Page 22 - TheGoldBug1939-40
P. 22
PAGE lWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster. Md. stressed so friendship had almost been refused by From the THE international strongly \lJG I neighbor disapproval of a powerful HERMITAGE DOG- the Dutch government because of fear the of which frowned upon inter- By Hank . nationalism. For all her eager wel- come of the youth of the world, the There's a lot to be said. HOUSE sturdy little country was hurriedly Jim Thomas' bed in By Newton Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thurs- fortifying her borders. Blanche Ward Hall ... Moving said to day, semi-monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, One hears so much of the cleanli- have occurred between the hours of Gallop Pole and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of ness and order of Holland, that one 11:15 P. M. and 12:15 P. M., parties Western Maryland College, 'Vestminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class is rudely shocked by the actuality of who did the moving known as are the Accumulated statistics on campus matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Amsterdam. It was as dirty as any witnesses who dwell around the 10- opinion about various and sundry un- SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.50 A YEAR important trura: city we saw-the canals were refuse- cnle. My! My! Times ain't changed .. ~nn"T1I" ~o" "U'O"~" AI>VUT,.tN.. BV burdened and the streets none too well as much as I thought they had. From 1. How would you like your bacon National Advertising Service. Inc. 1939 Member 1940 swept. Yet there was a curously dif- all reports it appeared to be some tus- served at breakfast, if possible? Col/ese P"bli,bers Re/n"es""t"tifl' [:I"ociated eoUelliate Pre" ferent flavor about the place and a sle before the culprits went off in a _?rispy-96.3%; brittle-3.70/0. 420 M~o,so .. A.VE. scrupulous neatness about the public Huff. CM,c.. o·Bo"o.·Lo.Uou .. • 2. What is your reaction to the buildings and private homes that Down On the "Farm" EDITORIAL STAFF spelled Dutch love of order. The old Many new nicknames have been white, knee -length hosiery the girls are now exhibiting? section of the city, with its high nar- used to refer to the men's dorm. Whew-75.2%; Oh boy-3.89'o row houses, each with a great hook in None of them are of the "that d- its gable---used as a substitute for an bJank of blank" type of reference No-21%. elevator-r-and its canals bordered by heard currently about the other gents' 3. Why do you go to the post-office one-way cobblestone streets, was like domiciles. af'tei- dinner every uight? nothing we had seen before. Even the Popular term used for the edifice Social Contact-98.2%; l\fail- busy modern sections of the city were is the 'oasis'. This isn't exactly ap- 1.8%. threaded with canals. Everywhere plicable in the Eyes of the Hermitage. 4. Would you approve a repeat per- there were bicycles. It was said by After all an oasis is fundamentally a formance of the jam-session in as- a Dutch woman that the speed had water hole. Mayhaps, it's the lads semblyon Monday morning? been cut down for the benefit of the humorous way of keeping alive the Yes-99.9%; But definitely-1 %. conference, but not even dodging hope that some day we'll have a BUSINESS STAFF taxis in Paris did I feel more in dan- swimming pool over there. Busine88 Manager EDWARD WEANT, '41 ger of being run over than crossing "Outside Dates Allowed" Circulation Managers MARY LOUISE ASBURY, '41; BILL VINCENT, '.12 "Durt" Students of Western Maryland Col- the lane of bicycle traffic in Amster- "Coke" Cole's tasty sandwiches dam. I sponsored !il' Wilberforce Prentiss lege, in the future, will be allowed to bring a guest to the monthly rrater- A Query authors and do 'not necessarily time which the conferenc~ took, we last week on a 10 P. M. broadcast nity dances, provided that permission Because of the great amount of our "Will" sure was support the editorial policy of from the seminary. "Honor is the subject of my the paper. The Gold B1tg re- did not see as much of Amsterdam dishin' out the dirt. Be careful, has been received from either Dean Free or Miss Adkins. story." grets that the proprietors of and its surrounding country-side as "Will", we wouldn't want to print This is a social reform that long The universality of Shakes- Beard's cast their disapproval we could have wished. A few things anything nasty about how certain has been sought for by many. It peare's words brings that sub- upon the paper and not upon the we did do, however, that showed us edibles are prepared. It might be ject to consideration as one con- individual. At the present time, to some extent the Holland which we con-fusing, "wil]". means that opportunity will be given fraternity persons to attend for siders the various realms of however, the paper does feel were almost too busy to sense. The Miss Violet Younger comes back, dances who have never been able, to achievement and the wide range that the student body of Wes- Dutch government acted as host to the we're glad to note. Her table of con- before, or who had no desire to. These of objectives existing on college tern Maryland College shares whole conference on Saturday. Be- tents