Page 6 - TheGoldBug1939-40
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Trans-Atlantic COL \Ie; Ii THE Db~~,~OUSE I Passage From the By Hank HERMIT AGE has. frequently column This ap- MaeVean By Janet peared with a new name, but no name It is well for an American to begin has ever had the illustrious beginning every European tour with an ocean There's a lot to be said. Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on 'I'hurs- of the present one. Professor Hurt, in voyage. In the first place, one must, Freshman Dream day, semi-monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, referring to the residence of the r wish my room had a door and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of writer in the new dormitory, asked the in one way or another, cross the At- Built of steel with a sound concrete Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class following question: "Tell me, do you lantic, and in the second place, if one core, matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. live up there in one of those little is to make the tOUI"with a group of For these visits at night SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.50 A YEAR dog-house effects, do you?" The complete strangers, the ocean voyage Send my studies to flight; French department explains that this ·is all that is necessary to weld the Oh to say, "Go away, sophomore!" R•• UUNU".OR N,.y'O... L.DVUT'.'''G • ., group together into friendship. The NationalAdvertisingService,Inc. 1957 Memb:r 1951 is a colloquialism meaning "dormer Camouflage cc>u.,. P"bl;,her, R.I>r~'''''ldlj". window." Henceforth all material ap- leg of the trip from New York to Public acclaim or recognition is the I=Issocia!e.d CoDe5KJfe Press pearing in this column will be con- Southampton is, therefore, from the life blood of the publicity hound. In I sidered ~s proceeding from .the dog vast experience of one crossing, a the garb of the college student, he house. most important part of the trip to wears loud clothes, polishes off EDITORIAL STAFF Europe. Editor-in-Chief VERONICA KOMPANEK, '40 Riot Precautions would-be rivals with nervy slams, Adociate Edit01·S FlAUL BURTIS, '40; HENRY HOLL.TES, '41 A bewildered faculty member the I had never been on a boat larger and, quite recently, dines before news Managing Editor .. . .. ALVIN NEWTON, '40 other day proposed the ereetion of ~~~:ra es:;!;ie~~:~a::~es~:~:~: ~rha:~ photographers on live white mice or News Editor . .. RUTH MANSBERGER, '41 goldfish. Distinction must be made Sports Editor . L. CARLETON GOODEN, '41 :':; t: Ass·i.stant Spa-rls Editors .. . RUTH FIELD, '40; WILLIA~I ROBINSON, '41 ~~n~~:;o~fa::r;!:·s f~~ts~~~tet~~o~o~~ Iarwella were new to me and the in- between such a person and the aver- Copy Editor SUE PRICE, '40 the event that a professor should ar- ~e:fiv~~~I~::.n:O::i~ ~:r~: ~ age ever-so-often meek individual As!listant Copy Editors KATHERINE KLIER, '40; KATHERINE BERRY, '40 who has a conventional flare for see- Proof Editor . HENRY TRIESLER, '41 :~v~h:t :~s;i~:t;u\::i~~n~~~;::.u~~: eign to me as the wilds of Afriea. ing his name well mentioned in the Assistant Proof Editors... . HELEN NEWMAN, '40; ELLEN SHIPLEY, '40 F'e«tur8 Edit01·S EDITH RITCHIE, '40; SIDNEY MANSCH, '.U ~~~it~~~r'm:~te;us~C::i~!:~:nsc~:f:;~ da~ehder;~~~~n;yth~~:tg~e~~!iO;ro:~so~ daily or the local news organ. It is Typists .. . JANE FRALEY, '42; ELIZABETH ELLWEIN, '42 travelers and their friends who had necessary for you readers to recog- PATRICIA ·WHlTE, '42; LAURETTA MCCUSKER, '42 nize the two types in order that you ~va~os~~:i~:~~~O:~~t;~:i~·e:~;na~.~~~~ come to wish thcm "bon voyage", or will not misclassify the honest and BUSINESS STAFF' Contributi11Q Reporters ... . ISAAC REBERT, '42; EMANUEL KAPLON, '.13; of the ncxt group of anxious pupils. ~t~de:i~~:~!:n~n:l~d:~;e~~:s~.all~e:;~: continued effort of one of your num- ROBERT SORENSEN, '.13 ber to have his name appear in this :r:a~ !~~sU~~a;~sf~~:~~~ ;:~::c~ie~:~ h~ng on eaCh. other~ lleck.s, weeping column. How would you mistake the intentions of such a sober and schol- !;.::t~:f~~;~ts of speed and fury than i i~~t~~~:·r~~ae;:c:onp~;~~g::;~Yt~~u;:: What Will Be ... and increase their knowledge of groups seemg- them off. In a tmy !1rly appearing individual (now that to develop their appreciation for he glances almost pedagogically from The Attitude? the so-called cultural aspects of • .. Studen~ Oov't. . I square of the cr-owded deck a fiddler behind white gold rimmed spectacles) life. A certain delight arising 'M:Z:~:hl:~ ~~;t~~:y a~~~ntto OfE~~~~I ~:;~:~. oUi:e~Vi!~e~a:~ttt:s:O~~~:i:~n William S. Shockley? from some primitive instinct in structive aetion that was evolved from the ear-splitting whistle blew. "Ali The "System" Next Monday the Up per man may be aroused by the Ashore." Frantic people wormed to classes will hold meetings for the pounding rhythm of modern the Men's League !