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COl WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. SADIE HAWKINS DANCE TO HONOR DOGPATCH DEB BRIEFS--- Shipley Is Bachelors To Comic Strip Will Come Named R.O.T.C. Sponsor Dance "Moving Day" November 11 To Life At Hillbilly Affair On Saturday afternoon, October 28, Commander residents of the new men's dormitory -'- finished moving into their new rooms. Stropp Appointed Major; Decorations To Fit Owings Hall has been completely VB* Galbreath, Walters, And Armistice Day Theme; WORTHY CAUSE Mountaineer cated. The men on the football team Music By Courtiers ere rooming in Hering, McKinstry, Sones Appointed To Staff The proceeds from the "Sadie Frolic In and Ward Halls. Hnwkins dance" will be t.urned Frank M. Shipley was permanent- Armistice Day will furnish the over to a charity organization in Girls' Gym at pur-pose of International Relations Club ly named to head the college R. O. T. theme for decorations dance the to first be Westminster a for the Thanksgiving drill held this af- C. unit at battalion happy providing semi-formal fraternity Dr. Joseph F. Thorning, professor ternoon. Other promotions and as- presented by Alpha Gamma Tau on for the less fortunate. "LU' Abner", Al Capp's comic strip of sociology at Mount St. Mary's Col- signments, which were made by the November 11, in Blanche Ward Gym. of the life of a simple mountaineer lege, spoke to the club on Monday eve- military department, were published The CQurtier8, from Baltimore, will Captain Kidd and his orchestra boy will come to life on this campus, ning, Octoper 23, on conditions in the at this time. provide the music. are contributing their services for Saturday night, November 4, when eastern European countries. As a Robert H. Stropp will be Major of Harry Lowery, in charge of decor- this worthy cause. the Gold B1Ig sponsors its "Sadie member of a Catholic commission on the unit, second-in-command. Samuel ations, said that a revolving crystal Hawkins Dance". world peace, Dr. Thorning spent the C. Galbreath, with the office of Cap- ball would be the highlight of the pa- This affair will be one of the many summer studying the pre-war situa- tain, becomes battalion adjutant. triotic theme with numerous flags and events to be held on hundreds of col- tion in the Balkan countries and cen- With the position of Captain, Robert military weapons forming the back- Students Want War lege campuses throughout the country tral Europe. L. Walters was appointed battalion ground. Unusual lighting effects and celebrating the official anniversary of At the next meeting of the club, on intelligence officer. Completing the a red, white, and blue color scheme If Allies Are In Sadie Hawkins Day. The new nation- A false ceiling of crepe paper Danger Of Defeat Monday evening, November 6, at 7.00, battalion staff is Captain Frank M. will also be used to transform the al holiday came into existence last Miss Janet MacVean will speak on Sones, battalion supply officer and gym. year when cartoonist Capp put Sadie the attitude of the European people drum major. , .and a. band stand background of Hawkins Day in his comic strip. Soon toward the war, as she observed it in Douglas Catington, George Myers, massed colors will be included. Many Poll Conducted By Gold Sadie ·Hawkins days began breaking her trip to Europe this summer as a ,Tack Lytton, Paul Burtis, and Lenney valuable flags are being borrowed Bug Shows Majority out all over the country. Students at delegate to the convention of the Bee were appointed captains of coni- from the local post of the American the University of Tennessee were National Inter-Collegiate Christian paniea A, B, C, D, and the band, re- Legion for the night. Helping Mr. Favor U. S. Neutrality first with a whole week of hillbilly Council in Amsterdam. spectively. LoweJY are Joynes Beane, Robert festivities. This year the idea has Assignments Follow Bricker, and Donald Humphries. A majority of the students at West- gained momentum, and the holiday Faculty Member Returns The battalion assignment for cadet Courtiers' First Visit To Hill ern Maryland would be willing to will be more widely observed than be- Dr. Evelyn Mudge, who recently officers is as follows: This will be the first time the Cour- fight on the side of England and fore. if the Allies were in danger France underwent an appendix operation, re- BATTALION STAFF' iiere have ever played on the Hill. of defeat by Germany, according to a Cap Kidd To Play For Affair turned to the campus Saturday. 