Page 57 - TheGoldBug1938-39
P. 57
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, West:min5ter, Md. PAGE THREE Extramaral Teams Go Hopkins DOWDS Terror Terror NiDe Faces Havens Eleded Vice- Sidelines To Maryland To Win Rifte Team Twice 19-Game Schedule Presideat Of Boxing 3 Oul Of 7 EveDls Western Maryland's rifle team lost By the last two shoulder-to-shoulder Afler Holidays Associalion AI Meel matches of the season, both to Johns LARRY Sl'ROW Volleyball, Shuffleboard, And Wrest- Hopkins. On Friday, March 4, the Havens Has Strong Mound Stall BUT Dave Calhoun Scores 1 Point For ling Contests Go To Terrors score was 1323 to 1300; and on Sat- Needs Outfielders \V.M.C. In Intercollegiates urday, March 11, 1327 to 1286. BOXING BACHELORS LOSE BY 3 POINTS In the first match Doug ton OPEN APRIL 11 WITH YALE WEST POINT WINS Now that the Green Terrors have was high man ·for the Terrors with a put away the gloves for the 1939 sea- On Tuesday, March 7, in the return 274 score which was only two points TOURNAl\1ENT' is seeking catchers Coach Havens son, it is time to really take stock of meet of the Western Maryland-Uni- below that of Hopkins' high man, and outfielders to bolster a baseball Western Maryland's Director of the boxing situation at Western versity of Maryland extramural se- Lindenmayer, who had 276 points. Athletics, Charlie Havens, was elect- Maryland. No matches were won ries, the Green Terrors won three of The. other Western Maryland scores team set to face one of the toughest Intercolle- ed vice-president of the while the largest W. M. score of the the events at College Park. The were, Myers 267, Hawkins 250, Fitz- schedules a Terror team has faccd in giate Boxing Association last Satur- pitching staff years. An all-veteran season was 1¥..i points against Penn three events were volleyball, shuffle- gerald 257, and Hill 252. and infield will serve as a nucleus for day at the annual tournament at Syr- State. Only two men, the smallest board, and wrestling. Those lost were Range In Bad Shape Coach Havens to work with. The loss acuse, N. Y. In the tournament, the number in nearly ten years, entered basketball, handball, fencing, and ta- The second of the two matches was the Intercollegiate Tournament at ble tennis. to be held at Westminster but the of Glenn McQuillen, who is now play- Green Terror silks were awarded one Syracuse. Bachelors Play Hyattsville condition of the home range was such ing professional baseball with the San point for Dave Calhoun's third place in the 165-pound class. Joe Rouse en- Antonio team of the Texas League, Western Maryland certainly has The Alpha Gamma Tau basketball that it was deemed advisable not to tered the 120-pound class, but was de- men capable of being good boxers and team, winners of the fraternity cham- use it. The last match was the sea- and Hy Koegel, a stellar outfielder, feated by Fasanello of Yale. left a huge hole in the outer defenses of making a better showing than this. pionship on the 'Hill', played a team son's finale for both teams. The scores which will have to be filled. The The boys who fought through this from Hyattsville in a very close game of the Western Maryland marksmen Army Wins Crown season certainly had what it takes to which ended, 30-27, in Hyattsville's were: Catington 264, Wiley 260, My_ ~:~:i::d ~;:csk,;~~=~~~~nia:! a~~:~~~ The West Point Cadets won the climb into the ring, but they did not favor. The score at the half was ers 252, Hawkins 259, and Fitzgerald eepted diplomas" leaving Marbury meet by taking three individual have the necessary training and box- 14-12, in the winner's favor, but the 251. ing skill. Every school which the Bachelors were playing without the Linton as the only receiver from last ~:~;n;y;:C::~~i:~i~~ ~a:~~~~l~o ,~:~ Terrors faced had a boxing coach, and were not able to make the neces- NEWCOMERSTO HAVE year's squad. 17. Cornell and Penn State were tied aid of their star center, Jack Lytton, most of them on afull-tlme basis and The seaso~e~e~~~~!u:~ Stropp, Ed- ~:!:d l~h~~!~ts ;:;;~:~~~i1~!a~n!