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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, W'estmimtei', Md. Music Students Present Catalogue To Reveal I LETIERS TO THE EDITOR I Second Faculty Recital Regular Monthly Recital Curricular Changes THIS WEEK'S . Next Tuesday Evening Changes To Be Made In History, GOLD BUG (Cont. from Page 2, Col. 5) Nine students participated in the Mathematics, And English To the Editor: Professors de Long And Spangler regular monthly mosic recital on . Departments ADVERTISERS If the incident that occurred in the To Give Program Of Vocal And Tuesday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock in dining hall at a recent Sunday eve- Piano Music Smith Hall. Within the next week Western ning meal is any indication of the Piano students under Miss Harris, Maryland College will begin distribu- maturity of the men on this Hill, it Professors Alfred de Long and Oli- Miss Gesner, and Mr.. Spangler who tion of its 1939-1940 Catalogue. Many Carroll and State Theatres I would seem that they should still be ver Spang'ler--will give the "second fac- played were Don Griffin, John Carno- changes in curriculum and require- Strand Tailoring Co., Inc. running around in short pants. ulty recital of the year next Tuesday chan, Letitia Bogan, Mary Robb, and ments will be found in the new issue. If the vociferous outbursts that evening, Marcli 21, at 8 o'clock in Me- Anna Stevenson. Jean Cairnes and One of the outstanding changes oc- CarroJleen Beauty Shop formed a protest against a request Daniel Lounge. Their program will Harry Lowery gave vocal selections. curs in connection with the freshman H. E. Reese, Tailor for pure courtesy and consideration be made up entirely of vocal and pi- They were accompanied by Anna English requirement. Upon entrance are any indication of the mental ca- ano music by Johannes Brahms. Stevenson and Mary Robb. to the college all freshmen will be Heagy Brothers Barber Shop pacities of the above-mentioned Mr. Spangler will accompany Mr. The next Tuesday afternoon recital given an examination and those stu- group, it would seem that they would de Long in his ten lieder and will will be on April 11. dents who attain a certain grade, in- J. D. Kah-, Shoe Repairer form an appreciative audience for the play three Intermezzi and two Bal-, dicating a mastery of the content of soap-box orator. lades. Translations of the Liedel' will MARCH 16, 1959 the course, will not be required to Warren Studios When one perceives such a reaction be prfntedon the programs. take the usual course. Ins~ad of this John E"erhart Barber Shop on the part of a group of individuals, (Cont. from Page 2, Col. 3) required English 101-102 tfi'ey may considered as adults, considered as the National Guard all the way into begin work in a more advanced Patronize Them intelligent persons who should realize W.A.A. PRESENTS AWARDS Chesapeake Bay. Then they resumed course. At the end of the first semes- the value of respect-for elders, for their fight. 0, they were a sweet ter the examination will be given others, even for themselves-cone won- (Cont. from Page 3, Col. 4) bunch of gals! again and more students will be al- ders what standards of manhood they blazers, one to Marjorie McKenney "The next appeal for aid went to lowed to begin advanced' work. adhere to=, (If they have any stand- and one to LuMar Myers. The blazer YOUt·husband. He declared a state of Another change, of importance to 14TH .MILITARY BALL ards.) is the final honor and award in worn- insurrectfon existed at Western the freshmen will be the opening of (Cont. from Page 1, Col. 3) If the other students are contented en's athletics on the Hill. The girls Maryland and called on the Marines European Histrrry 301-302 to first to accept such occurrences with indif- receiving blazers are chosen according to get the situation in hand. year students. This course, taught by bers,.ufter which favors will be pre- ference, are willing to condone the to their athletic accomplishment, spir- "By the time the Marines landed, it Dr. whitfield, was formerly a junior sented to the ladies of the officers. childish antics of those individuals it, leadership, service, and echolaz-, was too late. There