Page 46 - TheGoldBug1939-40
P. 46
PAGE TWO co I Letter To The Editor ;Polybius Proves I Anaesthetist To the Editor: Let me put myself on record first of For Frosh all as one who enjoys to the utmost By "Jim" Wrightson Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thurs- dancing to what "H. H." calls "good day, semi-monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, music rendered by top swing bands." Before me lies The Historiee of and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of Putting out a college newspaper is However my temporary thrills are Polybius. The works contain three Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class no easy job. Sometimes the members not so rich as to lead me to see the matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. of the staff of this paper have fallen volumes of information on the Punic SUBSCRIPTIONPRICE$1.50 A YEAR back Oil the old story of being tem- logic in the "non hokum" proposal to wars. I have to read and summarize increase the activities fee f01"the sake peramental to avoid work. Sometimes of importing nationally famous bands. one hundred and fifty pages of infor- 1939 Member 1940 they have just done no work without If our "debt to ourselves and to our mation on the Punic Wars. I'm tired. the stodgy, are Polybius' writings I=\"ocialed Colle6iale Press an alibi. The editor of a paper, how- college" merely consists of importing print is small, each sentence is packed ever, has the same responsibility and the same hard grind to face regularly, such an orchestra at approximately with information. I'm tired. My pen and scratches, the squeaks regardless EDITORIAL STAFF ' or anything of moods, feelings, dates, $1500 per night, and if the reputation creaks and groans table when I put pres- of your college of necessity must be Ch' f else. Ed't Here we want to . ~;~~:i!~f;'::~.~:V>N:EWTONS1:;:A::~!:;T:;~~~~~fi~jI~~lf :i~~:::/!;:~::':~:';!::;:~:::~::£ determined by the intensity of its sure on it to write. I'm tired. All Students leaf around me pens scratch. "jazz mania", then in all brutality my of books. The through plea is not "God save the king," but yellow pages Assistant Sports Editors.. . RUTH FIELD,'40; WILLIAMROBINSON;'41 gressive attitude towards change and "God save your student body and books are packed with information. TIle students must all be doing his- college." Copy Editor . SUE PRICE,'40 improvement, and who deserves every your- Assistant Copy Editol's .. KATHERINEKLlER,'40; KATHERINEBERRY,'40 praise fOI' her faithful service. Words are cheap and to advocate tory collateral. They all must be increasing the acti~ities fee by five I tired. !'m tired. The clock ticks loud- ~~~i1ta~ti~O;'ooj··Edit~;.~:::··· :·::::::C;~·ARLES..ri·A·KER>42·;···¥:~~:AN::~!~~~',~~~ Pra~t~:~ l\~::!~~ngDe~:rstm::~, say dollars is mot-e easily said than done Iy, but Its hands don't seem to move- ELLENSHIPLEY,'40' for many of your fellow students it just ticks, and r just yawn. The cur- Feature Ed'itOl"~ '40; SIDNEYMANSeR,'41 many of the seniors who had the priv- Typi~t8 ELIZABETHELLWEIN,'42 ilege of performing for the benefit of And incidentally, everyone does not tnin flaps, and students look up from enjoy being decorative features at a PATRICIAWHITE, '42 students in the Carroll County High hop passively "sitting and listening." behind thick - rimmed g Iass e s. A library assistant to the win- hurt-les BUSINESS STAFF . gi!:'::!~z;:t~·Q1~f~;~f:;·el:s·:::::::~.·.·.·~.·.·~.·.·.·.·.·~fAR·Y·Loi.i·is·E··ASBURY;··;,i"i~D;;~~DV~~~~~~::ti Schools. Looking back on the cxpei-i- Supposing they did, is it rational to dow to discipline the obstreperous ence, s~llle of us can .see humor in Why doesn't she quiet the curtain. Reportere Contributing to thi8 tesue Jeannette Brannock, '41; Lucie 111lan~' situations th~t didn't st~'ike us spend $1500 ill one evening to shuffle ticking of the clock? It ticks louder around for three and one-half hours Leigh Barnes, '42; Jane Fraley, '42; Jack Rawlins, '43; Mary Ann Has- so funny at. the time, In Older to senplug, '43. throw more hght on the nature of the ~~a~/~~:~~:~:nf1~~::va~:: ::~I~~:~I:~: ~~~ I\~~:::.';a~lxa::~~:,Ud~~'I:n~r~~~de~ adolescent mind etc., etc., we recall invested to more permanent advant- settle back in the chair. AU around Confucius Say I The Wearing Of ~l~:r;:l"~~rat=;:u~v:~ !~~~~Vn~~::~h!~: age? If it's more elaborate decora- ~~~C:et~;kS~CI~~;~\I~;~~sfi~rUe;e~'I!