~~~ with boxing experience behind them. sary points. Tom Elias led the Ter- CHANCEIN TENNIS At Western Maryland, Charlie Hav- ror team in scoring with 10 points .. ;:~~; :t~~~,a;~ll ~~::~.w~~e ~~:: to score in any match. The 1939 ens undertook to do the coaching job Win Volleyball RANSONE TO BE CAPTAIN in addition to all his other duties as The volleyball game attracted the ~~~~ni~~r~~t!~~del:f~ :C~eooi.r~:at~h~ ~r:~~::l:~O;~~:~~~::3~:,eH~~:~:!!~ athletic director, coach of football most spectators of the afternoon's J9 Matches Scheduled and baseball, and secretary to the ath- events. The University team won the ~:IYb~~~Cht~iSo::;:o~~ffC:~~OI~vi~o~~~ State; 145 Shanley, Army; 155 Hull, Ietlc director. At other schools there first game, but the Terrors won the Although severely depleted by 1938 Francis Smith, Charley Cole, "Buck" Army.; .165 H~alY", .Syracuse; 175 is a fun time coach. next two by the same score, 15-5. The graduation losses, Professor Frank Barkdoll, and Doug Catington will be W~yclesJ~s, Syracuse; and, heavy- Unless the college can find a man Western Maryland team was com- Hurt's Maryland Collegiate League to really: coach boxing, it has no fu- posed of Smith, Bee, Klare, Elias, I champions will face a strenuous twen- ~hro:iniI them in fO~ the ~err~,-:s·1 We~i~\!I:;;;t;~~n~ei~~Yland coaches, ture on the "Hill". Then there is the Hauf, and Lewis. ty-three match schedule with a squad oec av~ns e~pec s to eve op Havens and Ferguson, with Bob need of some form of training table The College Parkers made a clean composed mainly of newcomers and a some of the mcommg freshman talent St V· I . t D C Ih for the fighters, who are in a sport sweep of the handball games, 6-0. thin leavening of veterans. Return- ~:~i:~~r~~:y t;=~ C~~b~llin the gaps . ~n~o~~~ ~~us:lP;:l;e o;he al:~g ~ri;u;; where individual con d i t ion and Cantwell, Lambert, and Beck played ing varsity men include Captain Alex A power-packed schedule which in- ~ Clt[ t~f S~acuse f~~ t~e ~o:t~t strength are all-important. ./ for Western Maryland. The shuffle- Ransone, Harold Solomon, Harold o The accusation has been made that board team of the Terrors defeated Bell '\'light and Wilbur Prentiss. ~~;:~s ::~es ;~~ Y;~~s~os~; i~~!- and E~ Bro~k:eaJ~~~~:;.eB:I~i~:orea~l:. boxing is a sport dominated by the Maryland, 3-0. On arriving at Col-. Holdovers from 1938, striving for Georgetown, and Navy has been~t: ;h~e~:~;~oraet ;~~k~~:i~~e T7:;~yW;~ football players. The writer hopes lege Park several of the University places on the varsity team, are Ted that the run of our football players men asked a few W:estern Maryland- Bowen, Sidney Waghelstein, and ed. The .usual league ga~es will be which Syracuse and Penn State have these f~:::::~f#f~a::;:;;::::::b::~I::;~w::,:::: 'r:t:::iV:i~::n",,· is not below 165 pounds in weight. ers to try their hand at shuffieboard. Lenny Bee. The newcomers are Bill Moreover, some of the best boxers Beck and Cantwell caught on to the Anthony, Paul ~ummins, Gene Belt, ever on the campus, notably Clint game so well that they were able to and Dick Shuck. From men Walker and Bob Bennett, were not defeat their teachers after a little Coach Hurt will select a team to de- working out for two weeks indoors On Friday Dlght III the. opemng 'football players. Boxing victories are practice. I fend the championship laurels. and are well on their way to rounding ma:c~es, Joe Rouse lost a faIrly close won on some combination of skill, en- In fencing, the experienced Mary- 1938 Season Successful into condition. As soon as the weath- deCISIOnto tho Yale man who was durance, strength, and aggressive- land duelers won the match, 6-3. Bill Last year'll aggregation won four- er becomes warm enough, the remain- later defeated by the champioll. ness. Even with the rules now in Klare scored two of the Terror's teen matches and lost only five. Coach der of the team will start to work out. Dave Calhoun drew a bye on the first force in intercollegiate competition, points, Emil Grenda made the other Hurt feels that if the team does as In view of the schedule, Coach Havens l·ound and so did not fight until Sat- it is very possible for a participant to one, and Bob Hahn lost a love match. well this year, it has a fine chance of is striving