Page 11 - TheGoldBug1939-40
P. 11
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College. Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE .- ~I Frosh Gridmen I ST~y~S~u;,:y~G~O~,~FF Terrors Face Deacons Win Out Over I~F=ra=B~="~=.?=i.?=rt=s~ Dickinson Team The football team doesn't seem to In Nocturnal Fray Terrorlets To be faring so well. This can be FRAT LEAGUE blamed on a number of circumstances, Meet Bullis Latest Results: but mainly it can be blamed on the lack of weight, the lack of reserves, Soccer Team Preachers 20; Black & Whites, 0 Here Saturday Team To Meet Bachelors 7; Gamma Bets, 7 and the lack of experience. You can't Standings: By Ike Rebert expect any line, no matter how versa- Wins Opener; Boston U. In W L T Pet. tile it may be, to hold its own Preachers 0 0 1.000 Launching the football season on throughout a game against a line per- Bucknell Next Bachelors 0 1 .000 Saturday, October 14, Tony Ortenzt's haps ten or even twenty pounds per Stadium Game Gamma Bets 0 0 1 .000 Green Terror freshman team earned man "beefier". They 'may be brainy, Dr. Natlian To Black & White!; 0 1 0 .000 its first victory against one of its but for a good line you need heft be- toughest 'opponents, Dickinson Junior hind that brain. And furthermore, Revamp Lineup By Stumpy Gooden College. The game, played at Dlckin- you can't have a good line that, For Next Fray Last Friday the Bachelors and son in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, through necessity, must play nearly The Green 'I'en-ors take their long- Gamma Bets opened the tnterfrater- was a rough and tumble battle, and 60 minutes every game. An iron- By Bill Robinson est trip of the season when they trav- nity touch football race and fought the frosh fought a tough fight to ob- man line doesn't grow on every avail- el south to meet a strong Wake For- to a 7-7 draw in a nip and tuck bat-I tain their first victory. able tree, and to have a good team, Living up to advance notices, the €st team at Wake Forest, N. C., on tie. Although it was a bruising con- The squad, larger, heavier, more you must have ample reserves. Then, Green Terror soccerites displayed this Saturday night. The Deacons test, spectators claimed it was one experienced and better coached than too, this team is largely a team of power in turning back the Blue Ridge defeated only by the seemingly in- of the cleanest and best played con- Iaet year's squad turned the tables on I sophomores and juniors. Seniors on eleven in the season's opener by the vincible North Carolina team, have tests of r.ecent years .a~d both teams a confident Di~kinson tea_m, and re- I the squad are scarce--only three, in overwhelming score of 5-0. a veteran team pointed for this, its were ~ralsed for then good sports- turned home with a 14-6 VICtory. fact, now that Bob Walters is out W.M.C. Takes Early Lead homecoming game. Last year, the manship, with a broken leg for the rest of the Led by Captain Sam Galbreath, 'Green Terrors upset the dope bucket A. G. T. Takes Lead Sorensen, Kaplan Score season. Bob Stropp, probably our Coach Nathan's boys took the offen- when they trimmed Wake Forest, Alpha Gamma Tau was first to The Baby Terrors took command best all-around player, is a senior. sive in the first quarter, when Fletch 20-13, on an early November after- score when, midway in the first half, of the game immediately in the first So is Ed Eldcr, one of our chief back- wnrd, freshman forward, hit the nets 1100n in Baltimore's Municipal Sta- Bill Phillips tossed a short pass to period, and pushed Dickinson back, al- fi~ld assets. And then there is Ed- from fifteen yards out. In the second dium and the Deacons are waiting Elmer Evans who was standing in though no score was made. At the gar Rineheimcr, a good all-around period, Western Maryland took a anxiously for revenge. Last Satur- the end zone, to give the Bachelors end of the quarter, the ball was in lineman of which we would like to commanding lead as ward again day night, Wake Forest swamped a six point advantage. In the at-, Western Maryland's hands on Dick- see some more duplicates. Now I am scored from the left side and Bill North Carolina State, 32-0 in the tempted conversion, Evans was again inson's 20. Onthe second play of the not disparaging the sophomores' and Robinson, center - forward, he a d e d worst defeat the Staters have suffer- on the scoring- end and the first half second quarter, Sorensen, playing juniors' playing ability, but, as every- Frank Tarbutton's corner kick into ed at the hands of their arch enemies ended with the score 7-0. ; back, ran the ball 15 yards _for a one knows, one or two years expert- the goal. Throughout the first half )1I many a year. They will have their .