Page 43 - TheGoldBug1939-40
P. 43
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., March 7. 1940 PAGE THREE Stumpy Turns Historian Rifle Team To W.M.C. Boxers Files Reveal Fact And Fancy Meet Hopkins To Participate Of Terror Sports History Saturday Volleyball League Standings At Penn State "A" League Let's go back into the archives and 1925, winning 9 matches out of 14, Western Maryland's sharpshooting W. L. pick a few interesting items from the outstanding victims being Chicago riflemen complete a highly successful Preachers .. 2 0 Rouse, Ricker, Pirie past history of Western Maryland and Cornell. The grapplers and hoop- season Saturday when they meet Bachelors To Box. In Tournament; sports as recorded in the Gold B~!,g men didn't do so well that year. Johns Hopkins here on the local range Black and Whites .. Coast Guard Wins, 5·3 (originally the "Black and White"). A colorful opponent faced the in the second match of a home-and- Gamma Bets. The Black and White put out issue Terrors on Hoffa Field, October home series. The team has won three Next week, three members of the number one on January 22, 1924, so 16, 1925, as Kentucky Wesleyan matches, lost one, and tied one, suffer- "B" League Western Maryland boxing squad will that is where our journey will have to 17-0 ... Seven men made the All- ing that lone defeat at the hands of W. L. travel to State College, Pa., where start. Jump on, and let's get going: Maryland squad in 1925...• The Maryland. The tie was with Ft. Preachers 2 0 Penn State will play host to the East- In the first issue (January, 22, winter of 1925-1926 came and went, Meade in a match that was bitterly Bachelors. . .....- 1 1 ern Intercollegiate Boxing Tourna- 1924), wrestling and basketball took and no Terror winter sports team contested to the end. Black and Whites . ment. Those going will be Captain the spotlight. Yes, Western Mary- made an outstanding record ... The Last week the riflemen traveled to Gamma Bets . Joe Rouse in the 120 lb. class, Harry land had a wrestling team then .. '1 Green Terrors took it slightly on the Homewood to shoot it out with the Basketball Playoffs Ricker in the 135 lb. class, and John In early February, 1924, officials of nose in an early season baseball game J ohm Hopkins team in the first match "A" League Pirie in the 175 lb. class. Coach Tony the R. O. T. C. were considering the that year. Loyola swamped the Ter- of the already mentioned home-and- Ortenzi is very optimistic about these formation. of a girls' rifle team, and rors, 16-0. home series. A close battle resulted, Preachers 21; Bachelors 8 men and is confident of returning with matches with Drexel and the Univer- THE GOLDEN ERA with the Terrors emerging victorious, Gamma Bets 28; Black & Whites 26 at least one champion. sity of Maryland were tentatively 1309-1308. Doug Catington, captain, "B" League Coach Ortenzi has good reason to scheduled. However, the prospective Enter Dick Harlow ... Western was again the high scorer for the Preachers 23; Bachelors 5 be proud of the advancement made by Annie Oakleys fell down on their part Maryland reached its high point for match, while Lindenmeyer of Hopkins the boxing team this year. Starting of the bargain .... The men's rifle the 1926 football season when it was a close second, only one point be- the season with only one junior and team lost one match to Gettysburg trounced Dickinson, 60-0. The Ter- hind Catington. School Championship eight sophomores, he worked and con- that winter, 467-432, because of frees- rora scored 206 points to their oppon- The scores: Preachers 18: Seminary 17 ditioned his men to the point where ing trigger fingers. The heating eye- ents' 30 that season. Eight men made WESTERN MARYLAND at the end of the season, they threat- tern in the old gym failed to function. the All-Maryland squad that year .• Prone Kn'l'g. St'g. Total Climaxing a successful frat league ened to defeat the United States The All-Maryland football team for Western Maryland organized a Ie- Catington 99 90 89 278 schedule the Preachers, paced by Bill Coast Guard Academy. The final 1!l23 was announced in February, crosse team in the spring of 1927. The Kable 95 83 82 260 Robinson's Beven points, downed the score of the match was 5-3, and one 1924. The Green Terrors placed four team made out fairly well, although its Leister 99 85 76 260 Bachelors by the overwhelming score more victory for Western Maryland men on the squad. Barney Speir was members were constantly being in- Hawkins 96 90 71 257 would have meant a draw. Compar- then proud assistant coach of the jO,lred. . Baseball again did only Wiley 99 86 69 254 of 21-8. Assuming an early lead, the ing the record of the boxing tcam football team. Barney was also bas- fairly well ... Western Maryland victors were never headed throughout last year to that of this year, we may ketball coach here at Western Mary- met a picturesque opponent in foot- 1309 the contest due to the inspired play heartily congratulate Coach Ortenzi by Cole, Wildey and Robinson. The land for a number of years ... The ball on Armistice Day, 1927, when the JOHNS HOPKINS Preachers' victory was a cherished and look forward to a strong team girls' varsity basketball team won all Terrors played a picked All-Army Prone Kn'l'g, St'g. Total next year. but one game that winter, dropping Corps team in Baltimore Stadium and Lindenmayer 99 95 83 277 one as it avenged an early season de- Captain Rouse Score Win that contest to Lutherville. The men won, 48-0. French newspapers even Gray 99 90 82 271 feat at the hands of the Bachelors The match with Coast Guard on didn't fare quite so well in basket- carried accounts of the game .