Page 44 - TheGoldBug1939-40
P. 44
·'AGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westmitt.ter, Md., March 7, 1940 College Church Holds LAUNDRY NOTICE Lenten Services VIVIAN80SWElL,operator at the busy switchboard of Chicago's Stevene Heret, Early morning services, begun last The 'fioy Laundry states that a lergestia the world. fakee Wednesday. will be held in Baker large number of laundry bags are time out to enjoy a Chelt- Chapel for all who wish to attend being sent to them without a laun- erfield. every Monday, .Wedneeday, and Fri- dry slip with dothes listed .. CHESTERFIELDis America', day, beginning prQm~t1y at seven It is' impossible to cheek such, BusintCig(Jrettebecaule o'clock and continuing until seven-fif- and it is necessary for them to it'l Cooler-Smoking, Bet- teen. All students are invited to at- make out a slip without the name. ter·Tasting and Delinitely tend these short meetings which will Will students please assist them by Milder. continue ~~ring Lent. having eorreet laundry lists with each package? Military Ball (Continued from Page 1, Column 5), Kindler To Conduct new gymnasium, and the first formal Beethoven Symphony dance of the season. The ball will start at eight o'clock and will consist (Continued from Page 1, Column 3) of- twelve sets. Admittance is by in- EliM Kl&ine Na.()h.tmusik, or A vitation only, and tickets are $2.50 Little Night .illusi.() is a serenade in per couple. the form of. a suite. The final num- The invited patrons for the affair bers, preceding the intermission, are are: Dr. and Mrs. Fred G. Holloway, orchestrated excerpts from Mouasotg-.' Dean and Mrs. S. B. Schofield, Dean sky's most famous opera. and Mrs. L. M. Bertholf, Dean and Tomorrow evenings' concert may Mrs. L. F. Free, Dean Adkins, Major be the last which the National Sym- and Mrs. Percy L. Sadler, Major and phony Orchestra will play here. Al- Mrs. Edward H. Connor, and Mr. and though when Dr. Kindler founded the Mrs. J. Pearre Wantz, member of the orchestra in 1931 the young organi- Board of Trustees. zation met with unusual financial suc- Capt. Sam Galbreath heads the cess through large concert attendance committee in charge of the dance as- and through the efforts of its patrons, sisted by Capt. Paul Burtis, invita- this year the orchestra is faced with tions; Capt. George Myers, decora- the possibility of not being able to tions; Lt. Charles Horan, refresh- continue. Increased expenses have ments; and Lt. Malcolm Kullrna'r, made a larger SUbscription for the favors and programs. coming season necessary. Although the orchestra claims Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt as a sponsor Frat Sports and has figured prominently in the programs of the last two presidential (Continued from Page 3, Column 4) inaugurations, the federal govern- games. The Preachers returned vic- ment in no way subsidizes the orches- torious over the Black & Whites and tra. The organization derives its sup- the Gamma Bets. The Bachelors and port from the subscription of more the Black and Whites each have a than 6,000 Washingtonians, including .500 pet. and a tie ~or second place, the. leaders in the Capitai's foreign whereas the Gamma Bets are in the diplomatic set. cellar with no wins. Although the calibre of play is good, no team is an outstanding favorite, and a hot race Boxers Go To has been forecast for the second half. Penn State Statistics Because' each team played in the (Continued from Page 3, Column 5) "At> League basketball playoff, Lou ques. Fleagle, in the 127 lb. class, Elliott herewith presents his final started well but tired too soon and statistics on the five leading scorers. dropped a very close decision to Fer- They are as follows: rer. In the 135 lb. division, Shubert G FPts. easily defeated Rather-mel by fighting Robinson, Preachers 29 664 offensively and preventing Rathermel Elias, Bachelors 161345 from doing any closs fighting. Bach- ASK FOR CH~STERFIELD Eckenrode, Gamma Bets .. 19543 man and Mears in the 145 lb. division Bee, Black & Whites .. 15636 did most of their fighting in close Thomas, Preachers . 15 333 quarters until in the second round, lirlalf$ f)e//nifeht J/Ii/t!er Bachman knocked Mears to the floor to earn a T. K. O. Evans, in the 155 Fashion Show Features lb. class, fought a defensive fight af- COOLER-SMOKING Latest Spring Styles ter the first round, but earned the de- cision' over Legg. SETTER-TASTING CIGARETTE (Continued from Page 1, Column 4) Bill Walls, fighting for the first time Intermission will bring a musical in the unlimited class, returned to Per- program-an interlude of magnificent due everything that Perdue attempt- Call for all the good things you want organ melodies before the fashion ed to do, and then succeeded in earn- show goes on. Climax, Preview of a ing a·T. K. O. after one minute and in a cigarette ..• Chesterfield has them. Grand March. Ballroom ... the mod- twenty seconds of the first round. els gowned in the acme of evening COOLNESS ••• Chesterfields are Cooler splendor, and-white tie and t.ails- with escorts to accompany them in Personal MILDNESS ••• Chesterfields are DefinitelY'Milder the Grand Promenade. Fi,nale. En- TASTE ••• Chesterfields Taste Betler core. Mrs. Fred G. Holloway, recuperat- Applause . feminine heads full ing at the Union Memorial Hospital of plans; masculine heads full of from a recent appendicitis operation, In size, in shape, in the way they dreams. Feminine appreciation. expects to return to her home this I bum, everything about Chesterfield masculine approval. ';'eek-end. Compliments of ~~cCh~~~~:fi;id The Carroll and H. E. REESE THREE CHAIR SERVICE State Theatres CLEANING PRESSING REPAIRING HEAGY BROTHERS' phone 300 No Waiting TAILOR BARBER SHOP Next to Post Office 94 East Main Street SUITS MADE TO MEASURE • J. D. KATZ CARROLLEEN QUALITY SHOE REPAIRING Indi.vidual Coiffures "Carroll County's finest movie houses" Special Rates to Students Beauty in its Entirety Dyeing a Specialty offer a special attraction to all students-a special book of 10 tick- ers, good at either theatre at any time, for $2.50 cash at either PATRONIZE 66 W_ Main St. OUR Box office. You save 50 cents. WESTMINSTER, MD_ ADVERTISERS.
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