was only one course. A new history course will be The Military Ball, the first in the afflicted with perverted senses of hu- ship. All girls, to be eligible, must survivor left. She had escaped being offered in Far Eastern. Affairs. formal dance series, will consist of mol', then I ask, "Where are their be seniors and must have won their a casualty by the simple expedient of There will be further changes in twelve dances with refreshments standards??? "M", the equivalent of 1250 points, by washing her hair while the fight was the science curriculum including a served at intermission. It's about time that a large number participating in the different sports. in progress." new physics course for freshmen and R. O. T. C. students from neighbor- of students begin to realize that they The senior "M" women's names are "But what about the men? W'hat a course of Histology. ing schools have been invited to at- are now living- in a society that de- recommended to a faculty committee about the fraternity members? Didn't The catalogue shows many more tend the affair. mends the best an individual has to which makes the final selection. they do anything? Surely there must changes in the psychology,' mathemat- Cadet Major Edward Peters, chair- offer-that need not contend with The selections were announced and have been some gentlemen somewhere ics, religious education, and other de- .man in charge of the dance, said that (and may condemn) the annoying ec- the awards made at the March meet- to stop the fight," exclaimed Eleanor. partments. Alterations of a financial Major and Mrs. S. S. MacLaughlin, centricities of rugged individualists ing, so that the girls may have a "0, I forgot to tell you," replied nature have already been made Major and Mrs. T. M. Shepherd, and -t~t commands mutual respect and chance to wear their dark green her guide, "when the battle began, known to the student body. Dean and Mrs. Forrest Free had ac- consideration. blazers with the W. M. C. seal while the male population fled at the first cepted invitations to act as sponsors. It's about time they were impress- yet on the 'Hill'. shot. The sororities were burned up GLEE CLUB CONCERT The dance is financed entirely by ed with the idea that :'Life is no~ so I Playground Activities Shown plenty. (Imagine!) They immedi- the senior militaa-y men, and, if there ately sent the non-sorority members :~~~:~~rt~:~!:;;, IS always time I At~li::icC~::~:~n~::e t:es!~~YG;~u:~ in pursuit with instructions to 'bring (Cont. from Page 1,Col. 1) ~: ~r~~:~~~da t~at~: ;1~~0~:~~:::rt :~ Sincerely yours,. I the many different recreational cen- them back alive. We've got to have ~~:n:lio!,°~:·~t"C~~~·Wecherlin the best platoon in the unit as deter- DIsgusted. I tel's which the P.A.L. operates in Bal- somebody to do our cooking while we mined by the competition in the ----- I timore City. A moving picture fol- fight.' ChOT'lUJ af ciga.r6tte_gi~:gro Spiritual spring. DEBATORS ON TOUR lowed, showing swimming pools, play- "But the gals pulled a fast one:' from Ca.rmen Bizet grounds, parks, gymnasiums, dance Needless to say every gal got a man. (Cont. From Page 1, Col. 4) halls, hospital recreation, h~ndicraft In fact, one got seven. Well, instead My Jahnny Was a s~:~;s~erFOlkSOng PUBLIC SERVICE FORUM mittee on a Recovery Program for work, the gypsy story teller, the P. of bringing them back they hauled A. L. mutt show, and numerous other them off to Elkton where they forced 're~~~::ss~:CO~~::istSP:;;le;heis G~:: (Cont. from Page 1, Col. 1) . ~h:a~~~~:dF~::~:~,t~~dc~:m~~t;~~t~ projects indicating the span of P. A. the men to marry them at the point Club. Mary Robb and Elizabeth 1 p.receding The Public Forum Discus- tee on the United States' Foreign Pol- L. recreation. of a six-shooter. Crisp, both piano students under Pro- eioru icy and War. Western Maryland will The movie was in technlcolor and "You know there was poetic justice ressor Spangler, will play the accom- . 