\!ectin g in Smith the rails for a last view of friends or "Y01t hold her hand an.d she holde your8." Many sug- Hall last Tuesday mght. purpose of nominating candi- swing. That is understood- gestiona were received and it is sin- of the United States they were Ieav- Earlier in the week the president dates for class officers and the but that also passes on. But a cerel y hoped and expect~d that the ing forever. Last minute farewells- of the college delivered a frank and on the following week! elections will fine emotion arising from some Student Government WIll further the withdrawal of the gangplank. easy to understand address security. human sails. for prove its worth by giving considera- desire being's Twelve noon and the Britannic peaceful reaction to the magic take place. creations of the masters brings ~i:c:e~~:d.attention ,II the matters We stayed on deck for the last He spent several minutes dealing to Once more it is necessary to a permanent satisfaction. glimpse of the skyline and thr-ill to-the with matrimony as a form of securi- determine whether "Joe Good- As they are artists in perfor- Diluted Eleet.ricity majority of our group of 31 from all ty, an expression of man and woman fellow" is going to be the popu- mance-c.we likewise may be ar- Among the many interesting facts over "the States", as we learned to for peace and harmony. A near and lar choiceor whether serious un- tists in appreciation. :;;:;~:d sU~~ie~~:V:i~::n:y ~~~lsR!~~ say, the farewell of "Liberty"-more comparable approach to such security en the hill, the bane of many, thc biased consideration will govern inson that the electricity in Ward a farewell to true liberty than we bliss of few, is the much talked of, the decisions made. By what Hall was being diluted. As a result then realized. thought of businness of "going Traveling third class is fun. It's not criterion are the leaders going National of this diluted ewctricity, the speaker luxurious, it's not exclusive, but you steady." Bane of many is the "sys- to be chosen? What indications claimed, his electric razor runs back~ meet college professors, students of tem", yet it furnishes security. Peo- will there be of intelligent eval~ College Poll ::~~d~~rt~~~~n~eS~i~:t~~O:l d~:n~V~~~ world affah:s, returning Xrish, "per- ple who have the least desire to go uation of merits and demerits? teresting phenomena may be found sonally conducted tours", and every together exclusively do so that they around", may be assured of "getting Your class officers are repre~ Below are printed a number of to exist ill this heretofore unsuspected possible type of humanity. The stew_ for in most cases of young people's sentative of your ideals for lead~ questions being answered by students mystery palace. ards are friendly, the sailors share fun on the hill it takes a couple to ~he deck space forward after their ership ability and of the serious~ of some five hundred colleges and uni- Oscar Again evening's work is done. Third class join the party. Those of you who ness with which you do or do versities throughout the United Brother Mather reports that he was is cosmopolitan. are interested in se~"Vicingyour fel- to ows with a solution and answer not accept your voting respon~ ~~:!e:h!oC~~~~I;;i::e \;~;:k~!~d~~t~i:~: ::!~~n~; aU~~~~~O:~dJ~n~~c;o~iS~~taat~ The liVing accomodations are very the "system" please submit your sibilities. They are a measure issues of war and peace which direct- he approached the back steps to Mc- "chummy" as one of our group put it. thoughts to the Hermitage. of the level of attainment reach~ .I' effect their futures. Kinstry Hall. The creature, accord- OUl"stateroom for four was so closely with that of the boys next integrated ed by the majority of your The Gold Bug is conducting this ing to Frank, was seaten on the sec- door that unless the ventilator was Outen The Woodshed group. poll in order to cooperate in the Na- ond step and rose threateningly to its closed, we were able to hear each "The Dean came to me person- It is granted that a number tional survey being ·made by the Cal- haunches as he came near. No ca- other's conversation. Worst of all, the ally, and said to me, .. ," has prov- of the officers are primarily hon~ i~:~·I:g~~i;~ :e~;~~~:~~~f;;;il:C:~ ~~:~:j~~ke~O!~o::i~S ::~ou~~:~. ncw water spigots were of the type that ed an endless source of laughter to orary-but how are you going and nationaljlolls will be published as Proteeti"e A.ssociation bang. Our friends on the other side days. Charlie Colc these past few shouldn't objected to the stock- of the partition But Doc Sumner to decide upon whom to bestow soon as they are obtained. Doc Sumner has again been com- ing-washing late at night and tooth- mind being laughed at if Charlie that honor? \Vhat part will The ballots of boardhlg students lllissioned by the college administra~ brushing early in the morning, par- will hclp out with the guard for scholastic rat i n g, leadership will be collected by members of the t.ion, faculty, alumni, friends and stu- ticularly the latter. the Maryland game. "The Hut" qualities, diplomatic ability, de~ Gold Bug staff in each of. the dormi- dents to protect our fair homeland Baths are an institution on the might even "shoot two" for Doc, pendability, respect, and general to~esbOX fo~. the ballots of day stu- ~:;:s.a~:~;~~~ r~:al~ht~eU;n::u:~ Britannic. One signs with the bath Re-ho-beth this won't happen. personality traits play in mak~ dents will be in the book store. All ed bravery of the· "Minute Men" on steward for a bath at a certain hour Oomph! each