Page 7 - TheGoldBug1939-40
P. 7
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE Preachers W.M.C. Loses Opener Favorites I In League game old, and the teams is one game To Cortlanders, 12-0 now season The football one wiser. There's no reason to make ali- Intra-Murals bis for the Terrors. They played as IWalters Out well as could be expected under the Formally Open circumstances. With Bob Walters, senior guard, and Hank Hnlljes, ju- Next Week nior- guard of Hermitage fame, put For Season; out of service in the first half, it is little wonder that the team buckled. Holljes Hurt By Bill Robinson Fumbles, of course, were much too The intra-fraternity touch football numerous, and I'm sure none of the league will formally open the intra- boys would care to blame that on Western Maryland opened its foot- mural program for the coming year ne-rvousness or "stage fright." Cort- boll season against Cortland Teachers next week. land had a powerful backfield with last Saturday on Hoffa Field, and At this time the schedule has not Hathaway and Dietz alternating as bowed in defeat, 12"0, at the hands of New York State clad crimson the been drawn up but indications point bright lights of the Crimson attack. boys. Sporting a fast, strong team, to a hotly-contested pennant race. The rain that poured down during the built around the Terrors archene- last quarter made that period an The Preachers, defending cham- mies, Hathaway and Dietz, invaders pions for the last two years, are han- uquntic one, rather than a tE)ITa fir- were Oil the offensive almost con- dicapped by.a lack of material but ma football session. It really was stantly, although the Green Terrors will be favo~'ed to'retain the crown. "mudder's delight." made more first downs than Cortland Replacements must be found for Emil The game turned just as dismal as (W. M. C. 13, Cortland 6). The Ter- Edmond, Bill Bryson, Jim Shreeve, the sky, too. The Terrors slushed ror offense was hampered by a com- and "Moon" Maddox, graduated se- through the mud up and down the bination of fumbles and intercepted niors who found places on the "Gold field, staying between their own 40 passes. Five times the Tenors lost Bug's" All-Star team for last season. and Cortland's 30 most of the time. the ball by the butterfinge r route. The offense will be built around Razz Then the whistle blew and the night- Twice 'he Cortland boys intercepted Henneman, left handed passer and mare was over. passes intended for other Western blocker and Jack Ryan, last year's KENNYBILLS Looking ahead to next Saturday Maryland men. In most of these All-star center, who may be shifted night's contest, it appears that W. M. cases, Cortland took advantage· of to the backfield. Will Prentiss and Junior Bucking Back C. will indeed be in dire straits with these breaks to penetrate deep into Charlie Cole are expected to hold Walters permanently out and Holljes Western Maryland territory. So suc- down the flanks with Ted Bowen, Tom a possible absentee. The line is only cessful were they that western Mary- Arthur, and Leigh Venzke in the mid- sparsely backed with reserves as it land did not leave its own side of the dle of the line. Ray Myers, a sopho- is and if the regulars cannot go to the field during the first quarter. In the more, may prove valuable as a run- Frush Gridder game's length, it means defeat for the third quarter, the Terrors shoved deep ning back. Gives Bare Facts team. The U. of Md. showed up well into Cortland hinterland, only to be Hampden-Sid- IIAA Again Strong in its opener against to have perfected stopped on the 8-yard line. After ney, and appealed Last years runner-up, the Black On Frosh Team W,Il, ,,,'II I Boofers Meet several exchanges of punts, Hatha- way eluded the whole Western Mary- " strong aerial attack and Whites, will again be strong al- all know how It tUIned out when we though several men were lost; includ- eo, the game Saturday night Blue Ridge In Jand team for a 78-yard run and touchdown No. 2 for Crimson the ing Alex Ransome, Gus Brust, Jim Once upon a time there were three Cortlanders. MacDonald had scored Stoner and Charlie Buchman. On the I Did Opening Game the first touchdown on the crest of a line will be the veterans John Carno- ~~!I~h~::;lad~:tet::l:;~~s c~~I~~u~: What Our L:S~t~:tu~:::nents advance early in the first quarter. In chan, Herman Beck, Scott Brooks, Joe from the swimming hole to eleven both cases the try for extra point was 0. Rouse and Homer Elseroad with Bill stalwart, soapy bruisers beneath a U. of M. 26--Hampden-Sidney State ° Veteran Squad bud. The fourth quarter saw both Vincent in reserve. Lenney Bee and needle shower. Far be it from me to Mt. St. Mary's 16-Potomac Coached By teams plung-ing- blindly through the Webb Hood should be outstanding in ::~la~o~a~!