'I'hey come from Baltimore where poll conducted by the Gold BlIg. At The dance on thia campus will be..: _. Lieut. Colonel Shipley, Frank U. Holiday Battalion Commander they have a large following. The present most of the student body fa- gin at 7 P. M., ending at 10 P. M. and Major Stropp, Robert H. band has played at the Hotel Belve- vored United States neutrality. will take place in the Blanche Ward November 23 has been announced Battalion Executive dere and the Southern Hotel. It con- Not one of the 209 votes cast by Gym. officially as the day for the college's Captain Galbreath, Samuel C. sists of ten men and a male vocalist. the women and only one of the men's Music for the dance will be pro- celebration of Thanksgiving. Battalion Adjutant The clarinet player in the qrganiza- ballots favored entering the war at vided by Cap Kidd and his nine-piece Extension Classes Captain Walters, Robert L. tion is outstanding, havi,ng won a the present time. orchestra. Dick Shuck will sing the Battalion Intelligence Officer scholarship to Peabody Conservatory. Divergence Of Opinion vocals. Dr. Robert T. Kerlin and Mr. Captain Sones, Frank M. Jr. Wilbur Kidd, who was in charge of Other questions showed a wider di- Those attending the affair must Harry Wilder, of the 1939 Western Battalion Supply Officer and contacting the band, played with the vergence of opinion on the part of the wear hillbilly costume. Plaid shirts, Maryland College summer school fac- Drum Major organization in his high school days. two groups. Only 20% of the men patched overalls, and straw hats will ulty, are teaching extension classes The dance will consist of twelve and 44% of the women thought that be the style and no one will be admit- sponsored by this college. Dr. Kerlin BAND AND COMPANIES sets with a short intermission, during the defeat of Germany would halt the ted unless he is properly dressed. '':I stationed in Cumberland and Mr. Captain Bee, Lenney E., Commanding which refreshments will be served. spread of the totalitarian form of to re- The gym will be decorated Wilder is in the southern part of the Band; Captain Catington, James D., The dance will begin at 8 P. 1\1.,end- government. semble "Dogpatch", mountaineer eastern shore of Maryland. Evening Commanding Co. "A"; Captain My~ ing at 11.30 P. M., and will be semi- Upon the question of selling on a home of "Lil' Abner". A full moon classes are also being conducted in era, George A., Commanding Co. "B"; formal. Tickets will be $1.10, sold at cash and carry basis to the belliger- and trees will form the bandstand Hagerstown and at the college. Captain Lytton, Jack W., Command- the door. ents, 73% of the men and 64% of the background, caricatures will fill the ing Co. "C"; Captain Burtis, Paul M., Henry 'I'rtesler is general chairman Obituary Commanding Co. "D": 1st Lieut. Ma- of the dance. Sponsors will be Prof. women voted yes. That we should in- walls, and barrels and corn-stalks crease our armaments and extend our Cider will be Dr. Theodore R. Myers, member of ther, Frank M., Platoon Leader Co. Frank B. Hurt, Miss Margaret Sne- armed forces was the opinion of 94% will add to the realism. and "artillery" served at the "still", the Western Maryland summer "A"; lst Lieut. Fitzgerald, John C., del', Mr. and Mrs. Charles Havens, of the men and 83% of the women. will be checked at the door. school faculty this past year and Platoon Leader Co. "A"; 1st Lieut. ( Major and Mrs. Percy Sadler, Dean \Vith vcr~f few exceptions the men principal of Hasting-on-Hudson High Linton, Leonard M., Platoon Leader I and Mrs. L. Forrest Free, and Dr. would be willing to fight if the U. S. Boys And Girls May Come Stag School, died on October 12. He taught ( Cont. on pagc 4, col. 4) , and Mrs. James Earp. proper were attacked, while 90% of A grand march and several "Sadie Methods in Guidance and Methods the women signified their willingness Hawkins specials" are on the pro- and Content of a Course in Occwpa- to participate in such a case. gram. "The Little Brown Jug" will H= in the summer- "h001 and was Students From College To Attend (Cont. on page 4, col. 4) be the theme song for the dance. g tor the 1940 '''·1 Other special features are being ;;::nin to "tum Annual Home Economics Meeting kept secret until Saturday night. From Dean Free's Office On November 2, 3, and 4, The Food will be made to the United States Trarp Choir Invitations to the dance must come although girls