-In the second half, the Gamma Bets touchdown. Kaplan kicked the extra ence is not equal to three. We have the Tenors kept possession of the full squad available for the W. M. C. got going with Burtis and Mather point, making the score 7-0. For the good juniors and good sophomores, ball, threatening several times, and game and are by llOW quite accus- leading the offense, and stormed the remainder of the quarter, the teams and experience is only a minor factor, the half ended with the locals hold- tomed to night ball: Red Mayberry Bachelors' goal line only to lose the seesawed up and down the field- as I have mentioned before, as com- ing a three point advantage. and Jim Ringgold, backfield stars of ball on downs. When Bill Hauff went Dickinson relying chiefly on a strong the Deacon team whom Terror fans back to punt, the entire Gamma Bet passing offense. pa~~: ~~t:tb:~~~I~\ake the Carolina \ At ~::%:.t ~~O~~e'l~;:on~l~:lf, the will remember as potent threats in line rushed in and blocked the kick In the middld of the third period, hop this Friday night, arriving in Blue Ridge attack began to click a last year's game, will be ready for with Norm Foy grounding the loose the Baby Terrors opened a drive down Wake Forest on Saturday, where the little better, only to be repelled by action against the W. M. C. invasion. sphere over the goal line. With the the field with a series of bucks and Deacons will be waiting with some- Western Maryland's rebuilt back- score 6-7 against them, Neil Eeken- forward passes. They advanced thing akin to blood in their eyes. field of Duke Windsor, Fran Cooke Preparation for Southern Trip rode leaped high in the air to snag within striking distance, and Kaplan You see, Wake Forest had a rather and Galbreath on the half-back line, On the other side of the fence, a pass, tying the game up. Later in bucked through the line for the tally. good record against teams like South backed up by Russ Jones and Bud Western Maryland is preparing it- the period Paul Burtis, on a short He also kicked the secondeplaeement, Carolina, North Carolina, Duke and Blair, fullbacks. Ben Griffith, a new- self for the long trip southward to run around his own left end crossed ranking the score 14-0 We s tel' n Clemson, until they met the Green comer in goal played a fine defensive Deaconland by perfecting its offen- the goal line, but the play was nulli- Maryland. Toward the end of the Terrors on that fateful Saturday af- game. Midway in the third period, sive weapons. No one was seriously fled because of an offside. game, Dickinson, again utilized its ternoon in Baltimore. W. M. C. Cooke drove a loose ball through the injured in last Saturday's game with Bachelors' Threat Wanes aerial attack, and succeeded in com- steamrollered the Deacons' hopes of I uprights from scrimmage and was Mt. St. Mary's except for bruises and Near the end of the contest, the pleting a 25-yard pass and' 3D-yard &t least one impressive victory by . followed by Jack Thompson who ran cuts. Hank Holljes and Bobo Knepp Bachelors again put on a drive-this run for a score. The placement was setting them down, 20-13. Now the up goal number five for the victors. probably will not be able to play due time a passing attack. With the bad, however, and the game ended Deacons have the ut~er hand. They Coach Nathan used his entire squad to injuries sustained, i~ previous ball in their opponents' territory, Don 14-6 in favor of Western Maryland. are in their own backyard and have of twenty-four and several of the re- games. Coach Havens W111undoubt- Humphries went back to pass, but the a team largely composed of veterans serves, including Tom Elias, Slim edly revise his starting lineup so that Bachelor line could