~:Yb~:::e ,!~~!b~lill:~:~' Wake Forest 6--North Carolina 36 muck. the secondary with Jim Elliot and Doctor Nathan Francis Grumbine filling in at the woolly and lived prominently in var- Boston U. (not scheduled). Cortland Goes Ahead backfield posts. Last year's star ious parts of the eastern states where Bucknell O-Gettysburg i Hopes will be high for the return Now for a short summary of the back, Lou -..Elliott will be out of com- coal dust was combed industrially of the state soccer title when Doctor game as the grandstand saw it. petition because of injury. from the hair. Madame Fortune ratr- 1st quarter-Cortland kicked off to ,_- The Gamma Bets are looking for- Iy beamed on them and they gained Di~~:S:0:c~:~~:p:~~g:p2pear rather I ~~:t~~~;.g:hsea~:~:;~~sB~~: ~~:;;'i~e~~: Western Maryland, who immediately ward to a better season with a large admittance to the Hill shouting lusti- bright. Dr. Nathan, new soccer opening game next week. lost the ball by the fumble method seasoned outfit 011 hand. Long a ly "Beat Maryland". coach, rounded up the new team last Not only will seventeen holdovers after one play. Cortland began a touch-football power on the Hill, the Monday and started them along the. from last year's squad, including ten steady surge which, after 3 first squad lost but one man by graduation Frosh See Victory Ahead Toad to organization. At present, I I~ttermen,. be available, but also .a downs, led them over the W. M. C. Bill Klare, All-Star end, but a num- In two weeks they were whipped in- don't know how many are tr-ying out likely looking group of freshmen will goal line. Cortland, 6, W. M. C, O. ber of sophomore prospects hope to to a semblance of a football team by for the soccer squad, but returning be on han~ in ~he attempt to regain The try for point failed, the ball curv- be able to fill his shoes. Neil Ecken- the inimitable "Simon" Ferguson and veterans give the team a good repu- the championship lost a year ago to ing to the left of the uprights. On rode is the other returning terminal the indomitable Anthony Henry 01'- tation anyhow. The schedule is Towson. Cortland's second kickoff, the ball was with Charlie Fitzgerald, Bill Banks, tenzi, who have done incredible work. tough, but J have a feeling that the Among those missing arc Co-Cap- fumbled immediately, and the Crim- Doug Catington and Mace Sones ad- In three short weeks they have mobil- team may be even tougher. taina Buck Barkdoll and Charlie Wal- SOilwas again in Terror territory on ding experience to the forward wall. ized into what may prove to be W. M. Two additions to our "wandering !:~;ec~~~!~;~ha:us:ndS~~~~:r-:~ll;::::; the 30 yard line. The Terrors stopped Norm Foy, Phil Bechtel and Bob Pod- C.'s best, speaking from an idle ob- them dead, took over the ball, only to lich, with a season of freshman foot- sel:ver's view-~oint: _ Consequently ;::s~~~ B!;:~m!:.:s~~;e:el~,~wf::t~:~~ and Hi Dooley, goal-keeper from the be stopped themselves. Cortland ball behind them, are expected to be there are no inferiority complexes. :~:~hen~~tl~ii~ L~~I~~~el'dis playing ~I~a;e ':~~~ ll::;u~.ear finished third started rolling, but Ed Elder inter- available. The backfield is also test- They have taken the school by the cepted a pass on the Terror 15 and eel, and with the return of Paul Bur- proverbial storm! On schedule they Surprises galore occurred on the Backfield Needs Recruits ran it back to the 21 to give the Ter- tis, Frank Mather and Charlie Horan, have the hardest group of games to football front Saturday, stunning fol- The backfield was hardest hit by r ors a fresh start. Another fumble the offense should size up as one of be played by a Frosh team. They in- lowers of Wake Forest and Bucknell, graduation and will build around stopped this rally, and Cortland the best in the league. tend to win everyone. The Baby Ter- So. California and others ... I predict Duke wtndscr and Sam Galbreath, reached the Western Maryland 12 rors desired to make