~~ He who tosseth orange peels, The Green ~:~;l \\~il;h st:c~:;g \~:i:~:g h~~r o~h~~~ ~~~~s '~v~~e:~u:~~n;:~s~:s:~~!g~~:oOrl~ though books. paper, tin cans, and other refuse. classes to arrive. Two young men of ate a few of the ill-lighted class- Before me lies The Histories of out of dormitory window should . Invasion threatens our land; the approximate of 12 years, rooms? Why $1500 for one evening's Polybius. The works consist of three himself be tossed out. I :ndeed, we are powerless to halt passing down the said one to the entertainment, when the major-ity of volumes. 01' perhaps the solution lies in It, tha.nk God. Wave, after wave other with a sly grin, "Oh, boy, look, the progressive campus organizations the adoption by the rest of the of the. green .host s advance practice teachers!" The tone of voice are obliged to sponsor their programs THREE CHAIR SERVICE campus of a policy of complete guard IS sweeping slowly over was what one would expect to hear for the academic year on considerably No Waiting social isolation toward the new the U. S. A. Spring IS such a I from a cat preparing to pounce on a less? HEAGY BROTHERS' dormitory-residents included. w~lcome h~st tha~ we seldon; I mouse, bu~ the prospective peda- If you insist upon raising the activ- BARBER SHOP Another suggestion is screen- thlllk of hel as a~ Il1vader. O.ur gogues smlied with assurance and ities fee, let's have more pI'actical in- Next to Post Office ed windows-anything to bring popular con?ephon of an m- marched into the battle undaunted. tentions and purposes for the }lrO- an end to the unsightly lawn re- vader today IS one of a rut~less Transportation Department ceeds and sacrifice our "wills to jazz vealed by melted snows around destroyer,. a .steel clad kJ!ler I From the pages of the New YQ?'k,Oj' power" and "desire for inter-collegi- HN EVERHART the men's new dormitory. ':,hose coml,n. g IS heralded. by ar- . comes the following significant iJlus- ate jazz recognition" for the mutual Earlier in the year, when the tillery balI age and airplane tration of the nature of modern benefit of our college and its student 1 E COLLEGE BARBER new buildings were completed, bomb~ an.d the screams of ~he I trends in urban tmnsportation. The body. Invest the proceeds in perma- AND BOBBER' one could po~nt 'Yith pride to f:~;tt~;~!C:i~nd of~~~~d~ir~~~ II taxi cab .is comin~ more and more to nent fixtures to be of more endurable AT THE FORKS enjoyment and to the ourselves to these long-deSired Improvements never shall be. She invades our be. a ~oUlce of socI~I con~act, ~~t cer- on the campus Now one would h t ·th· 'th tallll~ the outstandmg plOneer III the students who follow us to the hill. hesi~te even t~ walk 'around the b::~tS, :~r ~~~trfl~r ,:[~~s f";~g- field is ~hat dri,er 'who, upon picking Such, it seems to n1e, is a sane college Have Your Films Developed I sph·it. dormitory unless he had no fear y d ·th up a vely sedate and respectable lady and Finished at of being forced to dodge refuse ranee,. an our ears WI song. in Penn Station began the conversa- As a student group we have it in l tossed from windows above. Man mv.ades by force an? so tion with: "Do you want the radio on, our power to choose. Shall it be san- . . . . . . does ~prm¥"-but what a dlff~r- madam, or shall we just talk1" ~ty, reason, 01' the superficiality of The (ollege Grill ThIS situatIOn eXists m thIS ence 111 their forces. On .one SIde What Next Department section of the campus alone, in- the death rattle.of mach me guns A forecast of the coming revolution Dance? Of course, but Jet's be sen- dicating, therefore, that respon- .and the scurrymg .of rats over was observed in the lobby of the Bel- sible. Convince the non-college indi- sibility for its correction rests ~he fallen-the .maIled ~st-the vedere in Baltimore recently where vidual that \Vestern Marylanders arc Iron shard; Sprmg the society was gathering for a very fo1'- sane. Have a good time1 Certainly, Phone 300 up?n . the residents of this .one laughter. of chIldre!l ~nd the mal dance. Into the crowd of evening but let's be reasonable! bUlldmg. It only means a httle scampermg of frolhckmg rab- dresses alld full dress suits there E. G. RETER. more pride--a little m'ore self- bits and the chattering of squir- shoved a young man, (respectable in restraint, and if one needs I rels-the green coverlet: God appearance and also dressed in tails) H. E. REESE a more practidal suggestion, it f~~d~e~:_~i~~t~l~ta~o~l~s~U~~~ who announced to the astonished au- TAILOR means investment of a small war. The Invader wears the ~~~~lces~;~loud :;;::' '~~~~sd~~::~~~ CLEANING PRESSING Individual Coiffures sum in a waste basket. green-when will we? read once . step right up!" When REPAIRING no one stepped right up, the young 94 East Main Street Beauty in its Entirety man I educed hIS olfel to seven cents SUITS MADE TO MEASURE From the and P! essed JllS salesmanshIp upon HERMITAGE ~:el:\eli~~I;'d~I~~~l:ale\:: :lpeelt~!