1. T~e responsibilit~ of the stude~t be represented on this last committee, most entertaining in depicting Balti- in that, Eleanor. Wasn't that suf- paniments for the group of Shuk III making a personal inventory of his along with St. Vincent's, Albright, more recreational centers for both ficient punishment for the men for folksongs. own qualifications. Gettysburg, and Penn State Women's young and old, from splashing swim- displaying such a lack of manly qual- The program will be repeated on 2. The desirability of his searching College. Each college on the com- ming pools to Harlem baseball dia- ities as to run away?" the following Tuesday over the regu- out authoritative evidence in support mittee prepares 20 copies of a two or monds. "Yesiree, yesiree, yesh-ee e e e," lat· college radio broadcast at three of his qualifications as hc sees tlfem. ,three-page mimeographed report on chorused Mrs. Roosevelt. "But the o'clock. 3. The study of law and the oppor- the question for consideration by theil' whole story, how tragic, but how won- Formerly open only to music stu- tunities open in public service with committee. After deliberation a final H. E. REESE derful the spirit displayed by the fra- dents, the Women's Glee Club, for such an academic background. committee report is selected. Then ... TAILOR ternities and sororities on the camp- the past two years. has not restricted 4. The importance of t~is field of aU three committees meet together CLEANING us." PRESSING REPAIRING "How wonderful? I don't get it, its membership. As a result it boasts endeavor from the standpomt of gen- and a convention report is adopted. 94 East Main Street Mrs. Roosevelt," some seventy members this year. eral economic and social welfare. Mr. Sherrard and Mr. Newton will SUITS ]\fADE TO MEASURE Under Professor de Long's direction, 5. The responsibility of a public return to the campus on March 18. an~S;:~:r:o~.:o;o~~:~I! T~:~h i;:h: the Glee Club has prepared longer and servant or governmental official to his THREE CHAIR SERVICE constituency. than before, more difficult programs spirit that makes democracy. That is Have Your Films Developed the spirit you want at a school such and has made the chapel concert an 6. The challenge of public service and Finished at No Waiting as yours." annual event. to college men and women. HEAGY BROTHERS' Our guide said, "A w nuts" and The College Grill BARBER SHOP then left. When last seen, the guide BIBLE CLASSES ORGANIZED TUXEDOS Next to Post Office was wandering around the campus, The Sunday School announces a For Rent "aw nuts, aw nuts, aw nuts." change of program to begin this Sun- Sidney Waghelst,in J. D. KATZ JOHN EVERHART day with the initiation of bible classes QUALITY "Y's" REORGANIZE in McDaniel Hall Lounge. it is hoped 14 Levine Hall SHOE REPAIRING THE COLLEGE BARBER (Cont. from Page I, Col. 4) that these groups, conducted by stu- Special Rates to Students AT AND THE BOBBER FORKS The constitution which the commit- dents, will stimulate! a greater inter- .Times Printing Company Joe Oleair, Agent tee is forming now will be voted upon cst in the Bible. by the cabinets of the Y. W. C. A and The annual Sunday School Earty the Y. M. C. A. The student body will' has been postponed until Wewlesday, Western Mar;land } then have an opportunity to accept March 22. In order to make this af- { 'The finest in movie fare is yours or reject this plan of reorganization, fair more successful, the two "Y's" PRINTERS to change any articles, and to add any are joining in. Dr. Lawrence Little new amendments. will lead folk dancing. Westminster, Md. Among the colleges which have at combined the two organizations into a Student Christian Association are Washington College, Gettysburg Col- Strand Tailoring Co., Inc. THE CARROLL lege, Shippensburg State Teachers' College, Penn Sfate UniverSity, and Bucknell University. invites you to compare before you buy and phone 300 Sport jackets-slacks-summer Strand fab· THE STATE rics-they're is a all here! CARROLLEEN comprehensive line. Sold direct from tailors to you. A perfect fit is GUARANTEED. THEATRES Individual Coiffures No "ifs" or "buts"-you are the sole judge. We are not satisfied unless you are. • Beauty in its Entirety JACK MOSS STEWART ECKERS 134 Pennsylvania Avenue 136 Ward Hall "'Two Houses with one purpose ", Westminstet, Md. Student Representative 66 W. Main St. WESTMINSTER, MD. "To Better Dress Mankind" your entertainment"
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