still lists the cranial index, and monthly dances are functions of campuses today. to some degree the opinion ex- cause there were so many delegates, vocabulary, but the appendix is gone What is the greatest honor, pressed in that article. four different groups were chosen to forever. which the college may well be proud. the most outstanding achieve- It is to no person's credit to go to four different points of interest The conduct, the atmosphere, and oth- er features of these occasions are on ment, to be had in an educa- make destructive comment con- near the city. Our group, by special tional institution? tinually, nevertheless, and for arrangement, was able to go to Vol- Fall i-ush parties are no longer n higher level than are most dances Athletic skill is widely ac- that reason we editorialize fur- lendam and Marken, the two little in the scheme of things to come, of this type held elsewhere. We claimed. Should one strive, ther. towns that are sacred to the old Hol- The futility of the expense is the should rejoice that the privilege is be- that the ing extended and determine then, primarily for a first string No one wants a better West- land and to tourists. Tell me no more fine quality of these dances will never position on the varsity football minster any more than we folks of the grace of the costume of the cause of their abandonment. Wo- team, with the secret hope that who live on the Hill. We know Dutch women. Most of them, par- men of the Intersororitv council be lowered. perhaps there will be a chance that improvements and addi- ticularly the more portly older women, hope that their gentleman cohorts for an "All-American" rating? tions to old buildings are expen- looked bunchy and awkward in their on the interfraternity board will CAN YOU IMAGINE-- Numerous popularity and sive and perhaps out of the full skirts. The cap, a thing of beauty, approve their plans to have the -McDaniel Reception Room with- beauty contests are held every reach of Westminster citizens. loses its charm when it surmounts Pan Hel dance very late next sem- out Shirley Reese's glamour- year in schools throughout the We know that we are really bangs plastered stiff, long hair over ester. smile? All those fellows swarm- country. Would one be most nothing more than guests or the shoulders, and a neck bare below ing from McDaniel Hall at 10:00 thrilled, then, if she could but be visitors, as far as the local gen- the level of the cap in back. We "Chahge it!" P. M. didn't have dates. Most of the May Queen or perhaps "Bet- try is concerned. Our most di- gathered that the backs of the heads Bovinity must feel honored indeed them meant to, but they were ty Coed" herself? rect contacts with the Carroll of these women were shaved, but when a gorgeous damsel gulps a simply floored, staggered and Prestige-the opportunity to County seat are with her mer- we couldn't tell. The men were bulky quart of grade "A" down her gullet stunned when greeted by those be a "somebody"-to rank in chants, particularly entertain- in huge baggy trousers and a sort of then flashes a nymph like smile and glamorous row s of shining the "Who's Who" columns-cal- ment merchants. We can't ask red-flannel-under-shirt-Jike thing that no down payment. Suitable expla- molars behind the desk and got ways gives a satisfaction, a feel- for better movie accommoda- came below their loose jackets. Even nation for this epicurean accomplish- no farther than the office. ing of having become a success. tions than those which are pres- the children, playing around in their ment resides in the simple fact that -Emil Grenda winning a jitterbug Many look upon the editorial cnt. We can and do ask that es- scuffed wooden shoes, impressed me as milk is not rich in dcxtrose~ 0, contest? He didn't; but who can positions of college publications tablishments providing a dance pitiful rather than quaint. The little coin-thou whose elusive cent evades foretell what the future may un- as worthwhile objectives for floor, a nickelodeon, and serving homes were charming, com p a c t the palm of prosper-ity promulgating veil for such talent? which to strive. In the same cat- refreshments conform at least egory might be found those who in part to our notions of proprie- :eo:tg~~~I~e~a:~t:le~:~~~a~i~:a~!: ~:~s a;e~~::Si~cls::~ul-:e~I::::en:~ ~:~ h~:i~::~:d ~alking sense with would aspire to executive posi- ty-which are decent and sen- tions in other student organiza- sible-if our patronage is to ::~~:r~r~~Vnd:edni~~~I~~~ureand lack of ~;i~~;' o~'~r~~t,w~~~t c:~!!ao;a!~:;i~ -Ted Bowen eating lunch with one tions-heads of student gov- continue. From Voliendam we went to Brock, can trade. arm in a sling? ernments, battalion comman- Westminster people have al- the home of the cows that live in sta- -c-James-B. Merritt as "Joe College del'S, etc. ways stood us pretty well. Sev- bles with lace curtains. Here is made Blue Ribbon "Babe" 1939"? For proof, see Spring Strange as it might seem, eral of the owners and operators ~~i'~;::,~~~:I~i:~::~;~::~::~~~~~::::~~?