to learn and appreciate. . a The 526 married couples interviewed the others shivered at the sight. Sev- tion as soon as possible. All mem- Hall. group of helpful and understanding provided the two investigating educa- bers of the three upper classes, be- 8. Rats must learn school songs and classmen 7%!-,;0, & etc. tors with interesting conclusions, ~~~~::~~e~:!:~~~:t~~e~~~:h::~~ , tween the ages of eighteen and twen- yells. It's too bad I had to think of the some of them contrary to popular be- tributions, may I add. ty-five, are eligible. Full particulars 9. Rats must be courteous to all upper classmen when my soul was lief. The most beautiful sight was Cobb, were published in the September 21 coeds. gi~ing vent to such peaceful and When asked to estimate the degree Ireland. We anchored in the outer issue of the 'Gold Bug. 10. Rats must smoke only in their I beautiful thoughts-I will say that of his or her happiness in marriage, harbor while freight, automobiles, and S New occer Coac h 11. Rats must attend breakfast every I for the most part they are a swell husbands ....rated their and "happy", and lig~ter. 200 Irish were loaded onto a rooms. nearly as: marriages The beautiful gfeen hills and 79% "very happy" bunch, but, as in all things, there arc Dr. Walter L. Nathan has severed day. a certain few whose ideas don't ap- only 2.4%' judged theirs "very unhap- white church .and red-topped houses his connections with Blue Ridge Col- 12. Rats must do tho bidding of all I peal to me. py". Wives rated their marriage as of .t~e shoreline were all the more lege and is rrow a member of the upperclassmen ! I am not a "cry baby" end I think did their husbands and agreed that I th~llhng because we had seen no land ~::s~~;r:!:~~:I:~~ ;~~~:~e c~:~~l.ty~: 13. ~:~ ':I~db~:I~SI;g~~~t~e~~ed6~w~; that fre~hman h~zm~ IS a lot of f~n I ~:;:p;~,,~heir marriages were "very !~:s~a~~:~' i~h:w~~: s~;a~~:~ o:~~ is also an instructor at Johns Hopkins II 1 ~nd.eVelYOne enjoys It. M~ only 0 - I ! white grace. As we headed away ~:~~lethreai~~o~', :~g~~.~edOfa!~~~~~: ~~::~:Sit:n~:~~~~ i~:n~h:f t~:r:~ii~ ,14. ~;~~::~~c :::~;~i;:.turned up ~~:~10;~~:t ::ct:h:t ~:~;h:~or~:~! j It :aasm~~un~U;::t Iam::::~ rela- ~eent asked; in a /eadly ~ort~:t Founda.tioll for ~he purp.ose of ~urth- 15. All Rats must buy and wear at ay , tionship between happiness and handl- ahead. ering interest In art m Baltimore all times a rat cap, which will en- u~p:r:~:s~~:~ ~vou~~yli~I;'~o. daa~; ~~~of:~~I:y:n:;;::d~X!~t;.,d. w~~ t~::; The next day, after sighting the City. !~~:e~he$ the Fresh, Soph. T~at. to me, is not only unfair', It IS happy and only 3% very unhappy. Of ~~:d!:s~i;ea:f athe:ns~~p~al;::~sf:o~ Benjamin 16. No rat will sit at the head or foot childish. Fear not, my fellow class- those who always disagreed 50% Wight, the old New Forest, the forti- akes Debut of any dining hall table. M 17. All Rats will address upperclass- mates, the girls will decide for them- were "very unhappy" and none were to flcations, the tiny green tields, the yachts, the air-corps training Almost as important selves anyway. very happy. planes, Stan Benjamin, the Framingham, men as sir. I should st.'l;te that the impressions happiness, the investigators found war preparations, farewells, a dingy IIIassachusetts boy who starred ill BOB SHOCKLEY, given in the tirst paragraph were tak- that an agreement concerning friends harbor, hasty lunch and fare,vells to football, baseball and basketball at Rat Chairman. en before classes were officially and handling of relatives must exist. stewards, passport inspection, and a Western Maryland, recently made his _~___ opened. Frequent demonstration of affection few steps down the covered gang- ~~:r~el~affo~et~:b;~i~~:na:=i!ia~~: Graduate Tours Continent -~_-_ ~~t!~\~;~b:;dt~;\:~;s o~h~'v:~e:!~~~~~7~in:~urney's end and journey's Cubs. (Continued from Page 1, Column 4) W. M. C. Loses to Cortland py" marriages. Ed. Note: This is the first of a serilM "Terp, Jr." After touring Switzerland, the in T:o::U;::~' ~Vshi'~r:~~~~:u;!~sc::~ :en~;!~l~;p;'Ya~!is;C8!:~r;a~e::= Mr. and ?Ill'S. A. Norman Ward, Jr., :~!~~e,V~i~:~' ~:~v:a~m:~:le~arf~O~ I (Continued !Tom Page 3, Column 5) 01' Failure in Marriage" by Prentice- cent tour EltrOpCanCOltntrWs. of are receiving congratulations on the Cherbourg on August 9. 