Page 2 - TheGoldBug1939-40
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug. Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Briefs COL 'lei I HERMITAGE Home Economics College, has ac- of YE BILLBOARD From the Miss Stella Mather, formerly of the Department By Newton By Hank Western Maryland There's a lot to be said. cepted the position of Head of the of Home Thoughts Department Economics Home Lloyds of London is too busy with Spellman College, a women's college In the next few days, students and Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, publlshed on Thurs- the war right now to find time for day, semi-monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, such a small item as the erection and of the Atlanta University System. would-be students of western Mary- and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of Mr. and Mrs. Milson Raver, profes- land College will end the summer Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class completion of the new men's dorm, sor of physics and former dietitian search for fun, freedom, and frivolity, matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. but locals are willing to wager good respectively, announce the birth of a returning with new vigor to the pur- SUBSCRIPTIONPRICE $1.50 A YEAR odds that several of the certain pros- son on August 6. The new Western suit of lessons, books and freshman pective residents of that place will girls. U~U"NT.O .0 .. N"T'ON"~ "DVUT'.'NG n Marylander was christened Milson The first few days will closely re- NationalAdvertisingService,Inc. "" Member 1,,1 ~~~~r:~s::!:~~el~or the duration of C. Raver, Jr. Callege P"blisbws RePrestmt.uive semble the opcning days of last year, '-__ _____ Bo",o" . CO< "'.ooc!> _c::_--=...:== f:\ssociafed CoUe5iate Press on the Hill, or rather have sprung up gan, on August 12. the year before, and the year before m:;~~:d rt~I~;~F~~~eBa~::i~:nr:'Ii;:i~ New commercials CH",GO' that. male Returning students will new agents ap- Western of first EDITORIAL STAFF pear selling the hied and proven Dean Forest L. Free recently ob- receive the hospitality dose from the warm Maryland ~~!~~i~~kJf{or·s:::···· ·······..·::·P~UL·BURTIS,V,~~~NAcEANR~O~~~~::s,:~~ ~~~~;;t:n~f I~o;:~~·toy::::~d ~~e~~~~ ~:~~~dyt:: ~:!r;;Ol~: g~~~;Si~~. p~;~ and enthusiastic greeting of Profes- in the ante-room sor Hurt ~::~~g~nfit!dit01. ·RUT~L~\~N~~~~~~~::!? ;~~~v·::·Oo~tat~l:6~::;:;~~1~~:i~~::::~:: ~:eih~~~il::o:~~n~7;;e~rih~:~:: of Dean office. Here you will be asked Free's ~~:tt~!dg;;'f~··Edit·~.~. . fi."UTH"·FiiLD;·;40 ;\v?t:::~~~O;:'O~IO~~~::::.~i people. Every little bit of trade While working for the degree, he if you have had a pleasant summer Copy Edit01' . SUE PRICE, '40 helps, you know,-and their new bath- was under the tutelage of Dr. Her- and if you are glad to be back at Assistant Copy Editors KATHERINEKLIER,'40; KATHERINEBERRY,'40 robes are beauts. man H. Horne who believes ill the school. Secondly, being admitted to ~:~ftta~~i~O;'·o~i"Ed.it01.8 HENRYTRIESLER,;41 Some enterprising young person theory of fundamental prineiples of the sanctum ennctcrum of the Dean's Feature Editors .. ··.·.~·.·.~:·.:·.·.·.::·.~·.~~~JDL~~~~~~~~~>~t~;S~;~~~ ~I~;:~6~:,!~should engage Captain Jimmy Allen I conduct as opposed. to the creative office, you will receive a key to your chosen place of residence, and again Typists .. . JANE FRALEY,'42; ELIz.ABETHELLWEIN,'42 and his daredevil drivers for the theory. Dr. Howe was the com- reply that your summer has been B~:R~~~:V:;~~:2; LAURETTAMCCUSKER,'42 i ~t~tr~~o~~~l~::~,a~~::h H:~~~:~!~~~c~:;~~~7~Peaker at Western Mary- pleasant and that you are glad to be Business /lfa1!agor..... .............................................. EDWARDWEANT, '41 dashin' around the countryside in ar- back, Circulation Managers ........... MARYLOUISEASIlURY,'41; JAMESMERRITT,'40 mored tanks, would be a cinch to A masculine mind can scarcely scare the pro's off the track. In this hope to describe the events occurring way the promoter could make a nice I on the other side of the house, but .. the girls will probably Upon arrival Editorials pile for himself. WHO'S WHO begin a comparative study and dis- Congratulations to the Ravel'S on at W. M. C. cussion of wardrobes in the reception their fine new 'UlJ. Physics complain I majors Only two words, freshmen - - - this year will probably rooms of both dormitories. Most of about the "pop" quizzes being given. the girls will register in some last but two words that carry with them best wishes for