girls from Dean Free has announced that an Service Directors will hold their fifth Naval Academy. There will be a con- will be allowed to come alone. and boys Outdoor Life Club, with the aim of annual meeting at the Lord Baltimore ducted tour of the Academy kitchens To Present The Gold Bug staff is holding the promoting greater appreciation of Hotel in Baltimore. This conference and a visit to State House where Cov- dance with Veronica Kompanek, Hen- outdoor life, will be organized in No- is of nation-wide importance and is ernor and Mrs. Herbert R. O'Conor Familiar Music . ry 'I'rlesler, and Alvin Newton in vember. Further announcements con- fostered by the American Home Eco- will serve tea to the guests. charge of arrangements. cerning the formation of the club will nomics Association and Tbe Ameri- W. M. C. Represented When the Trapp Family Choir be made in the Go14 Bltg. can Dietetic Association. Representatives of Western Mary- comes to Alumni Hall tomorrow eve- To Speak to West- Lectures On Music Miss Specialists Amery, State Suo land College who will make the trip ning at 7.15, it will include on its pro- are: Scott, Jean Lalia Elizabeth gram music already familiar on Thursday selections for Modern Writers Miss Gesner, head of the music de- pervlaor of Home Economics Educe- Cox, Lydia Bradburn, Ruthetta Lip- ern Maryland College audiences, as partment, has announced that are- tion in Maryland, with her commit- py, Ruth Dygert, Madlyn Cline, Mary well as rarely played cital by music students will be given tee, has arranged the program which Ellen Creager, Anna Lee Long, Elea: the recorder and unfamiliar folk- on the second and fourth Tuesdays of is to offer many opportunities for nor Perry, Kathryn Cochrane, Kath- songs. Three numbers, A1!e 1!srum Dr. Theodore Maynard gave the each month in Smith Hall at 4.15 P. those in attendance to hear cutstand- er-ine Fertig, Virginia Wooden, Ethel corpus, by Mozart; Tho StarB Are first of a series of eight lectures con- M The first recital waa given on Oc- ing specialists in the field of nutrition Martindale, Grace Silver, Jeanne Shini'lf.g Cheerily; and In dulci jubilo cerning- modern writers and their tober 24. The next one will be given and food administration. Among the Shank, 'Anne Dexter, Frances Dtllo- have been included in the College works on Wednesday evening, No- on November 14. speakers at the three day session will way, Ellen Logan, Betty Poore, Elea- Choir repetoire within the last few vember 1. The author discussed was In the evening on November 14, at be.Dr. E. V. McCollum, Professor of nor Jameson, and Jane Toomey. years. The Women's Glee Club is., G. K. Chesterton. 8 o'clock, Mr. James Mannix, of Har- Biochemistry in the School of Hy- On Saturday morning there will be preparing Morley's Now i.s the Month The second author about whom Dr. risburg, will give a piano recital. Mr. giene and Public Health, Johns Hop- a round table discussion and question of Mayillg for its spring concert. Maynard wiII speak will be Edwin Mannix, who is coming to the campus kins University; Miss Ernestine hour with Miss AHce Broadbent of Dr. Franz Wasner, director of this Arlington Robinson. This lecture will on the invitation of Mr. Spangler, Becker, assistant to Dr. McCollum; William Hall High School, West weB_known family octet, composed be given in room 31, Science Hall, De- teaches piano in Harrisburg. His Dr. David E. Weglein, Superintendent Hartford, Connecticut, presiding. At two of the numbers included on the cember 12. program will consist of twenty-four of Baltimore Public Schools; and Dr. this session the following girls from I program. The group of selections for Dr. Maynard is a resident of West- "Etudes" by Chopin and a sonata by Mary de Garmo Bryan of Columbia Western Maryland will serve as the recorder ensemble and of folk~ minster and was connected formerly Schostakowitch. This is the program University. Many other nationally aides: Anne Dexter, Frances Dille- i songs from the Austrian Alps I \vith Mt. St. Mary's College at Em- are be which Mr. Mannix will present in known food administrators will I way, Jeanne Shank, Ellen Logan, particularly unique, since this is the mitsburg. He has a son in the class Town Hall in New York Jate in No- present at the conference. Louise Gatchell, Ethel Richards, and only organization whicb offers this of 1943 at Western Maryland Col- vember. I On Thursday, November 2, a trip Jeannette Wigley. type of music in public recital. lege.