Page 24 - TheGoldBug1939-40
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l PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westmiruter, Md. BRIEFS--- College Plauers Present FOOTBALL ASSEMBLY (Cont. from page 3) Creditable Performance Fifth Year Students Gamma Bets Threaten terized t~~o~:r~:: :e:~~l~:. In ad- Lu Mar Myers, Carroll Cook, and (Cont. from page 1) ---- Last week the climax game of the dition to innumerable shorter works, classic Lawrence Strow, the three fifth year posed in the third act a heated con- plot-caught pretty wen under way. season brought the Gamma Bets and he is the author of that "New AI- on together, and in the first administration, This is more or less the same story, municipal Preachers students in education, are spending fiiet in which head finally strikes whether it be laid in "Fair Verona," half it looked as though an upset I tona: Ten Years of City Administra- this semester in the observation and colors to heart. Miss Kompanek en- in Hollywood, or in a New England would be registered. After a 'few tion 1919-1929." direction of classroom work at Weat- dowed Alez with beauty and charm, college. Now any audience, particu- plays, Don Honeman slipped off left A~ present, Mr. Brauer is traveling minster High School. The second feeling and depth. Her problem was larly a 'young one, relishes the fa- tackle to ring up Delta Pi Alpha's and speaking in the United States. semester these students will study at different from Mr. Kullmar's, as she miliar; and the boy meets girl theme first score. The try for point failed, Since the outbreak of the war in the college on subjects which they had to show a constant objective, the is certainly the oldest in literature. In and from then on the Gamma B~ts Europe, he has kept in close touch need! emotions of Alex as she revealed her a sense, then, the young people in the held the upper hand for the remain- with developments and is in a most Church Campaign hope for attaining it, her disappoint- hall were watching their own lives, del' of the first half. Paul Burtis advantageous position to speak au- On Monday morning, November 19, merit, her despair, her aroused spirit, but not much more so than if any found Chuck Baker open in the end thoritativeJy on the fateful world during the assembly period the Col- and finally her triumph: all of this other lowly universal theme had been zone with a thirty yard pass to knot problems the war has raised. Mr. Day, after his graduation from or the effort for self-ex- lege Church Fund was conducted by Miss Kompanek managed convincing- are used-death, or financial success, for in- the fray 6-6. With a few minutes to W. M. C. in 1930, spent several years play, Charlie Horan shook loose for a parts pression ly and affectingly Other the Misses Blanche Scott and Mar- too numerous to analyze, but surely stance. As good literature should touchdown run and also accounted studying at Oberlin Theological Sem- garet Quarles and Donzel Wildey. no one can forget Mr. Fleagle's hat or reach into the universals, we surely for the extra point to give his team a inar-y ; and from there, he went to Miss 'Scott was in charge of the' pro- his gesture, Miss McLuckie's coy eye- would not keep from our audience 13-0 lead at half time. China, where he spent several years gram with Miss Quarles and Mr. Wil- exercise, Miss Brown's impertinent ~hose th:mes which strike nearest .the Preachers Retaliate as a missionary. He was in China at dey, acting representatives of their portrait of a willing wench, Mr. Mer- mne;' l~fe. of every hum~n being. As the third period began, the the time of its invasion by Japan, and organizations, who presented their ritt's agile defense of his tumbling ~g~lll, It IS true that Sp1'1?!