~~~:~ J. D. KATZ ________________ .::.',:_H:_A:_N:_K.:.__ ___! I "" ,to«","g mm,]y '>om th, b.,. sHo~'_i.1~~~ING 66 W. Main St. Le roi est mort. Vive Ie roil i the two right fenders were smashed 1 ::1a l\\:~:nfa,l,t::o~ea:~e d:I:I:~~l~!: Special Rates to Students WESTMINSTER, MD. The Herlllitage congratulates and Think what might have happened! Western Maryland can claim a part 1;~~~D~y~ein~g~'~sp~,~";,I~ty~~~~~~~~~~~~S IIIr. Clinton I welcomes the new editor, We hope Genius, sheer genius! in its promotion, because this play- that his new position will sorbusy Smooching, Etc. I boy news-vendor was .MI".Triesler that he will forego his Will Y(JU love- mil on the d.Qj)')·8tIlP WI ' Walker of t!le class of 1937. and P~~~::~=no!r:~:u'~~!~\;:th~~~~ y()~o~::B:~ :t~~a~a~::ich deal with Did ~~~Ieh:;:~.erae~~u~i:~e·~~n who J Compliments of Gooden and Alleyunas. These 11 P. the smooching question do very little was found stark raving mad in Gill lIf. serenades wouldn't be so objec- good, and such epics as treat of the Gym on the morning aftel' the Mili- tionable perhaps, if the Hermitage "rough handling of women" tary Ball? The poor fellow had tried wasn't direetly above Mr. Gooden's voke dormitory encased laughter to get his coat from the check room in room (their studio) or if they had 'Ies cocds'. What brings w gmnd pas_ time for church. vQices. My roommate and I wonder- sian to our attention so that we can't call him up and he will tell you what The Carroll and Have you heard about Joe Bopey, ed at first, when we heard these mel- dodge it is the comment made to us the card shark? All you have to do is odies through our floor, if our down- by one of Westminster's leading citi- stairs neighbors were experimenting zens. NOl' was his the first word card you are thinking of.. If you are with a. new method to charm mice out ~poken on the subject as all of us doubtful, just ask someone who knows of the nooks and crannies. know well. It is needless to go into him (the editor will do), and }'ou can Vacation, which begins tomorrow descriptive commentary. What he get his phone number and try it for State Theatres [l.nd continues through April First, is and what we want to see abolished is yourself. Lots of people have done it especially well timed this year. the puhlie demonstrations to prove and have gone away convinced of the Spring begun its reign in earnest last that two objects can occupy the same existence of mental telepathy. Sunday. Just as the perennial fever space at the same time. Raised Eye Department of this season hits us all, we'll be Shall we invite Dorothy Dix as A certain member of the local fac- • leaving. Ten days isn't quite enough guest columnist next issue? ulty was lecturing recently to a class. to cure us, do you think? "Neo-originalism" blossomed forth trying to develop an appreciation for ) May the world acclaim the driving from the able hand of "Stumpy" higher forms Qf music, such as that skill of E. Alvin Newton, columnist Gooden last week. "Stumpy" read provided by a symphony orchestra. "Carroll County's finest movie houses" emeritus of the Gold Bug after this NeW8week's account concerning the Very much wrought up with the issue. At forty m.p.h. he and his two gentlemen of the colleges of the ivy- emotional intensity of his subject, he c()mpanions escaped unscathed from league who mailed letters to the fair challenged his audience with the fol- offer a special attraction to all students-a special book of 10 tick- what might well have been a fatal en- ones of Wellesley, Smith, et cetera, lowing observation: "I dare say that Had It not been parked even I counle1' with a.nother car. \Ve're so who have the corresponding post Of-I there are those in this very room who ers, good at either theatre at any time, for $2.50 cash at either (i'lad that the other automobile wasn't fice box numbers to theirs. would turn down a ticket to the Na-. moving. The result ... "Stumpy's" invest- tional Symphony Concert in order to box office. You save 50 cents. the masterly control of E..Alvin could ment in postal cards attempts to listen to somebody like Glen Burnie!" llOt have prevailed, As It was only imitate. Net gain ask "Stumpy." Not really, we hoptd
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