'VhiJe in olld down, Hathaway broke away for Hall, exploded a number of popular birth of a son, September 25, at the Cherbourg she visited Miss Charlotte his "sensational 78 yard dash. Cort- beliefs on courtship and marriage. l'IIarylalld General Hospital. Mr. Cook, '38, who is studying and teach- land attempted to pass for the extra Dr. Cottrell alld Professor Burgess Ward, '36, is the son of the late Dr. ing at the CoUege de Jeunes Fille!>,St. point, but the pass wns blocked, The comment on the results of their ex- A. Norman Ward, former president Brience, France. quarter ended as Biasi mn back the haustive survey by saying, "So far Lowry Beauty Shop of W. M. C., and the late Mrs. Ward. kick off to the W. M. C. 48 yard line. only the results of simple statistical Adjoining House Presidents From the Hermitage to 4~0~~:~~:~:~'i~!~~' ~~:a~~~d ;~~ ~~~c:~:~~s a~~v~n ~~en b::~s~:t~hi!~ PERMANENT Post Office WAVE Helen Armacost and Kitty Jockel (Continued from Page 2, Column 5) ball through its fifth fumble. The the study appears. These results have SPECIALISTS have been ejected presidents of Mc- War, depression, machine age, com- game turned into a punting duel as been quite sufficient to show two EXPERT HAIR STYLISTS Daniel Hall and Blanche Ward Hall, mercial schooling have reared a pres- neither team advanced for in the mud. things; that prediction of marriage 93 East Main Street respect~ve_IY__ :~:i~:~!~t'h:n;al~;!~~~~:e~~mo~r~~: ~::~~:~~'Sl'lft:l~~:~;l~ ~~~tos~h:o~:!~nit~ ::l~:asi:lll~::i;:,~e:t:~~ta:nl::~e~~~!; Phone 395 Student Committees manufactured type. There must be n Iy, but was unable to threaten the table of probabilities of success and Westminster, Maryland bass drum thumping, a new car with goal line. As the game ended, the failure in marriage can be devised." a back seat, loud, multi-colored, ever- Terrors had just swam to a first down (Continued from Page 1, Column 5) changing patterns and slang to satis- on the Cortland 30. freshman-sophomore campus guard fy them. This way goes the majority; for the Maryland game. A spirit of seldom will they be found spending a willingness to cooperate in progress- quiet evening at home, or toasting ive measures and a desire for better marshmallows, 01' taking a walk----ex- JOHN EVERHART Compliments living cOllditions were evident among cept once in 11 while "to get away those attending. Those seniors who frOlll evcrything". Dirty walls, low THE COLLEGE BARBER OF were present at the meetillg were of ceilings, faded crepe paper, the smell AND BOBBER lhe opinion that at last the student of stale beer, bad air, and Ilickels AT THE FORKS t~'overnment is functioning as it dropping to play swing music-youn,; Coffman - Fisher Co. should. Westminster and many W. M. C.'Cl'S are on the wrong road. What else? Booters Open Season DEPARTMENT STORE H_ E_ REESE "AGNEW":il':'"' (Continued from Page 3, Column 4) TAILOR WESTMINSTER, MD. At present the squad is being whip- CLEANING ped into shape and with a wealth of PRESSING REPAIRING material, a new coach, and a moderate 94 East Main Street "~~~N,,)l!~ nine game schedule, the chances for SUITS MADE TO MEASURE the state championship are improving daily. THREE CHAIR SERVICE The Football News At this time little is known about No Waiting The Ameriran WetHr Sports the caliber of the Terrors' first op- HEAGY BROTHERS' New1pl1p~r Compliments of ponents. Blue Ridge is expected to BARBER SHOP All College Games prove a good warm-up test, although Next to Post Office ... will be reporte<:l through the New Windsor eleven was trounced our columns •.. United Pre$s.Service. 6-0 last year. Bucknell and Gettys- 1- D. KATZ burg, who are to be met later in the QUALITY Direct From the Campus The Carroll and month, will greet the locals with SHOE REPAIRING . . . . news and fe~ture~ of strong veteran aggregations. The every .college team ••. Special torrespondents. game on which the state title will Special Rates to Students probably depend will be played at Dyeing a Specialty Complete 5tatistl~' Towson the first of November. In ',' .. including camparauve $chedulcs'and scores. Con- their tirst start, the Teachers lost a ferenn! siandings, leading bitterly fought contest to Westches- scorers,etc: State Theatres ter in a game which went two extra Phone 300 Pictures and- Cartoons periods before the Pennsylvanians ." ~i11 be used to make CARROLLEEN plete. "1'o'D MAIL TODAY "etted the only s'core of the tussle. this 32 page tabloid com· CLIP BYRON F. BOYD, EDITOR • Have Your Films Developed Individual Coiffures THE FOOTBALL NEWS 2361 Westridge Ct., Ferndale, Detroit, Michigan. "Carroll County's finest movie houses" EJ1~Jo.. d II one dollar (St.OO) tor and Finished Beauty in its Entirety wllleh ~lea.e I<~d me The Football !:'I