a dream a real- that this Saturday will see Duke, No- half-backs, and Bill Robinson, full- yard line before being stopped as the Seminary Team Experienced ity. Their first game with Dickinson tre Dame, and So. California. bite the back, with Marbury Linton, reserve period ended. In an attempt to do an about face Seminary will remove the pennies dust! last year, among the vets. Max Ka- 2nd quarter-the Terrors opened from last year, the Bachelors have a from the dead man's eyes and illus- Incidentally, the Cortland game is ble, Slim Parks, Bob Hahn, and Har- with a rush that carried them up to squad of sixteen ready for the com-I ~ate just how they will continue on the first game the Terrors have ever per LeCompte are the rest of last sea- their own 48 yard line, where they ing campaign. Don Humphries, Hen into the season. lost on Hoffa Field. son's squadmen who are again on were forced to kick to Cortland. After several exchanges of kicks, W. M, C. ~;i:~~s:~o~d;~~~eWi~~o~~se/~::n:' ===================== hand. Sev~ral promising new-comers again fought its way to the midway including Russ Jones, have reported Bill Phillips and Tus Applegarth new- Bud Blair and Tom O'Leary, fullbacks strip, but was forced to kick again. comers. Bill Hauff is again on hand and Pete Townsend, a sophomore The third and final advance of the at one end with George Myers and goalie. quarter by the Terrors came just as Kerm Beyard, holdover linemen aid- The fOl"'.'Iard wall is in much bet- the half was ending. It was a sad ed by a large number of sophomores ter shape at this time with an all first half indeed, for it saw Bob Wal- including Bing Miller, Dick Schuck, veteran array of proven booters. John ters put out of the game for the sea- Ken Douglass, Ed Thomas, Stan Tomlinson, at center forward is in Ritchie, and Will Kidd. his third varsity season, backed up Hathaway Dashes Away The Seminary will present its usual by Frank Tarbutton with TO'm Elias 3rd quarter----Cortland kicked to threat and with an experienced team and Otts Bradley, both lettermen, fill- the Terrors; and the Western Mary- they will have to be reckoned with. ing the inside attack positions. Ca- landers proceeded to march down to Leading the offense will be John "orting at the wing positions are Tim the Cortland 32 yard line in 5 plays, Dawson, Charlie Wallace, and How- Lewis and Bob Shockley, regulars where they fumbled their chances ard Baker, a group which promises from last year's outfit. Aid is also away once more. Cortland just got to be a triple threat. At one end will ~upplied by McWilliams and Ward back over the midfield line when they be Bill Ewing, backed up by Harold among the frosh. fumbled. Western Maryland was and Mac Wright. The interior of the abruptly stopped when Cortland in- line is practically the same that car- W. 1\1. C. Adopts New Policy tercepted a forward pass on their own ried the squad to last year's play-off. With the opening of the season, a 42 yard Jine. They fumbled again, Tiny Garlington and Bill Meese are new policy is being adopted. Games Ilnd then the Terrors made their high- veteran tackles, with Jack Breish and are to be played with Western Mary- est scoring threat of the game. Two Wes Day as newcomers. At the pivot land·s natural rivals, such as Dickin- first downs on two spectacular passes, Bucknell, and Vir- son, Gettysburg, post, Slim Parr fills a gap in the ginia in addition to the home state Elder to Biasi, and Elder to Stropp center of the line and Carl Barnhouse colleges. The more powerful teams advanced the Terrors to the Cortland rates as a capable understudy. such as Penn. State are being dropped 8. The Crimson's line held like a As a whole, the league looks much . better balanced and a successful sea- I and an extensive junior varsity pro- 'stone wall, however, and they took over the ball to punt it out of danger- son is anticipated. In addition to the I gram is planned. Assisting Dr. Na- ous territory. W. M. C. got started than on the coaching staff are Charlie fratcrnity league, the class cham- Wallace and Hal'old Bell Wright, for- again, but was stopped this time on pionships, under the direction of Mr.' mer Stal'S of the "pitch", now in the t.he Cortland 27 where t.hey kicked out Speir, will also get under way in the .1 Seminary. over the goal line. On Cortland's sec- near future. (Continued on (Continued on Page 4, Column 3)