•.. Wheatley 98 85 77 260 and clearly established their superior- Friday night along with the prelim- ball. tn the early spring, the Fuller The following spring (1928), the Wiese 96 88 75 259 ity. Inary. matches featuring the fresh- GBX Takes Third Place Brush Company took over nearly all " Western Maryland baseball team Peale 96 81 64 241 On the same day the Gamma Bets men vs. Charlotte Hall, proved to be the sports page with nearly a full played host to the U. S. Marines on quite a sensation with the fans. . page "ad" fOI' representatives. Hoffa Field. The Marines took ad- 1308 an"d the Black and Whites battled it In the opening bout, Captain Joe Although W. M. C. baseballers had vantage of said hospitality, however, out for third place in the league. At Rouse, who has been improving con- high hopes, they dropped the initial and shellacked the Terror nine, 26-2. the end of regulation playing time stantly this season, easily defeated Outside of that, the team had a rather Basketballers the score stood at 24 aU, thus necessi- game in 1924 to Blue Ridge, 3-2... ' tating a three minute overtime period. Cunningham after drawing blood in good season. Miss Lease astonished perplexed stu- with it another football season under End Season With the score again tied at 26 up the' first round and keeping Cunning- Autumn came, and dents with her spring debut as a rae- ham on the defensiv'e for 'the rest of This time, queteer. But they were willing to ad- Green Terrors took out their spite on With Win and a 'minute to play, Eckenrode shot the fight. Following Joe in the 127 Harlow ... the Dick mit that she was a quite proficient the winning goal from under the bas- lb. class, Rip Hudson dropped a close Final ket. Gamma Bets, 28; score: player, after watching a few sets. hapless Loyola, royally whitewashing The basketball team wound up its Black and Whites, 26. decision to Estes, who was too big and MONTMORENCY WINS them, 69-0, in the Terror's high seer- season on February 28 with a victory Cole Wins for Preachers powerful for him. Ricker, in the 135 Quote from issue of May, 1924: ~~~sga::d~f ~~: se;;;;. Ail~~:;y~e:~ over American University, 43-41. The After taking the Bachelors in camp, lb. class, returning after a three week Potts lay-off due to illness, defeated the Preachers met the Seminary to sc~~! ::::;:~~ya:dast:~ team .... And .then, .~ame ~im: ~ot: ~~e ;:~~r:er~:~~;:~/~:;~~~~ ~~: determine the "champions of the by a wide margin. Potts had been bat. He'd show them. "I'll make that the boxers to have theIr. first hIghly lead five times before eventually win- Hill". The game was close through- undefeated this year up to this match. eight-ball in the side-pocket or die in successful sea~on. In their first home I ning- out. The night before, the out, with each team holding momen- Vincent in the 145 lb. division lost a the attempt," he said as he ferociously match, the mltt~en pounded out an Green Terrors had made their final tary leads. At half time the score decision to Ellis, who was too experi- adjusted his helmet. "Serve," he astonishing 7-0 victory over Manhat- home appearance of the season, play- stood 10-8 with the Seminltee on top. enced for him. Ed Lewis, in the 155 cried, and the gallery roared its ap- tan .... A s~rong N. Y. U. out~t ing host to Mt. St. Mary's. The lb. class fought on the offensive side, With neither team holding more than but could not pierce the defense of proval. The puck was now in his poe- ;~:ite:ea!~t~~~te~e~;:or~r~~te\~~ :~~n!:~~~, !!~~!i~::f~:;~h:h:l~ a two point advantage, the Preachers McGarity who won the bout in the session. Magnificently he dribbled it arena defeated, 4-3.... The team lotted time expired with the teams rallied in the second half to eke out second round. an 18-17 victory. Although the ~:h!~~ ~e~;roSrha:~wh~~l~r:, gOs~m~~~~ ~:;~~~;ed ~:~en~n ~ho:!:::~, I:;h tied 28-28. The week before, the Preachers were led by Jim Thomas, Harry Baker, in the 165 lb. division was evenly with fumbled and the oppoemg team recov- two Terror champions and one third ~eglT?'~r:;~~:;s~' a01a;;e~ t~~,t~~~;!~ who totaled six points, it was up to when punching third round, O'Neil O'Neil the in ered. Using a right to the heart and lace on the records. Charlie Cole to shoot the deciding changed his tactics and dazed Baker. a left to the jaw, which seemed to con-I p Spring passed, and the baseball and won from Johns Hopkins in a basket with but thirty seconds of The referee stopped the fight. fuse Montmorency somewhat, the op- team 'came close to winning the Mary- ~aa~~~a~~i~e~~u~il1a~::n.44~~~sb~~! playing time remaining in the game. John Pirie, fighting Sudnik in the The Seminary's best bet, John Dew- f:~~~gh!