day. to be a If one happens ing nominations? ballots must be in by October 10. ·previous years will no doubt feel safe brave spirit, one has one's bath in the Cool temperatures, the present Four days will elapse before Serious cooperation of all students with such a stalwart defense. Don't morning. Each day at 7:15 A, M., rainy season, and an encompassing the actual nominations take will be appreciated. forget to let Doc know if you should the steward tapped on the door. "Your fence,:1 new and glaring light at the place, but four days is time CHECK ANSWERS happen to see that same car, with bath is ready, Miss", in a particularly end of McKinstry Hall, inhabitants in an enough to give serious thought 1. Under present conditions, should. ~:~!tS~::! license, and that same red worried cockney voice acted as I tIle old house behind the stadium, ocean-going alarm-clock. Then thc '-.freshman girls without make-up- !~n~~; ~~:nU~!::d ~:at:~ e::;i~eth~g!~i~o; Tea And Pretzels bath, scalding sea-water in an enor- there's a. certain something about mous tub and on a board across it a back campus. elapse before the final elections agent? Yes to r.::~:r;~c~~~:; t:;: w~~O~:I~ h:~: small tub eontaining warm "fresh" A Twitch It's orr can be held. You are reminded No to friends every afternoon in their water for rinsing. Most troublesome If Hawkins (affectionately known ~fon~hepurpose of this regula- 2. If Germany is defeated in the war, luxurious residence in McKinstry were baths at five o'clock which inter- to freshman coeds presently as fered with group meeting, and at 9:30 "Pinky") had a bit of a. twitch to his Here's for more intelligent do you think the spread of the to- ~a~:~g ~o~e:~~: i~:v;ig~~Yo;:;Ut~: which interfered with pleasure, upper lip. he'd never have to bother voting! ~:1i~::~e::e,:;n· of government will laundry. Refreshments will be served Early morning pie breakfast, strolls about eating burned toast. Yes to visitors every afternoon during on deck, hair blown into confusion, "Chief" Darscb goes turkish on us Cultural 3, Under present conditions, should Christmas and spring vacations. cnlesthenics under the direction of a with a red felt fezz adorned with a No ear-splitting particularly blue tassel. traveler, The chief also has plans Horizons the United States sell munitions on National College Poll and then the breakfast gong. We ate and the necessary authentic skinsf8r a bearskin and what he terms an Es~ second-sitting at nine o'clock in order na- a cash basis to any belligerent tions who can call for the items in that those who didn't have early kimo chapeau. Scientific lectures by noted their own ships? (Continucd from Cohmm 2) baths could catch up on the fifty min- Young Westminster goes to Beard's authorities, concerts by an in~ utes whieh we "lost" every night. The as do many W. M. C.'ers. This column ternationally known choir, reci~ y" C, Any eountry in the western table stewards, once we became accus- after inVestigating the place in the tals by famous vocalists and in~ No hemisphere were attacked? tomed to their English accents, were strumentalists, symphonic in- 4. Do you favor increased armaments Yes lour joy and delight. They soon knew first person and more often enjoyably interpretations by a host of and extension of armed forces in No which ones wanted "black" instead of than not, during several months spent at the present over the summer, af- the United States in Westminster skilled musicians-all are in~ time? D United States maritime rights ""\vhite" coffee, a peculiarly British in- firms the bime-worn statement that eluded in the activities program were violated: i.e. if American stitution. They refrained from laugh- there is no other place to go in town. for this year on the Hill. y" ships were sunk with Ameri- ing at our confusion when first faced There is no other place to go, which Through the efforts of the ad~ No can passengers aboard?} with an astonishing array of silver. young people frequent, where you can ministration these va rio u s 5. Would you be willing to fight if: Yes Even in third class, the English ships events will be brought to the A. The United States proper were No cling to the conventions. dance, where partners are easily and and where not obnoxiously available, attacked? students of Western Maryland, E. It became apparent that Every morning for two hours we J,-·oudon't have to spend any money to giving to many of them oppo_r~ France and England were in Eat in a stuffy room in the second- l·emain. In our college vernacular, tunities for cultural develop- No I danger of defeat? class section with Dr. Sherwood Ed- Beard's is a "dump". The air is close; ment never before hoped for and .B. Any United States territorial y" dy's European ,seminar. This we re- the accomodations are poor for eol- possessions were attacked? to others further enjoyment of No gretted chiefly because it prevented us lege men and women, but there is no y" arts they already love. No ."~- Male . . from group meeting at five o'clock. competitor on the Hill. Now is the time for students (Continued in Column 3) . Female . (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 5) . (Continued on Page 4, Column 2)
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