~ Dance Delta Pi Alpha boys began to stage I narrowly escaped death when the budgets and plans. technique, or Miss Willing's pictur- III Its outer aspects was typical col- a comeback; and twice in the opening place where he had been staying was The drive has been progressing esque peddllnga, to signal with Miss Jean L. Cairnes of Blanche few. The whole performance out but _a lege life: it is even true th~t many moments, Burtis was thrown behind blown up. Mr. Day was an eye-wit- spectators events of the famous Then I ness to many had a .laughed ~t many linea that I his own goal line for safeties. Ward Hall and Miss Elinor Kratz of zest, a smoothness, and a pace entire- seemed as If they might have emana:- Jack Ryan, on a run through the left Chinese war; and he will center his McDaniel Hall as the chief solicitors Iy creditable. ed from Blanche Ward Hall. Yet tbia side of the line, advanced to the two I talk around these events and his rela- of the boarding women students. Miss Actors Play Parts Well laughter- was not personal or nervous yard line from which point Honeman tion to them. Jane Fraley is the "faculty solicitor. Directors of college dramatics are or knowing; it came from the delight nassed to him for the score, and the ~~::::::~~~~::::::;:::::~Tr I Harper LeCompte is in charge of the slow to present plays of college life, of discovering kinship with the play Preachers led 16-13. But the victors I Ii men's pledges. Miss Le Rue Schnau- probably fearing that in the more or peopl.c:- the O~dfeeling of "How tru.e could not be stopped. Kid Prentiss Have Your ~i~ms Developed ble is the collector for the women day less inevitable identification of stage that IS -c-agam the appeal of the unr- hung up two more touchdowns, the and Finished at ~tudents: These people are responsi- life with actuality the audience may versal. Thus the play was doubly ef- Preachers winning 29-13. Th C II G .11 ble to Miss Helen Newman, treasurer of the College Church. ~~!i.hi;::?"~~r£~~E;:~~~:~:~~:r:~::;~E;:~~!;:Jf';tJ::::~~:~Fi;~~~'~~!~;:;I:!;~"¥~~:~~B?:i:,e 0 ege rI Professor Writes Book first I THREE CHAIR SERVICE Tau Benson, but of Mac ana Ronnie, not "Western Maryland In the 19th of "a girls' college in New England," to a large group ~ delightful portr~y- gave Alpha Gamma Townsend its also ac-I No Waiting al of the one universal theme which score, while Pete Century" by Professor J. D. Makos- but of a coeducational one in West- ,they know at first hand. counted for a six-pointer, and Don HEAGY BROTHERS' ky of the class of '25 is being pub- lished by the Alumni Association. :~~s~~~ ~:d~e;:a~:~~~::li:v~d~~~~~ All thi~~:i;~::t;::::I::Uw. What H;:~~~ie;o~;~~;e~llth~ c::~~~~~:d I Je~tR!E:Os~~~~e This will be distributed to members in the brief reaction to the first greet- should be remembered is that Miss this week when the . Preachers and of the association upon receipt of their dues. It will also be on sale in ing of Sam and Alex-they soon came Smith and her collaborators gave a Seminary meet in the final game ~ OHN EVERHART the book store. This book is a -de- into complete subjugation, so that it most creditable performance of an in- which wiil decide the college cham- piction of social, intellectual, and ath- ~~:~ t::::~:St~:e:~:l~:.ple~:r:h:x~~~f- =-~~:fu:~:~a~a~;~t dt~~g~~~~h~:~r:a: ~~~:~~:~~rsL,:~~ s=a~:~d t~:u!~~.t;~%? HE ~~L:g~:E~RBER letic life of the College dUring its ent performances helped. Take Miss ness, the breathless young tragedy, 20-0. This year the Seminary boys AT THE FORKS firsl thirty years. Kompanek's, for example. Her physi- the nonsense and the idealism, the will be out for revenge. ~~~~~~~~~~ College Conference cal equipment has been on exhibition heartbreak and the tenderness of col- H_ E. REESE J GOO D The annual Middle State Associa- on the campus for three years; we ~ege life everywhere-and that the tion Meeting was attended by Dr. :~~~;,ni~:~ ;::n!:~\:e~va~~i~~: ~:; :~~ie:~~e~elilt:o:;~i~t~~din~:it~1i:Pi:!