~:e~e;,a~:~d ~~:~i,l~'ra~~t t: ~:~~.S~~t~:!~~'inb~~e ~:~t:f~~2:~~ Terrors split even in its last week of .son, was thoroughly bottled up by 175 lb. class, earned a close decision lete that he was, intercepted a fOJUx truly gtel1t Western Maryland eleven ~~:~~~~:i:~s~~:s a;~l~~~ning two. The Preacher guards and it remained for in a fight in which both men alter- offensively and defen- nately fought ~, hoppeu a Yellow, and rode three took its place in the pigskin Hall of 52 W. M. C. 84 Bill Parr and "Lump" Wright to do sively. In this fight, John showed a nllJes fT"A·aNtoKu'shdFowOnR· THE Fame. Coached by Harlow and cap- ~:,;,~:~~wn48 W. M. C. 32 most of the Seminite's scoring. marked improvement since his fight tained by Charlie Havens, the team Villanova 52 W. M. C. 35 Thomas, Robinson Star with Bucknell on February 2. MEMORIES won eleven consecutive games with no Baltimore 43 W. M. C. 21 Before letting frat basketball Mike Petrucci, in the heavyweight The Green Terrors took on the U. aefeats. The final victory was over Gettysburg 51 W. M. C. 3!l games slip from our minds it behooves division lost a decision to Captain S. Army Tank Corps in the first game the University of Maryland in a well- W. M. C. 40 Hopkins 37 us to mention the outstanding play of McClelland who was taller and faster of the 1924 football season, and tri- played game, 12-0, and the Terrors' W. M. C. 27 Catholic U. 23 Jim Thomas and Bill Robinson. This than Mike. umphed over the doughboys, 20-3. final record then read: Western W. M. C. 50 Drexel 29 pair seemed to be just the necessary FroshWin5-3 Meanwhile, the Quantico Marines Maryland, 184 points; opponents, 19 Loyola 50 W. M. C. 36 spark on both offense and defense to The freshmen match against Char- were lambasting the frosh 33-0. . .. points. . The Terrors ranked sec- W. M. C. 34 Mt. St. M. 31 keep the Preachers on top. lotte Hall Military Academy proved Two weeks later, 10,000 people turned ond to Pitt in the East by many I Wash. ColI 50 W. M. C. 39 Volleyballers Hold Sway that although the men need a great out to see the Terrors trim St. John's sports writers that year. . "Greasy" Baltimore 38 W. M. C. 27 Closely foIlo,ving on the heels of deal of training there exists among in the Homecoming Day game, 13-0. Neal and Charlie Havens were the Villanova 64 W. M. C. 41 basketball season, volleyball demand-~ them a lot of potential ability. Ward, . . Fordham canceled a game with football heroes in those days .... Mo- W. M. C. 50 American U. 41 ed the immediate attention of the fra- in the 120 lb. division, presented a Western Maryland because injuries mentous events in world history were W. M. C. 33 Catholic U. 30 ternities. Thus far, in the "A" fine exhibition of boxing technique al- and hard luck had riddled their team also taking place that fateful year of Loyola 40 W. M. C. 37 League, each frat has played two though he lost the decision to Mar- so that it was not in physical condi- 1929, as a world depression was start- Wash.- ColI. 52 W. M. C. 32 (Continued on page 4, col. 1) (Continued on page 4, col. 2) tion to meet the Terrors .... Five ed on its path. .. So we leave you W. M. C. 44 Hopkins 41 men made the 1924 All-Maryland until next issue when we take up the Drew U. 38 W. M. C. 34 squad .... The rifle team stole the "thrilling thirties" as recorded by the Mt. St. M. 33 W. M. C. 31 spotlight during the winter of 1924- sports page of the Gold Bug. W. M. C. 43 American U. 41 All-Fraternity Basketball Team Spring Football First Team Second Tea.m Practice Started Tom Elias, Bachelors (15) Forwards Frank Day, Gamma Bets (11) Don Wildey, Preachers (13) Tim Lewis, Bachelors (11) Spring football practice started Monday of this week, with approxi- Webb Hood, Black and Whites (13. mately forty men turning out. Pro- Centel' spects at present are still indefinite but the men are rounding into shape Jim Thomas, Preachers (13) Paul Myers, Bachelors (11) and organization for more efficient Gu4r'" practice is going ahead. According to reports, Coach Havens must again Neil Eckenrode, Gamma Bets (15) John MacFarlane, Bachelors (6) concentrate on the line, with a good Bill Robinson, Preachers (15) Ed Elder, Black & Whites (6) backfield already in hand. However, Havens warned, "The backfield is only Honorable mention-Lenny Bee, Black & Whites; Charlie Cole, Preachers; Preachers; The Will Prentiss, Ben Griffith, Bachelors. a normal one, and looks good when policy of selecting an all-star team was the same as was used in the :;:~:::~h!Ofa~~eth~;~~e q~:~e;~:~~ I touch-football, and the above represents the choices of the players The number indicates the vote~ each who choose all opponent teams. on next year's team is still a question, mark, with any number of men in line! man received. for the position. L .,- -'-__ _j
   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48