not hold and in Suffern Injured in readiness for a blitzkrieg Saturday Parks, Otts Bradley, Max Kable, Bob the Terrors may present u team with an attempt to get rid of the ball he The game was a very rough one; night, Don't be surprised if any- Hahn, Tom O'Leary and Mac McWil- maximum effectiveness. The team tossed a short pass which Bill Phil- and Frank Suffern, up-and-coming thing happens! Iiams showed power and will make leaves here Friday night, arriving in lips received, picking up about twen- end, remained at Dickinson a day af- the regulars hustle for their posi- Wake Forest late Saturday morning. t.y yards. The play, however, was ter the team left because of a sus- Bootees Are Victors tions. That night the two teams meet, and called back and their threat ended pected kidney injury. The injury, The soccer team opened its season . Terrors Meet Bisons then the Terrors leave for home on in the waning moments of the game. however, WM trivial, and Frank is October 10 againstv Blue Ridge here Tomorrow on Hoffa Field, the Ter- the "sleeper", arriving back here In the second game played Tues- back at practice. Several others also on Hoffa Field, and won easily, ror booters will be host to the Buck- sometime Sundar afternoon. day, the Preachers unleashed a pow- suffered twisted ankles; but the West- 5 to O. Blue Ridge was the first of nell Bisons and the locals are out to The records of the two teams are erful second half passing attack, ern Maryland team, having a 10-lb. four Maryland State opponents in a avenge last year's 4-0 defeat suffered quite opposite, Wake Forest having scoring three times to give them a weight advantage, was saved from a-game schedule. Prospects seem to at Lewisburg. Following this con- won four games and lost one, scoring 20-0 victory over the Black and serious injury. be good for the booters to capture test, the Gettysburg Bullets, fresh 124 points to their opponents' 43, Whites. It was the first test for both The next freshman game will take the state championship, although the from a victory over Navy, will be while the Tenors have lost all three teams. place this Saturday .when the team hardest state games are yet to corne. met at Gettysburg on Next Friday. g'ames so far, scoring only 6 points Preachers Defeat TAA meets Bullis Prep from Washington. The team meets Bucknell here on The lineup: to their opponents' 45. However, the The first half was marked by rag- (The Mt. St. Mary's game has been Hoffa Field tomorrow (Friday). If W. M. C. Blue Ridge old adage "anything can happen in god play on both sides with the los- indefinitely postponed.) Bullis, a you will come out to see the game, I Griffith G Wingrove baseball" is also true in football. (ors having the upper hand both Oll school which prepares students to en- believe you'll see a pretty hard- Jones RF Crawford the defense and offense. Leading the i tel' the Naval Academy, puts forth a II fought contest. Blair LF Moss Terrors \\Ieet Terriors Black and Whites was Webb Hood, strong team. The team, coached by Ye Gold Bug scribe's predictions: Windsor RH Waxter The following Friday night, the who was handicapped by lack of ef- Pat Mahoney, former Western Mary- This week Navy, Penn State, Ala- Cooke CH Hobbs Green Terrors play Boston Univer- fective blocking. In this period the land gridder, has already beaten : bama, and Duquesne will bite the Galbreath LH Noble sity at the Stadium. This time the Preachers threatened only once but Staunton Uilitary ACademy, and with dust. One final note: The l\1t. St. Tarbutton RO Fontaine Terrors meet the Terriers, a veteran they were repelled by the inner line a heavy and experienced backfield, Mary's game is the second game a Tomlinson RI La Trell team, who have lost only one game, defense of Joe Rouse, Scott Brook'S they will put the W. M. C. frosh Green Terror team has ever lost on Robinson CF Ridde to their strong intersectional rival, and Milt Crosswhite. t.hrough a crucial test. Hoffa Field. Lewis LI Greene Western Reserve, while winning from With the game a scoreless tie, the Ward LO Bartol l>'. & M. This is the first time these second half was opened by the two teams have ever met, and it Preachers kicking off to Pi Alpha promises to be a good