~~~,~:~,~;~:~:~;;;~:;:~;~:'£~~::¥:n~:En:£~:~f there are those who would set of the last mentioned group of scholastic achievement before enterprises have treated Wes- all else as the most worthwhile tern Marylanders very liberal- is cured with a red surface. That in- ~!i::w~~~le~~ttl~ri!:e a:~gi~~~:;ht::d ::~~ t~C~:i~:~. or was it Prlnce- goal. Membership in Phi Beta ly-sometimes profiting nothing tended for domestic use is as yellow bawls prognostatic of future POliU-1 • Kappa or some other honorary at all. scholastic organization is some- It is desirable that this friend- ~~~i~;oc~S o~~·tro~I:~v~:~s ~~~;~~a: cal trend-pinned a big blue ribbon POET'S CORNER thing to be striven for and liness continue. It is also de- a little restaurant where we had tea Conher and showered glorious praises There was a young bard from Japan, something, having been achiev- sirable-and we urge you peo- at precisely 4 o'clock-courtesy of the on American motherh?od and Mrs. Whose lines nobody could scan; ed, to be truly proud of. ple to heed us-that some of our trolley company. Fliptwiddle. W~at ':111 become 0; When told it was so, Where do we stand? What money provide a better atmos- One night I went with two friends that baby show s pruze youngster. He said: "Yes I know is the greatest· honor to be phere of entertainment. to dinner in a middle-class Dutch ~:~:203f~~~~!0 c:~:~o;::~c~a: c~~~ But I always 'try to ~et as many achieved at Western Maryland home. It was one of a series of very test was held: today the banner baby WOCl~~!,:nthe last line as I possibly College? Who dominates the minds of the majority-the modern brick "row" houses with a {If that year sports her emblem on Argo· HOLLAND Green Terrors or the ~)~:;l:: ::~~ii:~aslr;t~~th °f~~~~.~~~~ ~~:t:~Jl 'tis Hagerstown's Doro'!'y FULL MOON nauts? (For the benefit of Ing from a delicious dinner to tea, Wolf Social activity, as recorded by the many, the Argonauts are not a by Janet lHcVean Dutch cookies and candy, sandwiches, And we'd like to sec Bob Walters number of date applications received group of athletes-although it's The story of any visitor to Amster- 'and "liomade". She was especially too! Bob's been away too darn long. duily at the Blanche Ward and Mc- quite possible for an athlete to dam between July 24 and August 2 proud of her bathrooms, because Are there enough kindred spirits on Daniel offices, has taken a sweeping be an Argonaut.) If you as in-' cannot avoid mention of the World Dutch plumbing is still not generally this Hill to wish Bob a Merry Christ- upward swing with the arrival of the dividuals had to select the one full moon, simultaneous with a spell thing you would consider the Conference of Christian Youth. Be- what we would consider efficient. mas? Time to think and do. of mild weather. How could any man greatest honor available on the tween 1500 and 1700 young people The big part in the center of the Lindsay "Izak 'Vulton" Chase and resist the temptations of a moonlight Hill, what would you choose? from all parts of the world thronged city, with its beautiful well-tended Willard "Britannica" Everett. are stroll, or a silent contemplation of the This editorial makes no sug- the streets, filled the trams, and en- flower beds and its flower-banked is- about the laziest guys on this campus moon-blanched campus? Yet, what gestions-merely a query. gaged the attention of most of the land bandstand, was always welI- who also maintain themselves domi- man is there whose pleasure in such 1iant in the upper crust of things in- citizens of the city. It was nothing Even the swan and its populated. "Wherein doth honor lie?" strange, at this time, to find an In- fOUl'cygnets sailed majestically up to tellectual. 'Vhat a cue stick, a fishin' pursuits is not doubled by the pres- Stet dian stu~ent walking with a Japanese, anyone standing on the shore of the l·od, a drafting set, a test tube, and ence of a maid? unpleasant feature has A certain a set of ping-pong for su- little pond, eagerly snapping an Enghsh mill-worker discussing la- paddles won't do Several issues ago there ap- bor conditions with an American col- gar, grass, and fingers if they hap- for them they classify as insignifi- developed to mar this ideal setting: peared in a column feature of leg~ student, or a Chinese and an pened to be in the way. cant. Please, somebody, invent or several Sophomore maidens will be the Gold Bug some remarks A!rlcan leader conversing eagerly We hate to think today of the Hol- devise some means for tapping such coerced into. an abandonment of the which constituted a derogatory WIth a Dutch pastor. Amsterdam [land of which our Dutch dinner hos- talent so that we can all benefit more art of conversation during the week attack upon Beard's Restaurant. ~or the .time and on the surface was tess writes. We prrifer to remember directly. I don't mean, for you wise ill which the moon will be at its best. The Gold Bug wishes to make Iflu,rnabonal. a country still hoping for peace, a guys like Banks, that such gentlemen Cruel fate, indeed, but we are ~curious clear the fact that column fea- an!e!:Xei:~;~h ~h:eS~l::r:er:~: U;~~;~~~:~:;:t:V:lc~o:~:;e:c:O~ol:~;~d ~~~~I ~:~Uldd~~~nqu:~~nin;n~oac~~~fq:~:~;~: to see the Misses Dygert, Rudisill, tures appearing regularly con- tain the private opinions of their (Cont. in next col.) lowship. ' lninds. I :~~k~~a~~:ni~~!~n~I;~~~~. to learn
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