to get the squad into as urday a.ftemoon. He fought Segal of b{, seriously hurt unless he is well Incidentally, the fencers are planning retaining the championship. Several fine condition as possible in a short 'Cornell and most of the Terror fans coached. But certainly the art of self matches with Loyola College and Blue "big-league" tennis teams on the time. thought that he had WOIIuntil the de- defense is worth learning to some ex- Ridge in the near future. schedule have been dropped~ and the Yale To Open Season cision was announced. tent, and if Western Maryland is to In wrestling, Western Maryland new schedule will contain schools The first week of the season will be Penn State will again play host to meet other schools in this sport, a won, 2-1, while two of the other nearer the Terror strength. The pow- the most strenuous inasmuch as the Intercollegiates next year, but coach is needed. matches were judged to be draws. Ted erful Michigan and Bucknell outfits the 1941 date is open. If boxing is Bowen and Lenny Bee represented were scheduled for this year, but Yale, Boston College, and Penn State maintained at Western Maryland, Spring Schedules this school in table tennis, losing, 4-0. through some hitch in the schedule- are met in-succession. The Terror Charlie Havens may decide to try to Elsewhere on this page, the spring making these schools had to be fans will see one of the classiest col- sports schedules are printed and most dropped. To replace them as feature lege baseball nines in the country bring the bouts to the Terror's new field house. of them are seen to be rather long, FIRST ROUND OVER attractions on the schedule, Manager when Yale invades the Western Mary- with numerous home matches. Right Ransone has contacted Colgate and land campus on April 11. One of the Last Reguar Match Lost there is a conflict with a principle of IN FRAT VOLLEYBALL Carnegie Tech. Other standout home immortals of big-league baseball, In the last regular scheduled box- the physical education department matches include Catawba College,' "Smokey Joe" Wood, coaches the Yale ing match of the season, Western which aims for maximum participa- Preacher Team Wins Easily from North Carolina, Gettysburg Col- aggregation which includes the sons Maryland lost on March 3 to Buck- ·tion. With five tennis courts occupied lege, and the University of Delaware. of Wood and Eddie Collins, who is nell, 7'h to lh. Bud Ricker was again every afternoon by the varsity team, The first round of the intramural Best Men Graduate rated as one of baseball's "immor- responsible fOl·the scoring by getting the rest of the student body does not volleyball competition ended last week Ex-Captains John Roscoe Elliot tal" infielders. a draw in the 135-pound class. have much chance to play all the ten- with the Preachers in possession of and Pershing Volkhart, and Worth- The schedule follows: nis that it would like to. The answer the first-team lead and the Bachelors ington Belt, stellar players who up- April: to that is more and better tennis ahead in the second league. held the Terror team in the tennis ll-Yale, home FIVE VETERAN GOLFERS courts. They certainly are needed. Preachers Win Easily heights for the past three years, 13-Boston College, home When a golf match is in progress Delta Pi Alpha easily outplayed graduated last June. Through the I5-Penn State, away on Western Maryland's nine hole the other teams in the first round efforts of these men, the Green and 19--American U., home I PAU~~:!~YT~6LE~!~~~~S links, the non-varsity players are vir- and seem headed for their second Gold racketeers held the league cham- 21-Blue Ridge, home tually ruled off. There is no answer straight volleyball title. The height pionship for two straight years. 