battle. This Alpha. Unable to gain by rushing the Bob Walters is the Beantowners' first night game C'ffense took to the air only to have 1939 Soccer Roster this year, but the Terror's second, halfback Charli~ Cole intercept a Improving; To possibly giving the advantage in pass and set the stage for the initial Name Class Hgt, Wt. Po. High School playing conditions to the latter team. score. After a few plays, Cole faded tBradley, Otts Sen. 6' 162 R.O. Hurlock (Md.) H.S. Come Back Soon In comparison with the W. M. C. rec- back and tossed a bullet pass to Don "Galbreath. Sam Sen. 5'11" 170 H. Jarrettsville (Md.) H.S. ord already mentioned, the Terriers Honeman who scored stand:ng up to *Elias, Torn Jun. 5'10" 155 C.F. Beall H.S., Frostburg, Md. By Bill Shockley have scored 27 points to their oppo- break the ice and give the defending Griffith, Ben Jun. 6'1" 165 G. Lansford (Pa.) H.S. Reports from the Maryland Gen- nents' 26. They meet Upsala, and ~e::. a ~~:~ I Hahn, Bob Jun. 6'2" 165 R.O. Hagerstown (Md.) H.S. cral Hospital indicate that Bob Wai- old Terror opponent, this Saturday, ~i:~f~;n~y\:~x-~~::s Jones, Russ Jun. 6' 175 F.B. Catonsville (Md.) H.S. ters' condition is gradually improv- (!nd are heavily favored to triumph. pass to Ted Bowen, one of the game Kable, Max Jun. 5'11" 170 E. Charles Town H.S., W. Va. ing. Walters, whose leg was broken Incidentally a rooting section of sev- defensive stars, put the Preachers in LeCompte, H. Jun. 5'7" 160 H. Cambridge (Md.) H.S. in the Cortland Teacher's game, will (:ral hundred will accompany the Bos- n good scoring spot once again. This *Lewis, Tim Jun. 5'10" 150 L.r. Beall H.S., Frostburg, Md. be out for the season, but plans to re- ton team on its Baltimore journey. time it was Honeman on the tossing Parks, Bill Jun. 6'5" 170 F. Towson (Md.) B.S. end, and he found Will Prentiss open *Robinson, Bill Jun. 5'11" 170 C.F. Catonsville (Md.) B.S. turn to school soon. Past Events in the end zone; thus the ultimate *Tomlinson, John Jun. 5'10" 135 R.I. Northeast H.S., Phila., Pa. Charlie Havens had planned to use On the night of October 7, W. M. C. winners took a command:ng 13-0 W:lliams, Lou Jun. 5'7" 140 R.O. Margaret Brent (Md.) H.S. the 180 lb. senior as a regular guard met its traditional rival, the Univer- this season~ but on a line play in the lead. *Windsor, Guy Jun. 5'8" I 140 L.H. Cambridge (Md.) H.S. first game Walters was hit on both sity of Maryland, and came off sec- Class League Starts Play Tarbutton, Frank Soph. 6'8" 145 R.O. Sudlersville (Md.) H.S. sides by Cortland linesmen and the ond best, 12-0. Although the Ter- The Black and Whites fought *Shockley, Bob Soph. 5'8" 165 L.O. Stockton (Md.) H.S. t.wist resulting broke both bones in rors were able to hold' the Terps back, but to no avail. Marbury Lin- Cooke, Francis Fresh. 5'11" 160 C.H. Beall H.S., Frostburg, Md. his right leg, just above the ankle. scoreless for one entire half, the ton, Leigh Venzke and Tom Arthcr Blair, Bud Fresh. 5'11" 165 F. Calvert Hall H.S., (Md.) Ordinarily a fracture of this type superior weight of the Terp line be- stopped their offensive at the line of Hancock Fresh. 6' 160 G. LaPlata (Md.) H.S. is not serious, but x-rays showed a gan to tell, and the Terror attack scrimmage and before the final whis- AlcWilliams, C. Fresh. 5'9" 140 L.I. Lackey (Md.) H.S. slanting break which required .more started to sputter. The University of tle had blown, Honeman had crossed Morris, Jack Fresh. 6' ]63 L.I. Charlotte Hall E.S. (Md.) observation than usual. The result Marylal1,d team scored in every way the goal line, behind a line of fine Prettyman, Bill Fresh. 5'11" 149 H. Lewis (Del.) H.S. was a cast to above the knee and pOSSible, garnering a safety, field blocking and the game ended in a O'Leary, Torn Fresh. 6'2" 175 F. Baltimore City College longer confinement than expected. goal, touchdown, and extra point. The 20-0 triumph for the Preachers. Ward, Fletcher Fresh. '5'7" 122 L.O. Calvert County (Md.) H.S. However, if improvement continues, Terps also held the advantage in first Today the foul' team inter-class *Lettermen W'alters will be back at school within downs, making 14 first downs to the (Cont. on page 4, Col. 5.) 10 days. Terrors' 8. L. -