~ CLEANING TAILOR Fred G. Holloway, Dr. Lloyd M. Ber- tholf, and Dean Forrest Free at At- spacing of words. But these are ex- heme good sense to like it for what it PRESSING REPAIRING lantic City on November 23. The ternals. Alex Benson was a girl who 94 East Main Stre~t theme of the meeting was General had to be urged by her roommate to SUITS MADE TO MEASURE Educatiml.. :!~::.dw~o ~~:f;r~:~ ;~~i:a~U::dm!~~ CONCERT J. D. KATZ Discussions were carried on by Dr. C. H. Judd, former professor of edu- ~~;,,~on:~:!s ~~;;:rr:~no~n:ys~~n w: (Cont. from page 1) SHO~~~~~ING eation at the University of Chicago, many, who saw marriage as a career Jury, George Baker: "Happy YOUlJg a Specialty NEWS! and Dr. Barr of St. John's College, infinitely more desirable than any Heart" from The S(}TctJl'er, Olive Special Rates to Students Maryland. form of individual self-expression. Groves; The Captain's Song from Dyeing These things-and much more-are Act II H.M.S. Pinafore, George Ba- from ALOHA definitely not Miss Kompanek, but it ker; "Poor Wandering One" Olive • of Pirates ThrJ Ponza11.ce, ivas in the fate of this girl of the play that the audience was absolved. Of Groves; The Pirate King's Song from Phone 300 II (Cont. from page 1) course the two girls-illusion and The Pirates of Pell,zan~o, George Ba- In the main senior section of the reality-may not confiict too essen- ker; "Love is a Plaintive Song" from ... Starting December Ist we will book. informal portraits will be used tially: it is well-nigh impossible for a Patum~e, Maiden", duet from Patience. CARROLLEEN Groves; "Prithee Olive instead of the formal pictures that homely person to-seem lovely, even on Pretty sell our line of Western Mary- have prevailed in former years. 'Last the stage; nor would the director se- Olive Groves and George Baker. In- land seal novelties (selling for year the Aloha staff started that lect a stupid, lifeless person to simu- termission. The Lord Chancellor's $1.50 and up) at a 20ro reduc· transition by including both the in- late a magnetic, vivid girl, (though Song from Iolanthe, George Baker; Individual Coiffures formal and the formal pictures, and the reverse is possible). Miss Kom- "Oh, Goddess Wise" from Pl-ince88 tion. this year that transition will be com- panek was well cast, but it is a tri- Ua, Olive Groves; "Tit William" Beauty in its Entirety pleted. This, too, is merely following Ilmph fol' both actress and director from The Mikado, George Baker; a definite trend that' has been taking that Alex-not Ronnie-was the cen- "The Sun Whose Rays" from The Mi- place in other colleges. This, togeth- ter of the stage. Similarly with other kado, Olive Groves; The Ghost Song, er with a decided increase in the major characters. from Rudd'igore, George Baker; "T'is 66 W. Main St. Bracelets Compacts number of informal snapshots of The other pitfall-identification of done, I am a bride" from The Yeo~ campuslife and activities, should im- stage college with our own-was as men of tho Gua1'd, Olive Groves: "No Rings-Pendants -BillFolds prove the pictorial value of the book completely a v 0 ide d. Essentially Possible Doubt Whatever" from The WESTMINSTER, MD. considerably. Spring Dance is the boy meet~ girl G.ondoliers, George Baker. Charms - Cigarette Cases lighters, etc., etc., all at a Compliments of rBX 20% The Carroll and Rudy Kilian Reduction PRESENTS State Theatres AND HIS Make your selection while our Kadets stock is complete. The reduc- • DECEMBER 14, 1939 tion applies only to merchan- dise in stock . • "Carroll County's finest movie" houses" • offer a special attraction to all students----a special book of 10 tick- ers, good at either theatre at any time, for $2.50 cash at either $1.10 per couple 8:15-11:30 BonsackBros. box office. You save 50 cents. BLANCHE WARD GYM 22 W. Main St. -
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