22-Loyola, home to this right now, but there is al- of the Gamma Beta players is helping Coach Hurt is making an effort to de- 27-Washingwn College, home An all-veteran array of golfing tal- ways hope in the future. them in the first team league while velop the freshmen and sophomore 28-Ithaca, home cnt ,viII represent Western Maryland candidates in order to form a nucleus 29-West Charlie Havens the Black and Whites are pulling up which wiU carry the team on for sev- May: Virginia, home on the links this season, and will face A testimonial to the worth of Wes- in the rear of the race. eral years to come. 3-Washington College, away the most ambitious schedule a Terror tern Maryland's athletic director was The closest game to date was the golf team has yet arranged. Captain given at Syracuse last week-end when lone 23-21 victory of the Black and Practice In Gym 5-Hopkins, away Paul Burtis, Joe Oleair, William College, home 6--Wilson Practice in the gym has been going he was elected vice-president of the "White second team over the Gamma. on for two weeks, and the squad ex- 10--Lebanon Valley, home Thomas, Neil Eckenrode', and Bob Intercollegiate Boxing Association. Betes .. The Preachers also gave the peets to go outdoors immediately fol- 13-Loyola, away Walters, the same team that com- Many Western Marylanders do not Bachelors a stiff battle in the second lowing the spring vacation. A week 17-GeorgetoWJl, away peted last year, is back intact. Nine league, but lost 21-18 to the superior know how widely the head man of the size of their opponents. and a half after the netmen return, 20--Mt. St. Mary's, home matches have been an-anged for the athletic administration is known and The Preachers "A" team has_had they embark on a schedule which will 24-Navy, away • Westminster links. Paul Burtis is liked, both as an able coach and as a keep them going at top speed unutil 27-Mt. St. Mary's, away honorary chairman of the Maryland personal friend. All of the men who only 19 points scored on it so far. The the very last days of schools. June: Intercollegiate Golf Tournament. have had intimate contact with Char- combination of basketball in Stropp, The schedule follows: lie Havens know how friendly and Wallace, Edmund, Tomichek, Maddox, April 14-St. Tennis Schedule 2-Blue Ridge, away April: John's, away Barkdoll and gives the club an ad- congenial he is. On the coaching field vantage in the game. 7-Boston U., home he is strictly business and knows his In addition to the club games, the 15--Swarthmore, away McKENNEY AND MYERS 12-West Chester, away job, particularly football. In four athletic department has arranged 18--Gettysburg, home. 13-Haverford, away College, home. 19-Washington years this writer has never seen Ha- schedules for non-club teams to be 21-Loyola, away. AWARDED BLAZERS 19-Baltimore, home Yens really angry, which is an accom- played on other week-day afternoons. 22-Elkridge, home. 21-Loyola, home plishment for any coach. The standing of the clubs: 25-Blue Ridge, home. P. A. L. Moving Picture Show 22-Maryland, home Things To Come First Teams 27-Delaware, home. 26--George Washington, home When tho field house is completed, w. L. 28-Loyola, home The Women's Athletic Association 28-l..oyola, away the possibilities for wider student Preachers o 29-Baltimore, home. met Thursday, March 9, in Room 22, 29-Haverford, home participation and for intercollegiate Gamma Betes 1 May 2-Catawba, home. Science Hall. A short business meet- May: cc.mpetition will be greatly increased. Bachelors 3--iHopkins, away. ing for the purpose of awards pre- 5--Dickinson, home League I With the old and the new floors avail- Black and Whites ... 4-Colgate, home. ceded a Playground Athletic 6--Western Maryland Tournament able for such things as intramural Second Teams 6--Carnegie Tech., home. movie showing the League's reerea- ll-Maryland, away basketball and volleyball, many more w. L. 10-Catholic U. (pending)·. tion work in Baltimore. 12--Maryland Intercollegiate students, particularly of the junior Bachelors 3 o 11-Washington College, away. Award For 1250 Points I Tournament and senior classes, can get into ac- Preachers 12-Delaware, away. The principle business of the eve-j 17-Gettysburg, away tion. Then the basketball games will Black and Whites ... 17-Gettysburg, away. i . ning was the awarding of two 20-Gettysburg, home be held on the campus. Gamma Betes . 19--Mt. St. Mary's, home. (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 5) 26--George Washin~ton, away .
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