a happy Officers of Administration semester's garment, and later follow Similar salutations to brother New. and successful stay at Western Maryland-two simple words that ton on the "theater seat coupe". We Dr. Fred G. Holloway, president of this with a dinner costume designed to to wow the In addition school. if used more often (and used sincerely) should serve as a reminder would iike to call Newton "Bon Ami the college. this there will occur some minor up- to man of something called fellowship-that something which is Alvey" because he hasn't scratched Dr. William R. McDaniel, vice-presi- sets due to a disastrous forgetting of unfortunately lacki~g among men today. the paint job on his car yet (but oth- dent and treasurer. laundry bags, shoe trees, and ers have). Mr. Carl L. Schaeffer, assistant trees- George's picture. urer. To you-newcomers- With the departure and subsequent Mr. Samuel'B. Schofield, dean of the o . t t . dvi h . t t d 1 ffi ' marriage of one of W. M. C.'s most admiruisbration. Diving Tower ure IS no 0 give a vice w en JUs we wor s a one su ce-I popular couples, a nice tree. ~as been Dr. Lloyd M. Bertholf, dean of the Many questions are inevitably go- Greetings! Friends. left vacant between the dining hall faculty and freshmen. ing to be asked concerning the tower which has been erected on the campus ~;ds:~~ ~~~~~~,'t~'::;e n;:i~a~~ I!~~~ MiSSwo~~:~a S. Adkins, dean of south of the tennis courts. Various explanations are now being offered, way1) I Miss Ruth Benson, head of McDaniel the only true ,one appearing on page Who was the ambitious one who Hall. The tennis coach, it The Greeks Gave Laurels ~- - was forever shakin' the "Maj'a" hand I Dr. Alvey M. Isauogle, dean of the 1 of this issue. is intending to use the Je rumored, r.t camp this year 1 Stropp says it School of Education. but as Americans, our hats go off to the Education and Mili- was Walters, Walters says it was Dr. Lawrence C. Little, dean of the tower to yodel directions to the team tary- Departments who again merit congratulation for splendid Stl'OPP· Yuh got meh. School of Religious Education. during matches. Other rumors have it that the faculty is enlisting for sen- achievement. Notice: Grenda also plays the Mlss Martha Manahan, registrar. try duty to supervise .. piano. Miss Cora Virginia Perry, assistant to Through the efforts of these departments and their heads, the regri.strar. Along the same line.. why are and Western Maryland has obtained a high ranking among other Splash! Miss Minnie M. Ward, librarian. Burtis spotlight Shipley mounting that in (and huge telescope) Maryland colleges both for teacher placements and for military water-bagging- is out this season, Mr. Ralph Myers, superintendent of their top-floor corner room of the new training. fellers. Much as we enjoy it, much as the buildings and grounds. donnitory? you do, its got to go. Male students Mrs. Mildred Barta, dietitian. We are proud of the fine sportsmanship and military skill dis- have been accused of being too juve- Mr. T. K. Harrison, purchasing agent, Summer Session A played, and the numerous qualifications obtained by the members nile in their actions in the past. So Student Goyernments students number of Western Maryland school to came to summer of the Western Maryland unit of the R. O. T. C., while in training this year things are different. The Men's Student Government-Edward continue their studies, while others at Fort Meade. Hermitage believes that if it can re- MacLaughlin, president. played their way through the summer frain from the pastime that you ca.n Worn en's Student Government- months. A great many interesting Two distinct departments-two contrasting methods-yet too. Blanche Scott, president. things took place during this time of both contributing invaluably toward a commonl goal-a greater On the Cutie Student Publications industry and hard study. Not the Western Maryland. least among the attractions was J. Frank Mather wants all freshmen The Gold Bug-Veronica Kompanek, Pirie's bed-fellow and companion, a women to know that he has a new editor. dog named George, who attended both SUEDE J A C K E T JUST LIKE The Gold Bug-Edward Weant, busi- an English and a Biology class each DOOLEY'S. It's just like a suit, only ness manager. morning. "Zeke" Jamesoll, promi- \Var Is 1\1an's Greatest Folly _ _ _ there ain't no pants. The Aloha-Kermit Beyard, editor. nent member of the summer colony, The Aloha-Edgar Rinehimer, busi- took care of George in English, and All around us we perceive the products of man's ingenuous Ham I Doin' ness manager. it is said that Nurse Kalar lured him effort to attain the highest pinnacle of material achievement. Legitimate stage, stock company, Fraternities into Biology. Rapid scientific progress, literary development, cultural attain- bit parts: slowly fonner columnist I Gamma Beta Chi (Gamma Bets)-- I • By The Sea ments mark every phase of man's life today-but-man still has Joe Oleair climbs the road to the Frank Shipley, president. And then there were the sorority not learned the very rudiments of peaceful relationship. He has . ~:~;h;o~::~~·plo~~; \~~:~n~eK\~:; I~~t AIPh~el.~~tm;~ar~~;re:j~:~~~lorS)- ::;::nj~~rt~:sA~!u?t~ea~e~~~n ~~a!~~ mastered natural resources and forces, conquered evil powers of heard from. I n,.Ita Pi Alpha .(Preachers)~Robert landers filled every craCk., (and joint) plague and disease-but he has yet to master man, himself-to con- Stropp, preSident. of the resort. An interesting sight quer his belief in the "survival of the fittest." PI Alpha Alpha (Black and Whites)-- was presented by the Misses Fitzger- Outen the 'Yoodshed Webster Hood, president. aId, Cairnes, Brown and Company He may be able to comprehend the most difficult scientific Electric razors have gone too far Sororities who held down a bench along the theory but still he appears to be unable to understand human into circulat.ion when Jack Lytton Delta Sigma. Kappa-Audrey Coffren, boardwalk, tripping the boys who society. gets one. He now scares his lines- president. pushed the wheel chairs. During the men into obedience by threaten- Phi Alpha Mu - Olive Roder, presi- day the beach was covered with W. We say that man is civilized. Yet he still commits the greatest ing to shave them without his dent. M. C. beauty arrayed in bathing suits folly since creation--destruction by war of all achievements of glasses. Sigma Sigma Tau-Letitia Bogan, and water-proof lipstick. Hundreds ages, of the finest specimens of his own race. He has advanced no president. ~ff!~ ;;;~s \::~l:~~~o O~!h~c::~~' and farther in learning to get along with his fellows than did his pre- A Hermit's Idea of the Aims of Clubs and Organizations decessors of pre-historic eras. Freshman Initiation COlleZ~arl!~~:~Sid~:~~I- Margaret In Brief Sam Garrison entel'Cd Uuiversity of 1. To orient the Frosh to the many Student Christian Association-Doll- Maryland Medical School on the 18th opportUnities open to a WMC zel W.ildey. of September. . good luck, Sam! student. Debating~Veronica Kompanek, Man- And to the other members of the class Alumni-Friends- 2. To arouse a strong sense -of school ager. who followed the same trail we ex- spirit and support. Tau Kappa. Alpha-E. Alvin Newton, tend the same greeting. With this first issu'e of yonr college publication we send you 3. To interest the Frosh' in all ath- president. . Tickets will probably have to be lectures now greetings from the newspaper staff. As the year goes by we hope letics. J.G.C. - Sarah Hood Blessing, presi- sold to Dr. Whitfield's so many new dent. has given that. Hitler that we may be able to continue to send you your college news as 4. To instil within every Frosh the Beta Beta Beta-Frank Shipley, pres- opportunities for tirades and ragings well as greetings. Your fraternity and sorority activities, the proper attitude towards WMC up- ident. on the part of great lovers of peace. changes in your college campus, the complete records of your fa- perc~a.ssmell, and Western Md. o the r Organizations - College Ear plugs will be sold at the door for vorite athletic teams, the college social events, student opinion on tradltJOns. Players, Officers' Club, 'College Choir, delicate membraned maidens. campus happenings all will be brought to y?U .through the Gold I pe!'l:deli~:e n~~::s:l":h%OU~~u~~;i~~:~ College Orchestra, College Glee Club, the Steve Newman is not man'ied, for misguided the benefit Home Economics Club, Camera Club, deal' of Bug. If you have not renewed your subSCrIptIon, we hope that' prestige to college ideals and tradi- Inter-fraternity Council, Inter-sorori- friends who sent letters of congratu- you will do so as soon as possible, If you have never subscribed, tions. Every detail of college life ty Council, 'Vomen's Athletic Assu- lation. we urge you to take this opportunity to keep informed about your should be clearly presented to the ciation, International Relations Club, Surprise package of the week: Alma Mater. Frosh by COmpetellt upperclassmen. French Club, and Chemistry Club. I Bayne Dudley out for football.